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Picking Poppy

Page 11

by Pepper North

  “I don’t know. How about if we go see? We might need to thank the fairies for all their hard work,” Tyler suggested as he parked the car.

  Poppy almost bounced out of her seat in excitement, but she stayed where she was until her daddy opened her door and unbuckled her seatbelt. She held his hand as they walked across the uneven ruts of earth disturbed by the big trucks and construction equipment. As they turned the corner to step into the backyard illuminated by big flood lights, Poppy tugged her hand from his to dart forward into the arms of all her friends.

  Only when all the hugs and kisses had been exchanged did she catch a glimpse of a building in the back corner of the yard. Whirling around, Poppy met her daddy’s eyes, dancing with mischievous mirth. “It’s a greenhouse!” she shouted. Then realizing what they all had done for her, hot, happy tears began to cascade down her face.

  When she had thanked all the Daddies and the Littles, Poppy jumped into her own daddy’s arms. Plastering his face and beard with kisses, she whispered, “I don’t ever need another reward for using my diaper. But… can we keep putting the stickers on the calendar?”

  Chuckling, he nodded his agreement. “Stickers are important for Littles. I don’t think we can stop those. Nor do I think that rewards for good little girls who use their diapers will go away. They just won’t be as big as this first one,” he warned.

  She nodded sagely before whispering, “I understand, Daddy. Thank you.”

  Chapter 28

  Poppy had decided that she just didn’t have time to have a messy diaper. This morning would be the day that her daddy would treat her bottom and she didn’t want one of those effective suppositories working their magic inside her. Deciding that perhaps he would think that the medicine had been packed already, the little girl snuck into the office when she knew her daddy was concentrating entirely on his latest mystery.

  She had pulled the drawer out as quietly as possible, but like always, it had made that loud scraping sound. Poppy coughed loudly to try to mask the sound, but she heard his footsteps on the floor above her as she frantically tried to pull the jar from the drawer. “Crap!” she said out loud as the jar got stuck in the opening. It wasn’t wide enough to pull the large container out. She pulled again at the drawer and had just gotten it wide enough and snatched the container out when he cleared his throat from the doorway.

  “Ahem,” Tyler’s voice sounded behind her.

  Wheeling around in a circle with the large jar held against her stomach, Poppy looked down guiltily and tried to shift the container behind her thin body. “Hi, Daddy. I bet you heard me coughing. I’m okay. There’s just too much dust in here. You can go back to work. I’ll go get a drink of water.” She held her breath. Could it work? Maybe he’d missed seeing the container.

  “Do not lie to Daddy, blossom. Hand me the container. You have earned a spanking,” he said with a disappointed tone. Holding his hands out to take the jar, Tyler’s tone turned stern as he said, “Stop this immediately, Little girl!” as she darted around him and rushed for the back door.

  She hadn’t known where she was going, Poppy had just panicked. She knew how much her daddy’s hard hands hurt on her bottom. She was unlocking the door when his arm snaked around her waist to lift her off the ground, pinning her against his hard body.

  The strong man stripped the medicine jar from her hands and set it on the counter littered with the last of the flowers in the shop. Holding her steady with one hand, the fingers on his free hand began to unfasten her jeans. He was tugging them over her hips when she went crazy in his arms.

  “Bastard! Let me go!” she yelled, reaching up to tug fiercely at the soft whiskers in his beard.

  With a roar, her daddy extended his arms to hold her away from him. Using his usual care to make sure she wasn’t hurt, he gently set her on her feet and backed away. As one hand rubbed at his obviously smarting chin, Tyler met her gaze. With eyes filled with sadness, he softly said, “It appears that you have some decisions to make. I will gather my things from the office upstairs and head home. I hope you will decide to join me when you finish here. Being little isn’t something you choose only when it’s fun or rewarding. I need a little girl who will be mine for the sweet times and the difficult ones. If you can be mine completely and forever, my door is open. If not, know that I love you, blossom, and I will miss you terribly.”

  With that, he turned and walked back upstairs. Poppy looked down at her hands and immediately was sick to her stomach. She shook the curly dark whiskers from between her fingers. How could I have done that? she asked herself in horror. It hurt her to damage flowers. Hurt someone physically and emotionally? Even as a child, she had been the one who was kind to everyone. Lost in her self-recrimination, she didn’t hear him until he was standing in front of her.

  “Poppy, I hope this isn’t goodbye.”

  She looked up to see him turn and walk to the door. “Wait!” she cried, but he did not seem to hear her plea as he walked through the door and shut it firmly behind him without another glance.

  Sinking to the floor, Poppy’s frail body was racked with tears. She sobbed, angry at herself for her stupidity and in sadness at having lost the man who was everything to her. Finally, when her chest and red eyes hurt from her weeping, Poppy’s tears dried up.

  Taking deep breaths, she forced herself to focus on what was important. Her daddy was at the top of the list. Poppy stood in the almost empty floral shop and looked at the flowers that she had planned to fashion into two last bouquets. She shook her head. They weren’t important now. Not as important as finding her daddy and figuring out how to make this right.

  She ran to the office and grabbed her small purse and keys. Throwing the purse over her shoulder, she picked up the large jar of suppositories that had triggered this whole event. What a fool I’ve been. On autopilot as her mind searched for the right thing to say when she found her daddy, Poppy made sure all the doors were locked before driving to his large home.

  The trees hid the house from the road. It wasn’t until she was closer that Poppy saw him sitting in a chair on the porch. His eyes were focused on the long drive. Hope rekindled in her chest. He wanted her there. Her daddy was waiting for her.

  Turning off the ignition but leaving everything except that jar in the car, Poppy pushed open the door and scrambled out. Holding his gaze, she climbed the stairs in a rush to stand right in front of him. Appalled to see small raw patches hidden among his thick beard, Poppy held out the medicine container. When he wouldn’t take it, she set it on the small table between the two porch chairs.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I don’t know why I panicked, but I’m so sorry. Everything was overwhelming. My business was failing and I didn’t want to face the reality that I needed to close it. I needed to realize what was vital for me to be happy.” She childishly wiped a hand over wet cheeks. “You are the most important person in my life. Please forgive me,” she asked with tear-filled eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I feel awful. I should have talked to you. I will next time if you give me another chance.” Her hands went to her waistband, and she pushed her jeans over her hips and toed off her shoes. Standing before him dressed only in her diaper, socks, and t-shirt, Poppy didn’t even think for a moment about anyone being able to see her. They weren’t important. She and her daddy were the only ones who mattered now.

  Poppy moved to the side of his chair and leaned in to kiss his lips. A thrill shot through her when his lips responded eagerly to her kiss. Still, he didn’t move. She whispered, “Please punish me for my misbehavior. I’m a little girl who has so much to learn. I’m sorry,” she repeated once again. Slowly, she pulled her beseeching eyes from his and leaned over his lap.

  Chapter 29

  Poppy sat naked on the strange chair in the naughty corner of her beautiful nursery at her daddy’s old house. She shifted restlessly on her newly spanked, red bottom. She was now truly sorry that she had called her daddy that bad name. Poppy didn’t ever use curse words no
rmally, and now she swore that she never would again. Her behavior had been deemed so negative that after her spanking, her daddy had carried her to the nursery and ordered her to sit in the naughty chair in the corner. It hadn’t looked menacing as she followed his directions. The surface of the seat was smooth against her hot bottom. There was that strange groove that was cut in the seat and a cord leading to a nearby electrical socket.

  As his fingers secured her wrists to the arms of the chair with thick bands that held her tightly, Poppy watched wide-eyed. She stayed quiet. She knew that she had earned a severe punishment. When he bound her ankles to the outside front legs of the chair, widely spreading her legs apart. She wiggled slightly on the seat. That motion was also stopped by a wide belt around her waist to pin her against the back of the chair.

  She watched as he reached under the chair and slid into view a large white wand vibrator with a smooth rounded head. This fit into the groove in the chair and glided to rest between her splayed legs. Poppy jumped slightly as his fingers spread her labia just a little wider as he moved the rounded head snuggly against her. With a few movements under the chair, it was solidly affixed in place, and her daddy moved to kneel behind the naughty chair.

  Zzzz! The buzz of the vibrator began. Poppy’s eyes squeezed shut, and her head rolled back in reaction as she felt the motion tight against her clitoris. She clenched her teeth, trying instinctively to resist the stimulation. Within a few minutes, she lost the battle. A massive orgasm launched over her body. She screamed, “Daddy!”

  His hands smoothed over her shoulders and down her arms. Poppy inhaled sharply as she felt the bristle of that beard she had viciously pulled scratch gently against the sensitive skin of her neck. When his fingers began tracing a light pattern over her small breasts, she responded with a second body-shaking orgasm.

  The waves of pleasure crashed over her faster and faster until she was limp against the bands, tethering her to the chair. Only then did the vibration cease. She felt her daddy quickly release her from the restraints before pulling her from the chair. Poppy allowed him to hold her for just a few minutes before she pressed against his chest and slid to kneel on the ground in front of him.

  Holding his eyes, her hands moved to the button at the top of his pants. “May I touch you, Daddy?” she asked. When he nodded, she smiled as she watched his eyes become even more fiery with passion as she freed the erection that pressed fiercely against his jeans. When his thick penis thrust proudly from his pants, Poppy raised her hands to her daddy and asked, “Please?”

  Immediately, he grabbed a condom from his pocket and rolled it over his shaft. Lifting her to rest against his torso, Tyler slowly slid her down onto his massive erection. He groaned loudly as her heat tightly wrapped around his penis.

  She could see the effort that he exerted to move slowly, allowing her body to stretch as he invaded her tight channel. When their pelvises meet, she whispered again into his ear, “Please?”

  In a flash, her daddy moved to pin her back against the soft carpet. He withdrew from her to thrust forward once again in a strong movement that rocked her underneath him. She had been sure that she would not be able to climax again. Her daddy proved her wrong.

  When the flurry of movement ended, they were tenderly wrapped in each other’s arms. Daddy and Little breathed heavily as he held her close to him. Poppy kissed his lips softly.

  “Thanks, Daddy, for forgiving me,” she whispered in a voice husky from her harsh breathing.

  “You scared me, blossom. I was afraid that I’d lost you,” he answered. The love shining in her eyes was the final reassurance that he needed.

  “Never!” she swore as if it were her solemn oath.

  Chapter 30

  That morning, Poppy had placed the one hundred stickers on the calendar hanging in her new nursery in SANCTUM. She couldn’t wait to see what reward her daddy would come up with this time. The greenhouse had been an incredible surprise. She didn’t think there would ever be a reward that spectacular.

  A crowd had gathered in their home to welcome Poppy and Tyler to live full-time at SANCTUM. The Little girls had gathered in the nursery to play as the men talked in the kitchen and family room. Poppy was so happy to have a chance to chat with Shelby, Lindy, Priscilla, and Samantha. The latter would always be her bestest friend, but she loved the other three Littles almost at much.

  Poppy had given her friends a tour of the nursery. She bragged about her diaper chart as they oohed and aahed over the pretty stickers on the calendar. The little girls had swallowed hard when Poppy had revealed the secret of the naughty chair by moving the vibrator into position. They were all torn about whether that was a naughty chair or not.

  When the girls smelled the aroma of grilled hamburgers waft through the house, they quickly decided to go get something to eat. As they entered the kitchen, Priscilla saw the large wrapped basket sitting in the middle of the table. Pointing to it, she nudged Shelby.

  “Hey, what’s that?” Shelby immediately asked.

  “That’s Poppy’s reward for using her diaper,” Tyler easily answered. He picked up his little girl when she rushed forward to press her blushing cheeks to his shirt. Rubbing her back gently to reassure her, Tyler remained silent as everyone called their congratulations for her excellent behavior.

  Sneaking a look at everyone’s face to make sure they weren’t laughing at her, Poppy only saw smiles. She turned around, making sure that she was backed against her daddy to look at the intriguing present.

  After several seconds, Lindy asked impatiently, “Aren’t you going to open it?”

  Samantha’s daddy was the closest. Still wearing his sheriff’s uniform, the handsome older man lifted the present from the table and held it out to Poppy. They laughed as she immediately dropped to the floor to sit cross-legged. Ripping the wrapping open, she pulled the basket out to reveal a single packet of seeds.

  The other Littles looked at each other in disappointment. What kind of reward was that? A giggle of happiness drew their attention back to their new friend. Poppy held the packet of seeds in front of her as if it were the most precious gift she’d ever received.

  “Where did you get these,” she asked her daddy with tears in her eyes. “These red tulip seeds are very rare, and only the most trusted horticulturists are allowed to cultivate them.”

  “Zach helped me convince the company he’s working with to allow you to prove your skill, blossom. If you do a good job with those, they will add you to their small approved list. What do you think? Can you take care of them?” her daddy asked with a wide smile.

  Carefully placing the small packet in the basket for safekeeping, she stood to walk slowly to place it back in the center of the table. Poppy turned to nod at her daddy before rushing to leap up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him to pepper his face with sweet kisses.

  Leaning back with a big smile, she said, “You do love me. You got me red tulips on purpose. I love you, too.”

  Cheers surrounded them as Tyler pressed a passionate kiss to her lips before whispering, “I love you with all my heart, blossom.”

  From the look in his eyes, Poppy knew that they would celebrate choosing to live at SANCTUM privately together. For now, they would enjoy their friends as conversation and Littles’ giggles filled the room. For once, Poppy hoped that her friends would go home soon.

  The End


  If you’ve enjoyed this story, it will make my day if you could leave an honest review on Amazon. Reviews help other people find my books and help me continue creating more Little adventures. My thanks in advance. I always love to hear from my readers what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on

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  For your reading enjoyment, my other age-play stories are:

  Dr. Richards’ Littles

  A beloved age play series that features Littles who find their forever Daddies and Mommies. Dr. Richards guides and supports their efforts to keep their Littles happy and healthy.

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  Oliver: Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  Luna: Dr. Richards’ Littles 19

  Lydia & Neil: Dr. Richards’ Littles 20

  A Little Vacation South of the Border

  Roxy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 21

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: First Anniversary Collection

  Jillian: Dr. Richards’ Littles 22

  Hunter: Dr. Richards’ Littles 23


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