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Picking Poppy

Page 8

by Pepper North

  “I will be here to help you and support you in every way. Will you trust me, blossom?” His sincere tone wrapped around her to reassure her just a bit more.

  After a few seconds, she nodded. “Can I promise to do my best as I make all these changes?” she asked in a tone that betrayed some of her internal struggles.

  “That is all I can ask of you, Poppy.” Gathering her into his arms, he lifted her nude body and carried her to the tub. When she was settled into the warm water, he looked sadly at the plain, unadorned surface of the water. “Now, tomorrow night when you’re at my house, you’ll have a tub of toys to play with. Tonight, we’ll get you clean quickly and then tuck you into bed. I know you’re sleepy.”

  With those words, Poppy’s eyes began to droop heavily. The combination of the warm water and her worries from the day all seemed to crash down around her. She felt Tyler lay her back against a washcloth draped on the cold porcelain tub to protect her from the chill. His hands smoothed thick suds across her skin as she resisted falling asleep.

  Her eyes fluttered open as he pressed her thighs apart. Without lingering to play, Tyler cleaned her pink folds and over that hidden entrance between her thighs. When she moved to pull her knees back together, his hands stopped her, pressing her knees back to the sides of the tub. When she felt a razor pulling slightly against the skin of her mound, she smiled without even opening her eyes. Her daddy was taking care of her, just like he promised.

  Chapter 20

  Waking up in her daddy’s arms, Poppy decided was the best thing ever. She snuggled closer to the handsome man’s neck, giggling softly as his soft beard tickled her nose. Unable to resist, the little girl captured some of the whiskers between her front teeth to tug playfully.

  “Ouch, blossom,” Tyler laughed as he rolled over to pin her beneath him. Teasing her by rubbing his beard over her sensitive neck, he smiled as her giggles filled the room. “I bet I can make you love my beard, little girl,” he challenged, drawing more laughter from the tickled Little.

  Tyler began to brush his whiskers across her skin, layering kisses on top of the sensations of the soft yet bristly hair. As his movements lowered to her collarbones, Poppy froze. When the caresses began to touch the top of her small breasts lightly, she breathed in sharply. Immediately, her chest rose from the surface of the bed to beg for more. Her daddy avoided her sensitive nipples as he teased her, attending to the swell of her breasts.

  Unable to resist, Poppy threaded her fingers through his thick hair and tugged him relentlessly toward her nipple, begging, “Please, Daddy.”

  “Mmmm,” he hummed against her flesh as he followed her pulling hands.

  When his stiff beard lightly scratched against her erect nipples, Poppy cried out and arched her back further. His low chuckle rolled over her needy flesh as he gave her tight peaks kisses and his own special beard torture. She writhed on the bed until his mouth began to travel down the center of her body. His hands anchored her hips in place, holding her steady.

  Poppy held her breath as his beard trailed down over her stomach. Brushing over her belly button, she exhaled in a rush as his hair tickled the inner edges of that sensitive spot. “Daddy?” she begged when his mouth lifted from her skin and hovered over her pelvis.

  “Spread your legs, blossom.” His voice was husky with desire. “Show me where you’d like to be kissed.”

  Her blue eyes met his. Blurred without her contacts or glasses, Poppy squinted to see his face. She blushed furiously as she began to widen her legs to allow him to see her intimate folds. Even without perfect vision, she could see the pleased smile that spread his lips as she followed his directions. She hesitated, thinking her legs were surely far enough apart.

  “Wider, blossom,” he directed as he helped her. Pressing her legs to the tangled sheets, his eyes focused on the treasures revealed by her splayed position. “Beautiful!” he complimented.

  She shivered slightly as the puffs of his breaths wafted across her wetness. Poppy felt her body respond simply to his closeness with a gush of fluid. She heard his quick inhale of her aroma. A wave of embarrassment heated her face once again, and she instinctively tried to hide from him by pulling her knees together.

  “No hiding from your daddy. He loves every bit of you, especially the delicious taste of your arousal.” His mouth lowered as he spoke until the final syllable was whispered against her flesh.

  Poppy moaned as his tongue lapped over her wet opening, scooping up her juices before humming, “Mmmm!” against her flesh. When his head lifted slightly, she quickly protested, “Daddy!”

  “I know what you need, blossom. Close your eyes and feel,” he instructed, holding her gaze until reluctantly she followed his directions and closed her eyes.

  A breath later, she felt the brush of his beard against her wet folds. She wiggled under his touch as the stiff hairs of his thick facial hair prickled and scratched her delicate skin. Her hips shimmied underneath the tantalizing assault. Gasping, she realized that her movement generated more sensations.

  Totally focused on his caresses between her legs, Poppy’s breath began to come in short pants as his lips closed around her erect clitoris. When he sucked on it lightly, she felt her entire body fully open to the sensations that he was creating. Her daddy seemed to know exactly what she needed before she did.

  Drawing two orgasms from her with finessed ease, Tyler finally lifted himself to crouch over her. As he moved, her blue, passion-filled eyes opened. She could see beads of her juices enmeshed in his thick beard. The aroma of her heat made her nostrils flare and her passion rise once again. Poppy reared up to meet his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. Her kisses flared aggressively as she tasted herself on his lips.

  When he moved away to grab the small packet that he had remembered to leave on the nightstand, she tightened her arms around his neck. “Shhh, blossom. I’ll be right back. Daddy wants to protect you,” he whispered to her before capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

  As Poppy tried to recover from that caress, she watched him deftly cover himself with the condom. The sight of his fingers touching his thick erection made her breath catch in her throat. Eagerly, she widened her legs further apart as he fitted himself into the entrance to her tight channel. Her breath eased out as she tried to relax her muscles to allow him to glide slowly inside her. Finally, they were totally joined.

  “Wrap your legs around me, blossom. Hold on. I don’t think I can make this slow,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Curling herself around him, she met his dark eyes and smiled. “I always enjoy the fast rides at the amusement park,” she said with a saucy wink.

  That was all it took. Tyler withdrew to slam back into her. He reached further into her body than she knew was possible as his penis pressed against her cervix, triggering those sensitive nerve endings. Her nails bit into his shoulders. Tyler surged to his knees, raising her hips up off the surface of the bed. Able to control her movement totally, his hips pushed forward into her receptive body over and over. Their ragged breath filled the room as each approached their pleasure.

  When Tyler’s hand reached beneath her to smack her exposed bottom sharply, a massive wave of pleasure crashed over Poppy. As she cried out her pleasure, Tyler’s hips crashed deeply into her one last time as his deep voice joined hers in perfect harmony. His arms tightened around her, holding her tight to his body as if he never wanted to let her go.

  Chapter 21

  Holding his Little tenderly against his chest, Tyler marveled at the chain of events that had brought him and Poppy together. He pressed his lips against the top of her head nestled under his chin. Damn, she even loves my beard, he thought, grinning into the morning light filling the bedroom. When he heard her stomach hungrily gurgle, he knew he needed to take care of his precious little girl.

  With a quick turn, he pressed Poppy into the pillows and dropped a sweet kiss on her pink lips. “Stay here, blossom. Daddy needs to take care of you.” When sh
e nodded, he rolled out of bed. After picking up the used condom from the floor where he had discarded it, he walked into the bathroom to dispose of it and dampened a washcloth with warm water.

  On the way back to the bed where Poppy obediently waited, he stopped to unzip his duffle and remove a padded item decorated with small designs and a pair of lounging pants. He laid the diaper on the bed with the washcloth balanced on the waterproof material while he stepped into the soft pants. Her blue eyes curiously followed his movements. Noting her wrinkled nose that indicated that she was struggling to see clearly, he lifted her glasses from the nightstand and slid them into place. Her eyes blinked as they focused. He loved the thankful smile he earned in response.

  When she could see clearly, Tyler turned to finish tending his Little. He tugged the sheets from her clinging fingers. Finding her endearing, he smiled at her modesty. “No hiding from Daddy, blossom. Let me take care of you.”

  She nodded and slowly released the sheet allowing him to pull the cover down to reveal her body. Earning her daddy’s, “Good girl,” Poppy smiled brilliantly up at him in response to his praise as he picked up the two items from the bed.

  “Spread your legs for Daddy,” he instructed. “Let me freshen you up before I put your diaper on.” He watched her eyes focus on the padded item in his hand. “Would you like to see it?” he asked as he held it out to her.

  She quickly nodded as her hand extended to take the diaper from him. Tyler smiled as he watched her fingers trace the bright design on the front. Silly cartoon kittens and puppies decorated the front of the padding. As she focused on the diaper, Tyler pressed her thighs apart and gently wiped the traces of her pleasure from her inner thighs and intimate folds around her vagina.

  When his attention moved to clean between her buttocks, Tyler smiled at the sound of her breath, catching in her throat. He carefully wiped over that small, nerve-rich entrance nestled between her bottom cheeks. His Little loved her daddy’s touch. Tyler mentally noted that he would need to explore this area carefully in the future.

  Holding out his hand for the diaper, Tyler unfolded it. He watched her interest in the process. When he grasped her ankles and lifted her hips to smooth the diaper underneath her, Poppy’s hand flew over her mouth as she realized that he was actually going to diaper her. Within seconds, he had the diaper taped snuggly around her waist.

  Tyler picked her up in his arms and patted her protected bottom. “Now, you’re ready, my sweet little girl. Shall we get some breakfast?” he asked, wisely changing the subject before she could worry about wearing a diaper. “Grab Hotdog and we’ll go explore what’s in your refrigerator.” He laughed as he tilted her in his arms to pick up the stuffed dachshund that been bumped over to the side of the bed during their lovemaking last night.

  “Wooo,” she squealed from her upside-down position as she nabbed Hotdog from the pillow he was sleeping on. “Got him!” she triumphantly cheered as her daddy lifted her back to cuddle against his chest.

  “Hotdog loves scrambled eggs,” she shared as Tyler carried her to the kitchen.

  “He does? I just happen to be an award-winning scrambled egg maker,” Tyler said in answer to her blatant hint of her favorite breakfast.

  Chapter 22

  Smiling happily as she flipped the sign to closed that evening, Poppy mentally reviewed all the day’s events. As she looked out the big window, her mind celebrated all the small and big changes happening in her life. She was actually living as a Little.

  Her daddy had followed her to the floral shop to make sure that she had arrived safely to open up for business. All her protests that she had opened the shop a million times were ignored. Tyler had not been her daddy then. Only when he was sure that she was safely inside, did he go home to shower and change clothes.

  When he’d returned, she’d heard a flurry of phone calls from the office where he wrote at her desk. Before she knew it, a duo of house cleaners had arrived to scrub clean the vacant rooms upstairs. Then that afternoon, two painters had shown up with paint samples they brushed on the wall in patches for them to scrutinize. Poppy chose a pale pink melon-like color for the room destined to be her nursery, and she had thoroughly approved of the pale gray that Tyler had selected for his office.

  Now, the shop smelled of beautiful flowers with a hint of fresh paint. Tomorrow a delivery of unique furniture for both rooms was scheduled as well as a beautiful rug that would decorate the floor of her nursery. She’d worried about the cost of all the improvements and had hesitantly stumbled through an explanation that she didn’t have the money right now to afford all the improvements.

  Tyler had picked her up and carried her to the office chair. “I’m sorry, blossom. I should have realized that you were worrying about the cost. I have already covered the bills,” he explained as he brushed her blonde hair from her worried face.

  “But it’s my shop. I don’t want…” Poppy began. She stopped when his finger pressed against her lips. She watched as he pulled up an account on his phone and turned the screen to face her. Shocked, Poppy hadn’t realized just how bestselling his books were. She’d complied immediately when her daddy had asked for a simple thank you and a kiss.

  Best of all, her heart had been so happy knowing that he was here at the store with her. Each time she had walked past the office, she peeked in to make sure he hadn’t disappeared. She loved the red plaid shirt that he’d shown up wearing. It was his lucky writing shirt. Each small thing she learned about her daddy made her love him just a little more. Lucky writing shirt—too cute!

  Tonight, she wasn’t returning home. She was going to spend the night at Daddy’s house. A shiver of both anticipation and apprehension streaked down her spine. She hadn’t had to use her diaper today at work because she didn’t have a changing table. Her Daddy had an entire nursery waiting for her. She knew that he would require her to be fully Little.

  Her thighs clenched together. The faint rustle of the diaper had seduced her all day long. The thought of wearing and using a diaper had been so weird to her at first. Now that she had worn one all day, the feel and sound were constant reminders that her daddy wanted to care for her completely. It was a really good feeling.

  “Ready to go see your nursery?” Tyler’s deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

  Jumping slightly, Poppy laughed nervously and steadied the rocking sign in the window before turning around to face him. “I’m nervous,” she confessed, wiping her sweaty hands on her pants.

  Her daddy just held open his arms for her. When she ran to him, he surrounded her with his warm embrace and squeezed her tightly to him for several seconds before easing her away from him slightly. “Poppy, you are the one I’ve picked for my own. Do you want to know why?” he asked with an indulgent smile.

  Nodding ferociously, Poppy looked at him nervously. She tried to make a joke, “You’re afraid I’m a serial flower killer, and you want to keep an eye on me?”

  Tyler leaned in to kiss her forehead. “No, blossom. I picked you because you are exactly what I have been searching for. You fit perfectly in my arms,” he began. “I know that you aren’t playing any games. You are exactly what you appear to be, a sweet, adorable woman who has the courage to be Little.”

  “You think I’m adorable?” she asked, peeking up at him shyly. Poppy wasn’t used to receiving compliments. She crossed her fingers behind his neck as she clung to him. When he smiled slowly, her heart melted just a bit more. How had she ever thought this man couldn’t be called attractive?

  “Will you help me be Little?” she whispered.

  “Always,” he promised as he pulled her tight against his hard chest.

  Nestled in his arms safe and secure, Poppy made her decision. She wasn’t going to let fear keep her from being precisely what she wanted to be—Little. “I’m excited to go see my nursery, Daddy.”

  “Let’s go, blossom,” he said as he relaxed his arms around her and moved back one step. Taking her hand, he led her to the back door
of the floral shop. Tyler carefully locked the door to keep everything safe inside before ushering Poppy into his car. Only when her seatbelt was securely fastened around her did he close her door and walk around the vehicle to slide into the driver’s seat.

  Skillfully navigating the sedan to a house just outside of town, the conversation inside the car was easy. It was as if they had known each other for a very long time. Poppy talked about the new flowers that she had received from the supplier and how she planned to experiment with them. Unlike most people, Tyler was interested and asked questions. She was curious about his writing and amazed that he could concoct his mysteries with such cunning skill. To her dismay, he wouldn’t tell her the solution but said that he would begin reading her a chapter each night before she went to sleep as a bedtime story.

  Poppy liked that idea. She wrapped her arms around herself like a tight hug. Sneaking a glance over at her daddy, she tried to memorize this moment. For once in her life, she felt as if she were moving toward something wonderful instead of hiding from life in her flower shop.

  Tyler met her eyes with a worried look. “You okay, blossom?” He reached a hand over to cover her slender thigh.

  “Better than I ever imagined,” she confessed honestly as she interlaced her fingers with his.

  “I’m glad.”

  Chapter 23

  Her eyes widened at the size of his house set back from the road. It seemed to get larger as they proceeded down the long drive. His hand squeezed her thigh reassuringly before he triggered the automatic garage door. After parking the car, he gave her a warning look to stay where she was before he stepped out of the vehicle.

  After helping her out, Tyler took her hand and led her into the large kitchen. “Welcome home, blossom,” he announced. “My house has been a very lonely place as I have searched for you. I’m glad you’re here to make it our home.”


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