Ste 115 2

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Ste 115 2 Page 2

by Jake Ward

  "Please Sir, please.........don't do this........I can be a good slave........please........" 109 continued to beg, as Trainer calmly loaded the shell into the chamber of the shotgun and locked the barrel back into firing position.

  Then with a calm that further unnerved a desperate 109, Trainer, almost gently asked, "Do you think you can be a good slave and do what you're told?"

  "Yes Sir," 109 wept, "I'll do whatever you want Sir, I'll never give you a problem......please Sir, I'll be the best slave you've ever trained," he continued as tears streamed down his ebony face.

  "Okay then," Trainer said matter of factly as he brought the end of the barrel of the shotgun towards 109's face, "open your mouth.........wide."

  All of a sudden the room went dead silent, even 109's weeping came to an abrupt halt, as 109 realized the conundrum he now faced. Panic came into his eyes as he realized that to resist would show that he was refusing to be the slave he said he could be, and if he opened his mouth then he was one step closer to the shotgun being put there and used to blast his very life out of him. He let out a soft moaning wail as he struggled to decide what he should do, and Trainer looked on with a look of determination in his face.......he would have his way. Slowly, with tears continuing down his face and the moaning unresolved, 109 began to open his mouth. His mostly perfect white teeth glistened from the pink orifice framed by the black skin as he hesitantly opened his mouth about an inch wide.

  "Now to do what I need to do here boy, you're going to have to open wider than that. Open your mouth wide boy, like you'd have to in order to get 101's dick inside it," Trainer said forcefully while his deathly gaze remained locked on 109's eyes.

  109 moaned a little almost sounded like he was saying words without the use of his lips or tongue, so nothing was intelligible, but no one present could misunderstand the 109 continued to beg for his life, while he also tried to be an obedient slave by opening his mouth further. Forgotten were the weights on his balls and tits that had been causing him such discomfort only a moment ago. His whole being was focused on this man in front of him, as, finally, with his mouth opened wide enough, Trainer put the end of the shotgun barrel in 109's mouth until 109 could feel the round opening in the barrel with his tongue. He was beyond himself with fear now. He felt the warmth of his own piss running down his legs. He had thought he would make it, that he would a slave maybe, but he would still survive. Now he didn't know if he'd be alive past the next few minutes.

  Trainer held the gun in 109's mouth with his right hand, it was awkward, but for a man his size and with his strength it was doable. Then with his left hand he grasped 109's ball sac that had been taunt from the weight and started squeezing his balls. 109 hadn't thought his life could get any worse, but it seemed there was no limit to the ingenuity and cruelty of this man. He was still mumbling unintelligibly as tears ran down his face, snot leaked out his nose, and saliva ran down the barrel of the shotgun, only now he felt his gut being torn out from the pressure on his balls.........maybe death would be better.......

  "Now listen to me, you piece of shit, and do what I tell you," Trainer said with a firmness that demanded response from 109, "shut the fuck up, right now, or I'm ending all of it right here. I don't want another sound to come out of that cock sucking mouth of yours. I want you to listen to me, and listen good. You say you're willing to be a good slave, to do whatever you're told, well that doesn't mean shit to me you stupid cunt. I can make anybody do what I tell them. There's nothing to that, it's just power and terror in the right combination, and that'll make a slave out of anybody, but that's not what I'm about here. I want more than that, and you'll give it to me or so help me God, I'll blow the back of your head all over that wall. We START with you doing whatever you're told around here boy, but we go a lot further than that to make you what we want you to be. That's why you have to obey immediately when a real man tells you to do something. I don't want you to think about whether you'll respond or try and calculate how far you have to go.......I want your immediate and complete obedience with all your soul. If I can't have that, then I can stop wasting my time with you right now."

  Trainer's hand had continued to squeeze 109's nuts in a vice like grip while he had been speaking. Yet, in spite of all the pain, 109 had heard every word. In it somewhere he realized that Trainer was trying to decide if he would be worth the effort required to make him that kind of slave. He wanted to tell Trainer he'd do anything, but chose to stay perfectly quiet, since his last instruction was to remain so. He finally realized that a slave doesn't consider every command, a slave obeys, and the master considers the consequences. He couldn't start being a good slave for Trainer tomorrow, or the next day, either he was a good slave or he wasn't. A good slave would continue to obey the last command his master gave him, regardless of the circumstances. He would show Trainer that he didn't want to become a good slave, but rather that he already was one. He would have to hope that Trainer would notice.

  "I know what you're thinking shithead, do you think this is the first time I've had someone in this room like this. Are you that stupid? You're thinking I'll show him I can be a good slave, don't you get it yet? I don't need for you to become a good slave, I need for you to become a great slave so I can make you into what I really want you to become, a sex toy. A sex toy that someone will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to possess, and if you think you're close to that reality, let me ask you something. How many dicks have you sucked since you've been here? How many times has someone fucked you in your cunt? Fact is, you couldn't tell me the answer to either one of those questions because it has happened so many times. Now let me ask you another question. How many dicks have you sucked since you got here that you truly tried to give pleasure to the man attached to that dick? How many times have you done more than just prayed it would soon be over and given yourself completely to the man you were servicing, done everything you could think of to make it the most pleasurable experience that man ever had? many times? You know the answer if you think about it, don't you, not once, and you're telling me that you can be a good slave. BULLSHIT!"

  109 felt a chill go through him as he realized that Trainer was right, but it was an unfair statement. He hadn't asked to become a slave. He'd been abducted and cruelly held against his will and made to do unspeakable things routinely, but he had endured. Only now, Trainer was saying that enduring wasn't enough......he hadn't really tried to be a good slave. That wasn't fair, it was an unreasonable expectation, only he wasn't in a position to argue his defense.

  "I know," Trainer said again, "I can read it in your eyes. You want to tell me this was all forced on you, this wasn't your choice, it's not fair to expect that of you under these circumstances. Right?! Let me ask you something cuntface, how many people are told every day that they have cancer? They think, how is it possible, not me, it's not fair, but guess what......they still have cancer. How many people have a loved one drop dead of a heart attack, and they say, it's not fair, they were in good health, but they're still dead. Fair doesn't have shit to do with it. I told you the first day you arrived here that you were a slave. That was months ago, and absolutely nothing has happened to you that would indicate that that was a false statement. Quite the opposite, everything that has happened to you has affirmed that statement, and still you're lost in an issue of fairness. You're a breath away from death, and you still don't get it. So I'm going to say this one last attention now, YOU ARE A SLAVE!!! And the only issue before us now is whether you're worth further training or would I be ahead to just cut my losses."

  The room grew silent as Trainer held the gun in 109's mouth and continued to apply pressure to his pain ridden balls. 109 knew the moment had come, and there was nothing he could do about it, he couldn't even beg. He just waited to see what his future would be. The moment seemed to last forever, and during it he knew exactly what he would say to Trainer if he was ever allowed to speak again. He waited, tears
running down his face, agony radiating from his groin to every part of his body. Then, it was almost imperceptible, but he thought he felt the gun move slightly........out, out of his mouth. He was careful not to move as the pain from his nuts became almost unbearable. Finally, the barrel of the shotgun was out of his mouth and Trainer lowered the mouth of the gun downward to the floor, but kept his grip on 109's balls as he continued to stare into his eyes.

  Carefully, not wanting to upset this man in any way, 109 asked submissively, "Sir, may I speak?"

  "I wonder what a worthless piece of shit like you could have to say that would be of any interest to me," Trainer said, then waited, but 109 was careful not to speak until he had been given permission. "Speak slave."

  "Sir, please, please, make me a better slave. Teach me what I need to know to please you in any way you desire, and to please any man that I'm privileged to serve. Please Sir, teach me, make me the kind of slave you would be proud to say, 'I trained him.' Please Sir."

  Trainer let the words wash over him like the garlands of the victor after a battle. For indeed, he had been engaged in a war with 109, and this particular victory was very sweet, although he knew it had to be combined with another before he would reach his goal. But the victory here was that for the first time, 109 had not spoken of "becoming" a slave, he had not used the future tense. For the first time he had referred to himself as a slave in the here and now. The only reference to the future was the request to become an even better slave. He had won the battle for his body when he had been delivered to him by Watts, now he had won the battle for his mind, he had yet to when the battle for his soul, and that's the one he wanted the most. That was the battle that would begin right now.

  Trainer's next move couldn't have surprised 109 more if he'd sprouted wings and started flying around the room. 109 saw Trainer look at him, and his expression actually softened a little as he came even closer to him. Trainer pressed his body next to 109's, brought his hand to the back of 109's head and to his complete surprise and total confusion, embraced him lovingly. 109 was used to being beaten, raped, humiliated, terrified, but he had never expected to be assaulted by a passionate embrace. He could feel himself losing his bearings as Trainer continued to hold him to himself, their bodies warm next to each other's, the sounds of their hearts in each other's ears, the feel of their skin against each other, the roughness of Trainer's stubble on his face rubbing against 109's cheek. And then, Trainer slowly pulled his head back just enough to look into 109's eyes, to gaze into them, barely a breath between them, then Trainer moved his lips to 109's and kissed him. 109 felt the heat of Trainer's mouth on his, he felt his own mouth being opened a little by Trainer's mouth as Trainer pushed his tongue inside that beautiful warm orifice, and continued to embrace 109, to love him, to conquer him completely.

  109's mind was reeling, his emotions were all over the place. Only a moment ago he had had a shotgun in his mouth and was facing oblivion. Now this man was holding him......loving him, and it had been so long, so long since he had felt any compassion, any caring, any affection. So long since another person had comforted him and he had endured so much, craved this compassion so much, wanted to hold someone, to cry, to release the anger, the hate, to FEEL again, something other than pain and fear. 109 didn't understand what was happening within him, but at a primal level he began to respond to this embrace, he felt himself emerge from wherever he had been into a place that was completely new to him. His arms were still restrained on the arms of the cross, but his spirit was no longer so constrained, he began to kiss Trainer back with a passion he didn't realize he had. He had never kissed a man before like this, but it seemed an act beyond gender, he simply wanted to feel the passion of this person next to him. He didn't want to lose that, he responded in kind to Trainer, he continued to strain at his bonds to get closer.

  Trainer noticed the shift in 109 almost immediately. He knew what he was putting 109 through emotionally, and 109's response was like a taste of fresh honey. A little longer, Trainer decided, bringing 109 even closer to himself and further down a road 109 had thought he would never travel. Trainer smiled within himself, knowing the pleasure he would have with this toy, and the money he would make off him. A moment longer Trainer decided, then we'll continue going places you never dreamed of boy, and all of them for my pleasure and my profit.

  109 was completely lost in the moment. He had no idea where the passion, he was responding to Trainer with, was coming from. His sense of disorientation was complete, much like an out of body experience, but he was certainly not out of his body, which he continued to strain to get closer to Trainer. Then he noticed that even though he was straining even more, Trainer seemed to be further away. Trainer was withdrawing, moving back a little, leaving a void in 109's life, and even as nature abhors a vacuum, 109's body felt itself almost being pulled to be next to Trainer, to fill the emptiness between them with his own physicality. Yet Trainer continued to back away and 109 could not follow as much as he wanted to, their eyes still locked.

  Finally, 109 felt his own beautiful body begin to relax a little, to rest itself against the cross he was strapped to, only to notice that his cock was pointing straight up, almost touching his abdomen, hard as steel. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt his cock truly throbbing, aching to be satisfied, but he was feeling it now, and it only added to his confusion. What was happening to him?

  Trainer, on the other hand, wasn't confused at all. He understood exactly what was happening to 109 since he was the one doing it to him. Now he was ready, and Trainer decided to take 109 to the next level. He moved a little further back and picked up two Velcro straps off of a side table. Then he came back to 109 and went down on one knee. He quickly wrapped each piece of Velcro strapping around 109's thighs. The straps were high on his thighs into his crotch. He then released 109's right arm from the cross and fastened that arm by its wrist to the Velcro strap on the right thigh. Then he repeated the process on his left side, and finally released 109's legs from the cross. 109 was a bit wobbly, but Trainer helped him to move from the cross to another low platform near the opposite wall. 109 realized that he hadn't even noticed this platform before, so engaged had he previously been with what Trainer was doing with him.

  Now he found himself being led to a most unusual platform. He couldn't imagine it's use, and that frightened him some, but he felt somehow different right now. His feelings toward Trainer were so confused right now. What had just happened, how could he have responded that way to this man, and yet his touch right now was like electricity. His arms were confined to his sides so there was no way he could resist Trainer, even without the ever present slave collar around his neck, but he didn't want to resist right now. He didn't have to be constrained right now, Trainer could have just commanded him and he knew he would have obeyed.........but why? Oh he realized he had no choice but to obey, but he also realized right now that he would have chosen to obey, and the fact was, a couple of hours ago, that might not have been the case. What was happening?

  The platform that Trainer was leading him to was about a foot off the ground. It was wooden with smooth indentations and a couple of holes, but the most unusual aspect was a canvas apparatus that stood out at a slight angle on its surface. It was off center with two thick poles coming out of the top of the platform, again at a small angle. The canvas formed what appeared to be half of an elongated tube, with its ends wrapped around those poles, which secured the canvas in place. It' purpose was completely unknown to 109.

  "Listen to me boy," Trainer said gently, and 109 found himself listening intently. "I've devised this apparatus to help you hear something, but you'll still have to do your part to really hear what I have to say." 109 looked at Trainer with an expression of confusion, there was nothing about the apparatus which seemed designed for any auditory experience, there were no electronics or speakers or anything.

  As Trainer stepped onto the platform and led 109 there as well, he told 109 to get on his knees ju
st in front of the canvas structure but facing away from it. As 109 started to comply, he realized that there were smooth indentions in the wood for his knees to rest in. They were quite wide apart, but it was okay. Then Trainer gently began to push 109 down on his haunches, 109 found padded holes, right where they would need to be, for his feet to slide into so that being on his knees this way was actually quite comfortable. Then Trainer pushed 109's shoulders back until his back was resting against the canvas, and further, Trainer pushed 109's head back until it too was resting against the canvas. It was an unusual semi-sitting position, but actually a very comfortable one. In fact, this was the most comfortable 109 had been since he had been abducted. His entire body was relaxed against the wooden base and the canvas backing. His legs were oddly spread which exposed his cock and balls, making him feel slightly vulnerable, but since Trainer could have his cock and balls anytime he wanted them, this wasn't that noticeable. However, 109 was still very confused, what was Trainer going to do to him?

  "Listen to me 109, I want to talk to you for a little while, and it's really important that you do your best to hear me. Much of your future will depend on how well you hear me for the next little while," said Trainer. He was ready, he had been working on his technique for over a year, and he knew he could handle 109 right now as he began. He was careful to keep his voice steady, almost monotone, with authority, but also a gentleness. Without 109 knowing it, Trainer was going to place him in an hypnotic state. This wasn't for any theatrical purpose, this was real. Hypnosis is actually a beneficial way to encourage someone to focus their attention on something, and in doing so to help them hear something at a deep emotional and psychological level. It's not about getting them to do tricks or even something against their will, because hypnosis won't accomplish that. It's about helping someone hear on a level deep enough that it may affect their decision making process. It's not magic or a trick, it's a form of science that is often beneficially used, and Trainer was convinced that that was what he was doing now, he was helping 109 achieve the goal Trainer had for him.


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