Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance (Mr. Right Series Book 3)

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Engaged to Mr. Perfect: An Accidental Marriage Romance (Mr. Right Series Book 3) Page 11

by Lilian Monroe

  “Even if you’d have wanted to, I wasn’t in any state to have sex,” I grin. On cue, my cock throbs between my legs. Looks like my cock can handle a raging hangover better than I can.

  Meg sighs, gulping down some more water. She shakes her head and then puts a hand to her forehead.

  “So what do we do? Do we get a divorce? An annulment? Is this… official? Like a legally binding marriage?”

  “Yes,” I answer slowly. “And we can get an annulment if you want.”

  Her eyes sharpen as she glances at me. “You mean you don’t want one?”

  Suddenly I feel off-balance. I’m not sure what I want. The logical thing would be to get an annulment. We hardly know each other! She’s my physical therapist, and the only reason I’m here is to be her date to her sister’s wedding. It’s not like we’re together or anything.

  Staying married would be… crazy. It would be insane! It wouldn’t make any sense.

  So why does the thought of getting an annulment make me sick?

  I clear my throat and then shrug.

  “I don’t know. I mean… I’m not upset that we’re married. I…” I sigh. She’s staring at me with wide eyes.

  I turn my head when my phone starts ringing in the bedroom. I ignore it, turning back to Meg, but before I can say anything else, it rings again.

  “I’ll just go check who it is.”

  She nods and follows me back to the bedroom. I sit down and take my phone from the nightstand—looks like drunk me was able to plug it into the charger last night. I see my agent’s name on the screen, and I sigh.

  “Hey, Dan.”

  “Did you get married last night?!”

  My eyes widen, and I glance at Meg. She’s leaning against the bathroom door frame, her arms crossed against her chest. Her hair is still a foot high, like a huge, messy blonde halo around her head.

  “I… uh… yeah. I did.”

  Dan just sighs. I can picture him massaging his temples as he tries to think of something diplomatic to say.

  “And is this marriage… how can I say this? Is this legit?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Dan sighs. “I mean, are you going to stay married?”

  I glance at Meg again. “We, uh, haven’t decided yet.” Meg frowns, and I cringe. I’m sure she can guess what my conversation is about.

  Dan swears under his breath. He inhales slowly, and when he speaks, his voice is calm. I imagine his neck and ears are very red as he struggles to keep his voice steady.

  “Andrew, this has already leaked to the press. If you go ahead and get an annulment, you’ll be plastered over every tabloid in the country. The season is about to start! What do you think this would do to your credibility as the new face to watch for the Giants? Xavier is not going to be happy.”

  Coach Xavier Thomas is not a man to be messed with. He was upset about the whole Elijah fiasco, and told the team that if any of us caused that kind of trouble again, we’d be benched for the season. I take a deep breath.

  “Why would people care about my personal life?!”

  “Don’t be naive.”

  I take a deep breath. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying if there’s any way you can stay married for a little while, and then get an annulment or a divorce in a couple months, it’ll make my job a lot easier. We can do it quietly, once the shock of you getting married blows over.”

  I look at Meg again, who’s taken a couple steps towards me. She sits down next to me on the bed, and I take her hand in mine. She’s staring at me with eyes full of concern.

  I nod. “I’ll see what I can do, Dan.”

  When I hang up, Meg’s eyebrows draw together.

  “What was that about?”

  “Looks like we’re not the only ones who know about our wedding last night.”

  Her eyes widen. I snort, sigh, and flop back onto the bed. Meg falls back beside me, and the two of us stare at the ceiling in silence.



  Neither of us speaks for a while. My mind is whirling, and I still feel a bit sick. I lift my hand up and look at the ring sparkling on my finger.

  “Where did we even get this?” I ask.

  “We bought it at the chapel.”

  “God, I don’t even remember my own wedding,” I snort. “What did your agent say?”

  Andrew chews his lip. I know it’s crazy, but I feel so close to him right now. It feels like we are together. Like getting married wasn’t a mistake. I put my hand over his and he squeezes it.

  “He—” Andrew clears his throat. “He, uh, recommended that we don’t get an annulment right away.”

  I frown. “Really? Why? That seems like the opposite of what someone would recommend.”

  “He said some of the press have gotten wind of our wedding. He said with the season coming up, and with everything that happened last year, more negative press could put a lot of strain on the team.”

  My stomach drops and my eyes widen. This is Naomi’s situation all over again—when she met Max, they had to pretend to be married. It was all over the news.

  The only difference now is that Andrew and I actually are married.

  Andrew turns onto his side and strokes the side of my face.

  My mouth goes dry and I stand up. My stomach heaves again, and I groan.

  “So, what, we just pretend that we’re married until this blows over?”

  “That’s just what Dan said, Meg. We can get an annulment today. This is all a bit crazy if you ask me.”

  I nod, putting my hands on my hips. Andrew is staring at me, my stomach is turning, and my head is pounding. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind for the first day of married life.

  Andrew looks at me, his eyebrows drawn together. My heart squeezes, and I know that I don’t want to get an annulment right away. Would it be very, very crazy to think that this might work?

  “I need a shower,” I say, and then march towards the bathroom. I can feel Andrew’s eyes on me as I walk away, and a tendril of heat curls in the pit of my stomach. Even in this situation, he manages to turn me on.

  I turn the knob to hot and let the water run for a few seconds. Then, I strip off my underwear and tee shirt and glance at myself in the mirror.

  Good God.

  I look like death. My hair looks like I’m in a bad 80’s rock band, and my makeup has streaked all over my face. Andrew has seen me like this?! And he didn’t say anything?

  To top off the mixture of emotions that I’m feeling, mortification starts seeping out of my pores. I grab makeup remover from my bag of toiletries and start wiping the mess off my face. It takes nine—yes, nine— cotton pads to get most of the makeup off my face. I look at myself and take a deep breath, and then quickly brush the dead animal taste out of my mouth.

  I step into the shower and breathe a sigh of relief when the hot water hits my skin.

  Maybe I can do this.

  I mean, what if I did stay married? Naomi did it, and now she and Max are a picture-perfect family. I like Andrew. He makes me feel beautiful, even when I look like I have a racoon hairsprayed to my head.

  I tip my head back into the shower stream and groan. That feels so good. I get some shampoo and start working the mass of tangles out of my hair. Massaging my head feels like heaven. As the water washes away the stink of alcohol from my body, I start to think that maybe this situation isn’t so bad after all.

  And that’s when I hear Andrew clear his throat behind me. I turn around in the shower to see him there, wearing his boxers, staring at me. His eyes drop to my body, and I flood with heat.

  I love the way he looks at me.

  With any other man, I’d be shy or outraged that he walked in on me in the shower. But with Andrew, it just excites me. His body looks like it’s been chiseled from marble. The smooth curves of his muscles ripple as he takes a step towards the shower, his eyes never leaving my body.

  I run my hands over my breasts, grabbing some b
ody wash and rubbing the suds all over myself. I bite my lip as Andrew exhales.

  “Meghan,” he breathes.

  I glance down to see the bulge in his boxers. It’s big. My heart thumps in my chest, and all the thoughts that were swirling in my head disappear. There’s only one thought now:

  I want him.

  I can’t play this game any longer. I can’t keep myself away from him and pretend that my body isn’t screaming for him with every nerve.

  My hands drop to my hips, and then I gently, slowly move my fingers over my mound. When I brush my lips with my fingertips, Andrew groans. His hand drifts to his cock, now rock hard in his underwear.

  He hooks his fingers over the waistband of his boxers and drops them to the ground. His eyes are dark, his movements determined.

  He walks towards me. The steam in the shower is starting to fog the glass, but I can still feel the intensity of his gaze.

  When he opens the shower door and steps through, I think I might faint. My eyes drop to his crotch and I whimper despite myself. My mouth waters, and the wetness between my legs starts to drip. His cock is big. It hangs between his legs, swinging heavily as he moves. He holds the shower door open and my eyes drift up his stomach, his muscled chest, his thick, powerful arms. I’ve never seen a more beautiful man.

  “Meg,” he growls.

  I take a step towards him and trace his abdominal muscles with my hands. I drop my hand lower, brushing his shaft ever so gently with the tips of my fingers.

  He growls again, and then takes my hands. In one smooth motion, he lifts my arms up over my head and pins them to the shower wall. Grinding his hips into me, his chest presses against mine as he pants into my ear.

  I roll my hips towards him as my breath gets shorter. I can feel his cock grinding into my stomach, it’s heat and hardness driving me wild.

  I’m panting. My chest is heaving. My nipples are like little pebbles, and every time they brush against his skin it sends little thrills down to my core.

  With one hand holding both my wrists above my head, Andrew slides his other hand between my legs. When he feels my wetness, he growls.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this ever since you walked up to me in that coffee shop,” he says in a low voice. His fingers slide between my lips and my legs tremble. I spread them wider as he pushes himself closer to me. He brushes his lips along my neck and behind my ear, rolling his hips towards me as his hand slides back and forth.

  I’m sopping wet. I can’t think. I can’t speak. My whole body is on fire, and the air in the shower is thick with steam and sex.

  My lips drop open as he twirls his thumb around my bud. I whimper, and Andrew grins.

  “You like that, baby girl?”

  I nod, panting. “Yeah.”

  “You like me touching you?”

  I nod again. His fingers move faster, and my legs start to tremble. The heat in my core burns hotter as he spins his fingers around my clit. Then, he runs his fingers through my wet slit and slides them inside me.

  My knees buckle. Still playing with my clit with his thumb, he drives his thick, strong fingers in and out of me until my whole body is quivering.

  “That’s it, baby girl,” he growls into my ear. “Come for me.”

  His fingers move faster as he rolls his hips against me. I can feel his hot, hard cock sliding against my stomach and all I can think of is how much I want him.

  As if he can read my mind, he pushes his fingers a little deeper inside me. He pins my arms against the wall a little bit harder and crushes his lips against mine.

  Between his kiss, his fingers, and his body pressed up against mine, I can hardly handle it. I moan into his mouth and he kisses me harder. I can’t even kiss him back, because a scream is building inside me. A ball of fire is forming in the pit of my stomach as his fingers work faster, deeper, harder.

  His teeth brush along my lower lip and he bites me gently as he grinds his hips into me, working his thumb faster around my clit.

  “Come for me, beautiful,” he growls. “Make that pretty pussy come all over my hand.”

  His deep, growl of a voice sends me straight over the edge. He keeps urging me on with his dirty, filthy words and I come on his hand, just like he tells me to. My legs tremble, and the only thing holding me up is Andrew’s body pinning me to the wall.

  My wetness floods out of me and Andrew moans, kissing me again as I buck and tremble against him. My back arches, and he finally lets my wrists drop. His hand cups my breast as he kisses me, his other hand working between my legs until I’m completely spent.



  I take a step back into the shower stream and rinse myself off. Meg’s hand is clutching onto my forearm as she regains her balance. My hand drifts to her hip and I pull her in for a kiss.

  “How was that?”

  “Best hangover cure I’ve ever experienced,” she grins. She wraps her arms around my neck and rubs the tip of her nose against mine. “Why did we wait so long to do this?”

  “Well, someone said it wouldn’t be appropriate, if I remember correctly,” I grin.

  “That person is an idiot.”

  “A beautiful, sexy, amazing idiot,” I grin. My hands drop to her ass and I give it a squeeze. My cock pulses. Feeling her body slick with water pressed up against mine is doing all kinds of things to my body. Sensing my desire, Meg rubs her chest against mine.

  She bites her lip, and I groan.

  “I want you so bad,” I say in a low voice. Her fingers tangle into my wet hair and she pulls me in for a kiss.

  I’d take her right here in the shower. All I can think of is lifting her legs up over my hips and driving my cock into her.

  But I don’t want to do that yet. I want to enjoy every blissful second of this, so I reach back and turn off the tap. I open the shower door and let Meg step out before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist. I take another towel and wrap it around Meg. She yelps when I pick her up, giggling and throwing her arms around my neck.

  “You’re soaking wet,” she says, trailing her fingers through my dripping hair.

  “That makes two of us,” I grin. She laughs, and I carry her to the bed.

  When I place her down on the plush blankets, the towel falls open and I groan. She looks incredible. Meg runs her fingers along her sides and I drink in every curve of her body. I untie the towel from my waist and quickly dry my body before tossing the towel aside.

  Meg grins.

  “Show me,” I say in a low voice, climbing onto the bed. I kneel between her legs. “Spread yourself for me, baby girl.”

  Meg bites her lip as a sexy little blush warms her cheeks. She grins, and I wonder if anyone’s ever spoken to her like this.

  Slowly, tentatively, she runs her hands down her stomach towards her mound. I’m holding my breath, placing my hands on her legs as I watch. I’m holding my breath. I can hardly believe this is happening. Her diamond ring glints in the light as her hands move lower, down over her mound.

  When her hand reaches between her legs, Meg’s blush deepens. She watches me. My breath is shallow as I watch her fingers slide down her slit. It’s mesmerizing.

  When she spreads herself open for me, I groan. My cock is so hard I think I might explode. I curl my fingers into her thighs and exhale slowly.

  “That’s so fucking hot.”

  Instead of answering, Meg just runs her fingers up and down her slit, spreading her legs a little bit wider. She bites her lip. Her eyes are low and dark, and the look on her face screams desire. I look back down to the magic happening between her legs. She’s slick, her fingers sliding easily back and forth as tiny tremors start to course through her body.

  My whole body feels like it’s vibrating. I take a deep breath.

  “One sec,” I say, jumping off the bed and rustling through my bag for a condom. I glance back at Meg, who’s watching me with an amused expression. When I get the little gold package out, she grins.

“You came prepared.”

  “I’m a Boy Scout,” I laugh. She spreads her legs again and continues touching herself as I struggle with the condom package. My hands are trembling so hard I’m having trouble opening it.

  Finally, I put it between my teeth and rip it open. Meg grins, and I shake my head.

  “Those packages are the worst,” I say, placing the condom over the tip of my engorged cock and rolling it down.

  “It’s not exactly like the movies,” she laughs, and then wraps her legs around my waist.

  “It’s better than the movies.” I lean down over her, teasing her opening with the tip of my cock. She opens her mouth, exhaling slowly as I thrust ever so gently in and out of her.

  “Are you going to keep teasing me like this forever?” She says. Her arms are around my neck, and she lifts her head to kiss me gently. Her hips buck towards me, but I move back as she does.

  “Maybe I will,” I say, pushing into her a fraction of an inch deeper. She moans.

  “I just want to feel you.”

  “I know.”

  I run my hands down her body, cupping her breasts. I kiss her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. When I brush my teeth across her nipple, she shivers and tangles her fingers into my wet hair.


  “Yeah,” I say, moving my cock to her opening. I push inside her gently and she exhales, closing her eyes. “What is it, baby girl?”

  “Just fuck me already.”

  I grin. I don’t need to be told twice. Leaning my elbows on either side of her head, I roll my hips and drive my cock deep inside her. She gasps, arching her back and opening her eyes. Her fingernails dig into my back as she moans my name.

  I drag my cock out of her and thrust it harder. This time, she screams. It’s the most amazing sound I’ve ever heard. I crush my lips against hers as we both roll our hips towards each other. She leaves long scratches down my back as she pulls me closer.

  Our movements become more frantic. Our breaths are shallow and we stop talking. There’s nothing now except the movement of our bodies, the sweat, the heat, the sex. I roll over on to my back and Meg straddles me. She leans her head back and starts riding me.


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