Seeing Triple

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Seeing Triple Page 2

by Notabot

  Fara stripped down instantly, leaning back against the bed and watching Greg undress. As he began to expose his own body, he could hear her stomach begin to gurgle.

  “I guess groceries can’t wait,” Greg chuckled. Fara just smiled at him and silently spread her legs, showing off her naked lap with her tufts of brown pubic hair around her wet, waiting lips. Greg gulped and saw she wasn’t in the mood to mix jokes and sex right now. He hurried to get naked and leapt into her arms on the bed.

  “See, isn’t this a nice surprise?” Fara purred.

  “Of course,” Greg said, leaning down to kiss her on the nipple. “Everything is better when you’re around.”

  “Then, to show appreciation, how about we start with…” Fara said, pointing down at her crotch. Greg got the hint and moved down, squeezing her rear and pushing her back into the middle of the bed slowly. Right as he began to nestle his nose into her sex, he looked up, gazing into her hazel eyes between her naked breasts and the ridge in her toned abdomen. “What?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “I love you,” Greg murmured.

  She laughed again. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when you can go inside.” With that, Greg pressed his face against her, feeling Fara’s thighs tighten around his head, and sank his tongue inside of her. He went in deep, taking his time to lick upward and stroke as much of her delicate folds as he could. He could hear Fara let out a deep sigh as he moved through her, until the tip of his tongue grazed the hood of her clitoris and her legs clenched around him.

  Now Greg had the go-ahead to move faster, lapping away at her with his tongue and moving it around in new positions, adding strokes and twists to different locations. Fara was not reacting the same way to cunnilingus that she usually did so Greg was trying to see what might get her engines going this time.

  As Greg played around inside of his wife, Fara had sat up and was gripping a big fistful of his hair, riding him out. This gave Greg enough encouragement to keep going, getting a new burst of energy and taking fewer breaks to get gasps of air (though he had to be careful. Breathe into a vagina the wrong way and you could cause some real medical problems).

  Greg pushed his face in deeper, his nose rubbing against her swelling clit while his tongue settled on a counter-clockwise swirl that ended with a quick flick of the tongue in the upper-left hand corner of her soft, warm insides.

  “Oh fuck,” Fara grunted out, tightening her grip on Greg’s hair. It stung him, sure, but it was an exhilarating kind of pain. Greg repeated this move again and again, feeling Fara tremble all around him. “Okay, okay, you earned it! Get in!”

  Fara’s voice was a high pitched squeal at this point and when Greg leapt up to penetrate her, she was turned away. Her tan face was bright red and she was biting her bottom lip so hard, it looked like she might draw blood. Greg had really hit the nail on the head down there. He planted both hands next to her shoulders and thrust his impatient cock inside of her, making Fara squeak out one more gasp. As he began to pump, Greg leaned down and kissed Fara on her neck and cheek, nuzzling against her while she let out a few tiny moans and peeps.

  Finally, right as Greg felt his erection twitching and burning, Fara turned back to him and they kissed, with Greg’s tongue going in her mouth just as he came inside of her. Fara’s teeth pinched his lips as she felt him release inside of her for the third time that day.

  “Mmm, great job,” Fara cooed, patting him on the chest. “Glad I stopped by.”

  “Imagine how much better it’d be if we had some groceries to celebrate over,” Greg smiled. Fara once again gave him nothing for his little goofiness and she turned over in bed, pressing her breasts against him as she made it to the edge of the bed.

  “You know, we should do that more often,” Fara said, gesturing her finger between her and Greg.

  “What, eating you out? I do that plenty!” Greg protested.

  Fara shrugged and bobbed her head back and forth. “Trust me, it’s a nice treat and it’s something we could use more of.”

  “We?” Greg repeated back with a snort, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes, we,” Fara said, standing up on the floor and strutting over to Greg, stroking his face. “Because when I’m happy, you’re happy.” She bent down to kiss Greg on the forehead and collected her clothes off of the floor.

  “You don’t want to take a shower before you go out, like last time?” Greg asked, starting to collect his own clothes.

  “Nah, I can do that later,” Fara smiled as she got dressed.

  “Well, want to go to the grocery store together? I’d hate for the only way I see you today be when we’re…well, I wouldn’t hate it but-”

  “Oh no, you worked from home today, you just stay here and relax,” Fara said, winking as she finished getting her clothes back on, avoiding any wet spots from his semen. “See you soon.”

  “Bye,” Greg said weakly, smiling at his beautiful wife as she left their bedroom and out the door. He collapsed back in bed, a stupid grin on his face.

  He almost stayed in that position until Fara got back home, only up and about for a few minutes before the front door unlocked and in returned Greg’s bride with bags of groceries in her arms. Greg hurried to collect it and the two went into the kitchen to sort everything away and get started on making dinner. “Have a good day?” Fara asked.

  Greg laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “Great day. And hey, I did everything you asked.”

  “Yeah, the carpet looks good,” Fara said, looking over her shoulder at the living room.

  “And I didn’t masturbate,” Greg said, puffing out his chest. “Thanks to you, of course.”

  Fara laughed out loud and bumped her hip against his. “Glad I could help.”

  The next few weeks were filled with the same amount of marital bliss for Greg and Fara. The problems that caused him to work from home were sorted out quickly and while he and Fara didn’t have the same sexual triathlon they had on that one day, their relationship remained steady and passionate. In fact, Fara seemed to have a new flame set under her, more willing to initiate sex with Greg and multiple times a day. Greg assumed his emphasis on eating her out had something to do with it.

  But there was something else. Fara seemed more beautiful to Greg too. He didn’t know if it was just him settling into the married life finally or if her wonderful sexual exploits that one day turned him on more. Whatever it was, Fara had this aura about her now, making Greg get weak and swoon around her instantly. He checked her make-up to see if she was applying it in some new subtle way or if she had a perfume she was trying out that was sending pheromones into his brain but came up with nothing.

  Then, one Saturday morning, as Greg was resting against the dining room table, fresh off an early run around the neighborhood, Fara walked up behind him in her robe. “Hi,” Greg said with a smile.

  “Hi,” Fara said, grinning back. Her voice was quiet. “Um, you know how I’ve felt kinda tired the past few weeks?”

  “Yeah?” Greg said, putting one hand on her back. She was going to bed earlier and eating smaller portions, though she still had plenty of energy in the sack. “Are you feeling sicker? Do you want to go to the doctor?”

  “Well…yes, I want to go to the doctor, but that’s not why,” Fara said, pulling one of her hands out of her robe. It was clutching a plastic pregnancy test. She placed it on the table, inviting Greg to pick it up and inspect it. He was not an expert on these things, but it seemed to him the tiny pink line matched up with the guide on the stick.

  “You just took this?” Greg asked.

  “Yep,” Fara nodded, laughing nervously. “I’m pregnant.”

  With a gasp, Greg wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled Fara deep into his chest. “Sorry about the sweaty hug,” he said.

  “It’s okay,” Fara giggled, her voice trembling. “I’d been feeling different but I didn’t think anything of it. But when my period didn’t come for weeks and weeks…and now we have proof.”

p; “You’re…happy about this, right?” Greg asked.

  “Yes, yes I’m happy! I mean, I’m a little concerned my birth control didn’t work the way it was supposed to but we’d been working toward this for a while. It’s just a little sooner than expected,” Fara said, kissing Greg on the corner of his lips.

  “So, um, wow. What do people do in this situation?” Greg said, eyes wide with tears welling up in the corners. “Probably schedule a doctor’s appointment, right?”

  “Right,” Fara said. “And tell our parents…” Her voice trailed off as she and Greg both squinted their eyes. “Okay, doctor first to make sure everything is okay, then tell our parents.”

  “Good idea,” Greg laughed, nodding emphatically.

  “Though…can we tell my sisters? They’re my best friends and they’ll keep a secret from my parents until the right time,” Fara said, biting her lip. “Please?”

  “Sure, sure, of course,” Greg said, taking her hands and giving them a light squeeze. “Want to invite them over for dinner tonight?”

  “Yes, great idea!” Fara squealed, kissing Greg again and taking his wrist. She placed his palm against her stomach. “It kinda feels like I’m already getting a pot belly.”

  “Sure does. You’re getting big fast,” Greg chuckled. “Maybe you really are carrying triplets.”

  “That’d be something,” Fara said, rolling her eyes and exhaling. “My mom won’t be able to keep that one over my head anymore. ‘You have no idea what it was like to carry the three of you inside me at once!’ ‘Actually, I have a pretty good idea.’”

  “I didn’t want to say anything but…your breasts have looked bigger,” Greg whispered, keeping one hand over his mouth to hide his grin.

  Fara smirked at him and put both hands on her hips while he kept his hand on her belly. “Oh-ho, so that’s what powers your preggo-fetish?”

  “No, no, not at all!” Greg protested with a guilty smile. “Belly first and foremost. Boobs and butt are just nice benefits.”

  Fara laughed out loud and began to slip out of her robe. “Well, I haven’t had my shower yet. Want to join me and explore this theory for yourself?”

  Greg grinned and hurried to follow behind her. “Can I call you a MILF now?”

  “Mmm, gonna pass on that one,” Fara said.

  Greg and Fara worked together to make dinner for the night, which ironically took longer than if they’d worked separately, since Greg couldn’t keep his hands off of his pregnant wife. He thought he might be able to see the “glow” on her already but that could have been his own bias. Fara could be dried out and exhausted with the frumpiest dress possible on and, knowing she was carrying his baby, he would still think she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  He set the table, insisting on making Fara’s work load light, which just made her smirk and roll her eyes. “I’m not a 50s housewife, Greg. Just because I’m pregnant, I can still carry a pot.”

  “Nothing but the best for my lady,” Greg said in a blue-blooded accent. Fara laughed and crossed her arms. “I’ll have a big silk pillow on every surface and keep you comfy and cozy no matter where you go.”

  “What about when I’m at work?” Fara said.

  “If your bosses make you lift anything heavier than a pencil, I’m going to have a word with them,” Greg said, puffing out his chest. The doorbell rang and they both turned toward the front of the house. “No need to walk.”

  “Oh no,” Fara said, smiling and Greg rushed toward her, picking his wife up into his arms. “No!” Fara said with squealing laughter, kicking and swatting him with her hands. “Don’t drop me!”

  “I won’t drop you if you stop fidgeting,” Greg said, setting her down on her feet right before they got to the front door. Fara glared at him, puffing her cheeks out in protest, but straightened up as he opened the door.

  “Everything okay?” Maxine asked. “I heard some shouting.”

  “Greg was pulling a prank,” Fara said, holding out her arms. “But he’ll behave now that we have company. Come on it.”

  Every time Greg saw Fara’s sisters, he couldn’t get over how similar they all looked. Maxine walked in first, giving her triplet sister a big hug and a few pats on the back. She was identical to Fara: tan skin, almond brown hair, big hazel eyes, plump red lips, a curvy body like a sculpture.

  “Hiya Greg,” said Lisa, following in behind her sister. Likewise, Lisa was the spitting image of her two sisters; even their voices sounded similar. It was a little easier for Greg to tell Lisa apart since she liked to tie her hair in a ponytail but otherwise she blended right in. She reached one arm around Greg’s shoulder to give him a light hug. “You’ve met Katie, right?”

  “A few times, yeah,” Greg said, reaching out the shake the next woman’s hand. Katie stood apart from the other three women in the house. She had pale skin with short, dyed red hair tickling the tops of her ears. She had on a blue and white striped shirt now that covered her arms but Greg remembered seeing lots of tattoos on her when they met in the past. “Hi Katie.”

  “Hey,” Katie smiled, leaning into Lisa’s ear. “Hey babe? Want anything to drink?”

  “Just some water…and maybe a slice of lime if they have it,” Lisa said as Katie gave her a peck on the cheek.

  “We do,” Greg smiled, showing Katie to the kitchen. “Do you want wine or beer or something?”

  “Wine sounds good,” Katie said, dropping her voice when they both got into the kitchen. “I figured they’re all going to be talking for a while so the spouses should get some breathing room first.”

  “Right. They’re triplets so they can talk a million words a minute and still understand it all,” Greg chuckled, grabbing Katie a drink and pouring himself some wine as well. “So ‘spouse,’ huh? Things with you and my sister-in-law are that serious?”

  Katie just smiled and sipped her wine. “Still just ‘partners.’ I’m not a big believer in marriage but we’re definitely…moving forward in our relationship.”

  “Well, here’s to the poisonous and misogynist institution of marriage, destroying human interaction everywhere,” Greg said, lifting his own glass for a toast.

  “Here here,” Katie said, clinking it against his.

  After giving the triplets some time to mingle, Greg got everyone seated in the dining room and loaded up the plates. “So, Fara, what’s the occasion?” Maxine asked.

  “I need an occasion to have dinner with my family?” Fara asked, feigning shock.

  “You need an occasion to cook for all of us,” Lisa chimed in. Katie hid her laugh behind her wine glass.

  “Okay, okay, fair enough. You caught us,” Greg said, lifting his hands. He and Fara met eyes and smiled, immediately reaching over to squeeze each other’s fingers. “You tell them.”

  Fara nodded and took in a deep breath. “Don’t tell anyone yet, alright? You’ll know when it’s time.”

  “Gotcha,” Maxine nodded, looking over at Lisa. “We can keep a secret, can’t we?”

  “I think so,” Lisa smiled.

  “Okay,” Fara said, sucking in another big breath. “We’re pregnant.”

  There was a silence over the table as Maxine and Lisa’s eyes got wide. “Holy shit,” Maxine said, finally busting out laughing. “Fara! That’s amazing!”

  “I can’t believe it!” Lisa said, holding one hand to her temple.

  “Congratulations,” Katie said, leaning over to Greg.

  “Thank you,” Greg smiled.

  “But hold onto your seat,” Katie said, raising her eyebrows.

  “Seriously, I can’t believe it,” Lisa said, reaching one hand across to hold Fara’s. “I was going to wait until after dinner but…we’re pregnant too.”

  “You’re what?” Fara said, stopping in place

  “I mean, I get that couples use that term but since we both have wombs, I should clarify that I’m the pregnant one,” Lisa said, placing one hand on her stomach.

  “We talked about having a kid. I wa
s hesitant but Lisa really talked me into it,” Katie nodded. “She went to the sperm bank a little over a month ago and, boom, we just got the good news yesterday.”

  Greg was floored. Two sisters born at the same time, now pregnant at the same time. What were the chances of that? Hell, he never expected Lisa to get pregnant period. Although in the back of his mind, he had always wondered about Fara’s two triplet sisters getting pregnant before her. It would give him a preview of what his own wife would look like carrying his baby, but now he didn’t have to guess.


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