Love & Seduction: A Forbidden Love Suspenseful Standalone Romance: A Love & Ruin Novel (The Love & Ruin Series Book 7)

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Love & Seduction: A Forbidden Love Suspenseful Standalone Romance: A Love & Ruin Novel (The Love & Ruin Series Book 7) Page 17

by J. A. Owenby

  “I love you.” I kissed him slowly, devouring every delicious thing about the man who refused to let me go.

  “I love you, too.”

  I slid off his lap and back into the passenger seat. “It’s time to find my sister. Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” He squeezed my hand. “I absolutely am.”

  With a renewed hope, I hopped out of the car and closed the door. Vaughn exited and walked around the vehicle.

  “Once inside the house, you should probably go workout while I talk to Sutton. I know she will want to tell Pierce, but I need to talk to her first. Maybe she will have some insight on how to handle this.”

  Vaughn tilted my chin up. “Whatever happens, we’re in this together.”

  “Thank you.” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. “Let’s go. I want to get this over with.”

  Slowly, we walked toward the house, hand in hand. As we reached the door, we let each other go. I inhaled a deep breath, hoping it contained some courage and entered the living room. No one was to be seen.

  “You go find Zayne, and I’ll find Sutton.”

  He nodded and left the room without another word.

  I threw my shoulders back, tilted my chin in the air, and walked toward the kitchen. My sister was sitting at the island with a half-full glass of wine. She looked miserable.

  “Hey,” I said. “Can I have some?”

  “You don’t have to ask.” She motioned to the open bottle near the fridge.

  I grabbed a glass and emptied the contents. “We need to talk.” I took a large sip and pinched the bridge of my nose, clearing my mind of all the background noise. “This needs to take place in private.” My eyes connected with hers, and a flicker of hope swelled in my chest. She didn’t look pissed anymore, just hurt.

  Without any additional conversation, we left the kitchen and went upstairs to my bedroom. I closed the door behind her.

  Sutton sat in Vaughn’s chair, and I sat on the foot of my bed. “I’m sorry I was a bitch to you.”

  “I appreciate the apology.” She took a drink of her wine. “What’s going on with my sister?”

  “I love you,” I started. “You’re the best sister I could have. You’ve always been there for me, no matter how fucked up the situation was. When I was huddled in the back of the industrial container, begging the universe to spare my life, I thought I’d never see you again.” I bit my lip, trying to contain my emotions before I continued. “The more you learned about my screw-ups, the more you loved me.”

  “Of course I love you, Claire. You’re my baby sister. I’d give my own life for you. Don’t you ever doubt it.”

  “We’ll see.” I laughed and rolled my eyes at myself. “Sutton, the night …”

  “Claire, whatever it is, you can tell me.” Sutton leaned forward in her chair.

  My fingernails tapped against my wineglass, and I swallowed my fear down. “The night I didn’t answer my phone, it was on silent. I was serious when I said I never meant to scare anyone.”

  “Okay.” Her blue eyes stared straight into my soul, and I resisted the urge to bounce my knee.

  “I was with someone, as I said in the car, but we weren’t fucking. I’m … I’m in a relationship with someone.”

  “What?” Sutton glanced around the room, searching for an answer as though the walls would provide her with one.

  “I’m in love. Sutton, I’ve never had something this amazing before. He’s so good to me. I never thought, after everything I’d been through, that I could be this happy.”

  “Oh, hon. Why wouldn’t you just tell me?” she asked, tenderness in her tone.

  “Because it was new, and I needed to feel like I had one thing that was my own. The night I scared the hell out of you was the first night I spent with him. He’d taken me out to a beautiful dinner, champagne, amazing food … It was the most romantic night I’ve ever experienced. We went to his place, and for the first time in a long time, I wasn’t just fucked. I wasn’t looked at like a piece of cheap meat who could give a guy a good blow job … It was beautiful and incredible, and he made love to me. I felt safe and cherished. I never wanted to leave.”

  “Claire, that’s the way it should be. Yes, there are nights of fun, but those moments of connecting with someone on an intimate and emotional level … It’s breathtaking. What breaks my heart is that you’d never had that before.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t feel sad about that. I have it now. I never thought I’d say this, but we’re in love. We just needed time to sort out our feelings for each other without anyone else in the middle of it. Everyone is so protective of me, and I love you all for it, but I needed this to be my decision without people whispering their opinion in my ear. I hope that makes sense.”

  “He’s good to you?” Her eyes searched mine for the answer.

  “Yes. He’s more than I could have ever dreamed of. He even dances.” I laughed, the memory of our date lighting me up inside.

  “When can I meet him?” She smiled at me for the first time since Gemma had mentioned I’d not been to her house before.

  My heart thundered. This was it. The make-or-break moment. “You’ve already met him.”

  A frown line creased her forehead. “What do you mean? I don’t recall you introducing me to anyone.”

  I wanted to make her swear she wouldn’t overreact or run to Pierce with the news and yell it from the rooftops, but she’d given me enough already—a safe place to live, working with the FBI, her love. I couldn’t ask Sutton to cover for us.

  “Sutton … it’s your best friend … Vaughn.”

  She gasped as her hands flew over her mouth, and her half-full glass of red wine dropped to the silver-carpeted floor.


  My sister was fast. She had trained in martial arts for years, and she was quick as shit. I remembered being dragged to karate class with her. I’d argued with Sutton about going and rolled my eyes multiple times. However, when I got to the dojo and saw her, I stared in awe while she dropped guys who were three sizes larger than she was.

  Before my brain even registered it, Sutton flew out of my room.

  “Sutton. No. Wait a minute!” I chased her down the stairs, hoping to talk some sense into her before she ran straight to her husband. I needed her on my side.

  “Sutton, please.” I hurried behind her as she checked the living area and kitchen, then darted toward the gym. “Don’t,” I called to her while she opened the doors.

  Vaughn and Zayne were on the mats, working on technique, when Sutton barged in like a bull in heat. Zayne hustled out of the way, allowing Sutton center stage with my boyfriend.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” She ran up to Vaughn and pushed him backward.

  “Sutton, please,” I cried frantically, worried that all the commotion would cause Pierce to come downstairs. I closed the thick wooden door behind me in hopes I wasn’t to late blocking out the sound of the argument.

  “Sutton, calm down.” Vaughn grabbed both her wrists, but she moved her leg before I could blink and swiped his foot from underneath him. He landed flat on his back, and she flipped him over, bringing his arm behind him into an awkward and painful position.

  Zayne stepped out of the way and stood beside me. “Good job,” he mumbled.

  I sneered at him. “You said it would be simple, just to open my mouth and let the words flow. What do you think of the result?”

  “You stupid shit!” Sutton hopped off Vaughn’s back. “Stand up and fight me. If you love her like she says you do, then bring it on, motherfucker.”

  I gasped. I’d never seen my sister like this.

  “Ouch,” Zayne said, his gaze narrowing. “I don’t recall Sutton ever calling him a motherfucker. Guess she’s more pissed than I thought she’d be.”

  I glared at him. “Shut up. Please. You’re not helping right now. Why aren’t you putting a stop to this?” I pointed to Vaughn and Sutton.

  Sutton threw a punch, and Vaughn quickly bl
ocked it.

  Zayne cocked an eyebrow at me. “This is between them. I’m not butting in.”

  I huffed and returned my attention to my boyfriend and sister. Never in a million years had I thought they would physically fight. My stomach knotted with anxiety.

  “What did Pierce tell you before Claire came up here?” Sutton seethed while she got a jab into Vaughn’s side.

  He dodged another strike, refusing to attack in return. He was strictly on the defense.

  “I’m well aware of what my boss said, but apparently my heart didn’t get the memo.”

  Sutton’s eyes narrowed and they tightened with anger. “You’re going to be a smartass now?”

  Bam! Sutton’s blow landed squarely in Vaughn’s stomach. I gasped, and my hands flew up to cover my mouth.

  “Dammit. Stop. Fucking stop!” Vaughn grabbed Sutton’s wrists, halting her from hitting him again. “Listen to me carefully. My feelings for your sister are non-negotiable. I’ve not been with anyone since I talked to her at your wedding. The only reason I didn’t reach out to her was out of respect for you, but the day she moved in, I was a goner. I love her. I would fucking die for her. There is no one else for me. I don’t need your approval to be in a relationship with her.”

  Sutton’s mouth gaped open.

  “Damn,” Zayne muttered under his breath. “Dude laid it out. Good for him.”

  I didn’t move a muscle, tension snaking through my neck and shoulders.

  “That’s been almost a year,” Sutton said softly. “You’re telling me you’ve not even had a one-night stand since then?”

  “That’s what I said.” His jaw clenched. “Are you going to hit me again, or can we talk like civil adults and friends?”

  “I won’t hit you again. But really? Not even a kiss?” Sutton asked, her tone soft.

  Vaughn dropped her wrists and backed up, preparing for Sutton to strike, but she didn’t. I released the breath. I chewed on my fingernail, watching everything unfold in front of me.

  “Jesus, Sutton. What part do you not understand?” Vaughn rubbed his face with his hands. “I. Love. Claire. That girl owns me. She tried to break off the relationship tonight because she couldn’t stand the thought of you and Pierce cutting me out of your life.”

  “Seriously?” Zayne asked, his brows arching in surprise at me.

  “Yes,” I replied. Tears brimmed in my eyes. Vaughn’s words cut through every doubt and every fear inside me. He loved me, and I loved this man with my entire being. I struggled not to run to him and pepper his face with kisses.

  “That was a seriously unselfish thing to do, Claire.”

  I swatted at Zayne to hush so I could hear what was going on. He could talk to me later.

  Sutton faced me. “Claire, I reacted poorly. You really love him, don’t you? You don’t give someone up like that if you don’t have deep feelings for them.”

  “I wouldn’t let her do it. I pleaded with her not to walk away from us, and I would deal with the consequences,” Vaughn added.

  Sutton turned back to him. “You love her that much? You would give up Pierce and me to be with my sister?”

  “Without a second thought.” Vaughn sat down on the weight bench and leaned his elbows on his knees. “Don’t get me wrong, Sutton, you and Pierce are my family, and I love you guys a lot, but I deserve to live a good life and be happy. If you can’t support me in that, then why are we best friends?”

  A thick pause filled the air while Sutton stared at him.

  “Vaughn Reddington, we’ve known each other for more than ten years. We have shared a lot of life with each other, and you were there when Pierce left to go into the military. If it hadn’t been for you, I’m not sure I would have made it through. If you’re telling me that my sister is it for you, that you love her enough to walk away from family … I not only believe you, but you and Claire have my full support.”

  A cry escaped me, and I stared up at the ceiling attempting to control the rush of tears and emotions that were threatening to erupt like a full-blown geyser.

  Vaughn stood. “Really?”

  I didn’t miss the hope in his tone.

  “Yeah. Let me return the support you gave me for years. You’re my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.” Her gaze shifted to mine. “I sure as hell don’t want to lose my sister. I just got her back.”

  Unable to contain myself anymore, I burst into tears and ran to her, throwing my arms around her neck.

  “I love you, Claire. Nothing will ever change that.” Sutton’s embrace tightened around me. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I love you, too. I am happy.” I dared a peek at Vaughn. A smile eased across his face.

  Sutton released me and looked at Vaughn. “Don’t get me wrong—if you hurt her, it will be the last thing you ever do.”

  I stifled a giggle. Sutton was fierce.

  Vaughn threw his head back and laughed. Then, he wrapped his arms around her, picked Sutton up, and spun her around. He placed her down, his grin lighting up the entire room. “I’m sure I’ll piss her off at times, but she’s my main priority.”

  Vaughn sauntered over to me and pulled me in for a hug. “I love you so much. Thank you for not destroying my heart tonight.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He leaned down, pressing a sweet kiss to my mouth. Butterflies erupted inside my chest as his arm slid around my waist, and I leaned into him.

  “One down and one to go,” I said, my good mood immediately tanking.

  “Not yet.” Sutton waved her finger in the air. “Give me a few days to work on him. Plus, I’m suspecting your time together is at night when Vaughn is guarding you. I want to make sure that it doesn’t change. At least I can help with that.” Sutton slammed her eyes closed. “Ugh. My brain just realized you two are having sex. That’s not something I want to think about.”

  I bit my lower lip and laughed. “I can’t come to you for sex advice?” Not that I needed it. I’d learned plenty of tricks in the MC.

  “No.” Sutton shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Don’t worry. I think I’ve got you beat in that department anyway. Threesomes, foursomes.” Sometimes it was so much fun to watch my sister squirm.

  “Claire! Stop!” Sutton plugged her ears with her fingers. Her eyes flashed with anger and protectiveness while her attention landed on Vaughn. “If I ever get wind that you shared my sister without her consent, I’ll remove your balls myself and hand them to you.”

  Vaughn winced. “First of all, she’s mine. I don’t share, but thanks for the horror movie images that ran through my head.”

  “I need a drink. It’s been a long-ass day.” Sutton sighed, her shoulders slumping.

  “Um, we probably need to figure out how to get the red wine stain out of the carpet in my room.” I grimaced.

  “Shit. I dropped my glass, didn’t I? It’s soaked in good by now. I’ll call someone about the stain tomorrow to see what needs to be done. We might just have to replace it. It’s after ten, so I’ll deal with it in the morning.”

  “What are we going to do about Pierce?” Vaughn asked, his voice low.

  “I’ll help if I can,” Zayne said, finally joining us in the middle of the room.

  “Now you’re on our side?” I asked, my tone clipped.

  “I’ve always been on your side, Claire. If I hadn’t been, I would have gone straight to the boss, but I didn’t. What I didn’t want to be a part of was lying about it. You set things right tonight, though. Now it’s up to Sutton when Pierce finds out.”

  “You knew?” Sutton smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand.

  “Yeah. The night you couldn’t find Claire, I found them at his house in bed together.”

  Sutton narrowed her eyes, irritation flickering in her gaze. “All right. Well, I probably would have done the same.” Her attention landed on Vaughn, then bounced between the three of us. “I know my husband, and he’s going to be piss
ed for a bit, but I’ll try and smooth it over. But not yet. He’s stressed to the max over the Dillon Montgomery issue. I’ll let you know when it’s a good time to talk to him about it.”

  “Thanks,” Vaughn and I said in unison.

  “Let’s get some rest. I have a full day in front of me.” Sutton hugged each of us, then left the gym.

  “That could have been a lot worse,” Zayne said, clapping his hands together.

  “Were you not just watching the same shit show that I was?” I quirked my eyebrow at him, trying to decide if I needed to slap him upside the head.

  Zayne laughed and smacked Vaughn on the back. “You did good, man. You held your ground. There’s no doubt in my mind that you love Claire.”

  “You weren’t sure before tonight?” Vaughn asked a bit puzzled.

  “I knew you cared about her. I just didn’t realize how bad you had it until you talked to Sutton.” Zayne squeezed Vaughn’s shoulder. “I’m going to grab a beer and catch some TV, unwind before I attempt to get some shut-eye.”

  “We’re headed upstairs. See you in the morning.” Vaughn kissed the back of my hand. “You ready, babe?”

  “Am I ever.” The first thing I needed to do was pick up Sutton’s glass and see what I could do about the stain.

  Vaughn and I refrained from touching each other until we were safely behind the closed door in my bedroom.

  After I cleaned up the mess to the best of my abilities, I sat in Vaughn’s chair. “Everything happened so fast tonight. My emotions feel like a ping-pong ball.” I swallowed hard and leaned forward, my neck and shoulders tightening with stress. “I almost gave you up.” I shut my eyes, the pain still fresh in my chest. “I was scrambling to do what I thought was best for you, babe. I …”

  “Hey, it’s over.” Vaughn sank to his knees, dodging the remainder of the wine on the floor. He placed his hands on the outside of my thighs. “I need to know something, though …”

  Panic bubbled inside me. We’d just had a big victory. What had I missed?


  “What is it?” I tugged on my bottom lip, my heartrate skyrocketing while I waited for him to continue.


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