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The Dragon's Willing Sacrifice: a Dragon Shifter Romance (The Last Dragons Book 3)

Page 6

by Ines Johnson

  He turned from her and began spooning the food into his mouth. Cardi looked at the male. She looked at all the trolls and pixies and elves eating at the tables. Everyone had been nice to her today. Even though she had made a number of mistakes. She'd mixed up a sprite’s order and given him salted potatoes which made him ill. She'd put bacon bits in front of a fairy who was vegetarian. And she'd given a carnivorous troll a salad of flowers as the main course. But no one had complained. In fact, she'd already made double the tips from yesterday and she'd only been on the clock for an hour. Three more to go. The time ticked endlessly until three rays of sunshine filled the doorway.

  Corun walked with Chryssie. Ilia was in front of them. Ilia spotted her and opened his arms wide.

  Cardi stiffened for all of one minute before dropping the drink she was carrying and running into her brother's arms.

  "What are you three doing here?"

  "We came to see you at your new job," said Ilia. "We get the family discount now, right?"

  Family. They were still her family.

  Corun bussed her cheek. Then Chryssie wrapped her arms around her and squeezed. Cardi could feel the growing bump on her belly. She thought she might've even felt one of the whelps kick in greeting.

  Part of her hated that she was so glad to see them. But it was a small part. She might not want to see Kimber again, but she would've felt completely alone without her fire blood sisters and her dragon brothers.

  "Come sit at my best table," Cardi said dragging Chryssie over. "Order whatever you want. It's on the house."

  Cardi heard Grimmald clear his throat behind her. But she ignored him.

  "Looks like you're doing okay," said Corun, pulling the seat out for his mate.

  "I'm fine,” said Cardi. “I’m great."

  He nodded. His assessing gaze seeing more than Cardi wanted. So, she turned to Ilia.

  "I've got my own place upstairs,” she said.

  "I've always wanted my own place," Ilia said. "Then everyone could move in with me.”

  Cardi didn't bother to tell him that that defeated the whole point in having his own place. Ilia made a show of wanting independence, but he didn't like to be alone. Poor thing.

  "Our order, miss?" called a few fairies a couple of tables over. They’d already been here for twenty minutes. Cardi would tend to her family first.

  "In a minute," Cardi tossed over her shoulder.

  "I'd love to see your place after your shift, Cardi," said Chryssie.

  "We could go up now,” Cardi insisted.

  "Aren't you working?"

  Cardi waved that fact off.

  "Let's eat first," said Corun. "Chryssie hasn't had sustenance in nearly two hours and Dr. Spock says-"

  "Oh, here we go with Dr. Spock," Ilia moaned.

  "Morrigan bought us a library of What to Expect When You're Expecting books," said Chryssie.

  To appease Corun, they all stayed to eat first. Cardi took their order and pushed it in front of all the others. She ignored the customers' glasses who weren't filled and whose orders were up. Instead, she went to go back to her family.

  "I wasn't sure you guys would even want to see me when you heard."

  "Heard what?" said Ilia around a mouthful of bread.

  "That I'm dating Izem."

  Ilia scrunched his nose but didn't put down the bread.

  Here it came. They were going to disown her now that she was no longer with Kimber. But she had never been with Kimber. She'd only ever been a burden trailing behind him.

  She wanted to walk beside a man. And she wanted to be wanted. Kimber clearly didn't want her. And now her family would shun her.

  Maybe she should get to know Leona? But the lioness had never seemed warm and cuddly. She was more drill sergeant than happy homemaker.

  "Great," groaned Ilia. "So we'll get fur all over the man cave now."

  Cardi frowned. Why would there be fur in the man cave? Unless they'd allow Izem inside the castle. Would they?

  ”Wait? You'd welcome a lion into the castle?" she asked.

  "Welcome is a strong word," said Corun.

  "But if he's your choice," said Chryssie, "then we will all make an effort to make him feel comfortable in your family."

  Her family. They were still her family.

  Maybe this could work. Maybe she could date Izem. Maybe even mate him, and still have her family. Maybe they could even move back into the castle because Goddess knew that apartment was too small. She could only fit two weeks' worth of clothes in the small closet. And there was no electrical outlet for her boom box. Kimber had it rigged for her years ago back at the castle.

  This was great. They could all be one big happy family in the castle

  "Miss? Our order?"

  "I'm coming." Cardi got up from her seat.

  This day was looking up. Her lips stretched wide into a smile. Kimber's almost-kiss was long forgotten by the time everyone in the place had the right drink and her brothers and sister were dining on their dishes.

  Izem would give her her first kiss. He wouldn't ghost his touch across her lips. And when they mated they could all be one big happy family.

  Kimber probably wouldn't even care. He clearly didn't want her in that way. The bastard. But she'd make sure to kiss Izem in every corner of the castle.

  And so what if Kimber saw. He could go eat his heart out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "That won't work for the lions," Leona growled. "I can't have weak females in the pool."

  "Just toss the ones you don't want to the bears," said Konan. "They're not picky."

  Turin lunged across the table. He almost got a chunk out of Konan. But Kimber held him back. The wolf sat back in his chair with his hands behind his head and a cheeky grin. Everyone knew better than to poke a bear, especially after you woke it early from its slumber.

  The full moon was out in the late afternoon sky. The bear's hibernation period was almost up. And it was still daylight, so Leona, nocturnal by nature, was up early. The accords were not starting out on the right foot.

  How were they going to get the Valkyrie on board with their request if they couldn't even agree to any terms themselves?

  Kimber shoved Turin back down. He glared at Konan who shrugged his shoulders. But he addressed the lioness.

  "We agreed that three votes are a quorum," said Kimber.

  Konan and Turin agreed. Leona’s bushy brows pinched inward.

  “You speak as though you are our leader,” she said. “Why should we even listen to you when you don't even have a mate any longer."

  All heads craned to Kimber. He’d expected this jab. But he’d assumed Leona would strike as soon as they sat down at the table. But she’d bidded her time and Kimber had become preoccupied with the bickering. So he was caught off guard when she attacked.

  "It's true," Leona continued. "My cub Izem wooed little Cardinal away from the mighty dragon. He'll likely be putting new cubs in her as we speak."

  A vicious roar tore through the den. The temperature spiked. Flames licked up the walls.

  Konan straightened. Turin sat back. Antagonizing a dragon was not a smart thing to do. The only remorse Leona showed was in a twitch of her right eye.

  Kimber breathed deep to take the flames back into himself. But his dragon was not cowed. He reached for reason. “Cardinal is still a child-"

  "That's been your excuse for years," said Leona. "But clearly the girl is full grown."

  "I have to second that," said Konan. “Cardi might be a little human, but she has the full curves of a grown woman."

  "Agreed," said Turin. "Not exactly a C cup but close. And those hips are like melons."

  "Enough," roared Kimber.

  Their words were conjuring illicit images of Cardi in his mind. Even now he could taste the first kiss he had yet to give her on his mouth. He could feel the fullness of her warm flesh in his hands. He could see her in his mind's eye.

  He was having trouble reconciling the Cardi of
his memory to the one in real life.

  "See here's the problem I'm anticipating," said Turin. "If we can get the Valkyrie to agree to our terms, there will be fights over new sacrifices."

  "He's right," said Konan. "Look at our boy here. I bet he's going after your cub as soon as we adjourn.”

  Leona's shrewd gaze cut Kimber. “Which is why I propose the first rule is that we let the sacrifice decide her mate. Starting with Cardi."

  "I agree," said Konan.

  "I agree," said Turin.

  "That's three votes," said Leona. "That's all we need as a quorum, right mighty dragon?"

  Kimber thought back to the way he'd left Cardi the other night. She would not be pleased with him. Izem would charm and cajole her. He'd appeal to her self centeredness. What if she didn't choose Kimber at all?

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Wow, you look amazing."

  Izem swept an appreciative glance over Cardi's form. She'd decided to skip the white Like a Virgin Lace and go more for Who’s that Girl in the ending scene of the movie when Madonna was all glammed up in the off the shoulder number. In that movie, Madonna had befriended a tiger. So what better way to start off her date with a lion.

  By the way Izem licked his chops, clearly, this lion approved the getup. Cardi had even curled her hair into a tight bob. They weren't blond locks like Madonna's but the red curls worked.

  "Thanks," she said.

  She looked down at Izem. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Which she wouldn’t have minded except this was her first-ever date. She'd hoped he'd dress up. All he wore was a pair of tattered shorts. Even his feet were bare.

  "You ready to go?" he asked offering her his arm.

  "Um...sure." She took his arm as he led her down the stairs from the apartment over the restaurant.

  “One sec,” he said once they got to the bottom of the steps. “I just gotta change first.”

  Change? Oh, right. That’s why he was wearing the shorts.

  There were no cars in the Veil. The fastest way around was in animal form. Izem was going to give her a ride, all right. She was going to ride a lion. Sa-wheet!

  "Mind turning around?" He made a twirling motion with his index finger.

  Cardi almost protested. It's not like she'd never seen what he had before. She lived around six dragon shifters that changed on a daily basis. Izem wasn't going to shock her with his package. But she did as he asked and turned her back.

  She heard the telltale sign of the shift. The guttural grunts. The popping of bones. The sizzling sound that reminded her of sparklers on the Fourth of July, making her wonder if there was a bit of magic inherent in the change.

  When she turned back around, she was greeted by a massive lion. Cardi reached out her hand. Izem bowed his head and allowed her to run her hand through his mane. He nuzzled into her palm much like Kimber's dragon would.

  No. Cardi jerked her hand back. She would not think about scales tonight. This was her new life. With fur. With a man who actually wanted her. She’d never had a fur coat. Maybe it was time she got one.

  Excitement seized her as she climbed on Izem's back. She couldn't wait to see where he'd take her. There weren't many places to go out in the Veil.

  Cardi grabbed fistfuls of Izem’s hair as he took off into the night. They raced through town, heading for the forest. Cardi’s curls were stretched as they flew behind her in the night's wind. She didn't care. She felt free, uncoiled.

  Izem slowed down as they came to a familiar setting. Cardi saw the acacia trees that looked like umbrellas. She saw the cave that hid the entrance to the lion’s home. They were at his den.

  She dismounted and looked at him. The lion cocked his head. Again? What was with the men of this realm? With a sigh, Cardi turned away and Izem shifted.

  "So we're at your place?" said Cardi, turning back around in time to catch Izem pulling a shirt over his head.

  "Yeah," he said with a grin as he came to join her.

  He was in nice-fitting linen slacks that hugged his muscled thighs, a loose tunic shirt, and a leather jacket. An amazing upgrade from the tattered shorts.

  "I just need to get the picnic basket,” he said. “I didn't want any stray animals to pick at it while I came to get you."

  A moonlight picnic? How romantic.

  Izem opened the front door to his den. Inside his brothers looked up as they stepped in.

  "You all know Cardi," he said.

  There were grins and chuckles amongst the younger lions in the den.

  "Shut it," said Leander, the eldest and biggest of the bunch. Though Leander was big, Cardi knew he had a gentle soul. The massive lion wrote poems. Bad poems. Like, truly bad poems. But his words were sweet all the same.

  Ari, the second eldest, rolled his eyes and left the room. The guy was hard up for a sacrifice of his own. Cardi knew that for certain. He'd tried to steal Poppy, Beryl's mate, away not too long ago.

  "I'll just be a moment," said Izem to Cardi. "You lot behave."

  He disappeared into another room. Cardi looked back at the four grown cubs seated around the room. They all stared back at her, golden eyes gleaming bright like sunbeams.

  "So, Cardi, you gonna let Izem take a bite out of you tonight,” said one of the cubs, Kefir, she thought his name was.

  "Where are your manners," growled Leander.

  "It's fine," said Cardi. “But don’t be surprised if your big brother comes back with a bite taken out of him. I have a healthy appetite after all these years of starving.”

  The cubs blinked. Then they all burst out laughing.

  "Don't forget,” said Cardi. “I’ve been living with six dragons for a long time. And despite being a redhead, I don’t blush easily.”

  "Well said, my dear." Leona leaned against the entryway on the far side of the room. "All of you out. Clean your rooms. Then head out and play."

  "Ah, Mama,” groaned Kefir.

  "What did I say?" Leona did not raise her voice. But there was iron in her tone.

  No one bickered. Wow, Cardi would love that particular power. But she supposed it only came with motherhood.

  "Now my dear,” said Leona, “lets you and I have a talk."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Oh, you don't need to call me ma'am. You may call me Mama."

  Cardi gulped.

  Leona patted a fur-lined cushion. "Come sit. I want to show you some images of Izem growing up."

  Cardi sat down to look at sketches of the lion family. In the Veil, they didn’t have photographs. But fairies could render any image down to the last detail and in full color.

  "You see what a strong boy he was? Good hunter. Strong thighs. Big paws too, you know what that means."

  Oh Goddess, save her.

  "You're going to make strong grand cubs, aren't you? You certainly have the hips for it. And your breasts will fill out a bit more after you’ve birthed. Mine certainly did and-"

  "Mama, that's enough." Izem returned. Basket of food in his hands.

  Leona rose and pulled her son into an embrace. "Oh, my boy. I'm so proud of you."

  She grabbed his face between her two paws. Then she licked her thumb and wiped at a smudge on his cheek.

  "Mama, stop."

  Leona cuffed Izem by the ear. "Don't screw this up. She needs to choose you over that dragon."

  Izem ducked out of her hold and came to Cardi. "Run or she'll follow."

  Cardi made quick feet to the door behind Izem. Once outside, they walked down a path towards the watering hole. At the end of the path was a fur spread out like a picnic blanket.

  "I hope this is okay," he said. "I don't have a lot of money to wine and dine a girl. Lions are strong but we don't mine for gems like dragons. Mama makes all the money."

  "I understand. My father earned all the money when I was back on earth. And now Kimber earns all the money here. But now I have my job. I don't earn much but I'm grateful for what I do earn."

  "I admire that about you."

  Cardi felt
a fluttery feeling at the compliment. She didn’t get many of them. Not back at the castle. Not when she lived with her father. She could get used to this.

  And, to top that off, she was going to be fed alongside the compliments. Best first date ever. Izem pulled out two plates of meat. The two pieces of steak were raw.

  "What's the matter?" he asked when she didn't immediately dig in. "You don't like gazelle?"

  "No, I love gazelle. But it goes down better when it's been cooked."

  Izem stared. Then he groaned. "I forgot, you're human. I'm sorry. I have some flowers."

  He dug in the bag and produced some blossoms. They weren't her favorite. But she nibbled at them, not wanting to ruin the date. He'd worked so hard. Even if he hadn’t fired up a grill.

  Cardi nursed the petals while she batted bugs away. The megas were out in full force tonight. They liked flesh, but they left Izem and his fur alone.

  “You cold?” Izem asked as she brushed off one of the large bugs. “Here, take my jacket.”

  He slipped the leather jacket over her shoulders. Cardi was enveloped in Izem’s rustic scent. This was something Sean Penn would’ve done for Madonna.

  "This reminds me of Madonna’s song, Like A Virgin,” she said.


  “Madonna, she's my favorite singer from back home. In the song, she talks about making it through the wilderness. Wanna hear?"

  Cardi took out her walkman. No batteries were necessary as Corun affixed the power compartment with solar-powered cubes the other day.

  Izem listened to the music as he took another bite of his bleeding stake. She hoped he’d wash down that blood with water, and maybe honey wine, and a few sweet flowers.

  "Do you like it?" Cardi asked.

  "Very much. Her voice sounds like a chipmunk. She's making me hungry."

  Chipmunk? Madonna did not sound like a chipmunk. Cardi cut the song and put the walkman away.

  "I said something wrong didn't I?" Izem asked.

  "No. You're fine."

  He scooted closer. "I want this to go well. I really like you Cardi and I think we would be good together. I want you to choose me."


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