Dirty Sext (Accidental Stepbrother Book 3)

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Dirty Sext (Accidental Stepbrother Book 3) Page 13

by Stephanie Brother

  “She’s started a new project,” I said, boasting about my wife’s fame. “She has a lot of people waiting for her second book, and a lot of her fans were happy to hear it when she mentioned a second book was in the works.”

  “What are you writing about now?” Mom asked curiously.

  Angela shot me a glare, then laughed, a little sheepish.

  “I’ve been busy looking after Michael, but now that he’s growing up, I’ve got more time. I have a basic outline plotted already. This new book is about an older woman and a younger man.” She sent a smile at me. “The moment I have my first chapter done, my manager will be the first person to read it.”

  “We’re trying to stick to a schedule to see how it would work out, so she can write more books. She’s got a lot of ideas, and I’ve seen some of the ones she’s written out. The plan is to have this book come out in six months, relax for a month, then tentatively start another one for this year.”

  Winston laughed.

  “Maybe you should write about a professor and their student?” He suggested, he and Mom shared a look as they held hands. “I feel like a lot of people would be willing to read something like that, no?”

  Angela hummed and looked at him with amusement.

  “That’s a great idea, Dad, but I just have one question. Would that mean I was writing about your life story or mine?”

  Their gazes held before they both smiled. Laughs were shared around the table, and we continued our meal.

  More Books By Stephanie Brother…

  Sext Me

  About Sext Me…

  Could my perfect match be someone in college?

  I’ve tried to leave my nerdy ways behind now that I’m in college, but, life hasn’t exactly played along with my plans. I have a problem, a virgin problem. All of my friends did the deed long ago, and now my brand-new friends want to know about my, well, experiences. Only I don’t have any. What’s a girl to do?

  If my friends find out I’ve lied about my oh so boring past, my life might be over. It might be more over than that desperate guy that runs that sext line. But then my friends dare me to give him a try, and I can’t refuse without losing my two new, very popular friends, and right now, that’s not something I’m willing to do. So, I jump in. How was I to know the guy would be so…worth it? Or that he’d end up being my stepbrother, sooner rather than later.

  This is a standalone novel with a HEA and NO cheating!

  Chapter One


  “Hey, did you hear about it?”

  “What, what?”

  “That rumor that’s going around…”

  I leaned in close to my two friends, Alicia and Caroline. Technically, we were supposed to be in the middle of class, but the professor hadn’t arrived yet. We were seated near the back of the room, which was virtually empty, so our conversation wouldn’t be overheard anyway. There was a quiet buzz in the room as everyone else focused on their own conversations, a buzz that would drown out our whispers if anyone did happen to be close enough to hear us. Alicia still looked around before she leaned close and whispered to us, her long blond hair another screen.

  “There’s this new chat line going around school. I didn’t believe it when I first heard about it, but it’s true! Can you believe it?” She broke into giggles, her blue eyes alight with delight, and Caroline and I started to nudge her to get her to go on.

  “Just tell us what it is, already” Caroline said, with a look of excitement her green eyes curious as she leaned in, her own long red hair a further shield. “I haven’t heard any strange rumors around school.”

  Alicia grinned. “It’s called, ‘Sext line.’ Can you guess what it’s about?”

  My eyebrows jumped up. Just from the name, I had a vague idea, but who would be crazy enough to start something like that?

  “What is it?” Caroline asked, her pale skin flushed with excitement.

  “So, it’s like this.” Alicia moved even closer, and lowered her voice a bit more. “You call the line or text I guess, and you get to meet up with a hot guy. You know, for sexy time.”

  My jaw dropped in shock.

  No way!

  We were in college, but I didn’t think people would be this crazy! Was the line operated on school grounds? If it was, why weren’t they worried about the school’s staff finding out? Whoever it was. They would be in so much trouble!

  “I hadn't heard that one,” Caroline admitted, her eyes a little wider, but she didn’t look nearly as surprised as I was. “Where did you hear about this? I’m pretty sure we know all the same people, but I’ve never heard about this.”

  Alicia waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, you wouldn’t know who it was even if I told you. I was in the field and some sophomores were talking about it. But wouldn’t it be interesting? I wonder who’s doing it. All I know is it can’t be another freshman, maybe a senior?”

  I bit down on my lip as I listened to them chat about it with lots of whispers and giggles. I wasn’t paying attention to the talk anymore. Aside from just shocked, I felt a little uncomfortable. Sex was something I thought about often, which wasn’t unusual. I was eighteen years old, I’d just started college, and it wasn’t a surprise to find out it was a pretty hot topic.

  When I first came to the school, I wasn’t so naïve that I thought people would be single-mindedly focused on their school work, and the drive to graduate with good grades so they could get a job. It wasn’t like that in high school, and college was supposed to be freer. I was still surprised when the hottest topic of conversation was about sex, especially from the girls. Though if I was honest with myself, it wasn’t all that unexpected.

  Even in high school, girls liked to whisper about who was dating and how far they’d gone. Only a few months had passed since I graduated high school and started college, but the conversations were so much more open.

  It left me feeling a bit embarrassed.

  “What about you?” Caroline asked, those blue eyes a dagger that held me in place.

  I’d been lost in my own thoughts and blinked at them when I found Alicia and Caroline staring at me.

  “Huh?” I blurted out, confused, my brown eyes now turned back to them.

  Caroline rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me you weren’t listening? Have you done it or not?”

  I was still confused. “What?”

  “Sex,” they both said, and leaned in close to whisper the word, before they broke into giggles.

  “We’ve both done it already,” Caroline continued. “What about you?”

  I froze. I knew the answer they wanted to hear. I forced a smile and pushed back my blush while I shrugged.

  “Of course, I’ve done it,” I said confidently. “I’ve done things like that loads of times; I can’t believe someone is doing it like this. It’s for pay, right?”

  I’d heard that much of the conversation, at least. I was a good actor when I wanted to be, so they took me at my word, and internally, I sighed in relief that they’d bought it.

  Of course, it was a total lie. I didn’t want them to think I was a virgin, but the truth was I’d never even dated a guy before. I’d never so much as kissed a guy before. The most I’ve done was hold hands with a boy once, but I was in junior high, and it was for an activity in gym class.

  In high school, it was easy enough to blow off talk about dating, the friends I had back then didn’t talk about it much so it was irrelevant, but Alicia and Caroline weren’t like that. They were the first friends I’d made in college, and I didn’t want them to change their minds about me.

  They kept talking, and I realized I’d just shot myself in the foot.

  “Then why don’t you try it?” Alicia suggested, her lips parted with the thrill of a new game to play.

  “Yeah! I would totally do it, but I’m still seeing Brad,” Caroline continued. “You’re not seeing anyone right now, right? Try it out, and tell us who the guy is!”

  I opened my mouth, but I had no words.
  There’s absolutely no way I could do something like that!

  That was what I wanted to say, a bold refusal, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. What if they thought I was lying? What if they stopped talking to me?

  Lucky for me, the professor entered the room right then and walked to his podium.

  “All right, everyone!” He said, his middle-aged voice loud through the speakers. “I know I was late, but we still have a class today, so all of you, please get seated.”

  There was a scramble as everyone still outside or hanging around the room moved to occupy the seats. The conversation was cut short before I could answer but I knew they wouldn’t let it go, though. They would pick right back up where we left off and I was nervous throughout the rest of the class.

  As soon as class was over, I wanted to rush out, but Caroline, right beside me, grabbed onto my arm so I wouldn’t run off.

  “We’re not done talking yet,” she said with arched eyebrows.

  Alicia, seated in the row ahead of us, turned back to stare at the two of us as if to make sure no one ran away.

  I cried a little inside, but the three of us left the room together. It was almost lunch, so we slowly made our way to the cafeteria.

  “Are you going to give it a try?” Alicia asked.

  I pursed my lips and tried to play dumb. “What do you mean?”

  Caroline rolled her eyes. “You know. What we were talking about before. The sext me line, are you gonna do it or not?”

  I floundered. “Can’t Alicia do it? She’s not seeing anyone right now, either, right?”

  Good job, I thought, mentally patting myself on the back.

  Alicia smirked. “I’m seeing someone now. A guy asked me out, and we’re going out tonight. I’ll tell you guys how it goes, but this leaves you as the only one you know?”

  I bit down on my lip. I wanted to get out of this. Having sex with a stranger wasn’t how I thought my first time would go.

  They saw my hesitation and shared a glance between themselves. Then Alicia reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. I watched as she tapped on the screen, then held it out to me. On the screen was a number she’d saved to her phone under ‘sext me.’

  “I dare you to text the number,” Alicia said, and smirked at me.

  I stared at the number for a long time. They were just a few digits, but they held so much weight, I thought my heart was about to stop. We stood still outside where just anyone could walk by. If someone found out what we were doing and started rumors…

  “Sure,” I said, in an attempt to sound unconcerned. I grabbed her phone and pulled my own out. “It’s not that big a deal. It’s a guy from the school, right? Then he won't try anything funny.”

  “It should be safe enough,” Alivia said. “I don’t know the who, but he is part of the school. Hell, it could even be one of the professors or staff from the school, you know?”

  She and Caroline started to laugh, but the idea made me feel even worse about the whole idea.

  It he’s a student though, it’ll be fine, right?

  I copied the number into my phone and saved it. I hesitated, though, wondering if I could use my number for this.

  “Should I text this number?” I asked hesitantly. “I mean, what if it’s not safe and it’s a scam or something? The guy can find me again.”

  They shared a glance, but they’d stopped giggling at least. I started to feel tentatively hopeful, then Alicia’s expression lit up like she had an idea.

  “Try it on Twitter,” she offered.

  I was a bit unsure, would someone be crazy enough to create a Twitter handle for something like this? Anyway, this was something I could erase and put behind me if things went south. I posted a tweet with the hashtag sext me.

  Surprisingly, I didn’t have to wait long before I got a DM, a private message.

  “That was fast,” I muttered as I opened the message.

  Alicia and Caroline had moved to either side of me to watch what I was doing. They saw the message when I did. In it, was a date and time, and a way to make payment, including cost.


  The price wasn’t nearly as much as I thought it would be. Alicia and Caroline, though, whispered and muttered about what guy thought he was worth that much. They didn’t seem too bothered by this whole thing, though and didn’t call it off even though they thought it was too much.

  “Well, I’ve done it,” I said, and shut off my phone’s screen. I handed Alicia her phone back.

  “You must tell us who it is,” she said, giving me a stern look. “Don’t think we’ll let you off if you don’t, okay?”

  Crap. If they want to know who it is, then I couldn’t call it off. If I gave some random name, what would I do if they went up to the guy and asked?

  “Sure,” I said, lost as to what else I could do now that I’d gone this far with their game.

  We continued on our way, but again, I wasn’t listening to the two of them because I was already regretting the bind I’d found myself in.

  I need to get out of it later tonight, I thought to myself. If I ask for a name and promise to pay, he’d probably agree to it, right?

  No one could do something like this for fun, it had to be desperation. If people were talking about it, then the guy behind it had to be someone incredible, right? If he did it for the money, I had plenty to play with, if he’d keep his mouth shut.

  As we sat in the cafeteria, though, a different thought went through my mind.

  I could refuse, or… Could I go along with it?

  What if it is someone incredible? Someone I wouldn’t mind giving my virginity to… then I could do what these two wanted and finally be rid of the one thing I’ve been hanging on to for way too long.

  The thought made me blush, but I was also a bit intrigued….free with Kindleunlimited. One-click for your copy!

  Forbidden Sext

  About Forbidden Sext…

  Why is my perfect match the only guy I hate on campus?

  When I join the college dating app, I'm expecting to be matched with someone who's my type. Instead, I get the college prankster, Elijah.

  He might be good looking, he might even be chivalrous, but that doesn't mean I'm interested.

  I think it's a mistake, or maybe one of his pranks.

  I keep my distance for a while, but I'm only human.

  Mistake is my middle name, especially when it comes to relationships.

  And I find myself left with two dramas. Elijah is going to be my stepbrother and is now totally forbidden. Oh, and the other thing is I'm carrying his baby.

  This is a standalone novel with a HEA and NO cheating!

  Chapter One


  I left the library the moment I got a text from Logan. Technically, I was supposed to be studying for a test, not to mention all the assignments I still had to do, but I didn’t care. Logan, supposedly, had something important for me. While he wasn’t the most reliable guy out there because he liked to prank me a lot, he was still one of my best friends, and he knew when not to joke with me.

  Because of course, I returned every prank twice as hard. He’d come to learn not to mess with me.

  Fuck, I was invincible when it came to pranking!

  I made my way toward the dorms. Our college was pretty relaxed when it came to student housing, more than most colleges I’d heard of. At least, that was the consensus, since they allowed coed dorms, and plenty of people took advantage of this fact. My friend Logan was one of them, because he loved bunking with the ladies for a night of fun.

  So it wasn’t a surprise when he’d texted me to come to the dorm house a block away from the one we lived in. Usually, he just told me he’d be busy nights, so I was curious what he’d called me out for.

  Logan hooking me up was one of his worse pranks. He would set me up with the opposite of what I liked in women, and it had led to a few humiliating situations. So much so, that I hated myself for being the center of t
hem all!

  I walked into the dorm and found a few people lounging around the common room on the first floor. Logan was nowhere to be found, and I wasn’t about to start knocking on doors to find him. I took my cell out and made a call.

  “Seriously Logan, where you at? I was studying, you know.”

  He laughed. “Dude, who you trying to kid? Studying. Please. You’re here, aren’t you? That means you’re interested! In fact, you should be thanking me.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Fine, whatever. But I swear if this is you trying to trick me again…”

  Logan laughed again, though there was an edge of nervousness in it. I hadn't forgotten the last prank, and I’d yet to get him back, so he’d been wary of me lately and trying to get back in my good graces. It was part of the reason I even showed up, knowing he could still try something stupid.

  “I’m up in Dana’s dorm, on the third floor.”

  Dana was a girl Logan fooled around with, at least one of the latest. Lately, she was all he’d been talking about, so I didn’t think he was seeing anyone else. For now, but knowing him it wouldn’t take long for him to get bored and start seeing another girl.

  Sometimes, I envied how carefree he could be. When it all backfired on him, though, I was the first person to point a finger and laugh my ass off.

  I headed up the stairs and started the jog up. I got to the room and held my hand up to knock because I didn’t want to walk into anything. When I remembered something that made me pause.


  I called Logan back. When he answered, I spoke before he had the chance to.

  “Is Sophia in there? I almost forgot that they’re roommates.”

  Sophia was studying the same major, and we’d even had a few classes together. There wasn’t anything wrong with Sophia. I could even admit that she was pretty, but we just didn’t get along, which was why I tended to avoid her like the plague.

  “Don’t worry,” he said dismissively.


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