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Too Many

Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  Deep down inside I have a feeling she’s thinking about running. If I know her like I think I do, she’s getting scared of what just happened and she’s probably embarrassed that she let it happen. There’s no damn way I’m letting her slip through our fingers, so she can get that out of her head.

  Right now, I’m going to her place, and I’m going to smooth this over. I might get another taste of what belongs to us before I go, but I’m not leaving until she gives in. She might not be able to agree on being with both of us right away, but I’ll settle for her promise that she’s coming over tomorrow. I know Nellie, and if she gives her word, then she’ll stand by it. She snuck out of that party tonight so she didn’t have to face us and so she wouldn’t have to lie. That loophole is about to be closed up tight.

  Chapter Five


  I lie in bed staring up at the ceiling. I thought a bath would relax me, but I still feel as wound up as when I left the party, and I know I’m never going to be able to sleep tonight. It’s not even close to bedtime, but I lie here on the mattress, unmoving. My mind replays the kisses and I wonder how something that feels so right can be wrong. What would it be like if both of them were there watching me and taking turns? Or one of them was kissing my mouth while the other kissed other places?

  I scold myself for that train of thought and release a long breath. I debate sliding my hands between my legs to try and take away some of this restlessness, but I know where my mind would go.

  I should get up and try to get lost in work, but I know all I’ll do is work on their remodel. I’ve already come up with photo boards of ideas they might like, but it would be helpful if they’d let me see the place. They’ve been keeping it from me for some reason, but at least I’ll get to see it tomorrow.

  Maybe I should cancel? I’ve been pounding that idea out since I ran from the party. It’s so unlike me because I never run from a challenge. It’s how I graduated at the top of my class and how I own my own interior design company at such a young age. I strive to be the best at everything and I take things head-on. I kept my chin up and my nose out of places it didn't belong. I’m not about making messes. I want to put people’s lives together. With my desire for Elijah and Owen, I could rip it all apart.

  I roll over and pick up my phone. I powered it off after I got home because I had a fear that they’d try and call me or send texts. I was worried they’d demand to know where I’d gone, but part of me worried that they wouldn’t notice I left. When I turn on my phone, I’m relieved that there are messages. I’m so tempted to click them, but I put my phone back down knowing I’ll give in to temptation and respond. I don’t know what the right thing to say would be, but what I don't want to do is say something I’ll regret. Why does this have to be so hard?

  The past few years have been hard enough and now it’s like we’ve come to a point where something has to give. I want to tell myself to move on, but it’s never worked before. Maybe when I see them with someone else it will help me get there. The idea rips at my soul and I know it’s messed up on my part. I’m upset about them seeing other women, but here I am, making out with them.

  A loud bang on my front door has me sitting up in bed.

  “Nellie. I know you’re in there,” Elijah bellows.

  Not only does he know I’m here, but everyone else in the building knows it, too. I throw my feet over the side of the bed as he keeps banging on the door. I know he won’t stop until I answer because Elijah is a bulldozer. Owen is the one with a little more finesse, but both of these things work on me.

  I make it down my hallway toward my front door when it suddenly flies open before I even get there. I watch as Elijah pulls the key from the door and tucks it into his pocket. I stand there shocked for a moment until his eyes land on me.

  “You were about to answer the door like that?” He kicks my door closed, and when it slams the whole thing shakes.

  “You have a key to my place?” I throw back at him, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes fall to my breasts and I see that me folding my arms has only pushed my boobs up more and made them almost slip out of the robe I’m wearing. I don’t have anything on underneath it because I just put it on after my bath.

  “Yeah, I got a copy.” He shrugs as if he’s saying something as simple as offering to get me a coffee.

  “And how did you do that?” I try hard to stay pissed, but I keep thinking about how I’m practically naked in front of him. I can feel my hard nipples trying to get Elijah’s attention. Hell, my whole body wants his attention.

  “That’s part of the problem. Even with a key, an alarm should be going off. I borrowed yours off Harlow's keyring and made a copy before I returned it.” He takes a few steps toward me. Just like in the bathroom earlier, I retreat until I’m pressed up against the wall. “Anyone could have done that. Why don’t you have an alarm?” He runs a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. “Fuck, I should have made sure you had one. I’m sorry, baby girl, I’ll fix it.”

  I know him well enough to know he didn’t borrow Harlow’s key. He stole it. “Are you going to tell me why you have a key to my place?” I don’t understand his need to go to so much trouble to get it.

  “You always dress like this when you’re home alone?” His eyes roam over my body and I feel every part of me tighten. My lips tingle as I think about our kiss.

  “I just got out of the bath.” I try to close my robe a little more, but it’s no use. The thing is too small, but Harlow got it for me forever ago and I love it.

  “Did you think about me while you were in the bathtub?” He moves closer to me. “Or did you think about my brother?”

  I stare up at him and my heart starts to race inside my chest. He doesn’t look pissed that I kissed Owen, and my breathing grows heavy. He has me caged against the wall and there’s no avoiding him or trying to run as he fills up all the space around me.

  “Elijah.” His name comes out as a whimper.

  “I know, baby girl. When I stroke my cock it’s getting harder to get myself there. I’m angry because it’s not your hand wrapped around me or your warm tight pussy gripping me.” My mouth falls open and I can’t believe he said that. “I’m going to fix that for you.”

  His lips are on mine just before I feel his tongue enter my mouth. He tugs at my robe and it comes undone. He needs no invitation as one hand grips my hip and the other slides down between my legs and to my clit. He rubs his thick fingers back and forth and I moan into his mouth. My body’s still on edge from this afternoon and I can’t control myself.

  He pulls his mouth from mine and I feel his lips on my neck as he kisses his way up to my ear. I close my eyes as I enjoy the pleasure of his touch. My hips move with his fingers and I’m so close to coming.

  “You’ll have to let Owen eat your pussy first. It’s not fair he doesn’t get to see this.”

  “Oh God,” I breathe and his fingers stop moving. I plead, “Elijah.” Why is he stopping? I’m about to come undone at the seams.

  “Promise me you’ll show up tomorrow and let Owen eat your cunt while I watch.” He leans back so I can look up into his eyes. I’m so close to coming and he knows it. “Say it, baby girl.”

  “I’ll be there tomorrow.” His fingers still don’t move and I nearly cry. “I promise.”

  A wicked smile pulls at his full lips and he knows he’s won. “Then come for me.”

  His eyes drop to my body that is on display with my robe wide open. I can see the desire and need in his eyes as he rubs my clit. I reach out and grab a hold of him as the orgasm hits me. I cry out his name and my knees give out, but Elijah swoops me up into his arms and carries me into my bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and kisses me so softly.

  “Tomorrow, baby girl.”

  I roll over and wonder if maybe I fell asleep and this was all a dream. It’s too wonderful to be real.

  Chapter Six


  “I’ve told you fifteen times already. I’m not t
elling you again,” Elijah says as he closes the refrigerator door.

  “At least let me smell your fingers,” I demand, grabbing his wrist.

  He smiles smugly as he shakes his head. “Already licked them clean.”

  We spent the last hour going over every single detail and I’m not going to be able to make it to tomorrow.

  “What time is she supposed to be here?” I stare at the clock and will it to speed up.

  “She told us before she’d be by here after she dropped off some samples to Harlow in the morning. So I’m guessing sometime after that.”

  Elijah shrugs and I groan. I can’t wait that long.

  “I’m going to beat off a few times and call it a night. See you tomorrow.” He tips his bottled water at me as he walks away and I grind my teeth.

  I wasn’t doing too bad at pretending to be both of us until Dad called me out about an hour after Elijah left. I played it cool and said he had to check on Nellie, which wasn’t a complete lie. He looked at me suspiciously, but I have to wonder if deep down he doesn’t suspect something. After his wedding to Harlow, he sat Elijah and me down to talk to us about her. He said that we were brothers and that no matter what we shouldn’t let a woman come between us. When we both exchanged a look about it, he seemed confused but only for a second. He kept talking about being loyal and sticking together and we got up and patted him on the shoulder as we walked away. I’m not entirely sure how he’s going to feel about the two of us being with Nellie, but it’s just something that he’ll have to be okay with. Above all else he loves us, so it will all work out.

  My feet are heavy as I climb the stairs to the loft. There’s a room up here where I can play my video games and there’s a large couch I crash on. The place we bought has enough bedrooms, but I don’t like sleeping in them alone. It was different when Elijah and I shared a dorm room because sleeping in the same room was a necessity. We had different rooms growing up, but I like being close to him. I don’t want to sleep in the same bed or anything, I just don’t want to be too far. Maybe it’s a twin thing, but sometimes he’ll come in here when I’m up late playing and he’ll sleep on the couch.

  He has a small room at the end of the hall he stays in sometimes. But the master is the one we’ve been saving for Nellie. I go in there every now and again and just stare at the bed. I picture her in it laid out for us and I get hard. A slight breeze has my cock standing up and ready to go, but when I think of her, I ache everywhere.

  I turn on my Xbox and see Harlow is on. I send her a message and she replies that Dad and the baby are asleep in the bed so she’s getting in some playing time before she passes out. I want to lose myself in the game, but a few minutes in and I toss the controller onto the table. I can’t concentrate on anything but Nellie. Doubt plagues me and I wonder if I have her like I want, will this burning desire for her go away? How can I need someone this much?

  I lie down on the couch and toss and turn for most of the night. I’m restless as dreams of Nellie and Elijah both haunt and excite me.

  Elijah’s voice startles me awake and I see it’s light outside. I rub my face as I check my watch and realize in my exhaustion I must have slept late.

  “I called for you over an hour ago to come have breakfast. I thought you were still playing.”

  “Couldn’t sleep,” I say, rubbing my hand down my face.

  “Me too. But just think, after today we won’t want to anymore.” He winks at me and sets a thermos of coffee in front of me before walking out.

  I mumble my thanks as I bring it to my lips and take a sip. The warm black beans heat me from the inside and already I’m thinking about seeing Nellie.

  After I’ve showered and had some breakfast, Elijah begins to pace. I sit at the breakfast bar and try not to fidget because he’s nervous enough for the both of us.

  “If you keep doing that she’s going to have to pick out new flooring,” I say and Elijah stops. He turns to stare at me, but he sighs and then nods as he comes over to sit next to me.

  “Why am I so nervous?”

  “Because you’re afraid of rejection? You’re afraid that our sick, twisted plan may not work?”

  “It’s not sick and twisted,” he defends and rolls his eyes.

  “Not to us. But I keep trying to think about what she’s going to tell her mom.”

  “Her mom loves us.” Elijah pushes around a tiny crumb on the counter with his finger, not looking at me.

  “She does, but she hasn’t had to imagine the two of us tag-teaming her baby girl.” I sigh and shake my head. “She’s going to lose people she cares about if she chooses this.”

  “Then they don’t truly care about her and don’t deserve to be in her life.” He looks heated now as he turns his eyes on me.

  “I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m merely telling you the stumbling blocks that give me doubt.”

  “Well then stop it.”

  “Fair enough,” I concede and we smile at one another.

  “It could be that she doesn’t love the place. Did you ever think about that?”

  I look around our home and shake my head. “That’s where you’re wrong, brother. This is the one thing I know without a doubt that she’ll want.”

  “You better be right,” he warns and I shrug.

  “Have I been wrong yet?” When he raises an eyebrow at me, I hold my hand up. “Wait, don’t answer that.”

  Just as he opens his mouth to respond, there’s a knock at the door.

  Chapter Seven


  My hand pauses before I knock on the thick wooden double doors. Once again I’m stalling. I stayed as long as I could at Harlow’s this morning to put off this moment and I still don’t know what I’m going to do. My heart aches with the mixture of betrayal and longing simmering under my arousal. It’s a throb that’s settled deep inside of me and no matter how much I try and push it away it’s still there.

  I tried to fix the ache this morning by touching myself while I was in the shower. I hoped I could make it go away long enough so I could think straight, but I was wrong. My mind kept conjuring up Elijah with his hand between my legs only this time Owen was there too. He stood there watching Elijah have his way with me while he jerked himself off. He had his hand down his pants enjoying what Elijah was doing to me as much as I did. I came, but it was nothing compared to how hard Elijah got me off. In fact, the ache became worse because my body knows what it’s missing now. I have a feeling only their touches will be the cure.

  But it’s all a fantasy and I know it could never be a reality. I just wish my stupid heart would listen to me. I can’t pick between them and I know I can't have both.

  I think maybe I’ve gone too long without trying to date, or maybe I need to get away from the two of them. After spending the morning at Harlow’s and holding her little boy my need is only worse.

  I need to square my shoulders and grab a hold of this. This is how I get through life and this should be no different. I’m going to put it out there that even though something happened with Elijah, it has to stop. If we ignore whatever this is, it will go away. I’ve got a carefully made plan laid out in my mind, but the second the door opens it all vanishes.

  Standing there is Owen looking big and strong and incredible. I take a breath but don’t get a word out before he grabs my hand and pulls me into the house.

  He slams the door shut behind me and I take a step back when he leans in close. His hand reaches out over my shoulder and I freeze, unsure of what’s happening. The lock clicks into place beside me and there’s a finality to it.

  “I gave you a key,” Elijah says from behind Owen, but I can’t see him.

  Elijah gave me a key a few weeks ago when we talked about me coming by and seeing their new place. I knew it was a house, I just didn't know it was the kind you raise a family in. It’s so close to Harlow and Hank I could have walked from their house if I wanted to.

  “I thought it would be rude to just use it since I knew
you’d be home.” I lick my lips as Owen moves in closer.

  “That key is yours,” Owen clips, and I tilt my head up to look at him.

  I want to feel his lips against mine so badly. He still has his hand on the door over my shoulder, making no move to step back and let me in. In fact, he pushes in a little and there’s nowhere for me to go. He smells of honey and vanilla and I wonder if it’s his shampoo or something he ate for breakfast. Either way, he smells good—too good.

  “You can use it anytime you want.” He licks his lips and I can’t take my eyes off his mouth.

  “It only seems fair since Elijah has one of mine and let himself right on in.” I try and sound like I’m mad, but my nipples tighten and the ache inside of me grows. I don’t know how it can get bigger, but it does.

  “I should’ve come with him. Would you have let me watch him play with you?” My breath hitches and my face flushes with heat. “But I would have gotten down on my knees to get a taste. I wouldn’t have been able to help myself.”

  “Oh God.” My pussy throbs and my panties cling to me.

  “You should let him eat it now, baby girl. He missed out last night.”

  Elijah says it as casually as “can I get you a cup of coffee” and not as though he’s saying I should let his brother go down on me. It wasn't hours ago he was making me come and he doesn't sound jealous in the least. I don’t know what to do and I wonder if it’s because he doesn't care or that he’s into the idea of watching his brother get me off.

  Owen drops to his knees in front of me and I don’t move. What’s happening? This can’t be real.

  “That’s a pretty dress you wore for us, baby girl.” Elijah has me looking up from Owen reaching under my dress.

  I always wear dresses when I can, but I’d be a liar if I didn't admit I picked out this dress with them in mind, including the heels. I felt sexy in them, plus I knew I was going to need the extra height. I guess I was wrong because Owen’s on his knees in front of me while Elijah’s sitting in a chair with his leg kicked out like he’s watching a show. His hand rubs against his jeans over his very evident erection.


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