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The Dragon's Willing Sacrifice: a Dragon Shifter Romance (The Last Dragons Book 3)

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by Ines Johnson

  "Can I talk to you please?"

  Kimber almost didn't recognize her voice. It was polite. She was asking and not telling. And she'd used manners.

  His eyes flew open and his gaze flew to her. What was wrong? Was she sick? Had she been hurt?

  But no. She stood in the doorway of his office when she was supposed to be grounded. She looked not in the least contrite.

  "What is it?" he barked.

  She didn't jump at his terse tone. She was far to used to it. He wished he could be gentle with her. But he knew that any show of weakness would be taken advantage of. He'd heard about her family. Morrigan had brought him parchment about her grandfather Charles Ponzi and his schemes which hurt the fortunes of countless humans. Her father had neglected her, but his own schemes had wreaked havoc on the innocent and he’d soon joined his father in Valhalla.

  “You’re supposed to be grounded,” Kimber said.

  Poppy ignored him as she came to the edge of his desk. Instead of taking a chair, she propped herself up on the corner. She crossed her long legs before him, her open-toed shoes dangling near his crotch.

  “I’ve come to a decision,” she said, “I think we should date other people.”

  Kimber’s mouth fell open. But he was at a loss for words. He was glad he was sitting because she’d knocked the wind out of him.

  “It’s clear you’re not ready to be in a committed relationship. So, if and until you are, I’d like to explore other options.”

  “Other options?” Oh, there was his voice. And he found his footing as he came to stand and loomed over her. “You mean that fluffy-tailed cub!”

  Cardi inhaled and spoke slowly, evenly. “Yes, Izem is someone that I’m interested in. Along with the Turin, the bear Alpha and Konan, of the wolves.”

  “Turin and Konan.”

  “I don’t see why you’re getting upset, Kimber. You are under no obligation to me. In fact, you can use this time to see others, too. If that’s what you want.”

  Others? He didn’t want others. He’d never considered others. She was his mate. She just needed to mature. And by that gleam in her eye, he knew that she still hadn’t.

  This was a trick. Some ploy. It had to be. With that knowledge, his breath evened and his claws retracted.

  “Maybe you’re right,” he said.

  “I am?” Her bravado wobbled. She cleared her throat. “I am.”

  He was right. This was another of her manipulations. Would she never stop? “A break from each other sounds like a good idea.”

  No, it sounded like a perfect idea. He had a lot on his plate with the upcoming accords. He didn’t have time to play these games with her. Let her stew and connive while he got important work done.

  “It does,” he said.

  He needed some space from her. But he had no intention of letting any other male near her. She wasn’t ready to be claimed.

  “Beryl and Poppy are going around the Veil on a honeymoon,” he said. “I think you should go with them.”

  This was a perfect idea. It would keep her out of his hair to prepare for the talks. And it would keep other males from sniffing around her. He just had to convince Beryl to let her tag along.

  “I’m not going on Beryl and Poppy’s honeymoon,” she said. “I think it’s best I move out.”

  Chapter Seven

  “You're what?"

  "You heard me," Cardi huffed as she balled an entire rack of clothes and shoved them into her Rainbow Bright suitcase. "I'm moving out."

  Poppy and Chryssie shared a worried look. Cardi ignored them as she stacked her Madonna LPs into the bottom of her case.

  "Cardi you're upset," soothed Chryssie in her mom-voice even though she was only a couple of months pregnant. Still, she was showing enough that anyone could see she was a mom. It was no wonder she was showing at two months. She had two baby dragons growing in her belly.

  "No shit, Sherlock.” Cardi grabbed batteries for her walkman.

  Chryssie frowned at her, raising a brow like a mom would when bad language was said in front of kids, even though her hatchlings couldn't hear. Or at least Cardi thought they couldn't hear. She thought she remembered Elek telling her he heard his mother singing while he was in her belly. If that was the case then Auntie Cardi would have to curse around Chryssie's impressionable belly more.

  “I just don't think you should make such a rash decision so quickly," said Chryssie.

  "It's not quick,” said Cardi. “I’ve been thinking about it for, like, all day."

  Again, Chryssie and Poppy shared a look. Both women were older than Cardi by human standards. But Cardi had been behind the Veil for thirty years in human time. By those standards, Cardi was ancient, and the elder in this situation. Yet no one treated her with the deference she deserved.

  She stuffed her Jem and the Hologram dolls into her suitcase. She didn't want Beryl using them to play GLOW, the Glorious Ladies of Wrestling again. The colorful haired dolls in the sequin costumes were rockstars, not wrestlers.

  She also packed her Pound Puppies. She’d gotten them early on during her stay since Kimber wouldn't let her have a dog inside the castle. And she packed her My Little Pony collection since he wouldn't capture a unicorn for her either.

  Just thinking about all that Kimber had denied her had her getting riled up all over again. She'd given him the best years of her life and he hadn't once tried to kiss or grope her as any other guy would have. All because he thought she was still a kid, and immature. Well, she'd show him.

  She zipped up her Rainbow Bright suitcase and slung it over her shoulder. The case was heavy and she wasn't sure how she'd walk the entire distance into town with the load.

  "Cardi, why don't you come with me and Beryl on our honeymoon trip,” offered Poppy.

  "Ew, no. You two are loud enough here. I'm not sleeping in the room next to you while you bop each other's brains out on a nightly, morningly, and afternoonly basis."

  "This is crazy, Cardi.“ There was a hint of annoyance in Chryssie’s voice. She plopped down on Cardi’s messy, unmade bed. Her hand went to her belly bump. “Just what are you going to do out there?”

  "I'm not mental," Cardi hissed.

  Chryssie lifted a brow. It somehow felt superior. Why? Because she'd been bitten, claimed, and impregnated all within days of her arrival and Cardi hadn't even been kissed by the man who was supposed to be her mate.

  “You know it’s not like back in our world out there,” said Chryssie. “There are no hotels here. Where are you going to stay? Out in the woods?"

  "I'll be perfectly fine." Cardi took a step towards the door and her Funshine Carebear fell out onto the floor. She bent to stuff the yellow plush toy back into her suitcase. "I'll send you my address in case you want to write."

  Chryssie sighed but looked too exhausted to say anymore. Cardi had that effect on people. She had her whole life.

  Her father was always annoyed with her. Kimber barely ever had time for her. The only ones who did give her the time of day were the triplets and Elek. She'd miss them. But she had to strike out on her own. After all, how else would she get Kimber to see what a kickass adult she could be?

  "You need some help with that?" Elek materialized from the shadows of the hall.

  It wouldn't be wrong to let him help her with her suitcase. Her independence would start when she got to town, and she convinced Grimmald, the owner of God’s Teet, to give her a job, And lodgings. And some food.

  See, she totally had a plan.

  Chapter Eight

  Kimber watched Cardi fly off with Elek towards town. She had a suitcase clutched to her chest. It was likely empty or packed with non-necessities. He wished he didn't have to put up with her antics at a time like this. He'd likely have to go and get her from the woods tonight.

  Maybe he'd let her stay until midnight when the megas came out. The giant insects were the precursors to dragonflies. Only bigger. They weren’t bloodsuckers, but they did like the taste of sweat and would la
nd on your back to lick your neck. A truly unpleasant experience.

  Just the thought of Cardi swatting at one of the large bugs and Kimber’s dragon was tearing up his gut. Cardi wanted him to claim her, but she had no idea what his beast would do to her if he ever got his hands on her.

  Kimber had control over his beast, but only because the dragon considered itself mated. In the beginning, when he’d bested his father and Cardi became his responsibility, man and beast were of one accord. Each only wanted to protect Cardi. But with each passing day, the beast had decided it was time to claim their mate in the proper way that a man would claim a grown woman.

  The dragon inside of him was no judge of character. It couldn't tell that the female it wanted was still just a girl. A spoiled brat of a girl who was still manipulating him. Cardi needed to know her place. And that was not as the boss of him. Let her get her neck licked by a bug. He’d go to her when he was done with his business.

  “It’s Turin calling on the crystals."

  Kimber grunted as he came to standing and headed to the crystal communication system. He needed to forget about Cardi and put his game face on. That was a saying that she had taught him.

  Still, he had to pull on the mask. Leadership had an element of manipulation. He needed to figure out what each party wanted so that he could get them to come to an accord.

  The want part was clear. They all wanted access to human females to procreate with. It was the how that was going to be tricky.

  The dragons had regained access in exchange for gems. Lions, bears, and wolves didn't have that ready access to gems. But Kimber had to ensure they wouldn’t start wars again trying to steal the dragons’ mates. He still had to ensure the deal was on for his remaining three brothers. Two, if Rhoyl wouldn’t or couldn’t shift back into his male form.

  "There’s only one thing I'd wake for and it's not your ugly mug."

  Kimber grinned at the sight of Turin in the crystals. The male’s beard took up more than half his face. Dark, curling locks fell into his eyes, obscuring the other half.

  Kimber had always liked the bear. He was blunt like Kimber, being the eldest of his clan. Heavy was the weight laid upon the eldest son. The lions wouldn't know that as they were all still tied to their mother's apron strings.

  “Turin, thank you for waking up early and taking my call,” Kimber began. “Out of respect for your time, I’ll get right to it. I think it's time we addressed the mate situation."

  Turin nodded his large, hairy head. “That's something to wake up for. How do you plan to reverse the Valkyrie's judgment? Especially since it wasn't any bear's fault."

  The Valkyrie’s war hammer had come down when one of their sisters ran off with a dragon. Before that, bears could pass through the Veil during the time they were awake. Wolves could gain access during the full moon. Lionesses could pass through as well. All but dragons.

  It was only dragons who could not survive in the world beyond. But the punishment had been dealt out to all. That decision had been poor leadership on Hilda, the eldest of the Valkyrie’s, part.

  Punishments should always be swift and made solely unto the parties who made the mistakes. Punishing everyone would only breed contempt and cause problems later. Problems that were rearing their heads now that all the remaining shifters had come of age and needed mates.

  "We need to come together and discuss this matter,” Kimber said.

  “We?” asked Turin.

  “The dragons. The bears. The wolves. And… the lions.”

  Turin let out a low breath. “Now I’m ready to go back to my den and return to my slumber. Lions, really? Do you think Leona will play fair when it comes to her cubs?”

  “She’s already agreed to talk. Can you make it in a couple of days?"

  Turn scrubbed at his beard, considering. “Sure. Should I bring an offering for Cardi?”


  Turin’s bushy brows lifted. Probably at the vehemence in that single word. When Cardi first came to this realm, and the other shifters recognized Kimber’s claim, they all showered her with gifts and trinkets. She was a novelty, the last sacrifice. It soothed many of their beasts to be near her. But right now, in this current situation with her, the last thing she needed was more gifts.

  “Cardi is in the process of what humans call spring cleaning,” Kimber said. “She’s getting rid of things in her possession. No need to bring her more.”

  Turin nodded. “I’ll bring some honey and salmon for a meal.”

  “That would be most welcome.”

  “By the vehemence in your voice, one might think she’s with child.”

  Kimber nearly choked at the thought. It was once his worst nightmare, that she would become pregnant with his whelps and that their birth would be her death. But that was no longer a concern now that he knew she had fire in her blood. Like Chryssie and Poppy, Cardi would be able to withstand a dragon birth. Or so they Valkyrie told them.

  "So she's pregnant?”

  "No,” Kimber said.

  "But you have claimed her finally?”

  Why was everyone on him about this? Could no one else see she was still a child?

  "Perhaps let's stop talking about my relationship,” Kimber said, “and let’s work on figuring out how we can get you one?"

  Turin nodded. “Works for me. I’ll head your way in a couple of days. Just a little nap first."

  They said their farewells and disconnected the crystals. Kimber slumped back against the wall, feeling suddenly exhausted. He did know he'd have to claim Cardi one day. His dragon would demand it. At least with all the work he’d have to do with the accords, he could put it off a bit more.

  He climbed the stairs as the sun began to set. In the sky, he saw a golden brown dragon flying towards the castle. Elek had returned. Without Cardi.

  "Where did you take her?" Kimber asked the moment Elek shifted back into male form.

  "She asked me not to tell you."


  "She made me pinky promise. You wouldn't want me to break the oath."

  The bane of Kimber’s existence was that damn pinky promise. Cardi had all his brothers believing just a shake of two fingers forged an unbreakable oath.

  ”Don't worry,” Elek said. “She's safe. She has a roof over her head and food to eat."

  She wasn’t out in the woods with the megas? Then where else could she be? A chill went down Kimber's spine. "Did she go back to the lion's den to be with Izem?"

  "No. She's in town."

  "In town?"

  "Oh no,” Elek grimaced. “I broke the pinky swear. Now I'll get the cooties."

  She wasn’t in the woods. She wasn’t in Leona’s den. There was only one place she could be in town with a roof over her head.

  What was she playing at?

  Chapter Nine

  "Here is your amaryllis tonic and your velociraptor burger, well done.”

  Though the dino burger was well done, a dollop of red oozed from the sides. Ketchup was not a thing in the Veil. That was a side of dino blood to add a zing of flavor the cooked meat. Cardi didn’t judge. She served.

  Cardi dipped when she sat down the food tray like she'd seen on TV. Being a waitress had always looked so glamorous to her. In real life, it was proving to be a blast.

  "Thanks, Cardi." The sharp-toothed fae paid his bill as he picked up the juicy fare.

  Cardi made to work out his change. But he put up his hand, his mouth full of red.

  "Keep it," he said with a smile.

  She pocketed the money with a smile of her own. She had never been hard up for money a day in her life. Back on earth, her family had been wealthy and she'd had any and everything she could desire.

  The same here. Whatever she wanted, Kimber got for her. Mostly.

  She could go down into his mines and have her pick of diamonds. His dragon left her gems on her pillow on a daily basis. But Cardi had never once in her life earned her own money.

  Whined for it, sure. This wa
s the first time she’d worked for it.

  She tucked the coins in her pocket, feeling their presence heavy there. See! She could totally do this. She was totally doing this. She was making it on her own.

  "Hey, shifter bait. We ordered mastodon steaks not mammoth.”

  Cardi's head craned around on her neck. She spotted the two trolls in her section. They were the only customers who’d given her a hard time tonight.

  And mammoths and mastodons were like the difference between rabbit and quail. They both tasted like chicken.

  These two just wanted to cause trouble. Well, she had some just desserts for them.


  She turned to see Grimmald, the owner of God’s Teet and her new boss.

  "Those are two of my best customers. Change out their order. And be nice about it."

  Nice? They were being jerks.

  "That's the job," said her boss. "You said you could handle that."

  Crap. She did say she could handle it. Cardi spent another second debating. Let those guys get away with their behavior? Or keep her first job?

  On the one hand, she could probably take over this place. Grimmald wasn't running it as best he could. She saw many improvements that she could make.

  But she didn't have the money to buy a place like this. And land wasn't for sale in the Veil like it was back in the human world. The claims on every inch of this garden had been etched in stone since the beginning of time.

  Cardi plastered on her best fake smile and went to the customers.

  "It's about time," snarled one. "You think we'd wait around like that dragon of yours."

  Jokes. They had jokes. Cute.

  They had that wrong. She'd been the one waiting, not Kimber. He could've had her day one. Okay, maybe day two after she'd come to the realization that, unlike his father, Kimber wasn't into raping underage girls. That was one of his good qualities. One of the few.

  "What can I do for you gentle trolls?” she asked.

  "You screwed up our order."

  "Apparently that's her problem,” said the buddy with the bump on his nose. “She's not good at screwing things."


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