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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 41

by L M Lacee

  ‘I, and most, if not every other person here in this room, will not adhere to your brand of dictatorship. We will not fall under your rule. I will never give you anything you asked for in the document you submitted. What I will do is allow you to live.’

  ‘Why would you say this? We have done nothing wrong?’ Countered the male still standing.

  ‘You are?’

  ‘I am Joenn Horron son of former Warmaster Berren Horron.’

  ‘Have you not Senior Horron. You betrayed your people because you believed you had no choice. The same reason you gave in the submission you sent me last eve. So I give you one now, choose to change, to grow and become more.’

  ‘We have no need to change, to become something more.’ He sounded offended she would even ask it of him.

  Gailea Tanissia spread her hands wide. ‘We have done nothing wrong.’

  ‘Our decisions saved our people.’ Said another male who had to be the sibling of Lady Tanissia as he stood.

  Peyton shook her head before stating. ‘Your decisions condemned your people, they were being eradicated.’

  ‘If it was for the good of Draygann, it was right.’ The same male stated, as Gailea Tanissia proclaimed.

  ‘We are right.’

  ‘I see.’ And sadly Peyton did see, these people would not change for themselves or their people. Who they said they cared for. ‘You will not embrace what we have to offer and will condemn these wonderful people to the mercy of your dictatorship. How I ask, would that be any different from what they had on Draygann?’

  She gave them a min to think about what she said, but could tell from their set faces, they did not understand or want to understand what she was offering. Their belief was they had done nothing wrong, therefore what they asked for in the document was right. Realizing talking further with these seniors was not going to accomplish anything she said. ‘So be it. I deny all your requests. None of them were for the betterment of your people or mine. Just yourselves and your fear of not having control and the power you welded. I do not believe you care for your people, you never did. You only cared about being revered, which you achieved with fear. I will not fear you and will not revere you nor will I bow to your demands or allow anyone else to.’

  Peyton nodded and Sarn opened the door as Hawk indicated the eighty-eight seniors and ordered. ‘Warriors remove them to the brig please.’

  Kent and Sarn led several Warriors and a company of Prowlers to where the seniors now stood with shocked expressions on their faces. Kent spoke to Lord Horron and Lady Tanissia. They shook their heads no, Kent said a few more words, and they both nodded as their shoulders slumped.

  Peyton assumed he told them they had a choice to walk or be dragged in cuffs from the auditorium. They must have decided walking was a more dignified exit than being dragged. Their arrogance and resentment was stamped on their faces and shown in their straight backs as they were escorted from the auditorium. Peyton, who remained standing, watched every senior leave, until the door closed quietly behind them and their guard.


  Peyton looked out at the now silent auditorium and took a deep breath before saying. ‘Alright, so now we have dealt with that, let us turn to why we are here. I am working under the assumption everyone here wishes to live on our home world.’

  Thousands of voices sang out one word. ‘YES!’

  Smiling, she said. ‘Well, okay then. I am offering you all the chance to become Maikonian citizens. Maikonia Prime is our home world and also our military base, where we train our Warriors. We invite every person here to join our military, if you are of the appropriate age, which is…’ She saw hands creep into the air. ‘Twenty- five yentas old.’

  The hands disappeared, there were a few smothered laughs at the action. ‘The military is open to males and females. Most of our Warriors have a second occupation, for example, building, engineering, bakers, scientist, teachers, and designers. This is encouraged not a law. Education centers are open for all children and young adults, attendance is a law. We welcome adults to learn as well at the education centers.’

  She let them chatter and discuss what she had just said for a few moments as she took the drink Netta passed her. Then she motioned Heather forward.

  ‘You’re up.’

  Heather grinned. ‘Thanks.’

  When they saw Heather approach the front of the stage they quietened. ‘Greetings, some of you know me and for those of you I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet. I am Healer Heather, Chief Healer for Maikonia. My job is to oversee your recovery and make sure you get you well. I hope we are on the way to doing that. To that end and after a lengthy conversation with Healer Heddro and the healers who are treating you. It seems one of the major concerns you have is conceiving eggs. So as you are all here, could you stand if this is so?’ Most of the adults, male and female, stood. Heather smiled. ‘Thank you, please take your seats again. So we have news for you or Artar Kate does.’

  Kate stepped forward as Heather stepped back. ‘I am Chief Artar Kate, I treat the Prowlers and with Healer Heather will jointly treat you. I too have not met you all and hope to in the future. We have discovered a way to make it so you have eggs when you want to. It will be at your own choice.’

  There were gasps and tears as females realized for the first time they could choose to have an egg or not. A brown haired, amber eyed female older than the others and a little worn asked, ‘Is this safe and reversible?’

  ‘Oh yes, quite safe, your scientists found the compound many yentas ago, and the Blues and several others on Draygann use it. We have everything necessary to make the serum and when you wish to have eggs again, we will administer the canceller. I know what I am about to say may sound cold. My advice is for you all to make use of this serum, so you can come to Maikonia and give yourselves a chance to settle in. To look around and discover you are more than egg producers.’

  Just about every female’s head was nodding in agreement. Kate stepped back as Heather stepped forward and said. ‘So think about what Artar Kate has said, because ladies, I am sure you are aware as your body receives more nutrients and regular food you will once again be able to sustain producing an egg. Now if this is something you want, that is wonderful, we will welcome any young to our home world. If however it is not. Then please visit us in the med unit and we will administer the serum. As you may know we also rescued eggs that had been stock piled. Healer Heddro has assured me there may be people wishing to claim eggs. So if that is so, please see me so we can protect your eggs for you. If you do not want the eggs, please tell us this too.’ She smiled as she said gently. ‘Please do not fear, we will keep all the eggs safe until they are claimed, there is no hurry. It is your right to have babies when you want. Thank you.’

  Peyton stood and said. ‘Whether this makes a difference or not, I do not know, but I have to say I am in agreement with Heather and Kate. I want you all to give yourselves a chance at living in a free society. To learn how to live on your new home worlds without the feelings of guilt you may have for not producing an egg straight away. You have time, but again this is your choice, and the decision is between you and your mate.’

  ‘We don’t have mates.’ Yelled a young male from the middle of the auditorium.

  Peyton smiled gently. ‘Yeah you do, you just don’t want to admit it. I understand how having a mate could have been used against you as it was for Healer Heddro and his mate.’

  Several heads nodded as Heddro clasped his mate’s hand in his.

  ‘It was not for that reason. Bronzes don’t fledge, that is a myth from the past.’ Yelled a female this time.

  Peyton smiled as she said. ‘Really, maybe you should tell Healer Heddro and his mate that. Or perhaps let Warmaster Coraan know there is no such thing as a mate. He as you all know claimed his fledge last night.’

  There were smiles and a few laughs at this, Peyton said. ‘We on Maikonia value our mates, we love and honor them by admitting they are our hearts. S
o do not fool yourselves, you have mates. It is in your histories, read them and see what you did and did not have. Oh, before I go much further, all the histories of your species and ours are available for you to read. Also if you want to know what was in the document, the other seniors sent to me last eve, it is available as well. If you have not received it yet, we will provide a tablet for everyone before you leave here today. Now there are people ready to show you how to use the tablets. I have been assured there is an education program on the tablet that will guide you through the process. As we all know, you younger people will grasp this quicker than everyone else, so please help the older people if you can.’

  Several young adults laughed and nudged each other. ‘Also, seniors if you could go to the diner and speak to Lady Esther and Lady Brenda about food requirements for your species. They await you after this meeting, thank you. This brings me to another point flight, you do not fly because it was not allowed, and some because you have never been taught. Well, that will be corrected when we return home. Classes on flying will be held by instructors and everyone will fly without exception.’

  The gasps of surprised astonishment was sad to hear and gratifying as well. Senior Karron stood again as he asked. ‘Madam who will you get to instruct our people. You cannot, you have no wings. None of your people do. I doubt you have ever flown without aid?’

  She smiled. ‘Senior Karron speaks truth, neither myself nor my people can fly or have flown under our own power. As you can see we do not have wings.’

  At the sound of disappointment that swept the auditorium, she held her hand up. ‘But we are very fortunate to have seniors who know how and who have flown and know what must occur so your people may fly?’

  Slowly every senior stood as one, where once they had been bent over with the weight of despair. Suddenly their backs straightened and strength returned to their expressions. Senior Karron asked. ‘You would allow us to do this?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Senior Karron, all you seniors, which by the way is a name I cannot seem to get behind. You are surely not old enough to be relegated to titles of ancient people. So let us do something about that now. All seniors from now on will be called Lord or Lady. If you are willing for the designation to be changed, that is?’

  A female with a lined face who had eyes of clear gold stood by Lord Karron, and even though she was still thin, she emanated strength. Her beautiful wings were of a soft tan color.

  ‘My name is Mali. I am mate to Lord Karron.’ She said this with a determined tilt to her chin, daring any to say differently. He took her hand in his and beamed a smile at her and around at the others near them. She smiled and inclined her head to Peyton as she asked. ‘Madam, are your seniors named so?’

  Peyton said. ‘Well, we do not really have ancient people, but our non- military are all addressed as such. Is that okay, cause there is Commander Marlo, Lady Brenda and Lady Esther for you to talk to about this?’

  Mali agreed. ‘I like the titles they are so much younger sounding.’ She stood with her hand still in her mates.

  Peyton grinned. ‘I agree. Now Lord Karron as I was saying, there is no allowing you to fly, it is a necessity, if you and the others do not teach, who will?’

  The new Lord Karron smiled, and it took yentas off his face, he bowed as did the others standing with him. ‘We accept Madam.’

  ‘I thank you.’ Peyton returned the bow. They sat again beaming quiet smiles at each other. ‘So this brings me to First Commander Hawk Roeah. You will all be answerable to First Commander Roeah regardless of if you are in the military or not. This will, include your Warmasters.’

  She nodded to Hawk, and he returned the salute, then took her place on the stage. ‘As Madam said, I am Commander Hawk, I help Madam oversee Maikonia. But I am First Commander of the Warriors. If you do wish to join our Armee, we will train you, teach you to fly, teach you to fight from the air, to fight period. To use weapons while in flight and on the ground. You will learn unfamiliar languages and to read and write in those languages. You will learn etiquette and for those of you who do not know what that is, look it up. We will not coddle you. You will make the grade or you will not stay a Warrior, and if that happens then other employment will be found for you. Listen to me, when I say we do not waste lives. I mean this, you are not fodder to be thrown away. You have value and worth. Just because you may not be a Warrior, does not mean you are useless. On the contrary, you are prized. My mate is not military, has no interest in becoming a Warrior and for that I am grateful. Most of my family are not Warriors, but as Madam Peyton will tell you. We are all military whether we fight or are in support of our Warriors. It is what we are.’

  A hand shot up from a young female four rows from the front. She had a sweet face as she called out. ‘Commander Hawk.’

  ‘Your name?’

  ‘Dana Surgan, Commander.’

  ‘What can I do for you, Cadet Dana?’ She beamed at the title and asked. ‘Commander, if we do not become Warriors, can we still fly?’

  Hawk looked from her worried face to the rows of people sitting waiting for his reply. He nodded his head and softened his tone. ‘A good question Cadet Dana, thank you for addressing it.’

  No one near the female could fail to see the shy, pleased expression on her face at his compliment.

  ‘Flying is not something you do it is your right and your destiny, it is who you are. In time you will realize this. You will fly for Maikonia.’

  With those stirring words and accompanied by applause and shouts of excitement, Hawk returned to his seat. Darby grinned and gave him the thumbs up, which he grinned at.

  Peyton stood and there was instant silence. ‘I have one more thing to say, then I am finished. I would recommend you think about changing your name. You can no longer accept the title of Draygonissia, your birth world is closed to you. It was from the moment the Darganissa made you enemies of Drayganns.’

  Sadness enveloped the auditorium as she softly told them. ‘I am not telling you anything you have not already worked out for yourselves. You are far too intelligent not to have realized this, and for those that had not. I am sorry but the hard truth is, you cannot call Draygann home any longer. So I ask you to think about what I am going to say now. Realize you are and always have been so much more than the captives you were forced to be, the Bronze Draygonissia were a threat to the others of Draygann. You were stronger of mind and body and have an innate sense of justice that they worked hard to suppress within you. Well, we want it to shine, we want you to shine, to be who you are meant to be, to fly to the stars.’

  Ranarra stood as Peyton turned to him, he bowed to her and said to the audience as she regained her seat.

  ‘You all know me. I am Warmaster Ranarra and a name for us has been suggested, but before I tell you what it is or we debate another name. Let me tell you what I have learned this morn. When the Star Daughter’s people, the humans came to Maikonia, they changed their identity and became Maikonian Terrans, and they wear it proudly. When the Warriors came to Maikonia, they changed their identity and became Maikonian Warriors and they wear it proudly. When the Turqualls came to Maikonia, they changed their identity and became Maikonian Prowlers, and they wear it proudly. When the Senes and Masters came to Maikonia, they changed their identity and became the Mystics of Maikonia, and they wear it proudly. When the Solverea family came to Maikonia, they changed their identity and became the Maikonian Assaen’s and spy agency, and they wear it proudly.’

  Peyton looked at Darby and whispered. ‘They did?’

  ‘Yes, now hush ignorant leader.’

  Ranarra spread his hands wide as he said. ‘That is how they all see themselves, they have their own identity and yet they are Maikonian and are proud to call Maikonia home. I want us to do the same and be one with the Maikonian people. I want us to acknowledge our mates, to love them openly like Lord and Lady Karron do. To find mates as my brother has, to have young who are proud of us, of our world. I want to have a voice and I
want a Maikonian identity. I want... No, I need to be proud of our species, we are worthy of that.’

  Everyone stood and roared their approval of his speech, then they started stomping and chanting.


  Ranarra smiled as he bowed to his brother and Melody as they walked on stage and in a voice filled with the power of the Warmaster, Coraan called out.

  ‘We are Maikonian Draygons.’

  Smiling with pride and joy Ranarra called out.

  ‘We will fly the skies.’

  Zenerra swiftly stood and with a catch in her voice she added her own battle cry.

  ‘Beware the sound of our silent death!’

  The place erupted in cheers and roars of approval as they chanted, Maikonian Draygons, over and over.

  Peyton hugged Coraan. ‘Welcome to the family Coraan.’

  ‘I thank you Peyton.’

  Then she hugged Melody and told her. ‘Party in the diner, it’s all arranged.’

  Melody’s eyes were shining, and she wore a relaxed expression, as though yentas had been removed from her overnight, then her eyes narrowed. ‘What… wait, it’s not a joining party is it? Because I’m like Heather and am waiting for you all.’

  Heather assured her it was not. ‘As if we would let that happen.’

  Peyton grumbled. ‘Seriously, where is the trust?’

  ‘Scared of Esther, huh!’

  Peyton sighed as she hugged Melody again. ‘Armee Girl, you amuse me.’

  Melody laughed then sobered and said. ‘Bacon is very upset.’

  ‘He is just confused, and you have spoiled him shockingly.’


  Diverting the ire she could see building Peyton quickly said. ‘Nice tats.’

  Melody actually blushed as she held her arms out to show off her blessing from the Star Child. The markings were purple and bronze, she said with a sigh. ‘I like them.’


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