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Happily Ever Laughter: older man, quirky younger woman romance (HEA Book 3)

Page 8

by Haley Travis

  I love that he acts all offended when I insist on doing the dishes so that he can take a shower. I love that he leaves a fluffy towel out for me when it’s my turn.

  As I return to his room still shaking out my half dry hair, his grin lights up the entire space. “I know I’m way ahead of myself, but take a look.”

  He points to his closet proudly, where everything has been shoved to the left, leaving a wide gap at the end. “The top drawer beside it is also empty. I can clear more space, too. So, you know, If you ever want to leave anything here, whatever makes you more comfortable when you visit, feel free.”

  My biggest source of relationship advice is years of TV and movies. I can’t be completely sure of their accuracy, but it seems logical that a man making space for a woman in his home has to be a good thing.

  “Thank you.” I walk over to give him a big, squishy hug. “That means a lot to me.”

  “Baby, I hope I don’t freak you out by doing things like this too quickly.” He tips my chin up with a finger, placing one perfect kiss on my lips. “I need you to know that I’m all in.”

  I push his finger down with my chin, then raise it again, nodding awkwardly as we both smile. “Me too.”

  “Hey, I’ve got the van today, so I can drive you home. Are there any errands you want to run on the way? The van holds a lot of groceries.”

  “You want to take me grocery shopping?”

  His lips press to my cheek in one of those adorably sweet, romantic kisses. “Baby, I want to do absolutely everything with you.”


  ~ Felix ~

  I honestly cannot believe that Tanis has never been to a huge discount grocery store. The look on her face when she sees the low prices of some of the canned goods makes me laugh out loud.

  Luckily, she seems to love it when I laugh at her, with her, around her.

  After a trip to a specialty plant store, cheese shop, and her favorite bakery across town, I can’t get her to admit that she needs the van for anything else. By the time we get back to her apartment, it’s nearly seven and we’ve spent the day discussing almost everything under the sun, realizing that we are alike in so many ways.

  It is almost spooky how so many of our tiny preferences line up. Like how barbecue sauce is better than ketchup on a burger, and raisins have absolutely no place being within five miles of butter tarts.

  It takes us two trips in the elevator to haul all of her purchases from the van to her kitchen. She refuses my help putting things away, since I don’t know where things should go, and her space is admittedly a bit small for two. I lounge on her couch and check my email while she shuffles things around.

  “Hey, there’s a message from Gretchen.”

  Tanis spins to face me, her eyes tense. “Is everything okay?”

  “Of course,” I say quickly. “Jeez – take a breath.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I’m just…I really hope they like everything.”

  “They do. There’s a thank you email passed along from the editors. They’re relieved that we gave them some extra clips. Turns out they likely do need half of one more.”

  She breathes a huge sigh of relief. “Okay. Good.”

  “Hey. Come here for a minute.”

  She sets down the last two cans of black beans, then as soon as she’s within reach, I pull her into my lap. “Do I have to kiss the nervousness out of you? Because I will if I have to.”

  My intent to be funny is apparently taken seriously, as she melts into my shoulder. “You’re right. Sometimes I’m too high strung. I’m just used to things going south and fading away, I guess.”

  “There’s no guarantee with jobs, especially creative jobs. Sometimes it gets down to the wire, and the whole thing gets scrapped. I can’t protect you from that. All we can do is try to learn not to take it personally, and book another job as quickly as possible.”

  As I stroke her back gently, I realize she’s drooping against me. “Are you tired, baby?”

  “Just a little,” she says. “I’m used to taking it easy on the weekends, not all of this running around.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  She shakes her head. “I’m fine. Those sandwiches we had from the deli were huge.”

  I simply hold her for a few moments, looking around her space. Books and knickknacks and plants and photos, all jumbled together to create her home. I could spend hours here, studying the things she’s read and what she watches to try to get my mind around how wonderful she is.

  But my wicked eyes keep snapping back to the pink and purple bed in the corner.

  Glancing at the old-fashioned wooden clock on the nightstand, I see that it’s only nine-twenty, but she really does seem tired.

  “Maybe I should tuck you into bed and leave,” I whisper against her ear.

  Her hand grips my t-shirt. “No. I mean…maybe you could stay?” She looks up at me hopefully, then snaps her eyes shut. “Sorry, you’re probably busy early tomorrow.”

  “Not in the slightest. Dan will forgive me if I work out around noon instead of seven am. Trust me.”


  I want to tell her that she’s worth canceling the entire world for. Worth climbing mountains, or doing absolutely anything just to care for her.

  Instead, I kiss her cautiously, waiting for her to show me how much heat she wants.

  It doesn’t take long before her lips part, her tongue darting out to explore my mouth. Her hands roam all over my shoulders and chest, then latch at the back of my neck to pull me deeper.

  Slipping my hands up her back, I need to feel her skin without fabric in the way. But I don’t want to rush her, or think that I’m pushing for more.

  It’s enough that I’m letting my emotions totally rule my every thought. I already want to tell her I love her. Need to press the words into her lips with mine.

  “Tanis, I would love to undress you and taste you again, but if you’re tired or don’t want to do that again so soon, that’s totally fine.”

  She pulls back just enough to stare into my eyes. “I feel like I’m supposed to wait longer for more, but I don’t want to.”

  “You should do absolutely anything that feels right for you, sweetheart.” I love the way her eyes light up when I call her that.

  Kissing across her forehead, I bounce kisses on her nose until she giggles. “We likely should take our time. I get the feeling you haven’t been close with anyone else, and the thought of hurting you at all is just...” My head shakes rapidly. “No.”

  Her lovely eyes are difficult to read, and she stays silent, but her fingers hold onto me tightly.

  “It’s a big step, and we don’t have to take it right away. But I’d love a repeat of last night, or even just to sleep with you in my arms.” Trailing my fingers behind her ears, I hold her face close. “What do you think of sleeping naked and snuggling?”

  She nods eagerly. “Yes.”

  Tanis stands, allowing me to slip off her clothing piece by piece, revealing every part of her body like the hidden treasure that it is. Those soft curves, her delicate skin, and the flashing saucy look in her eye combine to make my heart thump excitedly in my chest.

  I pull off my t-shirt, and while it’s over my eyes, I feel lips bounce down the center of my chest in a string of light kisses.

  “I love that you’re so playful,” I murmur, throwing my shirt and scooping her up in my arms. Placing her on the bed, I click off the main light before slipping off my jeans and getting in beside her.

  Feeling comfortable while being naked with someone is something I’ve always craved. It’s not just about the sex, or being sexy, it’s the level of familiarity. Knowing that I’m the only one who gets to see her like this. That she’s the only person I’ll share this side of myself with.

  The scent of her hair right under my nose, the feeling of her skin pressed to mine, and the sound of her soft breathing all combine to arouse me completely. Turning my hips slightly, I pre
tend to be stretching out my legs as I try to keep my erection away from her.

  As we grow quiet, I can sense that her breathing is a tiny bit too quick. “Sweetheart, I want you to know that you can tell me anything. Okay? Anything you want, anything you need, I’m here for you.”

  Her hand presses against the center of my chest, as her leg slides over mine.

  “I think you know what I want,” she barely breathes. “I want you. Need you. All of you.”

  In a blink, Tanis is on her back, my tongue and fingers worshipping her incredible round breasts. Her thighs press together with a moan as she quivers while I suck her nipple.

  “Is it bad for us to have sex too soon?” she asks breathlessly. “I don’t want to mess anything up. I don’t know any of the rules for dating with this stuff.”

  I lap at her other little peak before bringing my lips to hers, my forearms caging her head as I pull back to look down into those wide eyes.

  “This isn’t just dating, Tanis. I know you can feel the lightning between us.”

  “Yes, absolutely. But it’s just physical.”

  Our mouths melt into each other in the most heart wrenching, soul-searching, dreamy kiss of all time.

  As I rise up to let her catch her breath, we lock eyes. “Don’t be scared, sweetheart. But I think you know how I feel about you already.”

  I expect her to look touched. Instead, she giggles wildly, her head falling back as she gasps for air.

  “Not the reaction I was hoping for,” I mutter, raising my eyebrow.

  “I’m sorry,” she sputters. “I guess it’s nervous laughter. I feel the same way, I just…it’s way too soon to say it and I’m scared.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I know.”

  Kissing her gently, I feel her soften again, except for her fingers digging roughly into the backs of my shoulders.

  “May I lick you again?” I ask, as I reach down to feel the incredible moisture gathering through her crease.

  “I can’t wait,” she whispers, sliding her hand down my back to grip my ass possessively. Staring up into my eyes, she bites her lip before whispering, “I want you. All of you. Felix, I think I need you.”

  Cutting her off with a ferocious kiss, her tongue tangles with mine as our bodies shift into the most beautiful, primal position. As her thighs open for me, my hard cock is heavy from both anticipation, and the weight of this moment.

  Brushing the head along her tender folds, I wet my skin, taking my time. I’m likely a little big for her, and need to be very careful not to hurt my sweet girl, even though I know I will. I just pray that it’s not too much.

  More than anything, I need her to know my only thoughts are for her pleasure. Her comfort.

  With a gasp, I pull my shaft back. “I’m sorry – I feel so close to you that my mind is scrambled and I forgot to ask. Do you have any condoms?”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  I cut her off with a quick kiss. “Are you sure you want me?”

  “Yes. I want you.”

  My vision blurs from the intensity of this moment. This incredible woman wants me. Completely. I know that she loves me already.

  Most importantly, she’s going to let me love her.


  ~ Tanis ~

  I honestly thought this might not ever happen for me.

  Love. Reckless, fierce, and slightly savage. The kind of love that is almost out of control.

  But it’s happened, it’s here, and it’s real.

  It’s both hilarious and precious that we’re not admitting it for the moment.

  This bond with Felix is more than I could have ever imagined. His body, his breath, everywhere we connect is so beautifully deep.

  I would never have dreamed that anyone could love me unconditionally.

  One of the things I admire most about Felix is that he is so open with his feelings. He’s not afraid to share. Not afraid to look thoughtful or weak or odd.

  His body feels so solid and warm over mine. Overpowering, but not controlling. He’s protective. Maybe even a bit obsessed.

  It’s going to take a bit of time and soul-searching for me to admit that it feels absolutely incredible to be so wanted.

  “I needed you so badly from the first second I saw you,” he murmurs, as I feel the round head of his huge, hard shaft slipping gently up and down along my entrance.

  The muscles in his shoulders ripple as he moves slowly, kissing along my forehead as he barely slips inside me. I’ve never felt this wet before, and hope that he can feel how much I want him.

  Felix’s head dips, dragging his tongue up my throat as he slowly inches inside. Just when I think he’s going to open me completely, he withdraws, grazing my clit until I hear myself whimper.

  “You’re mine,” he says through clenched teeth, his large body grounding me somehow.

  I feel like the entire universe has shrunk down to this bed, where he’s about to claim me in a primitive way that I need so very badly.

  He’s frozen, holding his breath as his thick shaft stretches me open so slowly. I love how careful he is with me. He’s the life raft I’ve been reaching for my entire life. Someone to hold onto, to help me find my direction and make it to the shore.

  His endless thrust sinks deeper, as my slippery tunnel wraps around him like a glove. The sensation of being stretched open is strange. It’s a bit much to take, but with deep, focused breathing and the intoxicating feeling of being taken, I’m able to stifle my gasps through the rough patch.

  “God dammit, baby,” his deep voice barely above a whisper. “Please tell me I’m not hurting you.”

  “It’s amazing, but just…slow down for a minute,” I beg.

  “Of course. Anything you want.”

  My legs spread wider, hooking my knees around his hips as my heels drop onto the thick muscles of his legs.

  I’m floating and falling as his huge length finally pushes into me completely. I’ve never been so full. Of lust, of love, of him.

  His lips fall to my ear. “I didn’t even know a woman could get this wet. You’re messing with my mind, Tanis. So beautiful and perfect and I can’t believe that you’re all mine.”

  “Yes. Yours,” I hear myself whine, as he begins to take devastatingly slow, long strokes inside me.

  My back arches, my skin on fire as I squirm restlessly, trying to pull him even deeper.

  “Is this what you needed, baby?” His voice is huskier. “Do you need me to give this gorgeous body everything it needs?”

  I answer by yanking his lips to mine, kissing him as I moan frantically beneath him. I can feel the climax brewing deep inside me. It feels like a tsunami is about to be released. Some sort of terrifying force that might be too big for me to control.

  “I can’t believe you’re real,” he growls as his hips pick up speed, sliding his cock steady and deep into my clenching wet pussy. “Smart and talented and sexy and all mine. My hot little girl who needs me to take care of her in the back of a van. You’re gonna need me to take care of you all the time, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” I breathe, needing him to tell me more. “Anywhere you want.”

  “No, baby, it’s anywhere you want. Whenever you want me, you just give me the look and I’ll give you everything you need.”

  Switching from such a nice guy to such a naughty, possessive one has my head spinning. And I absolutely love it.

  My heels press into the bed as my hips grind up toward him. Felix slips a hand between us, finding my clit with his middle finger and gently brushing in a light fluttering touch that brings me to the edge in seconds.

  “I can feel you, baby. Feel that sweet little pussy letting go and letting me in. You were waiting for me, weren’t you? Waiting for the man who needs you and loves you and wants to worship you every single day?”

  He pounds into me harder, faster, his wide shaft touching every single nerve as my body clenches around him.

  “Yes, yes!” I scream, as h
e muffles the sound with his lips.

  “That’s it,” he groans into my mouth. “So beautiful when you’re coming for me, baby.”

  As the climax spins me and wrings me out, I’m left limp and exhausted, yet I desperately need to feel him come inside me.


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