Ste 115 2

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by Jake Ward

  "I want you to relax while you listen to me 109. Close your eyes and relax completely," he said as he began a slow and methodic approach to 109's subconscious. This went on for almost thirty minutes with Trainer occasionally asking a question and 109 responding, haltingly at first, then more willingly as he went deeper into a kind of restful awareness. Always, Trainer focused on 109 relaxing even more, in this way, he continued to go deeper into himself. An untrained observer might look at what was going on and wonder, is it possible to hypnotize someone into becoming a slave, and Trainer would be the first to assure them, no, that's not possible. That wasn't what he was trying to accomplish, he simply wanted to reach 109's subconscious and plant some ideas that 109 would be able to develop in his upcoming training. This was part of the new methodology that he and the Doctor had developed.

  109 was finally relaxed, responding well, and receptive to what Trainer wanted to say to him, and so, in an almost conversational tone Trainer asked him, "Do you remember when you were nine or ten years old boy?"

  109's face showed some concentrated reflection, then a almost jovial smile as he responded, "Yes Sir, I remember being 10."

  "Tell me boy, did you have a favorite toy when you were 10?"

  "Oh yes Sir, I did. I had a wonderful set of GI Joe action figures. My parents and aunts and uncles would give me those figures for my birthday and Christmas. They knew I loved playing with them. We had a ravine behind our house and it was a great place to set up battle fields, I can remember playing there for hours," 109 smiled with the memory, and Trainer was surprised with how beautiful 109 was when he truly smiled. He would have to remember that, so he could take advantage of it when clients were here.

  "So tell me, what did you do with your GI Joe figures when you weren't playing with them?"

  "Oh, I had a special place for them all, and I would keep them there, so I knew they were safe."

  "You really loved those toys, didn't you boy?"

  "Oh yes Sir, they were great, they were always among my favorites."

  "Would you be surprised if I told you that we never out grow our love of toys? We get older and develop more sophisticated tastes, but all of us remember some favorite toy, and that memory encourages us to continue to find a toy that pleases and engages us. Some of us grow into video games, others grow into more reality based games in business or the stock markets, but our sense of play, our desire to win, is always closely related to the love of toys. Did you know that boy?"

  109 found himself surprised by what Trainer was saying. It was so obviously true, he'd never realized how true it had been in his life. The toys he had played with as a child or the games he had played, had prepared him for many things in his adult life. He realized that toys were truly a remarkable part of our lives, or was it Trainer who had just said that, he was getting a little confused, he needed to focus..........Trainer had said to focus, but what he was saying about toys was all true, he'd just never thought of it that way before.

  "The fact is that all of us continue to love playing with various kinds of toys," Trainer was saying, "as we grow older our toys become more elaborate, but you've heard men talk about boats or cars or even guns as their toys. For some of us, as we achieve various levels of success, we reward ourselves with a new toy, something that engages us and we enjoy playing with. That's what we do here boy. We work for men who want a particular type of toy. Our clients are among the world's richest and most powerful men, and wealthy powerful men crave toys just like little boys. Their toys can be mansions, estates, jets, yachts, horses, exotic cars and women, but for many of them there is one toy that is particularly desirable and fulfilling, to own, another person, to own a man and to be able to use that man for your own sexual pleasure, especially if that man would never have dreamed of being your slave. That is a toy that these men will pay fortunes for, just as they do for the other toys they play with. Only this toy gives them a pleasure they don't find in any of the others. This toy lets them know that they truly are rich and powerful, that they can do things that others can't even imagine, and just as importantly, force others to do things they never imagined themselves doing."

  "Do you understand what I'm saying boy?" Trainer asked this question calmly and with some force, giving 109 enough time to absorb the truth of what he had heard. "Think about it boy, the rush from being able possess another human being, an opportunity we thought was gone, but as it turns out, still exists for our wealthiest and most powerful men. To be able to control every aspect of another man's life and take from that man anything you want, to make that man a toy, your toy. Now that becomes a toy worth having, worth playing with, worth taking care of, just the way you took care of your GI Joe figures. Do you hear what I'm saying boy?"

  109 did hear what Trainer was saying, and he began to understand how men would desire such a toy, how such a toy could please great and powerful men. He had never imagined such a reality existed, but now he wondered how he could not have, of course such men would have devised a way to have such magnificent toys to play with, of course such powerful men could take what they wanted. Hadn't it always been that way? It was as if, for the first time, he was catching a glimpse of how the world really worked, and it made sense.

  Trainer could see that 109 was thinking about what he was saying, he could almost see the thoughts that were crossing underneath 109's closed eyelids. He knew he was getting through and decided it was time for the next step. He got close enough for 109 to feel his breath and the warmth of his presence. He continued to speak warmly to 109, but now he added the warmth and touch of his hand that had been generously anointed with an aromatic oil. He began to rub 109's torso with his hand, going deep down his abdomen, just barely coming to his crotch where 109's cock began to rise again.

  "Just think boy, just think what it would feel like to be one of those remarkable toys, to be so desired by those rich and powerful men. To have them bidding for you, vying for the opportunity to claim you as their own. To be cared for and appreciated by them, just as you cared for and appreciated your favorite toys. Would that be such a terrible thing boy?"

  109 was lost in a confusion of emotions, feelings and images. He could remember loving his GI Joe figures and having such good times with them, he craved the idea of being cherished by another is such a way, he could literally feel being caressed and cared for, the sexual tension within himself was building as he struggled to get a handle on it all, but these feelings kept swirling around him.

  Trainer could now see a steady flow of pre-cum oozing out of 109's rock hard cock. He could see how 109's body was responding to his touch, to his words, to its own confusion with all he had heard. His breath was quickening and he knew he would have to monitor him carefully to keep him on the edge, but to prevent him from feeling release. The sexual tension was a part of all of this, and he wanted that mixed into the memories of this event that 109 would carry with him from this session.

  This remarkable and imaginative assault on 109 continued this way for almost another hour before Trainer felt he was ready for the next step. By then 109 was sitting in a pool of his own pre-cum, his unsated cock still oozing more as his breathing had continued to be rapid. Most of his body now had oil on it mixed in with his own sweat, as Trainer had run his hands over his legs, his arms, even sneaking a grope between his legs into his ass crack. He thought 109 was going to explode when he ran his hand between his ass cheeks and actually fingered that lovely asshole, but he had watched him closely and not allowed it to happen. All along still talking, only now 109 was responding more often with respectful affirmatives. Trainer was winning and he could feel it. 109's eyes were still closed, he was still in the same position that Trainer had put him in when he began this session, but that was the only thing that was the same.......109 was being transformed, and what was even more remarkable, at some level, 109 was participating in that transformation. Trainer knew it was time to give it a name and make it a reality.

  "Here's the interesting part in al
l of this boy," Trainer said almost off handedly, "you have been given a chance to actually be one of those toys, one of those desired and loved toys. Think about it, to have someone desire you like that, want to possess you the same way you enjoyed having those GI Joe figures. You could be like that. I know when you came here you kept saying you weren't gay, but don't you see, this isn't about some sexual orientation. Toys don't have genders or sexual orientations, that's something people have.......and toys aren't people, they're objects, aren't they boy."

  "Yes Sir," 109 responded as he understood the logic of what Trainer was saying to him, "they are objects."

  "That's right boy, they're objects, things that bring others pleasure when they're played with, and that's what you can become boy, you can become that object of pleasure, a toy."

  Trainer realized he was at a critical juncture in the process. He wasn't telling 109 to be a toy, he was literally suggesting to him that he could be, if he wanted that as well. Trainer knew for this to work, it also had to seem reasonable to 109, that's why he wanted to get past all the inhibitions and social mores of the conscious self, he wanted to lay the case before the unconscious self, to allow it an opportunity to hear that possibility with as little baggage as possible. Of course Trainer continued to grope 109's body which had become desperate for release.

  That's when 109 seemed to see a light at the end of the tunnel, the combination of all the various forces being used to assault him were beginning to be cleared as he remembered something earlier that day. He had decided he wanted to live, he had decided he would find a way out, he had decided that if that meant he would be a slave, so be it. But now, he was beginning to understand that it might be possible for him to become, not simply a slave, but an object of desire, a cherished toy that someone else would seek to own. He remembered what it felt like when Trainer had embraced him earlier, had kissed him, had made him feel wanted and safe. He could be with someone who wanted him, and it would be away from this place. That knowledge began to churn through his mind with everything else, new thoughts were coming, were they his or Trainer's, did it matter? Then he heard the voice again.

  "Boy, listen to me. Are you listening?"

  "Yes Sir, I'm listening"

  "Would you like to become that reality, I can make you that kind of toy, desired and wanted, would you like that boy?"

  Then rising out of all the pain, all the struggles, all the humiliation, all the loss of everything that had defined him, out of it all, a voice rose from 109's mouth, "Yes Sir, please, can you do that for me?"

  And there it was. Trainer knew that some would argue that what Trainer had done to 109 could not be done, but here it was, 109 requesting him to make him a toy. To be sure there was a great deal of work to be done, but the greatest battle had been fought and won. Just a little more and he could have a little fun and relaxation that he had richly earned.

  "Very well, I accept, I'll make you that toy. You must do as you are told, but not as you have so far, reluctantly, grudgingly, you're going to have to put your heart into boy, you're going to have to work with some determination, because if you don't I'll cast you aside and sell you to some Indonesian whore house. Do you hear me boy? I mean every word. I want to see a great desire in doing everything you're told to do."

  "Yes Sir, I am ready to be that kind of slave for you, I'll do whatever you say, Sir."

  "Then we might as well begin with some basics boy, because you have a long way to go. First, until you are told otherwise you will never use a personal pronoun in reference to yourself. Personal pronouns are used by 'persons', and you are no longer that. Additionally, until the Doctor decides otherwise you will never be referred to by anyone else with a personal pronoun because you are no longer a person, you are an object, you are no longer a you, you are an 'It.' Does It understand what I'm saying? If I ever hear It refer to Itself in any way other than as an object, It will be severely punished. Does It understand?"

  "Yes Sir, ...........It understands, and...........It will try very hard to make you happy with..........It Sir."

  "Now that's what a man wants to hear from his Toy, that It is going to do the best It can to please him. Now listen Toy, we've talked about a great deal during this time, and I want It to remember all of it. I want It to think back on this time, to review it, to rededicate Itself to being the best Toy It can be. One other thing, I've found that most owners enjoy being able to use a Toy's nipples to manipulate and manage It, so I want It to begin opening Itself to the feelings that It experiences when Its nipples are manipulated. In fact, later, after It has thought about our time together, I want It to request that I use a special technique to sensitize Its nipples. Will It remember to do that?"

  "Yes Sir, It will remember, Sir."

  "Good, now It has been very relaxed for a good while, and I want It to begin to move a little and slowly open Its eyes and look at me." Finally, Trainer was beginning to refrain from rubbing 109's body, and 109 began to open Its eyes and look around It. So much had happened and yet the room was just the same. Trainer began to release 109 from the Velcro straps around Its thighs and wrists. "I want It to think, does It remember all that has happened to It and was said to It while It was here?"

  "Yes Sir, It remembers everything that you told It. It still wants you to train It to be a Toy that someone would want to possess, Sir."

  "Good, because we're going to begin that right now." Trainer said as he moved from the platform to a modified chaise that he kept in that part of the room. As he moved to it he took off the leather vest he had been wearing and unsnapped the leather pants so they easily came off. When he got to the chaise his beautiful body was still a little moist from sweating, he had after all, been working very hard. Now he needed to relax a little and 109 was just the relaxation he needed.

  "I want It over here next to this chaise on Its knees ready to give me pleasure.......NOW!"

  109 jumped to comply, It would not give Trainer reason for displeasure.

  "Since sucking my cock is the most refreshing and delightful experience any slave or toy could have, It needs to get used to the command, 'Refresh Its Breath,' and whenever It hears that command, It will immediately commence giving me oral pleasure. Does It understand?"

  "Yes Sir, It understands."

  "Then, as I'm a most considerate Master, It may refresh Its breath."

  With that, 109 bent over Trainer's flaccid cock, remembering to kiss the head before taking it into Its mouth. While there was certainly much to learn, It realized that It had also learned a lot already. It began to run Its tongue around the head of Trainer's uncircumcised cock. Sticking Its tongue into the foreskin to play with the corona of that marvelous mushroomed gland, and feeling its reaction almost immediately as it began to grow. Next 109 carefully placed his right hand on Trainer's muscled legs and began, gently at first, then with a little more force, to massage them and search for pleasure points. With Its left hand 109 did the same to Trainer's chest and abdomen, running Its hand over his defined pecs and even playing a little with one of his nipples to see if he would react. He did, so 109 moved to the other nipple as well.

  Soon Trainer was rock hard and groaning with delight. 109 was actually searching for his sensitive spots and upon discovering them, giving them more attention. The fact that he was bright enough to think of that made Trainer feel even better. 109 was working hard on Trainer's cock. Deep throating had never been something he did particularly well, and he had hated it, but now, he knew that it would be one of the things that Trainer would not expect and would really enjoy. 109 was breathing in Trainer's cock and taking it in until his nose was buried in Trainers pubes. Then he would hold it there a moment, letting that enormous cock stretch his throat a little. He noticed that Trainer's cock was becoming soaked with his saliva.

  "Yes, yes, It is learning how to please a man," Trainer groaned, "don't stop Toy, keep ramming that cock down Its throat. The first time I cum I want It to have my head just inside Its mouth, so It can catch
every drop of my delicious spunk. It needs to keep working my dick, work it, work it. That's right, yes, yes!" Trainer was getting close, and he loved the feeling that was churning in his nuts with his cock swirling in this Toy's mouth. "When I cum It will hold every drop of my cum in Its mouth, don't swallow it, and don't let any of it leak out. I want It to savor the taste of a real man in Its mouth, I want my cum to marinate Its tongue so It will taste me for days."

  109 continued to work frantically on Trainer's cock, doing everything It could think of to increase his pleasure. It had never liked it when these men began using It as a sex object, making It eat their cum. The taste, the texture, the humiliation were all awful, but now It knew that It would do what was being demanded. It would hold Trainer's cum as long as necessary. It wouldn't gag, or make faces, It would simply be the Toy that Trainer wanted It to be.


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