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Picking Poppy

Page 3

by Pepper North

  Chapter 8

  The final stop of the night was at the cemetery. Tyler watched Poppy squint at the hand-drawn map before rubbing her eyes. He’d noticed that she was doing both of those repeatedly. He was glad that he had insisted on driving. Her failure to argue made him sure that something was wrong. Before she could open her door to get out, Tyler caught her arm.

  “Do you have your glasses in your purse?” he asked without any prelude. When she automatically answered truthfully with a nod, he instructed, “Take your contacts out, blossom.”

  She was already reaching for her purse sitting on the floorboard. It was on her lap when she froze in awareness. “I’m fine. My eyes are just a little dry.”

  Tyler could see the faint blush on her cheeks from the glow of the lights in the van that she’d turned on to look at the map. “Take them out. Your glasses are in your purse. There is absolutely no reason to hurt your eyes. I promise not to run at the sight of you in glasses.”

  “They’re not attractive,” she began as if she was trying to explain her reluctance.

  “I will not allow you to damage your eyes. Take your contacts out now,” he stressed. This would be the telling moment. Would she follow his directions? Trying to read her body language, Tyler could see her internal struggle play out on her expressive face. She didn’t want him to see her glasses.

  “Give me your glasses, blossom,” he held out his hand. After several seconds, she reached into the open section of her purse and pulled out a plush blue case.

  “Why do you want them?” she asked, suspiciously.

  “Put them in my hand,” he asked with steel in his voice. Tyler nodded as she placed them on his open palm. “Thank you, Poppy. Now take out your contacts.”

  As she looked at him, Tyler could read the rebellion brewing in her eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a hard eyeglass case. Opening it, he revealed a pair of old man bifocal glasses in the half lens style. There was also a blue lens cleaning cloth. Removing her glasses from the case, the bearded man began to clean her lenses.

  “You have glasses, too?” she blurted in amazement.

  “Lots of people wear glasses. It’s important to be able to see. Now take out your contacts while I clean your lenses. Put some drops in your eyes if you have any.” With that, he turned his attention to her glasses. They were thick and heavy. He wished he had figured out earlier what she needed when she had started rubbing her eyes.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Poppy lean her head forward as she pinched out one contact and then the other from her eyes. She discarded the disposable contacts out the window. Rummaging in her purse, she withdrew a small white bottle that she uncapped and squeezed its contents into her eyes, tilting her head adorably to each side as she put the drops in.

  “Oooh!” she moaned in relief as she blinked quickly.

  Without a word, he handed her the glasses. When she reached to take them, he held on to the heavy frames. Her unfocused eyes raised to meet his. “You are someone special whom I wish to get to know better. I don’t care at all if you wear your glasses. You are the same person.” He released his hold on her glasses.

  Waiting until she slid on the heavy glasses and blinked to focus, he slipped on his cheater bifocals. Tyler looked up at her over the top of the lenses. “Do you feel differently about me when I wear my old man glasses?” he asked. The corners of her lips quirked up in amusement.

  “No,” she answered with amusement evident in that small word.

  “Then, show me the map so we can take Mrs. Palermo’s flowers to her before her birthday is over,” he joked, holding his hand out for the map.

  Within five minutes, they had located the headstone thanks to the bright beams of their flashlights. There was a double headstone with one side incomplete, just waiting to be etched when the couple was reunited. Solemnly, Poppy knelt next to the grave and carefully brushed away the wilted flowers that lay propped against the stone.

  “Happy Birthday, Mrs. Palermo. Your husband sent these to you. I could tell he loves you very much. He couldn’t come to visit you this time. He’s having some trouble walking, but he hasn’t forgotten you. Will you let me be his messenger this year?” she chatted just as if she was talking to a live person.

  Tyler could feel his eyes well with emotion. What an enchanting Little, he thought. Mr. Palermo had chosen the right florist. His Little would take care of the grave for him. He watched her sniff the flowers’ aroma in enjoyment before describing the flowers that she had specially selected for the bouquet.

  “Mr. Palermo told me that your favorite color was purple. I just happened to have some purple calla lilies. Did you know that they symbolize passion? For love to have lasted so long between you two, I was guessing this was a good flower to include. I just made a wedding bouquet for a young couple. These two gardenias match the ones I put in the flowers the bride carried. They smell so heavenly. Everyone who walks by will smell them and be jealous.” Her voice trailed off.

  With a pat to the headstone and a whispered goodbye, she rose to stand next to Tyler. Hesitantly, she offered, “Sorry. You must think I’m wacky.” She gestured to the beautiful arrangement lying on the headstone. “I know she can’t hear me or smell the flowers. I just think it’s important to acknowledge people who have passed.”

  Tyler wrapped his arm around her waist and turned her to face him. Holding her close, he smiled as he observed, “I think Mrs. Palermo is now officially the luckiest inhabitant of this cemetery. To have someone thoughtfully create a masterpiece that neither the recipient nor sender will ever see makes my heart happy. People like you are rare treasures.”

  The silence of the cemetery wrapped around them. The darkness of the night was only broken by their flashlights, one still resting on the grave before them and the other in his free hand. The smile disappeared from his face as he concentrated on the petite figure in front of him.

  Needing to hold her with both hands, he dropped the powerful light to the ground. As it landed with a thud, he cupped her sweet face and lowered his lips to hers. The first kiss was sweet. Just as their other kisses had been, whisper light. When Poppy rose to her toes to wrap her arms around his neck, Tyler met her lips with his.

  This time, he did not hold back the rising passion growing inside him. His tongue demanded entry into her sweet mouth. With an enticing moan, she opened her lips, allowing him inside. He swept his tongue into her mouth, tasting her as if she was a rare blossom to be thoroughly savored and enjoyed. Tyler took his time. There was no rush. This would be the first kiss that would linger in their minds.

  When they were both breathing heavily, Tyler lifted his head to look down at the special, young woman in his arms. With each second that they were together, he knew. He knew that she would be his little girl. Hugging her tightly to his heart, he treasured the feel of her in his arms.

  Now was not the time to have a serious discussion. His Little was exhausted. He released one arm from around her slender waist to bend and pick up the flashlights. Supporting her, Tyler guided Poppy out of the cemetery and back to the van. He lifted her into the high seat, ignoring her quick protest that she could climb inside. Buckling her seatbelt securely around her, Tyler stepped back to close her door and circled around the delivery vehicle to open the driver’s side door. Once inside, he started the engine and took her hand as he drove back toward the shop.

  Chapter 9

  “Blossom? Tell me your address,” the masculine voice quietly asked.

  Cuddling closer to the warmth that she was leaning against, Poppy recited her home address without hesitation. She felt too safe to even question why someone needed this information. One arm stretched out to encircle the hard pillow that she laid against. After noting the quick intake of breath in the back of her mind, she allowed her hand to be shifted higher before she drifted back to sleep.

  Totally missing the progress of the van through the quiet neighborhood, Poppy slept peacefully. Her eyes blinked open as
she felt the van park and heard the engine turn off. She sat up as the warmth underneath her body shifted. She was moved back against the passenger seat. Already she missed the security that his presence provided.

  “What?” she sleepily asked as her door opened and Tyler scooped her into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck automatically, she blinked at him through the thick glasses. “You’re awfully good looking,” she complimented in a sleepy murmur without realizing that she was speaking aloud. She remembered thinking that he couldn’t be called handsome when she’d first seen him. Now, she couldn’t understand how she had been so blind.

  The answering deep chuckle lit a slow burn low in her belly. Reflexively, she tightened her hold around his neck. Still mostly asleep, she laid her head on his broad shoulder and kissed his neck. “You smell good,” she whispered.

  “Thank you, blossom. Do you have your keys?” that deep voice asked.

  “Oh, the door’s open. I never lock it,” she answered. When she felt him stiffen below her, she added, “This is a very safe neighborhood.”

  Reaching the front door, she felt herself shifted slightly as an arm reached out to test the doorknob. When it opened easily, that deep voice resonated below her ear, “Never again, little one. We will talk about this tomorrow, but you will lock your door from now on.” His voice stressed the word will as he carried her through the door.

  That one direct order roused her completely from her drowsiness. Poppy’s usually calm temper flared into life. She struggled in his arms, demanding to be put down. Once standing, her hands went to her hips, and she squared off against the handsome foe who had tried to tell her what to do. “You’re not my boss. You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

  “Watch your tone, blossom. I know you’re tired and grumpy, but I will not allow you to speak to your daddy with disrespect.” Tyler’s dark eyes narrowed as they looked at her. His large hand rose to stroke his beard, pulling it slightly as if he were considering what to do with her.

  “You’re not my daddy,” she said. Defiant anger lanced from her eyes through those thick glasses.

  Without another word, Tyler leaned over to scoop her up. Within seconds, she was draped over his shoulder. His strong arms controlled her legs quickly, leaving her only able to flail her arms around to attempt to free herself. A large hand whapped her bottom sharply, “Settle down, Poppy.”

  Startled into stillness, she inhaled deeply as she felt the swat warm her bottom. Heat kindled in her lower abdomen as she felt herself become wet. She knew that she shouldn’t let him take control, but the stinging impact of his hand against her bottom reminded her of the fantasies that colored her dreams and left her squirming on the damp, tangled sheets. Whack! Whack! Whack! She bit her lip as the trickle between her thighs became a gush of arousal as his hand sharply spanked her bottom, repeatedly.

  Unable to think, she melted over his shoulder. Feeling her submission, Tyler immediately began walking through her house. Thanks to the lights on automatic timers which had illuminated several lamps at dusk, she watched the polished wood floor slide past under his sizable feet. Her head dangled above his firm buttocks. Poppy tried not to watch the flex of his muscles, but her eyes were drawn to the sexy display.

  Before she could stop the betraying thought, she wished that his clothes would disappear, leaving the firm flesh bare to her appreciative gaze. Quickly, she slapped a hand over her eyes to prevent herself from looking. Those treacherous fingers simply slid apart, allowing Poppy to peek again at the enticing sight.

  His low laugh jostled her slightly, and her eyes darted to the side. Crap! He had seen her reflection in the large hallway mirror. He knew what she was admiring. Her other hand clapped over the first, totally obscuring her view.

  Soon, Tyler stopped. Automatically, Poppy’s hands flew from her eyes to cling to his body as he leaned forward to place her back down on the ground. His strong hands steadied her as she regained her balance. Her fingers curled into the soft fabric of his shirt, feeling the heat radiating from him.

  “Little girl, is there something you’d like to say to me?” he prompted when Poppy simply stared at him as if memorizing his features.

  “What?” she looked at him blankly before coloring. “I’m sorry for looking at your butt. It was right there. I couldn’t not notice,” she blurted as she dropped her eyes in embarrassment away from his.

  “I am glad that you enjoy my body, blossom,” he said gently. Tyler raised her chin with a gentle touch until their eyes met again. “I enjoy looking at you as well. What I don’t enjoy is having a Little speak to me disrespectfully and refuse to follow my directions. You will begin locking your door to be safe and you will apologize for being belligerent.”

  His voice and expression made her shiver in reaction to his seriousness. She could tell that Tyler was not joking or playing at being dominant. This was vital to him. That warm feeling in the pit of her stomach heated a bit more in reaction to his concern about her safety. She’d never had anyone who cared enough to become angry about her lack of security at home. The last of the rebellion dissolved within her mind.

  “I’m sorry, Tyler.” She swallowed hard.

  “Blossom, I will not be a friend whom you call by his first name. You are tired now but, tomorrow, we will have a serious talk.” His stern look softened. “Come on, Poppy. It’s time for bed. What do you sleep in?” he asked, looking around at the master bedroom that he had found while wandering down the hall.

  “I sleep in a t-shirt, but you don’t have to stay. Just take the van back to the shop for your car. I’ll get a ride into work tomorrow,” she rushed to reassure him.

  “Daddies take care of their little girls. Will you let me show you?” he softly asked. His mesmerizing dark eyes held hers captive.

  Poppy felt herself nodding yes before she could stop herself. She didn’t know what it was about this man. They had just met, but he knew her. To give herself a bit of time to think, she turned and reached under her pillow to find her t-shirt.

  Oversized and battered, her nightshirt was nothing sexy or seductive. Suddenly, she wished that she usually wore a slinky negligee or skimpy teddy. She shook her head, scolding herself. He will either love me for me or not. I can’t be someone else. Ready to hear him scoff at her attire, she turned back to face him. The look on his face made her shyly smile back at him.

  “Go potty and shower quickly, blossom. I’ll turn down your bed and wait to tuck you in,” Tyler encouraged, turning her toward the attached bathroom and giving her a little nudge. Eager for a hot shower and then her bed, she started through the entrance. His next words made her reach out to steady herself against the doorframe.

  “Next time, I’ll give you a bath, blossom. When we know each other a bit better,” her Daddy said.

  Poppy hurried into the bathroom and took a quick shower before pottying. She was pulling the large t-shirt over her head when she heard him call, “Don’t forget to brush your teeth.” Following his directions without a second thought, she quickly used her toothbrush and hesitated only a moment more to smooth on her facial moisturizer before putting her glasses back on.

  Her reflection looked back at her. There was nothing special about her. Just thick glasses covering a large portion of her heart-shaped face. Sticking her tongue out at her plainness, Poppy worried that he wouldn’t be attracted to her when he saw the slouchy her. She hesitated at the vanity.

  “Bring your brush out here, blossom. I’ll brush your hair,” he called from close to the door. “It’s getting late. All Littles should be in bed now.”

  It was as if her feet had a mind of their own. She had walked to the door and opened it without even thinking about going there. As the door opened, she met his eyes. Embarrassed, she looked down at the pink polish on her toenails.

  “Come here, Poppy. Sit on Daddy’s lap,” he encouraged.

  When her eyes lifted to meet his, the corners of her mouth tilted up. Tyler was seated in the middle of a sea of stuff
ies. He had moved half of her collection to the window seat at the side of the room to make room for him throw back the covers and sit on the bed. He patted his lap and unable to resist, she walked slowly to his side. One of her hands pulled nervously at the hem of the t-shirt as she stood next to his legs. The other held the hairbrush against her heart as if it were armor to protect her.

  Unsure, she couldn’t force herself to sit on his lap. She wanted to…so bad. Poppy knew how comforting his arms could be, but she battled her doubts. The world was full of trolls who built you up and convinced you that they were real and honest only to disappoint. Could she trust him? Could she take the risk?

  His arms lifted her easily and cradled her in his lap. “Poppy, look at me, please. I’m not going to hurt you. Will you let me show you how much I want to care for you?”

  “Do you promise?” Her voice was high and childlike. She needed his reassurance at this level. Her Little needed to hear him say it.

  “I promise, blossom. I want to treasure you, not hurt you.” His response was immediate and without reservations.

  Slowly she nodded. “I’ll trust you.” She felt as if she was risking her very self. This man was different. If he mistreated her, Poppy felt like she wouldn’t recover.

  His hand tilted her chin up so that he could press a sweet kiss to her lips. “Thank you, Poppy.” He hugged her to his chest in a loving hug. “Let Daddy take care of his little girl.” Tyler coaxed the brush from her grip and began to brush her shoulder-length blonde hair.

  Her eyes closed in delight, enjoying his long strokes from the top of her head to the ends. At the first tangle, she bit her lip waiting to see how he would react. When his hand moved above that section of her hair to hold it steady as the other untangled the knots, she truly relaxed.


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