Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors)

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Bear's Baby (Bear Lake Protectors) Page 8

by Maia Starr

  “Creator save Queen Regent Elizabeth and Alpha Alexander!” cried the human wolves in the crowd, startling Jean-Paul.

  “Madam and Sir, are Your Majesties ready to swear an oath?” the old moon priest droned on.

  “I am ready,” Alexander stepped forward, into the light of the moon.

  “Do you swear to rule the peoples of Wolf Kingdom, respecting their laws and doing your best to bring justice and peace to the land”

  “I swear it on my wolf blood,” Alexander’s voice rang out through the night and then the moon priest turned to Elizabeth, repeating the question.

  Jean-Paul’s soul ached so much at that moment for Jenna Mae. He wished that she had been there his whole life. He wished that she had been there for his coronation, and for the start of his rule.

  “I solemnly promise to do so,” Elizabeth said, turning and taking her husband’s hand.

  “Do you swear to use your power for good and to have mercy and keep judgement throughout your rule??”

  “I will,” Alexander said. “I will do my best for the people of the Wolf Kingdom and for the good of the planet.”

  The moon priest then asked the same of Elizabeth, who dipped low out of respect for her husband.

  “I will,” she promised.

  “Will you also respect the laws of the creator?? Will you, to the best of your ability, maintain the Wolf Kingdom traditions, established by law? And will you promise to keep Clergy of the Wolf Kingdom, as well as the church there focoused on their duty to up hold the rights of all citizens, both bitten and born?” ”

  “All of this, we promise to do,” both of them said in unison. The moonlight seemed to shine harder than ever down on the pair of them. Both of them turned around, sinking to their knees, and the moon priest approached them.

  It was one of the first times Jean-Paul got a good look at their faces. He had seen them so briefly, and so many years ago, that he had forgotten how young they both were. Elizabeth, for all her regalness, looked terrified as the priest touched the oil that was supposed to be from the first moonstone, the reason they were wolf shifters to begin with.

  “This is my fault,” Jean-Paul said as he watched them. “That they are in this position.”

  “This is James’s fault,” Darwin reminded him, under his breath. “James for being a vile, evil Alpha.”

  “Yes,” Jean-Paul agreed. “But the sins of the brother should not be on them. Look at them. They are so young.”

  “You were that young,” Darwin said, “when you took your brother’s place.”

  “And I should not have been.”

  “It is what the universe willed,” Darwin said. “It is not our place to deny it.”

  Remy turned to them, hearing their whispering. He did not say a word, but his eyes flashed. Jean-Paul glared back.

  “Creator, save the Alpha and Queen of Wolf Kingdom. Long live the Alpha and Queen of Wolf Kingdom. Be thy hands anointed with holy oil. Be thy breast anointed with holy oil. Be thy head anointed with holy oil: as alphas, priests, and prophets were anointed. Hear our prayers, oh Creator; we beseech thee, and so direct and support thy servants, Queen Regent Elizabeth and Alpha Alexander, that they may not bear the sword in vain; for the terror and punishment of evildoers, and for the protection and encouragement of those that do well.”

  Elizabeth trembled as she accepted what the priest offered her. Alexander held firm, his jaw tense.

  “Then take this sword, which was forged from the fangs of the original Alpha, and delivered to you by the hands and servants of the church, although we are unworthy to hold it compared to you. Take the sword and commit only justice, and stop the growth of evil in the community. Defend those who cannot defend themselves.” , restore the things that are gone to decay, maintain the things that are restored, punish and reform what is amiss, and confirm what is in good order: that doing these things you may be glorious in all virtue; and so faithfully serve our planet, that you may reign forever in the life which is to come.”

  Both of them were given swords, encrusted with moonstones and the fangs of the Alphas that had come before them. Jean-Paul thought that it was a vile and disgusting practice, but he also knew that it wasn’t for him to judge. This was the part of the reason they had not yet buried James. They needed his fangs in order to make this part of the sword. His legacy, as terrible as it was, would live on in the sword like he was a hero.

  “ Hold out your wrists in order to wear the bracelets of moonstones, to remind you where your power has come from, and to remind you to embrace both sides of your forms. With wearing them, we hope to the end that you may be strengthened in all your works and defended against your enemies, both bodily and ghost.”

  Both of the young rulers held out their wrists, and there were bracelets of moonstones placed on them. They sparkled in the moonlight, making Jean-Paul blink twice.

  “Wear this robe with the knowledge that it will help the creator fill you with wisdom and strength, and give you all the power of the universe as designated for the Wolf Alphas. Allow the robe to represent righteousnoss and holiness on your shoulders. ”

  Their shoulders were adorned with silver cloaks made of fur, representing their wolf selves, and they were made to stand and hold out their arms.

  “Take this orb and hold it with strength, to represent the power and duty Wolf Kingdom, and the moon,” the moon priest said, moving forward and placing a large orb in both of their hands.

  “Oh, Creator, we now place on the heads of these chosen ones, the crown that came from the first Kingdom. Give them grace and virtue as they wear it,” the priest said, and then placed a thin crown each around eachof their heads.

  They too were adorned with moonstones, beautiful and yet delicate. Jean-Paul had sometimes, on his better days, thought of them that way, fragile and yet beautiful. Wolves and bears hadn’t always been enemies, but it seemed on this day, they were destined to be.

  “We beseech thee also to save and defend all Alphas, princes, and governors; and specially thy servant Elizabeth, our queen, and thy servant Alexander, our Alpha; that under them, we may be godly and quietly governed; and grant unto their whole council, and to all that are put in authority under them, that they may truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to the maintenance of thy true religion and virtue.”

  This was the end of the ceremony, and the two of them glanced to each other, perfectly in sync. And then, as if they’d had time to practice a thousand times, they stepped forward and pushed their transformation.

  There was a magical force that designated the Alphas, and it seemed to make those chosen taller, stronger, and more powerful than ever. In wolf form, Alexander and Elizabeth stood taller than the rest of their pack, looking out on them from the top of the hill.

  “Creator, save Alpha Alexander and Queen Regent Elizabeth!” cried those that were still human.

  “Creator, save Alpha Alexander and Queen Regent Elizabeth!” Remy called, a second after the crowd. Everyone turned to look at him. “I call upon your attention today, because as joyous as the occasion is, it has been tainted with sorrow. James, your former Alpha, should still be standing among you. But he is not.”

  “This is a matter for the high courts,” Darwin stepped in front of Jean-Paul, immediately knowing what was coming. “Jean-Paul was invited to this ceremony.”

  “Because of honor and tradition,” Remy said. “Neither of which were present when—”

  “This is a matter for the courts,” Jean-Paul stepped forward. “But if you insist, I will tell you here and now. Your Alpha wolf was not what you thought. Your Alpha—”

  Alexander let out a loud howl and bared his teeth, glaring at Jean-Paul. He was clearly was upset by what was happening, and his steps were threatening.

  “You don’t know what he did,” he said, and Alexander took another step forward. Jean-Paul could feel everyone circling around him.

  Jean-Paul was strong, but he was
no match for every noble from every species who currently opposed him. He took another step backward, and then Remy delivered the final below.

  “I officially challenge you for the position of Alpha,” Remy said, and Jean-Paul knew there was no going back. “You have broken the laws of our society more than once.”

  Jean-Paul gritted his teeth.

  “Your challenge is accepted,” he replied because there was no way it couldn’t be. Remy was right, and Jean-Paul knew he either had to fight for his title or be stripped of it.

  “I will see you at dawn after the rise of the harvest moon,” Remy replied. “Where the council will decide your fate.”

  “And they will decide in favor of justice and humanity,” Jean-Paul said as he turned to go.

  His heart was pounding as he walked, knowing that all eyes were on him.

  He had been so close to getting away with everything. Had it not been for Remy, he might be able to live with Jenna Mae in peace. But now, he had to fight for his title, his life, and the woman he loved.

  He had to find her, to know if she loved him back.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jenna Mae knew that she shouldn’t be there the second she walked into the room. She knew that she was putting all of them in danger, but she had to stand at that coffin one last time. She had to know that he was gone and that he wasn’t coming back.

  Cameron had a right to know one day that he was at his father’s funeral, that he said goodbye, and they could move on without him.

  She hated that Jean-Paul couldn’t be with her. She knew that she had to get away from him in order to find herself, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t miss him every single day. She wondered what he had been doing, where he was, if he missed her. She had thought several times about reaching out to him, but she couldn’t, not until the funeral was over.

  She knew that if he were around, he’d tell her not to go. He’d say it was stupid, that it was risky, and she didn’t need to closure. He would tell her to distance herself from everything, to hide away, and she couldn’t do that. She needed to be here, to say goodbye to the man who changed her life, for better or for worse.

  If she had just fallen in love with humans, she wouldn’t be in this mess. She hated this whole situation. She hated that her baby would grow up without a father. She hated that James’s wolf anger had gotten the best of him. She hated herself for not being able to escape sooner. She hated that she had put Jean-Paul in such a situation.

  Wherever he was right now, she was sure he was frantic and missing her. She knew he was a good man at heart. She just needed to be here, for reasons that were unknown to her logical brain. She had barely scrambled together a black outfit so that she didn’t stand out. She hated what she was wearing.

  The only thing that she didn’t hate was Cameron. If one good thing had happened because all of this, it was Cameron.

  Everyone was dressed all in black in the church, and there was a picture of James at the front. There were many people walking by the coffin, crying. Jenna Mae had no idea who most of the people were. James had kept her locked away, and she had no doubt that she could undetected in the crowd. The church was packed to the rafters, and no one so much as looked her way.

  It broke her heart in a way she didn’t think that it could be broken. She had been James’s partner for several years. She had his son, and yet she was nothing to him.

  Cameron was incredibly quiet as she walked to the front of the church, joining the lineup. No one looked twice at her as she approached, and she leaned over the coffin, her face emotionless.

  James had transformed back into human form, and he looked almost exactly the way he was when they met. His dark hair was slicked back, and his hands were folded on his chest. He looked handsome, and she shook her head.

  “Say goodbye to Daddy, Cameron,” she said. “Because you will never see each other again. And we’re better off that way.”

  She had a plan, but she wasn’t sure she was going to brave enough to execute it. Gathering her courage, she went and sat in the back of the church, with James’s son in her lap.

  The priest took his place at the front, clearly ready to start the service. Eventually, everyone sat down. Jenna Mae realized that she didn’t even recognize the people at the front of the church. How could this be? How could she have been so cut off from the rest of the world for so many years? He really didn’t care about her, she surmised.

  “Almighty God, you love everything you have made and wash over us with your unending mercy. We rejoice in your promises of healing, joy, and peace to all who love you. In your mercy, turn the darkness of death to the dawn of new life, and the sorrow of parting to the joy of heaven; through our Savior Jesus Christ who died and rose again and who lived forevermore.”

  There was wailing from the front of the church and Jenna Mae watched as a young woman bent over. Many people reached out to offer her comfort. Jenna Mae wondered if she was perhaps a sister or a cousin. She had the same coloring as James, but then, all the wolf shifters she had seen had the same coloring.

  “We meet here today to honor the life of James Lupe. We give thanks for his life and ask God to bless him now that his time in this world has come to an end. For James Lupe, the journey is now beginning. But for us, there is loss, grief, and pain. Every one of us here has been affected—perhaps in small ways, or perhaps in transformative ones—by James Lupe. His life mattered to us all.”

  Jenna Mae bit her lip, trying not to cry out in anger and frustration. His life mattered to all these people that she had never met. But had her life mattered to him? Would he care that she was in this situation now, with no home, no job, and no one to help her? Did he care that Cameron would never see his father again?

  “It is important for us to collectively acknowledge and accept that the world has fundamentally changed with his passing. We are all grieving. Life will not be the same, nor should it be. Together, let us open our hearts and commemorate the impact James Lupe had on us.”

  Oh, Jenna Mae thought. The world has indeed changed with your passing. For the better.

  “Let us bow our heads in prayer,” the priest said. “To pray for his soul. Eternal God, we pray for ourselves and for James Lupe. We stand where Earth and Heaven meet, where life is brought to death. Deliver us from grief, fear, and doubt, from despair and unbelief. And bring us to the light of your presence. Grant us that peace which the world cannot give so that we, with James Lupe, may trust in you and find our life through you. Lord, you renew the face of the Earth. Gather to yourself James Lupe, whom we have loved, and grant him those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart imagined. Great Father-Mother God, watch over us this day and all days. Give us the strength to accept what is past, to appreciate what is present, and to look forward to good in our future. Grant us peace and sacred moments of communion with the universe, and faith in whatever most expresses our deepest inner truth. Bless us and heal us; breathe peace and grace into our lives. Amen.”

  “Amen,” chanted the crowd. Jenna Mae felt like she was seeing red. She knew that she wasn’t supposed to speak ill of the dead but she didn’t know how much longer she could sit here and listen to this. She was physically shaking with anger.

  “I would now like to invite to the front anyone who would like to share some remarks about James Lupe.”

  Jenna Mae was about to stand up and say what she wanted to say. However, she wasn’t fast enough. Somebody stood up first, walking to the front. It was a young man, and she thought that she had seen him around before. He was clearly a wolf from his coloring, although he was doing a good human act.

  “My name is Alex,” he said. “And James was my brother. I’ve fought with myself over what I was going to say up here. At first, I wanted to pretend that everything was alright. That he was just around the corner. And then I was angry, and I wanted...justice for what happened to him. He shouldn’t be gone; he was so young. And he was the kindest...swee
test man anyone knew. He was a good person and a good partner. I feel so bad for his poor wife.”

  Jenna Mae’s head shot up in shock. She couldn’t believe that someone had referenced her. Maybe all hope wasn’t lost after all. Maybe, just maybe, things weren’t as bad as she made them out to be?

  She hadn’t been his wife, but she had been just as good as one. Did they really think of her that way? Did he speak of her to his family?

  The next person to come up identified himself as James’s cousin, and while clearly heartbroken, gave a beautiful speech that Jenna Mae thought was mostly lies. All these people thought he was a perfect person, and that he contributed to society.

  What stunned her was the fact that James’s cousin also made reference to her. His sister stood up and did the same, as did his best friend.

  Jenna Mae had never seen any of these people, and yet they kept saying how sorry they were for her. She realized that they probably didn’t know that she was here. She realized that she should probably step up and say something.

  She was angry. She didn’t think she could say anything nice. But she wanted to at least thank them for what they said and show them that she would raise Cameron as best she could; perhaps better than James could.

  She wasn’t making any sense, even to herself.

  The priest stepped forward, after the next few people.

  “And now I will invite James’ lovely wife to share her thoughts.”

  Jenna Mae froze. Was he serious? Did he really want her to stand up? Did she really have a place in this ceremony?

  She started to feel bad. Maybe she had misjudged these people and the situation entirely. Yes, she and James didn’t get along, and yes, he had harmed her. But here she was, with a place at his funeral.

  She began to stand up when a beautiful young woman at the front stood up as well. A few people reached to help her, and she made it to the podium before Jenna Mae.

  “Hello,” she said, softly, into the microphone. “My name is Joan, and I was James’s wife. He was my...soulmate. He was my mate, the one the universe intended for me. He was my everything.”


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