Accidental Secrets: A totally gripping, steamy, sexy contemporary romance (Accidental Love Book 3)

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Accidental Secrets: A totally gripping, steamy, sexy contemporary romance (Accidental Love Book 3) Page 18

by Dana Mason

  “Yes, she’s finally happy and moving on. She bought her own dance studio, and she’s teaching kids. She’s doing well now.”

  I smile at him. “And you’re standing up for her at the wedding? That’s so sweet.”

  “We’re close friends. She’s important to me. One of my ride-or-die people. You know what I mean?”

  I nod, but it makes me sad because I don’t have any ride-or-die people—I’m not that close to anyone, except my daughter.

  “What about you? Any friends you couldn’t survive without? People you’ve known since you moved here?”

  “No… Well, Isla is my best friend, but she’s really all I have.” I shrug it off and say, “I guess I’m not good at getting close to people. I had a hard time making friends in college because I was the mom of a small child. I couldn’t go out and have a good time. I couldn’t drop everything and take off to Tahoe for weekends, and I couldn’t go to parties… things like that.”

  “I imagine you have trouble trusting people too, after what’s happened.”

  “Yeah… I think my expectations of how men should act, and how they actually do act, are very different.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean… well, most men aren’t very gentlemanly. You know? These days it’s all about the quick hook-up. I’m a single mom. I don’t have time for that nonsense.” I think about the way Adam acted last week and feel that familiar sense of dread. “For the most part, men don’t approach me. And when they do, they’re not usually worth the trouble.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but good.” He grins and l like it. “I’d rather they all stayed away from you.”

  “Since I know my day is going to be crazy, I’ll give you the spare key and an alarm code in case you beat me here this evening.” When my phone starts vibrating from the nightstand, I lean over to see the display. “Crap. It’s my mother.”

  “Ignore it.”

  “Pff! Yeah, I’m certainly not answering it.” When it stops, I push out a big, heavy sigh. “Okay… I guess I’d better get up. She’s going to be calling the hotel looking for me and I don’t want her abusing my employees.”

  When I get to work, I’m still smiling like a loon. Isla’s going to know something’s up as soon as she sees me. Once I’m inside my office and booting up my computer, my phone pings. I pick it up to see a text from Raegan.

  Raegan: Good morning.

  Me: Morning, babe. How are you? Did you have fun with Maisie last night?

  Raegan: Yeah, it was okay. What time are you picking me up?

  Me: About six. Why? Everything okay?

  Raegan: Yeah, fine. But I have something I need to talk to you about.

  I wonder if she plans to tell me about Mike tonight. I hope so. I’d love to get home and tell him that she came clean before we had to confront her.

  Me: Okay. You know you can tell me anything. Can we talk tonight?

  Raegan: Yeah. I love you, Mom.

  Me: I love you too, see you when I get there.

  As I place my phone on the desk, Isla steps into my office carrying a steaming cup of coffee. She sets it down and says, “Howard is at it again, spoiling us with his mad coffee-making skills.”

  “Oh, that man! His wife is a lucky woman.” I pick up the mug and say, “Thank you so much! How are you this morning?”

  She gives me a good long look. “Not quite as well as you, I see.”

  I grin and say, “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Sure you don’t,” she says with a hint of sarcasm.

  “Do I look as tired as I feel?”

  “Miss some hours of sleep last night, did you?” She hums for a moment, then says, “Who’s to blame for that?”

  “Someone showed up at my door after midnight last night, wanting to talk.”

  “Rachel, oh my gosh, that’s so great! I guess things went well.”

  “Raegan was at a friend’s house, so he stayed the night. It was amazing, Isla. I’m so happy. We’re talking to Raegan this evening and telling her everything.”

  She lifts a brow. “Everything?”

  I bob my head and say, “Okay, not everything. We’re going to take our relationship slow until we think she’s ready for it. For now, we’re focusing on getting her familiar with her dad.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  “I’m not going to lie if she asks, but we’re just going to move slowly.”

  When I hear a tap, I glance over to find Howard hovering near the door. “Everything, okay, Howard?”

  “Yes, everything’s fine, but I thought I’d let you know that we received a call from your mother this morning. She’s coming into town later this week and wanted a reservation.”

  My heart nearly jumps out of my chest. I completely forgot she called me. “Please, please, Howard, please tell me you told her we’re fully booked.”

  “Oh, yeah, I told her. She wasn’t happy and wanted to speak to you, but after telling her you weren’t in yet, I convinced her that we don’t have any availability because of a week-long wedding fair. I thought I’d let you know in case she calls you. I didn’t want you to be blindsided by it.”

  “Howard, you’re a life-saver! Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome, but I’m just following your instructions.”

  “Yes, I know, and I appreciate you lying for me like that. I know you’re uncomfortable with it.”

  He tips his hat and says, “I don’t mind for you, boss.” He flashes me a huge grin then he’s gone.

  Once he’s out of earshot, I look up at Isla and fight not to scream. “Holy crap, Isla! She couldn’t be coming at a worst time.”

  “She won’t stay with you, will she?”

  “No, she’ll go to Uncle Mitch’s house.” Out of agitation, I stand up and pace around my office. “Jesus! Do you think she knows Mike’s here?”

  Isla arches a brow at me, her eyes following me around the room. “You need to get a grip, girl. Just stop.”

  I lean forward and take several deep breaths. She’s right. Jesus. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Even if she knows, it doesn’t matter. You’re grown-ass woman, if she doesn’t like how you live your life, you need to tell her to fuck off.”

  “Yes, yes, yes. I know. You’re right.” I straighten up and try to focus. “You’re right. I need to tell her to get the hell out of my business—my life.”

  “Do not let her come here and push you around. Okay?”

  I nod decisively at her. “No, I won’t.”

  “As a matter of fact, I’d make a point of telling her you reconciled with Mike and that Raegan is excited about meeting her dad.”

  “Yeah, but I’m definitely going to wait until after tonight. I don’t want anything to interfere with that.” I take a deep, steadying breath and say, “I’m not even going to call her. I won’t even acknowledge that I know she’s coming to town. She can call me to let me know she’s coming.”

  “That’s my girl.” Isla smiles at me and says, “Don’t let her bully you anymore.”

  “I’m not.” And I won’t. She’s right. I’m much too old and independent to be afraid of my mother.

  I take a few calming breaths and try to get it out of my head and get on with my work day. I will not let her lead me to distraction. Barbara Crawford Williams’ reign of terror has come to an end. I’ve taken my life back.

  I think about Mike and how good I feel about our future.

  I’ve taken my love back.



  Two personal training sessions down and after a six-mile run, I feel good. Things feel on track. I spent an hour before my run making calls and confirming vendors. I dealt with the electrician and I’ve scheduled three classes for the opening. I thought that’d be a great way for people to see our coaches in action.

  Honestly, I’m praying I get more than just my family here. But I guess that’s always the fear, right? That no one will
be interested. I know it’s unfounded; I have several new members who I know will be here with their families, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about it being a flop.

  Fear is good for the soul, though. It promotes courage, and well… knowing what I’m facing tonight with Raegan requires all the courage I can muster. I’d like to say it’s going to be easy since we’ve already met, but I’m nervous as fuck. What if she decides she hates me? What happens when I try to parent her and she laughs at me? I have no clue what I’m doing.

  I take several deep cleansing breaths and wonder if I should go for another run. But no. I have too much shit to do still, including lunch with my sister. Then I need to figure out what I’m going to do about my parents coming to visit.

  I meet Diana and Olivia at a deli near the gym. As I sit down at the table, I feel the weight of exhaustion dragging me down. That’s what I get for staying up all night making love to Rachel. Regrets? Not one. I’d do it all over again if I could. But of course, I’m not likely to get the chance anytime soon since Raegan will be home and I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to stay there until everyone is comfortable with our relationship. I don’t want to make Raegan think I’m taking over. I want her to grow comfortable with our relationship at her own pace. If that means I need to move slowly. I’ll do it.

  We order our sandwiches and after a few quiet moments, Diana says, “So, what’s the plan, Mikey?”

  I grin at her because I know how badly she wants to ask me a hundred questions, but she’s holding back because Olivia is with us. “Rach and I are going to talk to Raegan this evening. That’s still the only plan. I can’t think beyond that yet.”

  “What are you going to tell Mom and Dad when they get here? What are we telling them?”

  “We can tell them about Raegan, although I’m not sure if she’s going to be ready to meet them. Same for you.” I set my sandwich down and say, “Speaking of Mom and Dad, do you know if they’ve made hotel reservations?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, but there really isn’t enough space at your place. I don’t know if they have a plan, but I could ask.”

  “I was thinking of asking Rachel if she has a room available at her hotel.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. It’s close enough, and it’s a nice place. They’d probably dig that.”

  “I thought so too. I’ll ask her about it later.”

  “So, I know we’re taking this whole Raegan thing slowly, but I was thinking of planning a family dinner when they’re here. Even if it’s only the three of us with Mom and Dad.” She waves a hand at me to keep me from interrupting. “Look, I know you want to work things out with Rachel and Raegan, but I think it’s also important for you to spend some time with our parents. I know they’ve been complete…” She glances down at Olivia, who’s quickly devouring her apple slices. “…assholes,” she mouths silently. “But we need to move on from the weirdness, and I think now is the perfect time for the four of us to do that, and especially because of Raegan. We don’t want to introduce her to a completely dysfunctional family.”

  She’s right. I know that, and I want things back to normal too. “Listen, I’m fine with all that, but they need to work things out with Kelley. I’m not going to be completely comfortable with them until they apologize to her for the crap they put her through.”

  Diana purses her lips and agrees. “You’re right, they need to. Maybe I’ll take them over to see her when they get here.”

  “That would be a great thing, Diana.”

  “Okay, so once that’s out of the way, what do you think about the dinner idea?”

  “I’m sure we can do it. Let’s make it Saturday after the opening. I’m facing a hellish week, let me get through it without Mom and Dad obligations.”

  “Yep, okay, family dinner tentatively planned for Saturday night after your grand opening. We can celebrate with the whole family—hopefully.”

  After lunch, I head over to The Sutter to talk to Rachel. I realize it’s only been about six hours since the last time I saw her, but that doesn’t mean I don’t already miss her. When I walk inside, I smile and greet Howard. He’s extremely polite, and when I ask him if Rachel is there, he only hesitates for a moment before calling her.

  “She’ll be right out,” he says after hanging up the phone.

  A few minutes later, she steps into the lobby and waves me in her direction. I follow her into her office. It’s larger than I was expecting and clean and modern, considering the age of the building. You can tell the entire office space used to be a drawing room or some other sort of large room of the Victorian mansion. The office walls are glass and look temporary, but neat with clean lines. She closes the door behind me, but that doesn’t mean the space is private. Now I realize why she brought me to a suite on Monday instead of her office.

  “Hey, beautiful.” I lean in and wrap an arm around her waist and pull her to me, not really caring if people see us.

  “Hey, yourself,” she says, smiling widely. “What have I done to deserve this surprise visit?”

  “I’m sorry, I know you’re busy with the wedding. I hope this isn’t—”

  She waves off my apology. “No, I’m due for a break and Isla has things handled.”

  “I was hoping you could help me out with something.” I release her and have a seat in one of the chairs facing her desk. “My parents are coming into town on Thursday, and I don’t have enough space in my apartment. Do you have a room I could reserve for them here?”

  “Oh.” She looks surprised but pleased. “I could absolutely make a reservation for them. Do you want a suite or a king room?”

  “What’s the price difference?”

  “I could give them a suite for the price of a king room. We have two weddings happening next weekend, but they’re both local couples with guest lists under twenty-five people. Hardly any guest rooms have been reserved, so there’s plenty of availability.”

  “That would be awesome. Thank you.”

  She turns in her chair to face her computer, and I watch her for a moment, fighting the hard-on I get as she works. Sometimes it’s the simplest things. Rachel, in proximity to me, is all it takes today. She’s so fucking hot without even trying. I glance around at the glass walls and realize I need to stop and pretend I can behave myself. Then I face her again and say, “So, my sister is trying to plan a family dinner for my parents and us on Saturday after the opening. I told her I couldn’t make any promises because of what’s happening with Raegan, but if things go well, what do you think about my family meeting her then?”

  “Have you told your parents yet?” she asks, looking a little hesitant.

  “No, but I’ll tell them everything when they arrive.”

  “Um… hum.” She turns her chair back around and says, “The reservations are made for Edward and Sharon Murphy, so they’re all set.” Then she taps her fingers against the glass surface of her desk. “Raegan’s been wanting this so I can’t think of a reason for her to react badly when we talk to her tonight. I was hoping to take the rest slowly, but since they’re coming, we can talk to her about meeting them and see how she feels about it.”

  “Thank you, Rachel. I realize this is an adjustment for you too.”

  “Don’t give it a second thought. Really. I want this too, Michael. I will adjust faster than you think.” She looks tired, and it’s a reminder that I kept her up late last night. “Thank you for coming over last night. I think the first step to making this work with Raegan is you and I being on the same page.”

  “Babe, I want us on more than the same page.” I give her a long look, and as I do, I see pink brighten her cheeks. “I hope that’s what you want too. If it’s not, then maybe we have a lot more to talk about.”

  “I’ve always only wanted you.” She leans forward and rests her elbows on her desk. “I’ve never been more excited about the future than I am right now… at least not since before I found out I was pregnant with Raegan… and that’s the truth. I want you i
n my life. I want you in Raegan’s life. The sooner we get her used to the idea of you and me together, the better. Is that okay with you?”

  It’s so weird… I’m not used to getting butterflies, but when Rachel talks frankly about what she wants—and when what she wants is exactly what I want— I get butterflies. I lean across her desk now too, so that we’re nose to nose. “I love you, Rachel Rose Williams.”

  Her lashes flutter, and her cheeks pink up again. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all year,” she whispers. “I love you too, Michael Edward Murphy.”

  I wince hearing my middle name but then smile. “You’re the only person allowed to use my full name. I hope you understand that.”

  She throws her hand back in a laugh, and I have to fight not to drag her closer so I can bite the beautiful smooth skin of her neck. “Well, thank you for allowing me the privilege.”

  I lean in and plant a quick kiss on her lips, then stand. “I have some things to get finished before dinner so I’ll get going.”

  “Okay.” She stands too and takes a slip of paper from the printer. “Here’s the confirmation for your parents’ room. I made the reservation for three nights. If they need longer, they can let Howard know when they check in.”

  “Thank you very much.” I wave goodbye as I step out of her office, feeling pretty fucking fantastic about life.



  Dear Michael,

  Today is a big day in the life of Rachel Williams. I’ve been promoted. That’s right, I’m officially hotel manager. It’s odd really because it wasn’t something I was striving for. I loved planning the weddings. It’s been the best job, and usually a lot of fun… even when it made me sad.


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