Death and Taxes: An Urban Fantasy Mystery
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More By J. Zachary Pike
The Cabal of Thotash: (Novelette) A lovecraftian cult has languished for years within their poorly-ventilated Manhattan lair. When a charismatic sacrifice talks her way off the dark altar and into a leadership position, the Cabal’s fortunes turn around, as do their ideas about what it means to serve the greater evil. Get it for free when you sign up for J. Zachary Pike’s email list.
Orconomics: (Novel) High fantasy meets high comedy in Orconomics: A Satire. The adventuring industry drives the economy of Arth, a world much like our own but with more magic and fewer vowels. Professional heroes kill and loot deadly monsters every day, but Gorm Ingerson’s latest quest will be anything but business as usual.
Say Hello
Twitter: @jzacharypike
For my children, who support me in ways that they cannot understand, and for my wife, who supports me in ways that she understands very well. I love you all.
About the Author
J. Zachary Pike was once a basement-dwelling fantasy gamer, but over time he metamorphosed into a basement-dwelling fantasy writer. A New Englander by birth and by temperament, he writes strangely funny fiction on the seacoast of New Hampshire. Learn more at
The self-publishing community, both local and global, has given me the inspiration to take this step. A special thank you goes to Christopher Kellen, Ariele Sieling, Zoe Cannon, and the rest of my writing group. Thank you as well to Josh Cole for your invaluable opinions. And thanks to all of my family for your love, support, and efforts.
Karin Rubenthaler at Bookfly Design copyedited the story, and did a fantastic job. Thank you, Karin.
Cover artwork by J. Zachary Pike. Icon made by Freepik from is licensed under CC BY 3.0