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Ste 115 2

Page 11

by Jake Ward

  "Well slave, I was hoping this could be a short session," Trainer said with some resignation in his voice, " but..........

  "Yes Sir, my eye's open Sir, sorry if I made you wait Sir."

  Trainer could hardly contain himself, he had to fight himself to keep from laughing with pleasure as he looked down at 115, whose left eye was wide open, even as the rest of his body was shaking in fear. Partly because he had to suppress his own good feelings right now, and partly because any lesson like this is better if it's drawn out a little, and partly because he was just a bastard, Trainer held the bottle and the dropper over 115's face for a little longer.

  "Hold very still slave, I don't want to have to do this again," Trainer ordered, as 115 fought every impulse he had in his body to shut his eyes as tightly as he could. It took every ounce of strength he could muster to keep his eyes wide open for this sadist to torture him, but he knew he didn't have a choice, and fighting it would only make it worse. He had no alternatives.......he was a slave.........he understood Trainer now. As he strained to keep his eyes opened.......seeing the liquid falling towards them........he realized that Trainer had been right, he could see his future. His screams began again as the liquid burned it's way around his eyeball. His throat was so raw from screaming that he hadn't thought he could scream anymore.........he was sorely Hell there are no limits on pain and screaming...............

  Chapter 5

  The day for the buyers finally came. Everything was ready, just as Trainer had assured the Doctor that it would be. The compound looked great, and so did the slaves. Each of them had worked on grooming each other under the watchful eyes of the Bosses. The three that had suffered through Trainer's tortures to make sure they were aware of how important their obedience would be during this day, all looked good. Each had experienced several more moments of terror as the Bosses had been dropping eye drops in their eyes for the past several days. The first couple of times each of the slaves was terrified that they were about to experience that pain again, but each one of them offered their eyes up to the Bosses when told to open wide and tilt their heads back. As soon as the cooling liquid hit their eyes they almost wept with relief, as for the Bosses they simply chuckled as they mimicked the commercial, "Murine, it gets the red out."

  So all was ready, but as a final touch as the slaves were brought out to stand in front of their cells so the buyers could get up close and personal, Trainer gave a quick "ZAP" to all of them at the same time, from their collars. All ten of them grabbed their collars, but only got their fingers zapped as a result. All of them were screaming for a moment, then the charge ceased.

  "Just a little reminder ladies that if anything, and I do mean anything, happens that I'm dissatisfied with, all of you will suffer. Do I make myself clear!?"

  "Yes Sir," the slaves responded in unison as they got back in their positions. They had all received more training on how to present themselves to the customers. They were not wearing any restraints, partly as a show of their docility for the buyers, and partly because the restraints were a redundant precaution anyway with Trainer and all six Bosses there at the same time. There was almost a one to one ratio as it was, and with all the other advantages, none of the slaves thought there was any chance to do anything. The Doctor wanted his slaves to appear obedient, beautiful, and ready to please a Master, and Trainer had succeeded exceptionally well in each category even though he'd had some of them for less than two months. A lot of progress had been made, and it showed.

  Trainer had met both of the buyers in the Doctor's office earlier that day. He smiled to himself now, knowing that these slaves were extremely apprehensive. They didn't know what to expect, but Trainer was pretty sure they weren't expecting what would be coming. He'd read enough porn to know that the prospective customer in the story was always a great looking hunk of a guy. He almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of it. Why would a great looking hunk have to go out and spend a fortune to get a slave??? A great looking hunk could simply go to any leather bar and walk out with a of charge. Trainer continued to smile to himself, as the Bosses began to wonder what was getting to him.

  The first buyer, Buyer X, as he would be referred to, for only the Doctor knew the names of his clients, was a guy in his late forties, 5' 7", slightly balding and a little pudgy, but when you looked into his eyes you didn't find anything soft there. The Doctor could see some of the same traits that he suspected were prevalent in the thugs of the former century known as Nazis. The Doctor had explained to Trainer that this computer geek was worth billions. He probably had a personal trainer, and exercised some, but he spent his real time in computer labs coming up with ideas that in turn created money, a lot of money. Now he wanted to spend some of it for his own entertainment, and the Doctor and Trainer were glad to help him in that endeavor.

  The second buyer, Buyer Y, was in a little better shape, and was probably in his early fifties. A more intense kind of guy, the Doctor explained that he had made a fortune in the Market, and pulled most of it out prior to the crash. Now he was picking up sensational buys and increasing his billions. In short, he also had an itch to scratch, and he was hoping to find just the right toy to scratch it with. He'd always been the butt of jokes of more muscular guys, in high school and college, but when it came to the realm of business, he had few equals, now he could afford to buy some of those muscular guys and treat them any way he wanted, and the way he wanted to treat them was rough, very rough. So he found it more convenient to simply own them.

  The procedure on the days that there were multiple buyers was that the first buyer to actually accept a date would review the slaves first and choose the two or three that might best suit his purposes. Then the second buyer to accept the date would review the slaves. If there was an overlap on the requests for personal time with the slaves they would occur in order of requests. On this date the buyers received their titles based on when they made the appointment. Buyer X would preview the slaves first, then Buyer Y. Then the buyer had the option of spending time with the slaves individually, or in any combination they chose. The Doctor found this system had worked well, and it helped to let the Buyers know that one of the other Buyers was previewing a slave before them. A little sense of urgency never seemed to hurt in the process.

  When Buyer X came into the cell block, he found ten beautiful naked men standing in front of their cells in a position very similar to Parade Rest, except each of them was looking slightly downward. However, since he was a little shorter than most of them, he could still see most of their faces.. Buyer X liked the feeling he had coming into the room. He already owned several large homes, he had garages of cars, he even owned a race horse, but he had never felt quite like this before, and it was a feeling he thought he would come to like. The feeling of power that he now experienced with these ten slaves standing around him. The Doctor had told him that he was free to touch, examine or command the slaves in any way as he examined them. They were property, and he was the interested buyer. The Doctor also told him that a room would be made available to him where he could further examine the slave in privacy, and use the slave in pretty much any way he wanted. He was not allowed to harm the slave in any permanent way, since he didn't own it yet. All of this was making Buyer X hard while he was deciding which slaves he wanted to examine in private.

  Buyer X moved up to 113 and told him to raise his face so he could see him better. 113 responded immediately, raising his face and looking straight forward. X was standing right in front of 113 and reached out and started squeezing one of his nipples. 113, who was looking straight through X, now looked into X's eyes. X could see the fear in his eyes, but there was something else........something........confusion, perhaps. But X wasn't confused, he was having fun. He reached down and cupped 113's balls in his hand, he liked the feel of them, though he hadn't decided yet if he wanted his slave to have balls. He knew he was going to feminize his slave, but he didn't know to what degree yet. However, he k
new this beautiful Asian man would make a lovely Asian girl. 113 only knew that since he had been wearing a ball weight almost constantly for well over a month, his balls were hanging lower than he had ever experienced, and his reward was having this man enjoy himself fondling them. He was determined not to cry, but it wasn't just wasn't.

  "AAGGGHHHHH," 113 moaned as X squeezed his nuts more and more. X was impressed that 113 didn't try moving away at all, but took whatever he wanted to do to him. X liked that.

  He moved next to 104. He loved the look of this one, his body was firm, but not bulky. He felt 104's cock and balls, letting his hand pause on his balls long enough to really give them a good squeeze. Soon 104 was moaning, but again, he didn't try to stop X in any way. Next, X moved behind 104 and told him to bend over, then inserted two of his fingers into this slave's ass. He liked the feel of it, and he was interested in sticking a good deal more in there.

  X made the rounds, squeezing, pulling, slapping, poking, doing pretty much what he liked, and not one of the beautiful hunky men even lifted a finger in resistance. X decided this was the place he could probably find something. He told Trainer that he would like to have 113, 112, and 104 brought to his room for private inspections. He then went to that room to await the first slave. Trainer had good vibes from X, and made sure each of the slaves understood that they would be evaluated on how they handled themselves with this buyer.

  When Y came into the room, he too found all ten slaves there, waiting for his selection. He was slower than X had been as he went around the room, he was also more sadistic. He handled each of them, remembering how guys just like this had bullied him in the past. Well not exactly like these, since he could do almost anything he wanted with these slaves, and not one of them would say a word in protest. He enjoyed squeezing the cocks and balls of almost all of them. Having some of them stand on tip toes and stretch their arms up as high as they could and then tickling them, knowing they weren't allowed to move from the position he put them in. He had two of them French kiss each other, just to humiliate them. He was unaware of the fact, that much more than that had been done to these slaves in the area of humiliation, but he made up for that as he gut punched about half of them, again knowing that they had to hold their positions. By the time he was ready to choose the slaves he wanted to inspect further, he was hated by every slave in the room.

  When he got to 105 he saw a smoldering hostility in his eyes, just beneath the veneer of all that obedience which he responded to. He told Trainer that he needed to stop for a minute and use the restroom, and Trainer informed him that there was no reason he had to step away for that, he could simply use one of the slaves. Y was hoping for that response and turned to 105, and with steel in his voice told him to get on his knees. 105 obeyed, because he knew the consequences would be severe if he didn't, but he hated this man for what he was about to do. Y, staring into 105's eyes, pulled his cock out of his slacks, then waited until he was comfortable, leaving 105 there on his knees waiting with his mouth open. After a moment that Y found to be delicious he let his stream flow into 105's mouth. 105 began swallowing immediately and worked hard to make sure he didn't lose a drop of Y's piss, but Y moved his dick up and down at the end of his flow, wetting 105's face and chest. He held his position with piss dripping down from him, and Y liked what he saw. Finally, he chose 103 and 105 to be brought to his room for his further inspection.

  He made a somewhat unusual request, but Trainer had learned not to be too surprised at the quirks of the customers. He wanted to have the slaves brought to his room at the same time, and since he wanted to be sure that there would be no problem he asked if one of the Bosses could actually be in the room with the slaves, instead of waiting just outside the door. Trainer said that could be arranged, and Y asked if it was possible for that Boss to be in the room, as he pointed to Holt. Holt overheard part of what was being said, but didn't move from his position until Trainer called him over.

  As Y was going to the room prepared for him, Trainer motioned to Holt. "I want you to take 103 and 105 to our second guest's room. Stay in the room with the slaves and show Mr. Y every courtesy while he does his inspection." Holt was glad to do this since he was always trying to impress Trainer with his ability.

  * * *

  113's forearms were secured together behind his back as Mr. X had requested, as he was led into Mr. X's room. He was nervous and emotionally confused. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for. Did he want this man to take him, so he could get away from Trainer and the Bosses, but would it be any better with him. He just kept telling himself to do whatever he was told because he feared what Trainer would do to him if he didn't.

  X was waiting in the room in a comfortable looking robe. 113 would like to have said that he cut a real figure of a man, but he would have been lying. He looked a bit ridiculous as he tried to give what appeared to be his best Brad Pit impersonation, but it came off more like an aging Phillip Seymour Hoffman, only 113 would not be the one to point this out to the man that could soon own him.

  "Get over here," X ordered, and 113 quickly went to him, falling on his knees as he got next to him. X looked down at him enjoying the sense of power he had over this man. Power was something he was accustomed to, but it hadn't felt quite like this before. Maybe because the kind of power he had was more in the Board Room, when the kind he had always craved was more in the gym. This slave was naked, ready to do whatever he was commanded, and he could do anything he wanted with him. In fact, he could walk out of this place owning this that was a power he truly relished, and any third party would be struck with how beautiful this man was. Which only added to the rush caused by the idea of owning him. He was fucking gorgeous......all of the slaves were!

  X slapped 113 hard across the face. 113 held his position, waiting for whatever this man chose to do. "Look up at me you bitch," he ordered, and 113 raised his face and looked straight into X's eyes. He was shocked when X took a small plastic tube out of his robe pocket, took off the lid, turned it a bit, and crimson red lipstick appeared. Then X put the lipstick on 113's lips, making sure it was done well. "Now you look a little more like the little slut you really want to be, don't you cunt," he asked 113?

  "Yes Sir," 113 replied, "I'm just your little cunt, Sir."

  "That's right bitch, but I can be nice to my bitch if she's nice to me........don't forget that." With that, X pulled out some garish clip on ear rings from the same pocket. He clipped the ear rings onto 113, who was becoming more and more uncomfortable by the moment. "I'm going to be buying a nice slave cunt today, and I'm going to dress her up like a real cunt as well. You think you're a big hunky jock, don't you bitch, but you won't be when I'm finished with you. You may remember being a jock, but it will only be a memory. I haven't decided about the operation yet, but you'll definitely start hormone treatment and we'll make a few other adjustments. If I take you, you'll be my first, but not my last slave. The good Doctor is helping me take care of all those details, with his usual efficiency. Don't worry, I'm not crazy, I know you're not one of the hunks that humiliated me and made fun of me in the past, but you may well be the one that pays for it," X said with a hard tone in his voice.

  113 was truly terrified. What could he do if this man chose to buy him? He didn't know what to say, so he just kept quiet, and let X talk.

  "Stand up cunt," X ordered, while he viciously twisted 113's nipples, "and these will be made to be even more sensitive. I want to be able to breathe on them and drive you're little cunt crazy." As he got to his feet, X reached behind him on the bed and put a pair of women's high heel shoes in front of him. X went down on one knee, lifted 113's right foot, and put one of the shoes on. He then put the other shoe on his left foot. 113 was trying to stand in what had to be 5 or 6 inch heels.

  "Now I know it takes awhile to master these, but if I buy you, you had better get used to wearing them. Walk a little in them for me bitch."

  113 couldn't believe he was still standing,
let alone trying to walk in these things. He felt completely off balance, but he didn't want to anger this man. If he left this man angry, Trainer would leave him bleeding. He took one or two very cautious steps still struggling for balance and the whole process made more difficult by having his arms secured behind his back. He was terrified of falling and pissing this guy off. He quickly realized that his ankles weren't accustomed to the kind of stress these things caused. How in God's name did women walk around so casually in these torture devices. He'd only taken about a dozen steps when X ordered him to get on the bed, but leave the shoes on.

  Focusing with all his effort, 113 made it to the bed. There he discovered it's hard to lie down on a bed with your arms tied behind your back, so he mostly fell onto the bed, face first. X was soon on top of him, kissing him, calling him a cunt, a bitch, reaching around him and grasping his nipples, pulling them, squeezing them. Then X rolled him over to his back so he could take his nipples in his mouth and began biting them, not gently, but savagely. 113 screamed in pain, hoping one of the Bosses would come in and put a stop to this. Little did he understand that the Boss was there in case Mr. X cried out, no one really cared what happened to one of the slaves.

  While he continued to devour 113's nipples, X reached down and helped himself to the cunt's lovely balls. How often he'd wanted to take the balls of the bastards that humiliated him, well now he had a hunk's balls in his hands, and there was nothing this hunk could do about it.


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