Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2)

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Boyfriends Next Door: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance (Boys Next Door, Book 2) Page 10

by Mia Belle

  He slides toward the window and lifts it. “Lia, hi.” His eyes narrow in confusion. “What are you doing up? And out of your house?”

  “I couldn’t sleep so I sat on my porch to stare at the sky. Then I noticed your light was on.”

  He runs his hand across his forehead, leaving a trail of light blue frosting. “Yeah, I guess I couldn’t sleep, either. I decided to bake something.” He nods toward the cupcakes behind him. “This would be my second batch this week.” He laughs lightly, averting his gaze.

  “Are you worried about your dad?” I ask. He only bakes like this when he’s stressed. “Was he spotted?”

  Caleb shakes his head. “No, it’s not because of my dad. I mean, he’s always on the back of my mind, but I don’t want him to control me.” He forces a smile. “You want to come in and help me?” He frowns. “Wait, I don’t think my aunt and uncle would appreciate us being alone in the kitchen at this hour.” He laughs another time, once again averting his gaze.

  My heart skips a beat at the thought of being alone with him, of baking and having a good time. But I shove all that away. How could I kiss one guy and think about another? Heck, how could I think about two others? I haven’t forgotten about the mysterious yet sensitive boy in the room opposite mine.

  I snap back in. “Yeah, it’s probably best I don’t come in. But we still need to bake that cheesecake together.”

  He grins. “You’re right. I think I’ve perfected it, but I haven’t had the chance to work on it.”

  “Oh, I want to thank you for helping Aidan with the chocolate cake. It was very nice of you.”

  “It was really no big deal. Was it good?”

  “Delicious. I wanted to devour the whole thing.”

  His smile is small, his sky-blue eyes on the wall near the window. A few silent seconds pass before he says, “Did you guys have fun?”

  My mind transports me back to Aidan and me sitting in the park, with his arms wrapped around me. Of his lips sweeping against mine, of my heart catapulting out of my chest.

  “Yeah, we had a very good time,” I say.

  He nods slowly. “That’s great. I’d better get back to these cupcakes. Good night, Lia.”

  “Good night.”

  As I trudge back to my house, I’m more confused than ever. It’s confirmed: I like Caleb just as much as I like Aidan. And Zane, too. Sure I might feel a little closer to Aidan because we shared a special moment, but I know there’s room in my heart for all three.

  I massage my temples at the sudden headache, flopping down on my front porch. This is crazy. Totally, completely crazy.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’ve been getting the usual texts from my football buddies all Sunday morning, but I haven’t read any of them. I can’t stop thinking about Lia. She’s so sweet and kind, pretty much perfect in my eyes. What does she see when she looks at me? The loser I am?

  Mom and Dad haven’t received answers from my doctors yet, which makes sense since only a day passed since I asked them if I can play football again.

  I spend the morning working out with Zane’s dumbbells. He went to the local gym, which is great because I doubt he appreciates me stealing his stuff. Then I take a shower and finally give myself some time to read my texts. I ignore the ones from my friends, focusing only on Lia’s.

  I flop down on my bed.

  Lia: How did you sleep?

  Aidan: Really good. I kept thinking about you.

  No more than a few seconds pass before her response comes in.

  Lia: Me, too.

  I smile, remembering how soft and warm her lips were as they moved over mine. We didn’t kiss for long, but it was enough for me to want to kiss her again. And again. And again.

  I can’t wait to see her, that bright beautiful smile on her face, her eyes shining as bright as the sun. She makes me forget about my problems. She makes me feel hopeful that things will work out for me. That I’ll return to the Aidan everyone wants and misses.

  Lia: What are you doing today?

  Aidan: Not much. You?

  Lia: I need to catch up on my homework. You distracted me all day, you bad boy.

  I laugh.

  Aidan: Distracted you how? You had the whole morning to do your homework

  Lia: I spent hours perfecting those sandwiches.

  I’m still laughing when a text from Burke flashes across my screen.

  Burke: Where the FUCK are you, man?

  My smile drops and I quickly read the rest of his messages. He and the others have sent me dozens, telling me to meet at the park to play football. With all my excitement over Lia, I forgot we decided to meet today to play.

  I’d choose Lia over the guys any time, but since she’s swamped with homework, I figure I can let off some steam—positive steam—playing with my buddies.

  I text Burke back, telling him I’ll be at the park soon. Then I wish Lia luck with her homework before changing into a loose T-shirt and jeans and charge down the stairs. Hanging out with the guys always puts me in a good mood, and now that Lia and I have kissed, I’m soaring above the clouds. I don’t exactly know what she and I are right now, but that doesn’t matter. As long as our feelings for each other are strong, who cares about labels?

  “Aidan,” Mom calls as I reach for my house keys. “Can you come here, please?”

  I freeze and head toward their bedroom, finding both parents sitting on their bed. Mom gestures for me to come inside.

  More texts buzz from my back pocket. Damn, those guys are impatient.

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  They exchange a serious glance, which causes my guts to twist together. Mom regards me with regretful eyes.

  I plop down on the bed. “It’s about football, isn’t it?”

  They both nod slowly. Dad’s trying to mask his emotions for my sake, but his eyes betray him.

  “We called Dr. Weber yesterday and asked him if you can play football,” he begins. “He answered us quickly, which was very surprising.” He pauses, eyes flicking to Mom, who reaches for my hand. I don’t give it to her.

  “Honey,” she says. “He told us under no circumstance are you to play any sport—specifically football—again.”

  My chest feels tight. “Dr. Weber isn’t the only doctor in the world,” I say. “We can meet with others.”

  “No,” Dad says, voice clipped, something I don’t normally hear from him. “Dr. Weber is your doctor and he was very clear.”

  “So I’m just supposed to give up?”

  Mom stretches her hand to place it on my arm, but I shrug her off and get to my feet. “This is bullshit.”


  I storm out of their bedroom, my fists clenched at my sides, gritting my teeth so hard they feel like they may crack in half.

  Mom calls after me as I charge toward the door, but Dad tells her to let me be.

  Stalking toward the park, all my hopes and dreams plummet for the second time. I’ve never been this upset in my life. Not when those football players crashed into me and caused my head injury, or when I found out I could never play again.

  This is bullshit. Total, complete bullshit.

  In the park, I don’t make it to the guys, instead dropping down on the ground and grabbing the sides of my head. I’m losing my mind. I don’t know what the hell to do with myself.

  “What the fuck, man?” a voice says in the distance. I don’t need to lift my head to know who that voice belongs to.

  J and his friends stand before me, and when I tilt my head up, I find most of them curious and a little concerned. J’s the only one who seems amused. I guess he likes watching a guy lose his shit.

  “Dude,” Burke says. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I continue grabbing at my head. “It’s over. Forever.”

  They exchange confused glances. “What’s over?” J asks. “That chick you like? Finally asked her out and she dumped your ass?”

  “No,” I snap. I though
t Lia could be the only thing that might save me, but I can’t think about her right now. I don’t want to be pissed whenever her sweet face filters into my mind. Because I might hate her, and that’s the last thing I want.

  “Then what the hell’s got your panties in a wad?” Blaze says.

  I tear my eyes away from him. “I can never play football again,” I say, my voice a monotone. “I told my parents to ask my doctor if I can play and he said no. I’d risk another head injury, which could possibly kill me.”

  Charlie and Emmet each seize one of my arms, hauling me to my feet. Burke stands before me with his legs spread apart. “Who the fuck is that doctor, anyway? Who the hell is he to tell you what you can and can’t do?”

  I throw my hands up. “Doctors know what they’re talking about.”

  “Doctors know shit,” he spits. “All they care about is money, not your health. You actually think you can’t play football again? Bullshit.” He tilts his head to he left, where J’s tossing the football from one hand to the other. “Let’s play.”

  I hesitate. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Burke claps me on the back. “Armstrong, Armstrong, do you trust me—your good friend—or some crackpot doctor who doesn’t give two shits about you? I’m telling you, man, I’ve seen many football players recover from head injuries.”

  I shake my head. “My parents told me not to.”

  Burke snorts while the others snicker. “The fuck, man?” J says, still tossing the football from one hand to the other. “You listen to everything Mommy and Daddy tell you?”

  The guys laugh again.

  “Why the fuck would you listen to them when they don’t know what you want?” J continues. “They don’t understand you or what you’ve been through. Or those fucked up emotions you’re feeling right now.” He slams the football to my chest. “Let’s play and show your parents and that asshole doctor that they know shit.”

  My entire body fills with anger when I think about my parents deciding my future for me. The guys are right. I don’t care what Dr. Weber claims. I’m fine. My head feels perfect. I’m in optimal health.

  I grab the football and charge deeper into the park. The guys cheer and whoop as they chase after me.

  It’s like there’s a fire inside me, causing me to play the best football I’ve ever played in my life. Even more so than when I was captain of the team last year. Having my friends cheer me on only strengthens my decision. I’m going to work hard, to push through my injury. I’m going to be the best damn football player the world has ever seen.

  We play for about an hour before dropping down on the grass, gulping down some water. Sweat shines all over me, which only makes me feel alive.

  J’s beside me, talking about his football days. He hasn’t disclosed why he can’t play, and no matter how many times I ask him, he shuts me down.

  “Will you ever be able to play again?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Nope. No one is even going to look at me. No scouts, nothing. ”


  He shrugs, digging into the dirt. He scowls, his mind seeming to leave this park.

  “That sucks,” I tell him. “I know football means the world to you. To us.”

  He turns to me. “That’s why you need to screw all those assholes telling you that you can’t play. Only you know your limitations, not them.”

  I nod as his words make sense in my head.

  The guys call for another game and we play for about fifteen minutes. I’m running across the field, trying to avoid J who’s about to ram into me, when I catch two guys and a girl in the distance.

  Zane, Caleb, and Lia.


  “Why’d you stop, man?” J demands.

  The others stop playing and turn to us. Then they catch my cousins and Lia heading this way.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” Burke mutters through clenched teeth. He turns to me and his eyes widen. “And why the fuck are you…do you know her?”

  I nod, not taking my eyes off her. I was wrong. She could keep me sane. Whenever I look at her, I feel calm. Hopeful. She’d support my fight to get back into football. I know she would.

  “Holy shit,” J says. “That’s the chick you’ve fallen for? Lia Kelly?” He shakes his head in disbelief, but I note the anger in his eyes. In all their eyes. Why would they be pissed that I like Lia? And how do they even know her?

  Lia and the guys are only a few feet away from us, and I notice Lia’s face is ghost white. Her pretty green eyes have lost their sparkle as she takes in the guys and me.

  Zane’s eyes are hard as they shift to the football on the grass. Caleb appears bothered and confused.

  Lia bites her lip as her gaze moves from me to my friends. A look of dread, sadness, and anger wash over her face before she whirls around and storms toward the exit of the park. Caleb rushes after her, calling her name.

  I stare after her, so damn confused.

  Zane lunges at J, slamming him into the fence surrounding the park. “You asshole.”

  “What the hell are you doing, Zane?” I say, trying to pull him off my friend. But he’s like a bulldozer.

  The guys step forward, hauling Zane off J and launching him a few feet back. Zane makes a move to leap onto J again, but I grab his arm. It takes all my strength to hold him back from killing my friend.

  “What the hell, Zane?” I yell.

  He glares at J and the others, who glare back, steam practically shooting from their nostrils as they stand in front of J.

  Zane and the guys size each other up, the guys snarling and Zane looking like he wants to tear their heads off their bodies.

  I don’t know what the hell my brother’s problem is with my new friends, but there are five of them and only one of him.

  “Don’t be an idiot,” I hiss.

  He glowers at me. “You’re the idiot. Don’t you know who these douchebags are? Who that prick is?” He nods toward J.

  “What do you mean?”

  “That’s that asshole Josh.”

  I stare at him, confused. “So?”

  “Lia’s ex, dumbass.”

  My body goes still. Lia’s ex-boyfriend? The one who hurt her?

  “Wait a sec.” I pin my eyes on him. “You’re…Lia is your ex?”

  His lips quirk up. “I wouldn’t consider her my ex, really. Just some pathetic, desperate little bitch I went out with.”

  I throw myself at him, only to be held back by Zane. “Piece of shit!”

  “You’ll hurt yourself, man.” Zane tugs me back.

  Trying to free myself from his clasp does no good. I glare at J—Josh. He and his friends looked confused a few seconds ago, but now they have wicked gleams in their eyes. These are the assholes who threatened to come after her. I want to murder them.

  I make a move to ram myself into them, but Zane’s got a strong grip. From his tense body, I know he wants to pummel them to hell, but he’s holding back for my sake. He knows just as well as I do that getting into a fight could be deadly for me.

  “I can’t believe I actually played football with you guys,” I grind out. “You’re assholes who only care about yourselves.”

  Burke steps forward, wearing a grin that makes me want to punch it right off. “I can’t believe we thought you were cool. You’re just a shitty football player with no taste in women. Go after that damn whore. You two are perfect for each other.”

  I try to thrash out of Zane’s grip, but he’s holding me tightly. I feel him seething from behind me, his chest expanding and contracting like he’s about to lose his mind.

  “Go find Lia,” he growls at me. “I’ll show these assholes what I’m made of.”

  “No. I’m not leaving you alone with five guys,” I tell him. “That’s suicide.”

  “I don’t give a damn.”

  “I do.”

  He huffs, shooting the guys death glares, which they return. In addition to the anger in their eyes, I catch a challengin
g gleam. I remember Josh telling me he and the others were planning revenge on the person who made him lose football. He was referring to Lia.

  “You stay the hell away from Lia,” I warn, giving each one of them a hard stare.

  Burke steps forward. “Or what?”

  Zane growls again, shoving me toward the exit of the park. “Aidan, get out of here so I can beat the living shit out of these asswipes.”

  “You’re coming with me.” I haul him a few feet back, but he pushes toward the guys. “This isn’t over, assholes.”

  All five of them cross their arms over their chests, their chins lifted, their eyes dancing with humor.

  Zane lets me yank him toward the entrance, not once taking his gaze off the guys whom I thought were my friends. The guys who made me come alive in those few days I got to know them.

  “Want to tell me why the hell you were playing football?” Zane demands.

  I shut my eyes for a second to regulate my breathing. I still want to hurt that asshole. “I don’t need this from you right now.”


  Shaking my head, I fist my hands at my sides. How could I have let myself befriend the people who threatened Lia? How did I let myself feel sorry for the guy who made her life a living hell?

  And how did I allow them to convince me to risk my health playing football? They’re terrible people who only care about themselves. My parents and Dr. Weber know what’s best for me. I see that now, and I need to do whatever I can to take care of myself.

  “They want revenge on Lia,” I tell Zane as we make our way home.

  Rage skips across his features. “We’re going to make damn sure that doesn’t happen.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Lia!” a voice calls in the distance. Turning slightly to the left, I find Caleb chasing after me as I leave the park and head toward my house.

  How could Aidan hang out with Josh and his buddies? How could he hurt me so much, especially after what he and I shared yesterday at our picnic? His betrayal cuts me deep.

  A hand gently clamps on my shoulder, stopping me. “Lia, please talk to me.”


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