Dirty Sext (Accidental Stepbrother Book 3)

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Dirty Sext (Accidental Stepbrother Book 3) Page 12

by Stephanie Brother

  My eyes stung with tears, and I knew I would ruin the make-up again, but there was a knock on the door, and we were called. They were ready to start, just waiting for the bride.

  “Let’s go,” Hayley said. “Our men will be waiting for us.”

  She took in a deep breath, then let it out, and her face lit up in a wide smile. She held my hand as we left the room together.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The wedding ceremony didn’t take long. Mom and Winston quickly said their vows, exchanged rings, signed the necessary documents with Ben and my signatures as witnesses, then led the wedding party out to get some pictures, before we quickly moved on to the reception.

  While the morning was hurried, the rest of the party wasn’t, which was just fine with me, because this way, I could gape at Angela all I wanted.

  She’s so beautiful.

  The cut of her dress bared part of her shoulders, back, and chest, and I could already picture myself pulling it off her. Or, better yet, just sliding the shoulders lower so I could get at her breasts as I lifted the skirt around her hips. The dress looked too nice to ruin, but I couldn’t help thinking what it would look like covered in my come.

  I did my best to control my expressions, so no one would guess what was on my mind, but I wasn’t sure I was doing it very well.

  There weren’t a lot of people I knew at the party. I wasn’t close with any of my mom’s friends, especially since a lot of them were people she’d met after dad was out of the picture. Few of her long-term friends were there, and there wasn’t anyone I knew well, so I was stuck sitting by myself.

  Angela, on the other hand, was busy mingling with her family’s friends. I wasn’t sure whether to be dissatisfied, because she wasn’t beside me, or be ecstatic because I got a better view of her as she moved around.

  Besides, she would be all mine later tonight, and for a long time to come after that, I hoped.

  Time moved quickly, and finally, it was time for the bride and groom to have their first dance together as a married couple. As Mom and Winston moved over to the open dance floor, I made my way to Angela. She was talking to a few people, but I just tugged her away with a smug smile. Angela, instead of getting angry, just laughed.

  “Where are you taking me?” She asked.

  “Can’t you guess? Or do I have to ask you to dance with me?” I stopped and turned around. Then, I released her hand and held my own out to her. “Miss, may I have this dance?”

  “Yes, please,” Angela whispered, eyes slightly widened.

  I pulled her with me to the dance floor as more and more people came out. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and I wrapped my own around her waist, holding her close as we swayed together. I led, and she easily followed my steps, though she looked even more surprised.

  “What?” I asked. “Is there something on my face?”

  She shook her head. “Sorry, no. I don’t know; I just didn’t expect you to know how to dance.”

  I shrugged. “I had lessons when I was younger, but I don’t do a lot of dancing. That doesn’t mean I forgot how to, though.”

  I moved her carefully through the crowd that slowly filled the floor, making sure not to bump into any of the other couples. We arrived at a small corner near the edge of the dance floor; then we stayed in place.

  “You looked like you were having fun earlier,” I murmured.

  I had to admit, as I watched the entire time, I did feel a little jealous.

  Angela patted my chest. “They’re all people who either know my dad or are in the profession. It would have been rude to just ignore them.”

  I allowed myself to be mollified because I wanted to be happy today. I held Angela tighter, and she sighed as she laid her head on my shoulder. Her eyes closed, and she hummed gently to the song. I wanted to lean down and kiss her, but in this unfamiliar crowd, I didn’t dare. Instead, I pecked her forehead and tucked her head beneath my chin.

  “As soon as I leave college,” I said quietly. “I’m going to make you my wife.”

  I felt Angela’s body go stiff beneath my hands, but I didn’t stop slowly swaying us around. She relaxed little by little, but she’d pulled back, so she could stare at me. I was a little worried about her reaction. Maybe I shouldn’t have just come out and said that even if I did mean it. Then, a corner of her lips tipped up as her eyebrow arched.

  “College boy?” She teased. “Aren’t you a little young to be thinking about marriage? Not to mention, a little fast?”

  “Age has nothing to do with it,” I said quickly. “And graduation is months away, so I have plenty of time to think about it, but I doubt I’ll be changing my mind.”

  She stared at me, stunned, for the longest moment. Then she laughed, and it sounded genuinely happy. Her eyes looked a little moist.

  “Well then,” she said. “You’re going to need money for the baby.”

  It was my turn to freeze, and Angela had a teasing smile on her lips as she nudged my body to keep swaying. I could see, though, that her lips were a little shaky at the corners. She was nervous.

  “What baby?” I blurted out.

  “The one I’m carrying,” she said, voice a little quieter.

  I managed to get back my equilibrium after a while. It hadn't fully sunk in yet, but I heard her.

  “I kind of thought you couldn’t have kids,” I admitted quietly.

  Her eyebrows jumped up. “Oh? How so?”

  I hesitated. “Well, you were married for so long, and you didn’t mention a kid between you and the ex. You might have just not wanted one, and I couldn’t know for sure, but I didn’t want to pry.”

  “You’re half right,” she said. “I didn’t think I could have kids, either, but I’m pregnant.”

  A baby… I looked down between us, even knowing it would be too soon for anything to show. Her stomach was pressed flat against mine, but inside of it, a baby was growing. Our baby.

  “It’s a miracle, right?” Angela said, her voice small. “Good or bad?”

  She bit down on her bottom lip, actually looking worried about my reaction. While it wasn’t something I’d pictured for quite a while, I could still feel a growing excitement at the thought of a child that had parts of both of us.

  “Good,” I reassured her, grinning.

  I decided, fuck it, and leaned down to give her a quick, hard kiss, before I twirled her happily around the floor, marveling at the twinkling laugh it got me.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It was late at night, almost morning. The party was starting to wind down because soon, it would be time for the newlyweds to leave. There were still a few guests around, but the majority had already gone back home.

  Dad and Hayley, and Ben and I were saying final goodbyes to the remaining guests, though Dad and Hayley did most of the work because Ben would keep tugging me, wanting more attention.

  There was cleaning to be done, but that would be left for the staff to do.

  “It’s finally over,” Ben muttered beside me.

  I smacked his arm, but he didn’t look apologetic at all.

  “I’m gonna get something to drink; all that talking made me thirsty. Do you want anything?”

  I smacked him again. “I did almost all the talking. And apple juice, if you can. Or any kind of juice.”

  Several times today, I’d had to remind myself I couldn’t have alcohol. I rarely drank in the first place, but it was a special occasion, and everyone kept wanting to make a toast, which involved champagne. There were even more toasts once everyone became relaxed from all the drinks.

  “Angela? How are you doing?”

  I turned around and smiled. “Dad. I’m feeling just fine, why do you ask?”

  “Hayley mentioned you weren’t feeling well today, so you had to stay off the champagne. I hope it’s not anything too serious.”

  So, she hadn't told him about the pregnancy, either. While I appreciated the sentiment, I wouldn�
�t have minded if she’d told him. In any case, I didn’t plan to, not when he should be focusing on his honeymoon instead, so I waved away his concern.

  “It’s just a stomach bug, Dad. It’ll go away on its own.”

  “That’s good,” he said with a sigh of relief. Then, he smiled, though he looked a little awkward. “Thank you, Angela, for being here today.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it, Dad. Not after I told you I’d be here.”

  “I know, but when you suddenly went away, I was a little worried. I hope things between you and Ben are fixed now?”

  Ben had told me about his talk with Dad, which explained away how he’d known where to find me in LA. Dad approved of our relationship, especially since it wasn’t so different from his and Hayley’s relationship. Ben hadn't told me much, but I would have to be stupid not to realize what must have happened.

  From what he’d said, it didn’t go very far, but Dad had a thing for Hayley when mom was still alive, and while I was a kid.

  I couldn’t bring myself to feel angry at this revelation, though. Mom had been gone for a long time, and no matter what he did back then, he still chose to stay with us, even though a part of him might have regretted letting Hayley go back then.

  It was Dad’s business, anyway, and I wasn’t going to pry into it when he was finally happy.

  “Ben and I are doing wonderful, Dad,” I said. “Thanks for worrying.”

  Then, he smiled. “I need to leave soon; I just wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you.”

  My eyes widened as I stared at Dad. They were words I’d been waiting to hear from him for the longest time, and he’d just said it so casually. I felt my eyes sting, and I wanted to curse. I wasn’t used to being this emotional. Dad already looked awkward; I was sure if I burst into tears, he would run away.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “For sending your book to a publisher,” he said. “For taking control of your life. I was worried about your marriage to Stuart for a while, and I didn’t say anything, not until you brought up the divorce first, and that wasn’t right. But I see you like this, and I know I no longer have to worry.”

  Wait, what?

  I was gaping at him now because it was the last thing I expected to hear from him. What publisher? When did I send my book to one, and how did he know about it even before I did?

  “Here’s your apple juice,” Ben said. “Sorry for taking so long.”

  “Ah! There you are, Ben.”

  The two of them exchanged some words, and then Dad left. It was time for the newlyweds to leave finally. His mom came up to us to say goodbye, hugging the both of us, and then they were both gone, and Ben turned around to face me, expression serious with a hint of dread.


  “You don’t have to be so worried. I did it, the book. I only read parts of it, but I knew it was something good, and I found someone to send it to. You’re not mad, are you?”

  I stared at him for the longest time, but I didn’t feel angry. Even though he’d done something I reprimanded him for once. Seeing him standing there, stiff, waiting to be taken to task, I knew he’d done it with the best of intentions, and I couldn’t bring myself to yell at him for it.

  “I do wish you’d let me know about it,” I said slowly. “But I guess I’m not angry.”

  He blinked, then relaxed. “Really?”

  I nodded. “I mean, I would want to know who they are, first thing. When were you planning on telling me about it, anyway?”

  He gave a sheepish smile. “Honestly, I was going to wait until I heard back from them. I sent it with my email and said I was your agent, so they’ll be talking to me before they talk to you.”

  I bit my lip. “Don’t tell me if they end up telling you it’s horrible, okay?”

  “No way that’s going to happen, though,” he said, full of confidence. “How could they not love your book? I’m not much of a reader myself, but I loved the bit I got to read of it. I’m sure they’re going to love it, too.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that. I hadn't let anyone else read it, and I’d read and tweaked it myself so many times, but I never thought it would be good enough. Ben was the first person besides me to look at it; even Dad only knew there was a draft, I never told him I finished it because I didn’t think it would matter to him. I was happy that he said he was proud of me.

  “Why did you send it?” I asked.

  Ben was hesitant as he walked closer to me and reached out for my hand. When I didn’t evade him, he pulled me into his arms.

  “I sent it because I want to see you follow your dream. I saw the look on your face when you told me about your book, so I know how important it is to you. You don’t have to leave it on your computer, collecting dust, when you could have other people see it, instead. Because that was clearly what you wanted when you wrote that book.”

  His words made me feel a little overwhelmed, and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, so I could hide my face in his shoulder. I pulled away quickly because I wanted him to hear my next words.

  “Ben? I love you.”

  He was stunned, but it only lasted for a second, and then he grinned.

  “I love you more,” he said, leaning down to give me a peck on the cheek.

  He took one of my hands, twining our fingers together, and tugged me behind him as we left the venue to go back home.



  I woke up to an empty bed. The space beside me was still warm, though, and I dragged myself out of bed. I took a quick shower then got dressed before I left the bedroom.

  “Angela?” I called out.

  “I’m in here!” She called back.

  I followed her voice to the kitchen and stopped at the entrance to watch her. I smiled to myself, watching the love of my life trying to do everything by herself.

  “Here you go, baby,” she cooed.

  She had her computer on the table, food cooking on the stove, and the baby in his high chair as she tried to feed him, but little Michael wasn't cooperative. She glanced at her computer, then raised a spoon to Michael’s mouth, who squealed and turned his head away. He looked like he was playing.

  “Do you need any help?” I offered.

  I walked over and hugged her from behind. She started, then let out a laugh.

  “You say that, but you’re the one who’s late to wake up, you know? Dad and Hayley will be here soon, and I don’t have anything ready.”

  “You could have woken me. And I offered to order catering, but you said no…”

  She swatted my arm, then squirmed until I released her. “It’s only lunch for four adults and a baby; I can manage it by myself. It’s not like I have anything else to do.”

  I hummed. “You’ll get busy enough soon.”

  “Come and feed Michael. They’ll be arriving in an hour, so have him cleaned up by then, okay? Make sure he eats everything!”

  She shot me a stern look, then left me with my job and hurried over to the stove. I sat at the table, next to Michael, and pulled him out of his chair.

  “Come here, little guy,” I said gently. “Let’s give your mom a break today, hmm? Eat and don’t make a mess, okay?”

  I didn’t know if Michael understood or not, but he laughed as he clapped his hands together, looking up at me with his cute baby smile. In the end, he did make a mess, and under Angela’s stern look, I cleared it up, then went back to get clean and changed again.

  Mom and Winston arrived almost an hour later on the dot, and because Angela was still busy setting up the table, Michael and I went to open the door for his grandparents. They broke into wide smiles when they saw him.

  “Hey guys,” I said gently, waving Michael’s little hand at them. “Come on in. Angela’s been working hard to make lunch.”

  “You can all come into the kitchen,” she called out. “I have everything ready, just waiting on you three.”

  We headed to the kitchen, to find the table perfectly set for four pe
ople with the food in dishes in the middle. Because Michael ate before everyone else, he was left in his high chair as the adults settled around the table. I felt a little guilty for not helping set everything up, but I knew Angela loved doing it all on her own. She was practically glowing, and I had the temptation to kiss her, so I did, ducking into peck her cheek before quickly pulling away.

  She sent me a glare, but it quickly melted into a smile.

  “He’s growing bigger and bigger every day,” Mom sighed, leaning in to pinch his cheek. “He looks so much like you when you were a baby, Ben! I’ll find your old albums and send them to you.”

  I groaned. “Mom, not the baby albums.”

  “Everyone, please dig in,” Angela cut in, though she was looking a little too amused.

  “Angela, your cooking is as wonderful as always,” Winston said.

  Angela laughed. “You haven’t even tasted it yet!”

  “I can see it and smell it, and from that alone, I know it’s going to be delicious.”

  Everyone filled their plates, and Winston made so many appreciative noises as he ate that it made the rest of us laugh. Michael didn’t know what the adults were laughing about, but he joined in just because he could.

  “So,” Winston said. “How does it feel to be a famous author?”

  His timeworn face beamed with pride, and Angela’s cheeks flushed lightly under the look. I rubbed her back, but I was proud of her as well.

  Angela’s book wasn’t just accepted by the publisher. It took a while and some effort, but her book sold out in its first print run and quickly became a bestseller. I became her manager, and we’d been busy doing book tours and events for the past couple of years to solidify her fan base. Mostly, we were stay at home parents, though, and I managed her social media presence from home so we wouldn’t have to move around too much, though when we had to, we would leave Michael with his doting grandparents.


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