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Jay (Castle Ink Book 2)

Page 14

by Amy Davies

  “Sorry I scared you. I’m fine. I got my period this morning. I know it’s gross to be talking about with you, sorry,” I whisper, laying my hands on his thigh. I pat the bed next to me and Jay stands. He rips off his jacket and his plaid shirt, his jeans quickly following, and my breath hitches. Why does this man have to be so flipping hot? He quickly removes his socks and boots, kicking his jeans off his feet, then slowly slips into the bed next to me. We both lay there, face to face. Him wearing nothing but his black boxers and me in my Batman pajamas. I can’t stop the smile that creeps on my face, seeing him bare-chested in my bed. Which is strange, because this is not the first time. See, my head's all messed up. Bloody emotions.

  “What’s with the text?”

  “Straight to the point, huh?” I joke. Jay lifts an eyebrow at me in silent question. “Fine. I knew this would happen eventually. Just let it be known to the universe that I am an emotional wreck when I am on a period. That needs to be added to the record,” I state.

  “Okay, I get you. You’re a crazy lady when you are bleeding. Good to know. Now spill it, Kitten.” I take a deep breath and unleash my baggage on him.

  “As I said, I get emotional when I’m on my period, my head and heart go to war. I kept thinking that maybe we are moving too fast, but then my heart kicks in and tells me that I’m falling for you. It scares the ever-loving Tron out of me, Jay. I was hurt before; my ex-boyfriend, Dale.”

  “Go on.” His eyes are soft as they take in my worried face. I am scared that he will think differently of me.

  “Never,” he growls. Huh?

  “What?” Oh no, I didn’t. Did I?

  “I would never think differently of you, baby.”

  “Bugger. Okay. So, I met Dale when I was in school, and he was the cool kid, ya know. Everyone wanted to be his friend. All the girls wanted to date him, and the boys wanted to be in his little group. No one ever took notice of me, until one day, he did. We dated for a few years. At first it was great, I even lost my virginity to him. Actually, he took all my firsts.

  “Baby, I really don’t want to picture you with any other men. So, move on.”

  “Like I have to try not to picture you with the many girls you have shagged?” Ooooh, my bitchy side is coming through.

  “Stop. Don’t start an argument that you can’t finish,” he growls out.

  “Fine. Moving on. Like I said, the first few years were great, until they weren’t.” I take a deep breath, keeping my eyes on the canvas on the wall behind him. “He started mentally abusing me, until that wasn’t enough. The odd slap here or there turned into full, close-fisted punches. The last beating he gave me landed me in the hospital. I had three cracked ribs, a broken wrist, and a concussion. My parents made me leave him after that night. He was good at what he did, Jay. We couldn’t press charges because he used one of the girls he was sleeping with as an alibi.” Jay bolts up and leans on his elbow, looking down at me, fury seeping from every pore on his perfect body. The fury that has no right being attached to such a God-like specimen.

  “He walked?” I nod my head. Jay lifts his hand and swipes away the tears that I didn’t even know were falling. “He will never, and I mean never, touch you again. You are mine now. And us Castle men take care of what is ours. We protect them with our lives.” He leans in and gives me a gentle kiss on my watery lips.

  “I’m falling, too,” he whispers. I jerk my head back deeper into the pillow. Did I hear him correctly? He chuckles and kisses me again. This time deepening the kiss, and we get lost in the moment. It feels more this time, like our emotions are being poured into this one sensual kiss. Like we are starting to stitch ourselves back together. I tense up as a wave of pain hits me. Talking to Jay was a good distraction, but not enough to completely take the pain away.

  “Lay on your back, babe.” I do as I’m told, and Jay slowly lifts my pajama top. He gives me a cocky grin, and I smile back. He nods in the direction of the TV remote. “Turn the TV on, put something Christmassy on. It is Christmas Day, after all.” He winks at me. I turn the TV on and put ‘Christmas Do-over’ on; I love this movie. I settle into the softness of my mattress as Jay slowly rubs circles over my belly, soothing the pain there. There goes another piece of that stupid brick wall. Damn him and his superhero powers. Every woman should have a man like Jay Castle, but the original is all MINE!

  We watch the movie for a little, before Jay’s voice startles me. "My turn, I suppose."

  “Jay, you don’t have to.” I wince in pain, and roll on my side to face him, trying to get my back in a more comfortable position. My back feels like it is breaking in two. Jay’s hand slides over my hip and around to the small of my back, adding gentle pressure there.

  “Addy gets back pain as well. I assumed that's why you turned over?” I nod my head and snuggle in close. My hero.

  “Dex and me were raised by our parents, Donna and Allen Castle. We were the typical British family. You know, went on holidays, did the whole Birthday parties and Christmas together. Dad worked his arse off for us, while Mum stayed at home and took care of us. There was always dinner on the table for us when we got home from school. I was twelve and Dex was fourteen when we had the visit from the police. We were staying at a friend’s house, when the police came and told us that our parents had been killed in a fire. They were sleeping when the house caught fire. They died of smoke inhalation.” He sighs, like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. I can gather that Jay doesn’t talk about his parents’ death much.

  “We were put into the system, into foster care, but it was shit. We were always being hit across the head by the men of the house. One day, Dex hit back, and he got kicked out. They separated us for a while.

  “Dex and me loved to draw. We were always doodling on any scrap piece of paper. Our school bags were always full of them. Anyway, after Dex was kicked out of the home we were in, he found a part-time job at a tattoo parlor. He started by just cleaning the place up, after closing, but Bull, the owner, saw his drawings one day and loved them. From that day on he started to train Dex in becoming a tattoo artist. It took two years to be completely trained and licensed. Bull said he was a fast learner. Over that time, I stayed at the tattoo shop more and more. Bull and his wife, Annette, took us in. I would stay the night, and my foster parents didn’t know I was gone half the time.”

  “That’s bad, Jay. That’s bloody awful. How could they be cleared to be foster parents but not give a damn about the kids they take in?”

  “That’s the system for you, babe. But hey, it all worked out in the end. The four of us were as thick as thieves, until shit happened and Dex got together with Fiona.”

  “Four?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Me, Dex, Addy, and Liam.”

  “Oh okay. I know their story. They both talked to me when I was having my thigh tattoo done. Their story is amazing. I’m glad they got their happy ever after.”

  “Yeah, babe. Me too.” I snuggle in closer and Jay runs a hand down my back. My painkillers are easing the pain, but I think it’s Jay more than anything that is helping with it. His scent fills my senses and I relax into him. I feel safe with Jay. It has been way too long since I have felt safe with a man that isn’t my father or best friend.

  Jay Castle is stitching me back together, while taking down my wall, one brick at a time.


  It is a few days into January and the weather has turned nasty. It is colder than Silver Surfer’s surfboard. Frost covers almost every surface. It’s freezing, but looks so pretty. However, I am more of a summer girl. Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. Having Jay with me made it all that much better, despite Mother Nature putting a halt to any further activities we may have wanted to do. Jay says he is happy to wait, but he’s only human. A red-blooded male. I did have a mass panic over New Year’s Eve. We had already both committed to plans that we couldn’t get out of.

  I am attending my parents’ annual New Year's Eve party, and Jay is not here. He had a
lready told a friend of his that he would go to his house party, and he couldn’t go back on a promise, because he had missed the party the year before. I am not going to be that type of demanding girlfriend, so Jay went, and I am here. It sucks, but that’s just the way it goes. I am laughing at something my cousin says when my mum shouts that it is almost midnight and we’re going to start the countdown. I quickly take my phone out of a hidden pocket and call Jay. We both said that one of us will call as the clock rings in the new year.

  I scroll and find his name, then hit the ‘call’ button. It rings and rings, but he doesn’t answer. I hang up and try again. It rings a few times before Jay answers the phone sounding breathless. My stomach sinks at the thought of what may be causing him to be breathless. Is he with another girl? Or girls?

  “Hey, babe.” He slurs his words. He is drunk. It is New Year’s Eve, so it’s understandable.

  “Hey. They are about to do the countdown, are you ready to count in the new year with me?”

  I hear giggles and Jay whispers, “Shhhh, my girl is on the phone.”

  “She’s not here, though, soooo...” My heart stops, waiting for Jay’s reply to me, or her. Jay laughs and speaks his slurred words again. My speech is stuck in my throat.

  “But I will know,” he answers. “Baby, are you there? Shit, I think she’s gone. Oh well, more shots, bartender,” Jay yells, and hangs up the phone.

  That was three days ago, and I am still not talking to Jay. I know it may seem childish, but for him to hang up on me, minutes away from midnight on New Year’s Eve… Our first New Year’s Eve as a couple. Well, that just buggered me off. Yes, I get that he was drunk, but he knew I was there. And he only asked once… He could have checked the connection or something - anything.

  He came over to see me the next day, but Chris told him that he’d upset me and should give me space. Chris told him what he had done. Jay had no idea I had phone him, until he checked his phone in front of Chris. He came over because I wouldn’t answer his calls or texts. He wanted to know why I hadn't phoned him at midnight. The bell above the door at the salon breaks my mini heartbreak.

  “Hey, Peaches.” My head snaps up and my heart forces its way into my throat.

  “D-Dale, what are you doing here?” I can feel the bitterness seep into my body, the colour draining from my face.

  “I thought it was time to catch up. I miss you, baby.” He steps up to the front desk. I push back in my chair, silently wishing I hadn’t let Chris go home early. Bollocks. I quickly look around for my phone. I need to phone… Who?

  “You need to leave, Dale. My boyfriend will be here any minute to pick me up.” At the word boyfriend, his face turns nasty. This is the Dale I remember and loathe.

  Oh, fudge my life.

  “Who the fuck has been fucking my girl? You belong to me, Peaches.” I shrink back from his anger. He has always scared me with his voice. His general character scares the bejeebers out of me.

  “Fucking answer me, Cassie. Who the fuck has been sticking his dick in the pussy that belongs to me?” he screams at me, coming around the side of the reception desk. I go to scream, when the voice of a superhero echoes through the room.

  “That would be me, fuckface,” Jays says, standing just inside the door. In my fear of Dale, I didn’t hear the bell ding. Dale snaps his head in the direction of the voice and he straightens his body.

  “And who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m the boyfriend, fucknut. Now, who the fuck are you?” Holy cow, Jay looks lethal. He is wearing all black; boots, jeans, and leather jacket. Sexy, hot, but lethal. He looks like someone out of a biker club.

  “This.” Dale points to Jay. “This is who you have been shagging behind my back. How much are you paying him? There is no way in fucking hell this guy would shag someone as plain and boring as you. What a joke.” He laughs, his face full of evil.

  “What the fuck did you say?. Now, I suggest you leave. You aren’t welcome here, and you won’t come near her again. Do you hear me?”

  An evil smile creeps across Dale’s face as he speaks, ignoring Jay’s threats. “She sucks cock like a pro, doesn’t she?” I gasp.

  “LEAVE,” Jay growls. Dale doesn’t flinch.

  “Please, Dale, just go. You were told not to come near me again. Now leave me be. I belong to Jay, not you. Now GO.” I yell the last word. I have never, ever raised my voice to Dale, but having Jay here with me is giving me the confidence that I need.

  “You aren’t welcome here. You are a fucking monster, Dale Harris. A fucking bully. You beat me within an inch of my life. Why? Do you remember why? Let me remind you. You beat me because I refused to come and collect your drunk arse from the club at three in the morning. You phoned me when a girl was sucking your dick, Dale. I was hurt and humiliated, and yet I got the beating for being in the wrong. You sicken me. You disgust me. You don’t deserve anyone’s love. I hope that one day a woman knocks you off your arse, makes you fall in love with her, and then rips your heart out. I hope she leaves you as broken as you left me. But, you know what?” He shakes his head, clearly shocked by my outburst. “That man right there. That man has stitched me back together. He is mine and I am his. Now. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT,” I scream, tears streaming down my face. My heart is pounding so freaking hard. It feels like it is going to crack a few ribs any second now.

  Both men are looking at me, but with different expressions on their faces. Dale looks shocked as hell at the words I just spewed to him, and Jay… Well, Jay is smirking at me. He looks proud as shit at my outburst towards Dale. I catch the little movement of Jay pushing down on his erection. Cocky bugger.

  “You need to learn to keep your dog on a tight leash, fella,” Dale says to Jay. Jay chuckles and replies.

  “Oh, believe me, my leash is plenty tight round her neck when I’m fucking her hard from behind, because that is how my girl likes it.” I gasp at his crude words.

  “You fucking motherfucker.” Dale screams and lunges for Jay, but Jay sees the action coming. He ducks out of the way and lands a punch in Dale’s stomach. Dale gasps and falls to his knees. Weakling. Jay lands one more punch to Dale’s face, and he falls to the floor. Jay is breathing heavy when he brings his gaze to mine. His shoulders are rising and falling with each breath, his leather jacket straining against his muscles. The look he is giving me is feral, but oh so sexy. He bends at the waist and grips Dale’s coat in his hand, getting right in his face.

  “I find out that you came anywhere near my girl, or are even thinking of contacting her in any way, this,” Jay gestures to Dale’s face, “will be the least of your problems. I fucking know people. Just remember that, fuckface.”

  “Fine. Keep the slag, I can do better anyway.” Dale staggers to his feet and spits blood on the floor in my direction. He sneers at me and walks over to the door.

  “You will never get better than her,” Jay points to me. “She is the best of the fucking best. It was you that was lacking in the bedroom department, mate, not her. Now fuck off.” Dale doesn’t say another word, he just walks out of my salon, and out of my life, for good this time. I hope. I tear my eyes away from the now closed door and look at Jay. His breathing has slowed, but he still looks angry.

  We stare at each other for Lord knows how long, and get lost in the each other’s eyes. My work phone rings, making me jump and breaking the connection. I take the call and arrange the appointment for next week. I slowly hang up the phone and jump a little when I see that Jay is now standing right next to me. His eyes look softer now, I can see that he has let some of the anger go, but he still seems a little pissed.

  “Why was he here?”

  “No clue, he just turned up,” I say quietly, the fear of seeing Dale again still racing around my body.

  “Strange, isn’t it, that you don’t talk to me for a few days and then there he is, at your work.” I step back from Jay because his question sounds accusing.

  “What are you trying to say, Jay? That I would cheat
on you? If I am correct, you were the one celebrating New Year’s Eve with another woman. So, do not come in here and accuse me of seeing my ex-boyfriend - my abusive ex-boyfriend - behind your back. If you truly think that, then I suggest you leave and don’t come back,” I huff out.

  My anger pulsing through my blood, I turn and leave him standing there. If he walks out that door, or doesn’t apologize, then he is so not the man I thought he was. I go about busying myself, forcing myself not to count the minutes that Jay stays in the waiting area. Trying to strain my ears, waiting to hear the door open and close. I pick up an empty shampoo bottle, but knock over a few others, my trembling fingers making me clumsy. I brace my hands on the worktop and take a deep breath, willing the stupid tears not to fall. I am over crying over men. I am! Believe me, I am. I think. Oh fuck, I’m not. A sob breaks free, and I slap my hand over my mouth to stop any sound coming out.

  Leather-clad arms wrap around my waist and chest from behind. I’m not scared, because I can smell him. The Jay Castle scent. Today he smells like leather and ink

  “I’m sorry, baby. I fucked up.” His warm breath tickles my ear, and I shiver. “I didn’t mean what I said out there. I honestly have no clue why the fuck I said it. I know you would never cheat on me. The shit that has happened in the last few days got to me when I saw him. Forgive me?” He kisses my neck and my skin becomes covered in goosebumps. Even annoyed at him, he still has this effect on me.

  “The words hurt, Jay. I thought you would know that I would never do anything with him ever again. Hell, any other man. I am with you and only you.” My anger starts to build again. Memories from our phone call rushes back into my mind. “Unlike you,” I say, and step sideways out of his embrace.

  “What do you mean? I haven’t been with anyone in months.” I shrug and look away. “Hey, look at me, Kitten. Have I ever lied to you?” I turn my gaze to meet his sincere ones, and I shake my head, because he is right. He has never lied to me. It is the one thing that I am grateful for in our relationship. The pure honestly that we both have. My chest aches at the look on his face. I can see the truth he is telling me. I messed up in ignoring him.


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