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Love & Seduction: A Forbidden Love Suspenseful Standalone Romance: A Love & Ruin Novel (The Love & Ruin Series Book 7)

Page 7

by J. A. Owenby

  “Yeah. There are so many alarms and trip wires on this property, it’s insane. Sutton created the facial recognition system, and the security project is one of her babies. She designed what they wanted, then hired a team to install it. Every inch of this property is protected.” Vaughn released a soft chuckle. “It’s actually off the fucking charts incredible. Pierce had mine and Zayne’s homes updated, as well.” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Now that we’ve settled that, you should get some sleep.” He folded his hands over his chest, officially closing any additional conversation between us. Although he’d agreed to talk to me until I fell asleep, he must have considered his presence next to me a suitable replacement. Even though I had a stronger grasp of the protection I was under, Vaughn next to me was exactly what I needed. He was right, but I didn’t want to admit it to him.

  Realizing he wasn’t going to budge on his decision, I adjusted my pillow and closed my eyes, and in minutes, I’d slipped into the deepest sleep I’d had since dating Tucker.

  I smacked the top of my nightstand and fumbled for my cell phone, which was vibrating incessantly.

  “Yeah?” My voice was thick with sleep. I rolled over on my back and slowly pried open both of my eyes, peering at the empty space next to me.

  “I’m sorry, Claire. I didn’t mean to wake you. Did you manage to get at least a little rest? I suppose you did since I just woke you up,” Sutton added.

  “Believe it or not, I did. Last night wore me out, apparently.” There was no way I would confess that Vaughn had lain next to me until I fell asleep. Honestly, I had no idea how long he had stayed with me, but the last thing I wanted was for Pierce to chew him a new one for blurring the lines of duty.

  “Listen, Pierce and I have already left the house, and we’re on our way to Connecticut. We have a client emergency. I think we will be gone for about a week.”

  “Shit.” I pulled myself into a sitting position and grabbed the other pillow, holding it against my stomach. “Is everything all right?”

  “We think so, but I can’t share any details since it’s confidential.” Sutton sounded a little distracted while she tried to explain.

  “Let me know if I can help with anything here.” At least that would give me something to do. Plus I would feel like I had a purpose other than eating their food.

  “Thanks. I’ll check in once a day, but if you need me, please call. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Vaughn will stay with you …”

  I didn’t register the rest of what she said as my eyes popped open wide. Vaughn. In the house with me. Just us. Alone. I gulped. Sutton obviously hadn’t found out he’d kept me company last night.

  “Zayne will also drop by and check on everything. You’ll be in great hands.”

  I chewed on my lip and tried to rein in the fantasy my mind was already forming.

  Then reality slammed into me, and my shoulders slouched. “That sounds good. Thank you for leaving them with me. I assume you and Pierce have additional bodyguards with you?”

  “Yeah. We brought Tad, Jaxon, and Jeffrey. We’ll be fine. You try to relax and enjoy the time to yourself.”

  “Can I invite Gemma and Mac over? Maybe the guys, too? I realize it’s your house, so I wanted to be respectful and ask.” I discarded the pillow, pulled my legs up to my chest, and rested my chin on my knees.

  “You don’t have to ask; they’re welcome anytime. They’re family, and I think it would be a great idea. Have one of the guys go pick up a bunch of pizza. There’s a fully stocked bar as well, so have some fun, sis. You deserve it.”

  I did? I’d hidden the truth from them, but they hadn’t been fazed by it. In fact, they had become even more supportive.

  “Listen, I need to go, but I’ll text you later. We love you.”

  “Love you guys, too.” I tapped the red end call button on my screen and dropped my phone on the bed. My stomach growled, reminding me I’d not eaten last night. I’d been too busy fighting for my life to have an appetite.

  Tossing the covers off me, I stood, then stretched. My body screamed in rebellion. Apparently I’d fought harder than I’d realized because I was sore as fuck. Oh well. It was time to grab food, get in a good dance workout, and shower afterward.

  I grabbed my phone and pulled up Mac’s and Gemma’s numbers, then I tapped out a group text.

  Pierce and Sutton are out of town, and I’d love some company tonight. You two wanna come over?

  Although I’d considered inviting the guys, as well, I wanted to get to know Gemma and Mac more, which meant a one-on-one with the girls would be optimal.

  Mac’s text message flashed on my phone. Hellz yeah! Gemma is with me now, so I’m replying for both of us. What time?

  I giggled softly at Mac’s enthusiasm, but the more I thought about hanging with them tonight, the better I felt. I needed some friends I could trust.

  How about six? We’ll order pizza and have drinks if that sounds ok? I sent the message and waited.

  This is Gemma. Can we bring anything? Food? Alcohol?

  I pursed my lips together, taking mental inventory of the kitchen ingredients and snacks I knew were already there. I don’t think so. Just yourselves.

  Text if you think of something. Mac and I will see you at six.

  A huge grin eased across my face. I was having friends over for the first time since Tucker. Once I found myself caught up in the MC club, I’d pulled away from everyone I knew. At the beginning, it was to protect them, then it was to protect myself. If they had learned how Tucker treated me behind closed doors, all shit would have broken loose. No one approved of Tucker, and it made conversations difficult.

  The smell of bacon reached my nose, and I inhaled deeply. Someone was cooking.

  I hurried downstairs and to the kitchen and stopped abruptly when I saw Vaughn at the stove. I’d forgotten he could cook, not to mention that he loved to. I cleared my throat loudly. It was never a good idea to sneak up on these guys. Sutton had mentioned that a million times over the years—they were trained to check their target before striking, but they were human and sometimes made mistakes.

  “Morning. How did you sleep?” Vaughn asked with his back still to me. His grey T-shirt hugged his broad shoulders, the fabric flexing across his muscular back as he cooked.

  My bare feet landed on the cold kitchen tile as I made my way to the island. I hopped up on a barstool and watched him. “Good. Thanks for keeping me company last night.”

  “It’s my job.”

  I jerked back as though he’d just slapped me. He was the one who’d made a big deal of it, not me. Vaughn had been well aware he was seriously bending the rules when he climbed into my bed, so why was he acting so cold? I wasn’t sure what his problem with me was, but one second he nearly kissed me and played the overprotective guy, and now he wouldn’t even look at me. Fuck that. I was going to take care of myself and hop off the merry-go-round. He could make himself dizzy without me, but I needed to focus on staying alive.

  “Here.” Vaughn placed a plate in front of me with a fresh fruit cup, two over-easy eggs, half a bagel with cream cheese, and three slices of bacon.

  I gawked, then slammed my mouth closed. “This is beautiful. How am I supposed to eat this?” I stared at the arrangement and appreciated the color and placement of the food. This guy should have his own restaurant. He’d prepared special meals for me after I’d returned to my family from the abduction and we had stayed at Pierce’s Penthouse. Since I was in shock and hadn’t eaten in days, Vaughn took some extra time and prepared soft, easy-to-digest items that I could keep down.

  “Like this.” He grabbed a fork, broke one of his eggs open, and shoved a large bite in his mouth. A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips.

  And just like that, the Vaughn I had been falling for peeked out from behind the tough-guy bodyguard façade.

  I took a nibble of my bagel and groaned. “How is that so good?” I grabbed a napkin from the center of the island and wipe
d the dollop of cream cheese from my lips.

  “I made the cream cheese from scratch.” He took a bite of his own bagel and grinned, his tongue darting out and licking the crumbs from the edge of his mouth.

  I nearly groaned out loud. “You have talent, Mr. Reddington.”

  We ate in silence, occasionally sneaking a glance at each other. “Mac and Gemma will be over at six. Is there any way we can get some pizza?”

  “You bet. I’m glad they’re coming over. They’re good people.” He finished his food, rinsed the plate, and loaded it in the dishwasher.

  I hopped off my seat and did the same. “Hey,” I said, folding my arms over my stomach. “That was really good. Thank you.” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. “Can I ask you something?”


  Vaughn’s mismatched eyes searched my face. “Are you okay? You went through a lot last night.”

  And there it was. The elephant in the room. I’d not bothered examining my neck in front of a mirror yet. It wouldn’t make the bruises any less absolute, and if I saw them, I was afraid everything would become even more hauntingly real. Vaughn must have seen the evidence on me, though.

  “No. I mean, yes, but it’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” I leaned my back against the counter and attempted a smile. “I wanted to know if Sutton is okay. You’re her best friend, and I’m sure there was a conversation about what I shared last night. I just wondered if she had said anything to you before she and Pierce left this morning.”

  Vaughn hesitated, then rubbed his chin. “If you’re asking me if you two are all right, the answer is yes. You don’t need to worry about anyone being mad, Claire. You were in a difficult situation, and it’s only been a few months since you were safely returned home. You had barely begun to process that shit before this started. Your intentions were good, and we all know you were trying to protect the people you love.”

  “Really? You’re not blowing sunshine up my ass?”

  Vaughn’s chuckle rumbled through his chest, setting my nerves at ease. “I promise.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” A little more relaxed about spilling my guts to everyone, I was ready to dance and use the gorgeous studio my family had built for me.

  An awkward pause hung in the air as we held each other’s gaze. “I’m going to change and get a workout in.”

  “Have fun. I’ll be in the office. Pierce had some paperwork he needed me to email to him. I just have to find it first.”

  Vaughn’s expression flickered with something I couldn’t put my finger on. I was well aware he wasn’t able to divulge details, but this felt more personal.

  “Later.” I gave him a little wave and left him alone in the kitchen. As soon as I was out of his presence, last night’s events bombarded me. I grabbed the sturdy railing while I focused on one stair at a time. “Breathe in. Breathe out,” I mumbled under my breath.

  Practically running down the hall to my bedroom, I gently closed the door behind me and darted to the bathroom. Once there, I sank to the cold floor, clinging to the comfort of the cool tiles and allowing it to ground me. “I’m safe.” I squeezed my eyes shut, but the sneer of the man who had attacked me last night rushed front and center into my thoughts. “No.” I placed both hands on the side of my head and applied pressure, but Coen’s unseeing stare flashed across my mind. Every detail of his bloody lifeless body embedded itself deep into my brain. I tugged at my hair, panic erupting violently in my chest. I lightly bumped my forehead against the wall, and my surroundings blurred before reality slipped away, launching me into the darkness of the memories. My pulse throbbed in my neck, accelerating the pain in my head.

  I drew in a sharp breath, but the images just kept coming like rapid torpedoes meant to destroy me from the inside out. A steady thump caught my ears, but I couldn’t detect the direction it was coming from.

  “Claire! Hey. I’m here. It’s okay.” Vaughn’s tone was soothing as it reached the outer limits of my mind. “I’m going to continue to speak to you until you realize I’m here …”

  My head snapped up, my focus landing on Vaughn.

  “You’re safe. I won’t leave you. Come back to me, Claire.”

  “Don’t touch me.” I curled into myself, shivering violently as chills shot through me.

  “I won’t touch you, but I’m not leaving.” He sat next to me but allowed enough space between us that I didn’t feel suffocated or threatened.

  “They didn’t have to kill him, Vaughn,” I whispered. “Coen was a good guy. He was different from the rest. He wanted out. And goddammit, what evil bastard sends a picture like that?” Tears slipped down my cheeks, and I hiccupped. “I’m so tired of constantly being terrified. If Saul doesn’t find me, the constant images will torture me until I can’t …” I couldn’t finish my sentence. I’d already pushed myself through dark days where thoughts of suicide had nearly consumed me, but sometimes the fight felt like it was too much. All I wanted was some relief and hope for a semi-normal life.

  “We won’t let anything else happen to you. I promise.”

  “You can’t promise me that. They’re smart, cunning, and once the MC is fixated on you, that’s it. Game over. I’m simply waiting for my execution date.”

  “Fuck. That.” Vaughn stood and scooped me off the floor. “I know you asked me not to touch you, but I’ll be damned if I just sit there and watch you shake.”

  He cradled me in his arms while he walked to the bed and sat down. He pulled me against him, and my panic simmered. Then he began to rock me gently. “When my sister was little, and Mom had to work late, I’d sit in the old white rocking chair and rock her to sleep. It would calm the most savage temper tantrums.”

  “I didn’t know you had a sister.” I leaned my head against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heart soothing me.

  “Yeah, she’s six years younger than I am. We used to be really close.” Sadness clung to his words.

  I didn’t push him. The fact that he cared enough to hold me until I had settled down was all I needed. We could talk more later.

  The clock ticked with every second that passed by, and after a few minutes, I felt in control again. Unfortunately, I never knew what would trigger the attacks.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “I’m okay now. I’m sorry you had to see me break down.” I moved off his lap and stood in front of him.

  Vaughn’s concerned expression remained in place. “How often is this happening?”

  I rubbed my forehead with the palm of my hand. “I don’t know. I hate the flashbacks so much. I’ve never wanted to focus on them any more than I had to.”

  “Does Sutton know?”

  I shook my head adamantly. “No, and please don’t tell her. I’ve worked with a therapist for months, and Sutton said she will set me up with one here. I’ve made a huge mess of things, and I can’t have her worry more than she already is.” I tucked my hair behind my ear and folded my arms over my stomach. “Please.”

  “Since you’re going to see a therapist, I’ll keep this between us right now.” Vaughn stood, his eyes narrowing. “If they get worse, either you tell her, or I will.”

  “Sutton has enough on her plate without me adding to it more than I already have.” I wondered if I would be able to dissuade him from poking his nose into my business any further. “I thought bodyguards were supposed to guard and keep their mouth shut?” My lips pursed together, my irritation growing by the minute. But honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was more irritated because he wanted to tell Sutton or because he’d seen me lose my shit.

  “She’s my best friend, and you’re her family. It’s an awkward situation.”

  I huffed. Vaughn wasn’t going to budge on this. “Thanks for your help, but you should get your work done.” I planted my hands on my hips, not even trying to hide my frustration with him. He’d just seen me in my most vulnerable moment and threatened to expose me.

  “I’ll give you some space.” He tossed his hands in the ai
r, surrendering as he walked backward out of the room.

  “That’s awfully kind of you.” I closed the door harder than I meant to and marched over to my dresser. If there was one thing that set me the fuck off, it was an ultimatum. I hadn’t been allowed to make my own choices for two years while I dated Tucker. Although I had almost been sold as a slave, the more time passed, the more I realized I had already been one. Tucker and Saul had made all my decisions for me, and if I refused, the consequences were harsh. Now, I’d be damned if some man was going to tell me what to do. Especially Vaughn. It was one thing when Pierce put his foot down and assigned me a bodyguard. That was a life-or-death situation.

  I harrumphed as I changed into my black booty shorts and a lavender workout bra. It was definitely time to work off some steam. I grabbed my ballet shoes from the closet and quietly made my way to the studio.

  After grabbing a hand towel from the closet and selecting some music, I tossed my toe shoes in the corner. I wasn’t into ballet today. I needed to let loose and blow off some steam. I stretched as the thumping bass filled the room and began to surge inside me. Dance was my lifeline, and I’d given it up for months. Not anymore.

  After limbering up, I tested out a few moves. My heart sighed with relief as I began to relax and allowed my body to lose itself in the beat. I ran a few steps, then jumped into a split leap.

  “Blow” by Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton, and Bruno Mars belted through the speakers. I released a loud whoop, shaking my hips to the music. I grabbed the pole in the far corner of the studio, spun around it, and pulled myself up two-thirds of the way. My legs wrapped around it while I leaned back, my hair nearly touching the glossy flooring as I held on tightly. I dropped to the floor and slid on my knees, arching my back and flipping my hair around. Sliding onto my belly, I humped and moved across the room a few feet. I shifted into the splits and placed my hands on the ground, lifting my body until I was in a handstand. I stood and ran before finishing with a flip, then a roundhouse. By the time the song had stopped, my chest was heaving from the exercise.


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