Book Read Free

Too Many

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “We all do. Didn't feel right staying in there until you got here.”

  My eyes start to sting. “That’s why it’s bare?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he answers softly. “Kind of like your place.”

  “Think I’ve been waiting, too.” My place was never a home.

  “That’s real good, baby girl, because movers are at your place right now packing your stuff up.”

  I laugh. “I should be mad that you’re just taking over without asking me, but to be honest I like it. I’m going to enjoy you and Owen taking care of me.” They’re the two sweetest men I’ve ever met. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m going to enjoy every moment of it. If they want to take over, I’m going to let them because I know whatever they do will be perfect.

  I feel Owen come up behind me. He moves my hair from off my neck so he can kiss me there. “We’re going to enjoy taking care of you.”

  I sigh, leaning into him. “I love you both so much.”

  “We love you, too, sweet girl.”

  “We love you, too, baby girl.”

  “Now, Harlow just rolled up with Butch and the little one in tow.” Owen brings us back to reality. The rest of the world is waiting for us.

  “Can’t wait until our girl gives us a little one,” Elijah says, making my heart flutter. I might already be pregnant. I can’t wait for that.

  “Me too,” Owen says in agreement. “You worried about telling Harlow?”

  “No, she’ll want whatever makes me happy. I wonder how Mom will take it, though,” I admit.

  “All good, sweet girl. We talked to her while you were napping.” I turn to look at Owen.

  “You talked to my mom?” I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. All of us spend the holidays together and we have dinner once a week. Everyone is close, but this is different. Owen slides a ring on my finger. I gasp when I see it. It’s a heart-shaped diamond but the diamond is cut into three pieces. They all come together to complete the heart. A tear slips down my check. It’s perfect.

  “Or course we asked your mom and aunt if we could marry you.” He leans down, kissing the tear from my face.

  “She yelled at us,” Elijah laughs.

  “Oh God.” I start to panic for a moment, but as always Owen calms me quickly.

  “Said it was about time. She was sick of seeing you mope around.”

  “She’s happy, baby girl,” Elijah adds. I smile so big it hurts.

  “Everyone is happy,” Owen says as I hear a knock coming from the front door and I know it’s Harlow.

  They both take a turn kissing me and I know that the three us will be happy for the rest of our lives. Having two husbands will never be too many. It’s just right.



  Six Months Later…

  I check to make sure they got my baby girl’s coffee right before I pull away from the coffee shop. Today got off to a late start. Nellie is normally the last out of bed, but today she really didn’t want to get up at all. Owen and I always go for a run first thing and come back and get her up together. Today I had to do my jog alone, along with trying to wake our woman up.

  I’m not sure how she ever gets out of bed, to be honest. We have our girl until she passes out. Then we’ll often take turns waking her up in the middle of the night to get more. I’d say maybe that’s what happens when two men kept their dicks in their pants for all of their teens and into their early twenties waiting to make their woman theirs. We can’t get enough of her, but I think it’s more than that. Our love runs so deep for her we can never sate that need.

  I’m a dirty bastard. I should let my wife sleep, but we waited over three years to have her and now we’re making up for lost time. She doesn’t seem to mind. I smile, thinking about how I made her come on my tongue before I told her to keep sleeping after I gave her a smack on the ass. There’s nothing she needs to get up for anyway. She’s scaled back some at work. She was a workaholic before we came pushing into her life. We had to, but we’ve been working toward this and we’re here now. We don’t need to work so hard. We get to live in the lives we’ve built. Waiting has paid off in more ways than one.

  When I pull up to the house, I see Owen beat me back. He got up before all of us to check on a job site bright and early. My cock thickens in my jeans knowing I’m going to walk in on something good. I love having my way with Nellie, but there is something to be said about getting to sit back and watch her as my brother takes her, to see all the love and desire on her face that we can give her.

  I grab her coffee before hopping down out of my truck and heading inside. I pause when I see Nellie sitting on top of the kitchen counter. All of her clothes are on and so are Owen’s. He’s got his arms folded over his chest and is staring at our wife, who turns to look at me as I enter. I toss my keys on the entry table as I clear the space between us. I give my brother a glance before I place her coffee down and kiss my baby girl. Something is going on, but I want to taste her mouth before I find out.

  Owen is the rational one. What has him on edge, I don’t know, but it’s got to be something. “What’s got him worked up?” I ask when I pull my mouth from Nellie’s. She rolls her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t let him look at the pregnancy test until you got here.” My whole body freezes. We haven’t been trying but we kind of have. We all want kids and we never use protection and Nellie isn’t on anything. We thought it would just happen. In truth, I thought it would have happened months ago, as much as Owen and I are inside of her.

  “Where is the test?” I look back and forth between them. Owen doesn’t answer my question. I’m guessing he doesn’t know.

  “I don’t have the test,” Nellie finally says.

  “I looked everywhere,” Owen confirms.

  “I gave it to Harlow after I peed on it.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal to pee on something and give it to someone else. I hear Owen let out a deep breath. I don’t have to look to know he’s pulling out his phone to make the call.

  “She texted me the results,” she says.

  Owen drops his phone down onto the counter. “I know where that is.”

  She laughs as Owen darts toward the living room, returning a moment later with the phone in his hand. I’m pretty sure I already know what the results are. Owen hands Nellie the phone for her to read it.

  “You look.” She hands it to me.

  “Let’s do this in bed.” Before I get the words out, Owen is already lifting our wife off the counter and heading toward our bedroom.

  The room is no longer empty with bare white walls. A giant bed doesn’t sit alone anymore. Now the room is filled with colors and pictures of us all on our honeymoon, Nellie in her pretty dress standing on the beach. Her skin not only looks like it was kissed by us but the sun, too. We tell her all the time how she turned this place into a home. She always says we all did together. Now I’m about to find out if we’ll soon have a little one for one of the spare rooms.

  She settles in Owen’s lap as I move in next to them and pull up her text messages. I click it.


  The one word rocks my world.

  “I’m going to be a mom,” Nellie says in awe. She’s going to be the best kind of mom. My eyes meet Owen’s over Nellie’s head. I’m sure mine match his with unshed tears. God, we’ve wanted this life so bad and now here it is. We pushed and worked to get here and now it is all ours. She is ours.

  “The best mom, sweet girl,” Owen tells her before kissing her below her ear. Fuck yeah she will be. I can see that in how she dotes on even us. We aren’t used to that. We had Dad growing up, but Nellie’s attention is different. I know she'll be a wonderful mom. She loves with her whole heart.

  “I love you,” I tell them both.

  “Love you too,” they say together. I lean in and kiss my wife. She moans into my mouth. I don’t know why we thought this might be hard, the three of us being together, but we were so wrong. Nothing comes easier than this. W
e work. We were made to be together.



  Two Years Later…

  “That was the best creme brûlée I ever had,” I tell Harlow as I lean back in my seat, my hands going to my stomach. I’m not even pregnant with twins anymore but I ate like I was.

  “I can’t believe we ate all that.” She lets out a long sigh, looking at the three empty dessert plates left on the table. We already polished off two appetizers and we both got steaks. I have no idea how we did it. Not to mention I’m pretty sure we killed a bottle of wine between the two of us.

  “It’s ladies’ night.” I shrug. Isn't this what we’re supposed to be doing? The food was wonderful but we’re only halfway through our plans for the night. Right now I really want to go home and crawl into bed and let my husbands have their dirty way with me until I pass out.

  “We still have dancing,” Harlow reminds me. Her face does not look excited about that.

  “We got all dressed up and reserved a table. We can pop in and out?” I suggest. Then maybe it will feel more like we did a full ladies’ night even if we only stay for a little while. I think we got a little overzealous about ladies’ night when I came up with the plans for a night out. Harlow was content to lie on the sofa in her pajamas.

  I enjoy that, too, but sometimes you need to get out. Well, I think you do. It has been a while since we’ve gotten all dressed up and went out only the two of us. More often than not we go out with our men, with our moms watching our little ones. I don’t know how they handle our three little boys on their own. Harlow was one and done when it came to having kids. I had my twins a year ago and we’re about to start trying again. Maybe this time I can get a little girl. The men are starting to take over around here.

  “Let’s do this.” Harlow stands from her chair, ready to go. I can tell she is treating this like a mission. Get in and get out. She was smart and wore flats, but I went with a pair of heels that are already starting to make my feet ache. I remember the days when I could run all over town in heels.

  We make our way out of the restaurant and down the block toward the new bar that sprang up a few weeks ago. I haven't heard much about it, but I know it’s ladies’ night. I shoot the husbands a text that we left dinner and are going to dance a little. I know they are all at Butch’s house, likely grilling out while waiting for us to call for a ride. They dropped us off so we could both have a few drinks if we wanted and not have to worry about driving home.

  When we reach the place, there is a woman standing outside dressed to the nines. Okay, maybe “dressed” isn't the right word, but the bra she has on is covered in jewels, matching a pair of panties—or maybe it’s a skirt. I’m not real sure. She’s also got on killer six-inch heels.

  “Name?” she asks, looking down at the tablet in her hand.

  “Barton,” I tell her. She gives me a giant smile. “Welcome to ladies’ night,” she says, stepping aside. The big man by the door swings open the door for us.

  “I think we’re underdressed,” I tell Harlow. I’m in a cute dress and heels, but this is starting to look as though it’s some hot night club.

  “I think you mean ‘overdressed.’” My mouth falls open when we clear the long dark hallway that leads into the club. There are naked men everywhere. From on the stage to serving drinks. I don’t mean in G-strings and bow ties. No, completely naked. One does have a cowboy hat on.

  “Ladies’ night is not what I thought it was,” Harlow says. I agree. Then everything goes dark as a set of hands comes down over my eyes. Instantly I know they are Elijah’s. I know the smell and touch of my men. I hear Harlow let out a small scream and I also know she was just thrown over Butch’s shoulder. A moment later I’m scooped up into Elijah’s arms.

  “They’ll be fine, you said,” Elijah bites out, talking to Owen. We are making our way back down the hallway and out the door.

  “Hope you ladies had fun.” The woman who let us in laughs as she says it. Elijah puts me into the back of the car. Owen follows me in, shutting the door behind us as Elijah jumps into the driver’s seat and takes off.

  “I didn't think they’d go to a strip club,” Owen finally answers. I know he’s as mad as Elijah, but Owen is always better at playing it cool. Someone out of the three of us has to.

  “I didn't know it was one.” I give an oops shrug. I really didn't. “It’s not like I need to see more dick in my life,” I try to joke. I have two little ones still in diapers and two very horny husbands. Not that I’m any better. I’m just as horny. How could I not be with these two sexy cavemen as husbands?

  “You’re lucky we were only down the block,” Elijah yells.

  “Down the block?” I look between the two of them.

  “Yeah, down the block,” Owen replies flippantly. I’m not shocked actually. Of course they were down the block. Probably sitting at a bar watching time tick, the only people in the place drinking coffee.

  “You guys going to take me home and give me the strip show I missed?” I try teasing again. I even give a giant smile. Elijah returns it with a hard glare in the rearview mirror. Owen’s hand slips up under my dress, drawing my attention back to him.

  “You’re the one that's going to be stripping, naughty girl.” Owen’s fingers find my panties and he slips them down my legs. I probably shouldn't like the jealousy lighting up in their eyes mixed with need. To be wanted by these two men always gets me worked up.

  “Spread your legs. Show Elijah your pussy,” Owen says as he pushes up my dress around my hips. I spread my legs wide, doing as I’m told. Elijah’s eyes lock on my pussy in the rearview mirror. The car gives a jerk as he pushes down on the gas to drive fast.

  “Going to put another baby in you tonight.” Owen leans in to kiss me. “Then you won’t be wandering into strip clubs.”

  “Pregnant women can go to strip clubs,” I sass back. Owen smiles against my mouth while Elijah threatens me with an ass spanking when we get home.

  I love my men. I’m happy they showed up and stole me away. I was two seconds from turning and leaving once the shock wore off, but this is going to be way better. Now they’re all kinds of worked up. It’s a good thing Mom has our boys, because Owen was right. We are going to make another baby tonight. Even if it takes all night long.



  Ten Years Later…

  I stand in the kitchen watching my wife roam around the pool while our boys and little girl swim around, laughing and playing. She’s in her bright yellow bikini as she tends to the flower beds we made her last week. We all worked together to build them for her on Mother’s Day while she and our daughter had a day at the spa. Now they are filled with bright pink flowers the girls picked out together. They spent yesterday planting them.

  I hear Elijah come up behind me to look out the window, too. The barbeque isn't supposed to start for another hour, but Nellie’s mom and aunt are already here. They are sitting by the pool watching the kids play.

  “The pool was a good idea,” Elijah says, his eyes on our wife. It was nice to get to watch her stroll around in a bikini most of the time. We waited for the kids to get older before we got one. We finally cracked and had it installed at the beginning of the summer. We spend most of our nights out here. It’s been a perfect summer. We already have plans to put in a jacuzzi this fall before winter hits. You can bet your ass there will be no bikini then. “Or not,” Elijah adds when some fucker comes strolling from the side of the house. He’s got something in his hand.

  “We need a fence,” I suggest, narrowing my eyes on the guy.

  “We have one,” Elijah growls.

  “A taller one.” How the fuck did this guy even get through the lock? Never mind. I bet our wife unlocked it when she was setting up for the barbeque. That’s the only way.

  I push off the sink, but Elijah is already a few steps ahead of me. I grab his shirt to stop him.

  “Take a breath,” I tell him.

  “I kn
ow that’s the new fuck who moved in down the street that’s always waving at our wife.”

  “Kids,” I remind him. We can’t break his waving fingers in front of them. Elijah also can’t walk out the door and punch the guy for stopping by. Who knows, he could have gotten our mail or something. Or he could have stolen our mail just to bring it over here to my wife, who is standing there almost naked.

  Elijah takes a deep breath, but as quickly as he starts to get it together, I can see something else spring into his head. “You don’t think…” He looks out the back door to where my wife is standing talking to the guy.

  “She invited him,” I confirm. I can see now in his hand is a dish of food.

  “Motherfucker. I’ll uninvite him,” Elijah throws out. He once again starts to head toward him, but I grab him back again, this time by his shoulder. We can be possessive cavemen when it comes to our wife. We have on more than one occasion beat our chests like cavemen snatching her out of reach of anyone we thought was looking at her for too long.

  “He’s not checking her out,” I tell Elijah. I’m not sure how he’s not. I don’t care that it’s been ten years and two pregnancies, our wife has the best damn body I’ve ever seen. How is he managing to look casual and not show any interest?

  I turn my head when I see another man come across the lawn, this one with two little girls with him. The little girls run and jump into the pool quickly, making my wife laugh. They swim over to my daughter. The man walks up to the other, giving him a kiss and wrapping his arm around him.

  “Oh,” Elijah says. I start to laugh. Our wife’s eyes come to us as she takes the dish from the man’s hand before heading our way. I slide open the door and let her in. She sets the pasta salad down.

  “You two get it together?” She raises an eyebrow as she smirks, looking between us. She probably saw us getting all worked up and was enjoying it.


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