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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

Page 2

by Carson Mackenzie

  “See, there is another thing to look forward to about going home, the women around the club and town know the deal,” I said.

  “True.” The doorbell rang right after Coast spoke, and I stood. I looked at him as I walked to the door.

  “You know, for the first time I think I understand why our dads always say they don’t need or want ol’ ladies.”

  “I’m not opposed to finding a woman who doesn’t play games. A sweet one who doesn’t harp and does what I say.” I couldn’t hold back the laughter at Coast’s words.

  “Brother, you’d be bored inside a week. At least with the sweet. The game playing, well, never been a fan of that shit myself.”

  I pulled the door open and paid for the food. Once I set the containers out on the coffee table, I went and grabbed a couple more beers for us.

  It was nice having one of my brothers to hang with for a change. As Coast and I talked more about home and the changes the dads were making within the club, the more at peace I became with my decision. It was time, Black Hawk was definitely where I needed to be.

  “To home and one day finding the right woman.” I held my bottle out to Coast.

  “And until she’s found, in the faraway future, plenty to keep the nights from being cold and lonely.” Coast tapped his bottle to mine.

  As I tipped my bottle and took a drink, my decision to leave the military felt right. Knowing my brothers would be there too, just made it that much better.

  Chapter One


  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” I looked at Coast and Flirt as we placed the finishing touches on the first bikes built under Black Hawk Custom Bikes.

  “Fuck yeah, it does,” Coast said as he tossed his rag in the bin for the used ones.

  “And the best part, we already have three more orders. Brothers, we can officially consider this a business,” Flirt said as he slapped Coast and me on the back.

  “We’ve been a business. You’re just saying that because of the money,” I said, tossed my own rag in the bin, and stood back to look at my handiwork. The chrome reflected the sunrays that filtered through the open bay door of the garage.

  “Damn straight. Even after we buy the supplies and parts for the next three orders, we’ll be left with a decent profit. All about the numbers, brothers,” Flirt said and chuckled when Coast and I groaned.

  Every month we go over the books for the club’s businesses, and while we griped, Flirt was in his element.

  Christ, I’d take a legal brief any day over rows and rows of numbers.

  When my cell vibrated, I reached in my back pocket, pulled it out, and looked at the screen, then hit the accept button. “What’s up, Boss?” I asked as I held the cell to my ear.

  “Hey, VP, Turk and I have the contract for the building we’re purchasing to house the cannabis store. Wanted to know if you had the time to take a glance at the papers. We could come to Black Hawk or meet you in town? Whatever works for you.”

  “I’ll come to you. Better yet, meet you at Soft Tails, we can grab some grub.” I went to the workbench and put the tools I used away. There was nothing left to do now but wait for the weekend to roll around and the buyers to pick up the bikes and pay their final costs. Then on to the next orders.

  “That sounds good. But if you have the time, can you meet us at the building beforehand and have a look around. Value another opinion besides mine and Turk’s before we sign the paperwork and finalize the buy.”

  “Yeah, no problem. That’s doable. See ya in a few, Boss.” I touched the disconnect button, slid the cell back in my pocket, and straightened the workbench.

  “You heading to town now, Jag?” Coast asked.

  “Nah, going to grab a shower first. You two got anything going on? Want to ride?”

  “Works for me. I was just going to eat a sandwich at the house after I cleaned up, but a burger and fries and a cold beer sounds a helluva lot better for lunch,” Flirt said as he locked the storage room where we kept our additional parts and materials along with the paints.

  “The idea of adding the temp control to the storage room was one of Speed’s better ideas,” I said when Flirt had shut the storage room door.

  “Well, true, but don’t tell him that, Jag. We’d never hear the end of the shit,” Coast said and laughed. He knew like I did, that Speed wasn’t like that, we just enjoyed giving him a hard time. Even more since the high-strung, over the top man with a zero to sixty seconds temper had mellowed. Well, at least when it came to Sami and Ally.

  “Where is our brother? As a matter of fact, where are Devil and Crusher?” Flirt asked. “I figured they’d want to be here when the last of the touch-ups were done.”

  “Crusher went with Carly to her last checkup with the physical therapist, if she gets cleared, she’ll be back to work at the sheriff’s station.” I lowered the bay door as I talked and then headed toward the side door. “Speed is with Sami at her appointment at Dr. Minton’s office. And Ghost and Luna tagged along because she has an appointment, too. Lastly, Dev took Neely to meet with Bailey, she has a pediatrician’s appointment. Neely does, not Bailey.” Once we walked out, I locked the door and turned, and Flirt and Coast were grinning. “What?”

  “Brother, I’m amazed you felt the need to clarify who was going to the kiddie doctor. I mean, damn, not like we are total morons about kids.” Flirt chuckled, then continued. “However, I do find it quite amusing on how the mighty have fallen. Don’t get me wrong, the women our brothers have chosen are fuckin’ awesome, but did either of you ever think when we came back from the military our lives would change so much in a short amount of time?” Flirt asked as we started walking toward our homes.

  “Nope, but I gotta say, with as happy as those fuckers are, I wouldn’t mind waking up every morning like that,” Coast said and kept walking.

  “Then lock the doc down, man,” Flirt said and earned himself a scowl from Coast.

  “I’m not you, Flirt. I refuse to tie her to my damn bed. I much prefer she come to it willingly.”

  “Don’t underestimate the ability a good set of ropes has,” Flirt said, and I smiled when Coast shook his head and groaned.

  “I’m not even going to get started on that shit, Flirt. Fuck me, I try hard not to think about the things I saw when I visited you on leave, and you took me to that club.” Coast did a fake shiver, and I cocked my brow.

  “Asshole,” Flirt said and slapped Coast’s shoulder.

  “How come I didn’t know you and Flirt visited a club?” I asked, and Coast shook his head.

  “‘Cause I didn’t get any further than one viewing room. Dude, I knew immediately that wasn’t for me, and I left Flirt to it. I love being in control, but that was way outside my comfort zone. Hell, before I went in there, I didn’t even know I had a comfort zone.” Coast shook his head as if to clear the images, and I turned to Flirt.

  “You did not let him witness an extreme pain and punishment scene?” Flirt nodded, and Coast’s head jerked to me.

  “You’ve been?”

  “Yeah, I went while I was in San Diego at Coronado for a joint JAG conference. Some aspects of it interest me, but overall, it really isn’t my scene either. But, brother, at least I lasted the evening.” I laughed when Coast flipped me off.

  “I’ve explained to both of you, it is a twenty-four/seven lifestyle for some where the D/s relationship is not just a scene played out in a club. Their lives follow the D/s roles. Besides, your asses didn’t have to go. All you had to do was say you weren’t interested, and we would have gone somewhere else.”

  “Don’t get your panties twisted, man. Geez, Flirt, talk about dishing it out and not being able to take it.” I looked over at Flirt and noticed he had his brows furrowed. “Brother, we weren’t putting your preferences down. What’s your deal?” As we continued to walk, I glanced at Coast, and he shrugged. He evidently didn’t know what brought on the sudden change in Flirt.

  “I don’t need, nor want the twenty-four/se
ven lifestyle, but yeah, I enjoy controlling what is going on, and the rush I get as my partner turns over her pleasure to me because I’ve taken her into subspace where she trusts that I’ll give her exactly what she wants and needs. I don’t have the desire to lead a woman around on a leash or have her sit at my feet to feel a connection for that matter. What I do want though, is a strong woman. One who can manage anything thrown her way but realizes she doesn’t have to when she’s with me. She’ll know I’ll take care of her—mentally, physically, and sexually.”

  Coast and I watched Flirt as he spoke, and I wondered if Coast noticed the wistful look in Flirt’s eyes as he told us exactly what he was looking for in a woman. I also knew when Flirt found the one who fit what he needed, he wouldn’t avoid her. She’d be locked down before she even knew what happened to her.

  “That’s you, brother. And I hope you find everything you want in a woman. But I can’t see the doc allowing anyone to control her, and frankly, I don’t need her to let me. What I need her to do is stop avoiding me long enough to show her that I’m the one for her. Every single time I’ve gotten close to her since we came back from San Diego, she turns and runs in the opposite direction. One of these days there isn’t going to be a place for her to escape. I’m out of patience,” Coast said as we stopped in the middle of the road between our places.

  “Uh...patience? I don’t think I’ve ever heard your name and that word used in the same sentence,” I said, then dodged the punch Coast aimed at me.

  “Joke all you want. Noticed you’ve been a bit surly lately. Wouldn’t have anything to do with River, would it?” I sneered at Coast who laughed since my actions didn’t faze him.

  “Don’t like it when you’re the one under the microscope, huh, VP?” Flirt said. Seemed he was over his little snit as he chuckled right along with Coast.


  “What the fuck ever. I’m going to take a shower,” I said and turned toward my place.

  “Meet ya out here in twenty, so don’t take too long in that shower!” I kept walking, threw my arm in the air and flipped Coast off. When would I learn not to talk to the bastards about shit.

  “Fuck the both of you, it might be time to find some new friends!” I yelled without turning around, but their laughter followed me as I closed the front door.

  I stripped as soon as I hit my bedroom and headed to the bathroom where I turned the shower on.

  River was going to have to be dealt with. She could throw all the attitude she wanted—I needed to know if something was there between us or not. Thanks to Luna and her voiced opinion of sexual tension, which was made from witnessing River and me in front of Yoga Sensual the day she nearly ran over me coming out the door.

  So what if I’d had a couple dreams about the woman. It wasn’t like my brothers had been around the woman any more than I had. Ghost fixed a fucking window for her, big damn deal. And how the fuck was I supposed to get to know someone who sneered every time I was around them? It mattered not what her ass looked like in yoga pants, jeans, or a tight skirt and heels.

  I checked the temperature of the spray and stepped into the shower with the redhead on my mind. If I was honest, she’d been on my mind a lot since that first day in the parking lot of the courthouse. The hot water ran down my body and just like any other time I thought of River, my shaft hardened. Screw it, the guys could wait for all I cared. I ran my hand down, then wrapped it around my straining cock and closed my eyes.

  “Something has to give,” I whispered. I only wished I knew the outcome once it did. The damn woman had me touching myself like a green, fresh-faced teen who hadn’t been close to a woman, never mind sinking into the warmth of one.

  With the hot water blasting me, I moved my hand up and down. Every slide earned a curse. If I kept thinking about her, I was going to need to buy a brace for my wrist and invest in a shit ton of lotion.

  River’s face surfaced behind my eyelids. What was wrong with me? I’d stayed away from any woman in town who would want more than to scratch an itch. The ones who hung around the club knew the deal, which was mainly the strippers at Soft Tails. Since my brothers had been dropping like flies, the parties were far and in between now. Unless it had to do with a family celebration.

  Whatever the reason, my problem wasn’t going to be fixed in the shower. I focused on River’s face and picked up speed as I squeezed and twisted my hand. It didn’t take long to bring myself to the brink when I pictured River on her knees with her lips surrounding me, and my hands full of her red hair.

  “Fuck!” I screamed as my release splashed against the shower tile. Spent, I leaned my forehead against the wall and squeezed my eyes tighter.

  Acknowledging Luna’s theory, I wondered what River Ramey would have to say. If past encounters with her were anything to go by, I was pretty sure the woman would mock me.

  I washed, then stepped out of the shower. When I looked in the mirror, I grinned. Could be time to be proactive in the situation. Some good friction might just melt the layer of ice she wore like a suit of armor.

  If I walked through the flames in hell, maybe we would both get what we wanted. Getting River to ask for it would make it even better.

  As I finished drying off and dressed, the smile left my face. I hadn’t had the best history with the opposite sex, and with that knowledge, I had no doubt the woman would drive me to the brink of insanity before she succumbed.

  It also hadn’t slipped past me that she pushed buttons I didn’t even know I had. With keys in hand, I walked out my door and headed toward my bike. Maybe it was time I pushed a few buttons myself.

  Chapter Two


  Looking in the mirror, I adjusted the straps of my bra under the black tank top and rotated around to see how my jeans fit.

  “New place, new job, and a new me,” I repeated the same words every day since I arrived in Shades Valley. I picked up the brush and worked it through my thick, red hair until I had the wavy strands in my hand, then twisted them and snapped the sizeable black clip into the wild mess. When I let go my hair was piled on my head in a makeshift ponytail that actually looked good on me. It had been a long time since I felt comfortable in my skin—if ever. Funny how it only had taken moving across the country to achieve it.

  With one last look, I headed out into the bedroom and inwardly groaned at the clothes tossed on my bed. Yeah, I might have changed a few times before I settled on my current outfit. If Thomas saw me now, he’d voice his disapproval for sure.

  “River, your outfit does not reflect that of a partner’s wife.” Never mind he wasn’t a partner yet, only the son of one who was promised the advancement and votes of the other two partners if he showed his father he was committed as a family man. And what better way to tip the scales in his favor than marry the step-daughter of one of the other partners.

  Yeah, that worked out well.

  Thomas was my past, and I needed to keep him there. He no longer had any say in what I wanted or needed. I’d let him have too much power over me when we were together. But no more. I’d made the break and now controlled my life for the first time. The thought of that made me smile as I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on my boots.

  With my boots on, I left the bedroom, went downstairs, grabbed my purse and jacket, then headed out the door. I’d spent enough time getting my house unpacked and livable. I even had everything filled out and ready to begin my job, though, I still had a bit before I would officially start. All that was left was the invention of the new me. Not so much inventing—more like finding my true self.

  The woman I was meant to be had to be buried in there somewhere, right?

  I locked the door and started toward my car. The small Mercedes stood out on the street where I lived, and it would be the next thing I changed and the last thing I owned from my old life. That was how I’d categorized things—old and new.


  I turned toward the voice and smiled at the little girl who walked
toward me from the neighbor’s yard. Her black hair was pulled up in a ponytail that swung with each step as she moved closer. I’d seen her a few times around town along with her coming and going from Sue Mayson’s place. She was the daughter of the woman I purchased the house from, Sami Borelli, though the little girl looked nothing like her mother. She was, however, the feminine version of her dad, Kane, one of the bikers who dropped her off or picked her from Sue’s place. That thought immediately brought the man who haunted my thoughts since the first time I’d laid eyes on him. The same man I seemed to always run into, literally. Dominic Amara. Jag to his biker buddies.

  Each time his presence sent me spiraling into a woman I had no clue existed inside me. He had dark blue eyes that were in contrast with his dark brown hair and olive skin tone. And when the man focused those sapphire globes on me, my blood warmed, and my insides tingled. Those thoughts of him needed to be curbed pronto, if not for my sake, then for the little girl’s.

  “Hi yourself.”

  She stopped right in front of me and looked up through eyes that seemed much older than she appeared.

  “Do yous live here now?”

  “Yes, I do. What’s your name, sweetie?”

  “Ally. I lived here before my daddy came and found my momma and me. Now we live with him. Aunt Carly was supposed to live here, but Uncle Crusher made her move in with him.” My lips twitched, she was too cute and talkative. “Is somebody gonna make yous live with them, too?”

  “Umm... I don’t think so.”

  “Gots any kids?”

  “Sorry, no. I...” I cut myself off before I explained further. The little girl didn’t need to hear my troubles.

  “Why? Don’t yous like kids?” Ally asked and frowned at me.

  “I like them very much. It’s, well... I don’t have a husband,” I added at the end, it was the easiest way as an explanation.

  “Yous don’t need one to get a kid. Uncle Dev broughts one home for Aunt Bailey. Neely’s not a baby, though, she’s three and my friend. Since Aunt Bailey didn’t have her like my momma had me, Neely’s their sister. My momma’s gonna have me a sister, ‘cause I don’t want a brother. And she don’t have a husband neither. She’s only gots my daddy. But my papa told him that she needs to have a husband before his next grandbaby gets here.”


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