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Mountain Man''s Secret Baby (Mountain Men of Liberty)

Page 5

by K. C. Crowne

  “The better,” I finished for him, rolling my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

  “Cassie, please. I’m working on something, and I think I’m close. I just need to get the final pieces to take everyone down for good, so they’ll all rot in prison where they belong.”

  That was new information. “So you’re trying to find evidence to get people convicted, is that it?”

  He let out a dry chuckle. “Should’ve known the lawyer would understand exactly what I’m doing.”

  I sat up in bed, suddenly more alert. We were treading into familiar territory for me when talking about the law. “I don’t think it takes a lawyer to understand. But coming from a legal perspective, you have to be careful. Do you even know what kinds of evidence hold up in court, or what could be dismissed? Because you have to be very careful with all of that. I can help you.”

  He was quiet for a bit longer, then let out a deep breath. “When the time comes, when I’m actually in a place where I can get what I need, I’ll talk to you about the options. But that’s it. I don’t want you to know too much or get too close to this. It’s not safe.”

  In another life, one where I didn’t have a son to think about, I would’ve told Jack I was a grown woman and could handle myself. I would’ve taken any and all risks to clear his name. But there was more on the line than just my own life. These people wouldn’t hesitate to go after the people you loved to hurt you, and Owen was too precious to put at risk.

  Jack was right. I needed to keep my distance.

  “Fine, I’ll not get too close, but I will help you in other ways. Don’t leave me out of this, Jack. You hear me?”

  “I hear you, Cassie. And I won’t,” he said, his voice soft. “Listen, I have to go, but please know, I can’t wait to meet my son, and I’ll make up for lost time as soon as I can.”

  We said our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone. My heart still felt empty, and I still felt alone. But knowing that Jack would come to me helped. Knowing that he had an actual plan, and I could help him with it filled a little bit of that hole inside of me. At the very least, it gave me some hope, which I desperately needed right then.

  The day my son came home, two and a half weeks after he was born, was easily one of the happiest days of my life.

  I was still staying with Madison and Teddy, and I carried my tiny bundle of joy into the house. Madison had helped me set everything up, and since she had Zoey, I was able to use most of her old things. It didn’t matter to me that some of the items were pink or purple as long as my son was taken care of; that was all that mattered to me.

  I was telling Madison how I couldn’t have done this without her when I realized someone else was in the house. I stopped in the foyer and listened to the sounds. Teddy was talking to someone. I looked at Madison, who had the biggest grin on her face.

  “Come on, follow me,” she said with a little giggle.

  I followed her down the short hallway and into the living room. Before I even got there, however, I recognized the voice. “Jack!” I exclaimed as soon as I entered the room. Tears filled my eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  Jack had been sitting on the sofa when I entered, but he was up and walking toward me the moment I stepped into the room. His dark eyes were filled with emotion. He’d cleaned himself up a bit. His beard was longer but trimmed nicely. His hair was also a bit shorter.

  Without speaking, Jack reached for Owen, and I handed him his son. I’d never thought I would see Jack shed a tear, but his eyes welled up as he stared at his little boy.

  “He’s so little,” he murmured, letting Owen’s little fingers wrap around his massive one. “And they’re sure he’s healthy enough to come home?”

  “He’s almost seven pounds now, and his lungs are great,” I told him. I could hardly speak; I was still shocked to see him there. And even more so by how tiny Owen looked in his massive arms and against his giant build. Again, I had to ask, “What are you doing here? Is it safe?”

  I wasn’t sure what Madison and Teddy knew, so I didn’t want to ask too many questions until we were alone.

  “Teddy helped sneak me in the back way,” he said.

  I cocked an eyebrow at Teddy, who was standing off to the side with Madison and their daughter. He shrugged. “Not many people realize there’s a back way onto the property,” he said. “It’s not clear, not on any maps. No one would see him, so we don’t have to worry about gossip getting around.”

  I wanted to ask Teddy what he knew. Being the sheriff of Liberty meant that he wouldn’t just let Jack handle things on his own when it came to criminal matters. I was confused and completely thrown for a loop but decided to drop it - for now - and focus on what really mattered.

  Our son.

  “I think we should give them a few minutes alone,” Madison said, gently tugging on Teddy’s arm.

  “Oh yes, of course.”

  They left the room, and for the first time in weeks, I was alone with Jack. I had so many thoughts, so many emotions and questions, and I wasn’t even sure where to start. And all those thoughts fluttered away when Jack smiled at Owen, tears in his eyes.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” I said, feeling choked up.

  “Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe him,” he said. “I never thought…well, you know. I never thought I’d ever be a father.”

  I stepped closer to him, standing by his side so we could both look at our precious little boy.

  “And now that he’s here, I just want to do everything I can to keep him safe, to never see him hurt or scared or feeling like I’m not there for him.”

  “You will be there for him, Jack,” I said, stroking his arm.

  Jack nodded but didn’t say anything. He turned to look at me, a giant smile plastered across his face. “You’re so beautiful.”

  His words took me by surprise and brought color to my cheeks. “Thank you.”

  I wasn’t sure what Jack and I were. He was the father of my son, and I wouldn’t deny him his right to see him. I wanted him to be in Owen’s life, but I didn’t know what that meant for us. But the way he looked at me made me think maybe there was a future for us as well.

  “Why don’t we go sit on the couch?” I suggested.

  Jack followed me and sat beside me, Owen in his arms. He’d been around his niece a lot, but I wasn’t sure how much experience he had with newborns. Maybe he was just a natural, but he held Owen carefully, supporting his head and cradling him close. Owen wiggled around, but he seemed to know he was in good hands. He didn’t fuss one little bit. He waved little hands and stared up at us with eyes the same color as his father.

  I snuggled closer to Jack and the baby and ended up resting my head on his shoulder without even realizing it. Owen drifted off to sleep in Jack’s arms, and I was getting pretty tired too. Jack didn’t seem to want to put the baby down, though.

  “Alright, I guess I should put him - and you - to bed,” he teased, speaking quietly, so he didn’t wake our child.

  “Hey, I’m not that sleepy yet.” That was a lie. I was exhausted, and I knew it was only just the beginning. Sleepless nights were in my future, and I wasn’t sure if I’d have Jack around to help me with those. But I didn’t want this night to end. I feared that by going to bed, Jack would leave and who knows when I’d get the chance to see him again.

  He rose from the couch, and I led him down to the spare room we were staying in. We’d set up a bassinet next to my bed for now. Jack gently laid Owen in the bassinet. He stood there, transfixed for several moments.

  Everyone had talked about Jack as if he was a good-for-nothing, but there he was, careful and doting with the tiniest of babies.

  Jack stared at Owen, and I joined him. The room was dark except for the full moon shining in from the window illuminating Owen’s face. I looked up to catch a glimpse of Jack and found his eyes were turned toward me.

  Before I knew what was happening, he leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to
mine. It was a sweet kiss. Just our lips pressed together at first. As if he was testing the waters, making sure I wanted it.

  I opened my mouth to him, inviting him in. He took my face in his big, strong hands and pulled me closer to him.

  We carefully moved backward and away from the crib. I tried to be quiet as he pulled at my shirt, lifting it over my head and tossing it to the ground beside the bed. His rough hands pulled at my skirt, which slipped down to the floor. I stepped out of it, all while removing his clothes as quickly as I could. My hands were shaking, and I fumbled a bit, but he helped me with his belt buckle.

  Once I unzipped his pants, I slid a hand down and grabbed him. Jack let out a low growl, his eyes rolling back in his head as I stroked him.

  I bit my lip as I stared at him. God, I wanted him, and it was torture that I couldn’t have him yet, but doctor’s orders said no sex for six weeks. I was desperate to share some sort of intimacy with him, so I dropped to my knees before him; his cock still firmly in my hand. I stared up at him, and the look on his face caused my insides to ache.

  I never had to question whether he thought I was beautiful because the way he looked at me made me feel like a goddess. Like the only woman that mattered to him.

  I parted my lips and took the head of his cock between them, swirling my tongue around the slick flesh.

  “Jesus,” he groaned, his hands gently resting on the back of my head. He wasn’t pushing me down, but rather playing with my hair. Stroking my head softly. Lovingly.

  I took more of him into my mouth, moving at my own pace. The sounds he made, the way the muscles in his abs tightened as he groaned, and the look on his face as I took as much of him into my mouth as possible made me feel powerful. I made up the difference with my hand, moving up and down on his shaft, my eyes tilted up to watch as his face contorted into a look of bliss.

  I loved making him feel good, even if I couldn’t have him completely.

  “I need to taste you, Cassie,” he growled.

  It had been nearly three weeks since I’d given birth, but I just wasn’t comfortable with him going down on me. “I can’t yet. Just let me pleasure you.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair,” he said with a frown, pushing me a little. “I don’t feel right about it.”

  I smiled up at him, I hope seductively. “You’re gonna pay me back in a few weeks.”

  “I promise I will,” he replied, the corners of his lips lifting.

  I rose and pushed him towards the bed. He sat down hard, then laid back as I climbed on the bed and lay between his legs. I cupped his balls gently with one hand and listened to the moan that turned me on I wished for the three weeks to pass quickly. I released him and grabbed his throbbing cock, which had leaked a little pre-cum. I licked it off and engulfed his head with my mouth. The moan got louder, and his hips bucked just a bit before he settled.


  My reply was to lower my head and take more of his cock in my mouth. The head slipped into my throat briefly, and I gagged a bit on the large manhood. I used my hand to stroke him after that, focusing on his head and the nerve-filled underside. He grunted as my other hand tugged gently on his balls, and I felt him stiffen after another minute of this treatment.

  Jack groaned, “I’m close.”

  I wanted to taste every drop, so I sucked harder on his head, stroking his cock in a rhythm he seemed to like.

  He came hard, and I savored it, grateful I could give him pleasure. His muffled groans and the throbbing of his cock in my mouth was such a turn on, but I would just have to wait.

  I collapsed against him, my head resting to the side. He reached for me, and I scooted up the bed to lay next to him. He rolled over on his side to face me, wrapping his big arms around me and pulling me even closer to him.

  He kissed my forehead, then the tip of my nose.

  My eyes couldn’t stay open at that point, and I was much too tired to fight it.

  “Please stay with me,” I whispered. “Sleep with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere tonight.”

  I fell into the most restful, most satisfied sleep of my life.


  At first, I wasn’t sure where I was or what the sound was that had woken me. It took me a second to peel my eyes open and remember what was going on, that the crying sound was coming from my son. Cassie had already sat up, yawning as she stumbled over to Owen’s bed.

  “I’ve got it,” I said. “You can go back to sleep.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, stopping. “You need the bottles. They’re down in the fridge already made. Here, let me—”

  “No, I can get it,” I said softly, climbing from the bed and pulling my pants on.

  I walked down the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible so I didn’t wake anyone else up. But as I stepped into the kitchen, Teddy was already there at the table with a cup of coffee.

  “You’re up early,” I said.

  “Have to be at work in an hour,” he told me, a sly grin on his face. “I could say the same about you, but, well…” He gave me a knowing smile and a chuckle.

  I grabbed the bottle from the fridge. “Never thought I’d be getting up in the middle of the night for feedings.”

  “It gets easier.”

  I nodded, grabbing a bottle from the fridge and running it under hot water for a few minutes. I returned to the bedroom, and when I walked in, I saw Cassie holding Owen up to her breast. He was crying and fussing, clearly not interested. She stared at me with tired eyes.

  “I thought he might latch, but since he’s not used to the breast, I guess he’s not having it,” she said.

  “It’s alright,” I said, scooting into the bed beside her.

  Without me having to ask, she handed Owen to me. I cradled my son as carefully as I could, even though he wiggled in my arms. His cries were more pitiful than anything, and they tugged at my heartstrings. I never wanted him to be in distress.

  I held the bottle up to his lips, thinking it would be easy. I assumed he would just latch on and feed, but he continued fussing.

  “I have to admit, I never fed a baby before,” I said sheepishly.

  “Here, try this.” She took my hand and showed me how to brush the nipple from Owen’s nose down to his lips. “The nurses showed it to me at the hospital.”

  Owen opened his mouth and took the nipple, quieting, and latching onto the bottle.

  Cassie leaned onto my shoulder, gazing at our son. Neither of us said much as I fed Owen, feeling a bond to the little boy that I’d never felt with anyone before.

  “I would do anything for you,” I whispered. “Absolutely anything.”

  Cassie squeezed my arm, and I knew she felt the same way. I thought I knew love, but now that I was a father, I experienced a whole other side of love I hadn’t known existed before.

  I would lay down my life for him, give him my heart or the very air from my lungs. I wanted to be there for him to give him the best life possible.

  I wanted to be a better man. Not just as a role model, but to give Owen the life he deserved.

  The life Cassie deserved too.

  Owen finished his bottle, and Cassie took over from there. There was a knock at the door a few moments later.

  Cassie covered up with a blanket and said, “Yes?”

  Teddy popped his head in. “Sorry to disturb you, but I figured you were already awake. I thought it might be wise if Jack left with me this morning.”

  My heart dropped. He was right, but it didn’t mean I wanted to leave. “Yeah, I think that’s probably smart.”

  Cassie looked at me, her eyes pleading. I wanted nothing more than to give in, to tell her I would stay with her and never leave her side.

  But I wasn’t ready for that. I still had things to do.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes,” Teddy said quietly, shutting the door behind him.


  “I know, Cassie. I don’t wanna go, but I need to,” I said. �
�I have to keep the two of you safe. Teddy’s right. I could sneak out with him, and no one will see me, most likely.”

  Cassie bit her lip but nodded. “I understand.”

  She looked down, as if unable to meet my gaze. I lifted her chin up and stared into those deep brown eyes of hers. “I promise you. We will be together soon.”

  I kissed her sweet lips, and I could feel her tears falling on my cheeks. I’d never known pain like this before. I thought I’d felt a lot of things in my life – anger, both physical and mental anguish, but nothing compared to the feeling of leaving behind my son and his mother.

  “I better get going,” I said after a few minutes, resting my forehead against hers.

  She nodded but didn’t say anything.

  I kissed Owen on the top of his head. He was falling back asleep. He had a full belly and seemed more content now. Hopefully, both mother and child would get some rest.

  I slipped from the bed and threw on my shirt.

  “What does Teddy know?” Cassie asked. “He can’t know much; otherwise he’d be involved, right?”

  “He doesn’t know anything,” I said. “Neither does Madison. And I’d prefer to keep it that way.”

  “Then why does he think you’re sneaking around?”

  “He thinks it’s because of your parents and the gossip going around,” I explained. “I told them both I just wanted to keep you from being harassed until I clear my name around town. My truck has been vandalized in the past, so has my house. I told them I wanted to protect you from all that.”

  Cassie stared at me but didn’t speak. There really wasn’t much left for her to say.

  I walked to the door and glanced back. “I do want to protect you, Cas. Both of you. And I will do just that.”

  I left the room, even though it felt like my feet didn’t want to move. I had to. For them.

  Teddy was waiting for me at the end of the hall near the entrance. “Ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I muttered.

  I followed Teddy into the garage and climbed inside his truck, hunkering down low in the seat so no one would be able to see me. I hated having to hide and sneak around, but I’d do anything to keep my family safe.


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