Seeing Triple

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Seeing Triple Page 3

by Notabot

  “Since we’re all dropping bombshells…” Maxine said, wiping her lips with her tablecloth and setting it down.

  “Maxine? For real?” Fara said.

  “Yep. Guess that’s the risk in having one-night-stands,” Maxine smirked and shrugged.

  “You’re seriously pregnant?” Greg said loudly.

  “Shit, do I have to spell it out? Yes, I’m pregnant!” Maxine cackled, standing up to show her small, budding belly. “No, there’s not really a guy in the picture but that’s cool with me, not that I would be able to narrow down the father anyway. And you know I like to do things on my own and my job’s good enough that I can care for a baby.”

  “And you’ll always have us to help out,” Fara said, smiling and reaching her other hand out for her sister. Maxine took it and gave it a squeeze before reaching over to Lisa. “How far along are you?”

  “Only a month or so. I found out really recently and I think I know when my birth control scheduled fucked up,” Maxine nodded.

  “Same for me,” Lisa said, smiling.

  “Wow, we’ll all get to be pregnant at the same time, right on the same schedule by the sounds of it!” Fara said, laughing, and blushing. “I know we do a lot of things together but…this is wild!”

  “It sure is,” Greg said, scratching his head. What were the chances? Triplets all getting pregnant at the same time? Based on how long it had been, Greg had a pretty good idea of when he must have gotten Fara knocked up. There was that day when he was home alone and they fucked…a lot, and without a condom. And she hadn’t said anything about her birth control being off or this being a big surprise.

  Then Greg froze a bit. He did have sex with Fara a lot that day. And now her sisters – her identical sisters – were pregnant at the same time. There’s no way…could there? Greg looked around the table, seeing how happy Lisa and Katie were together. No, there was no way she would have had sex with Greg under false pretenses. And how would Lisa have lied about going to a sperm bank to Katie without raising suspicions? That was stupid.

  But then Greg kept turning his head and caught Maxine’s eyes from across the table. Fara, Lisa, and Katie were all distracted with cross-talk but Maxine was out of the conversation. Their gazes lingered for a few seconds as Maxine brought her water glass to her lips. Then, quickly, she winked at him.

  His face flushed and Greg felt his heart begin pound in his chest. It was like he was burning up inside. “Let me get some more wine,” Greg choked out. “Katie? More wine?”

  “I’m okay,” Katie said, putting one hand on Lisa’s shoulder and giving it a light rub. “It’s not fair that I drink too much when my best girl can’t have any.”

  “Way to remind me,” Lisa chuckled, rolling her eyes. Greg gave a complimentary laugh, his whole body trembling as he got up and hurried to the kitchen in the other room.

  He got out the bottle and put it on the counter but couldn’t muster the strength to pour it. Greg bent down and let out a deep sigh. Relax, relax, he told himself over and over again. There’s…there’s no way. Maxine winks. She must have done that before to be playful. You’re just having new dad jitters. But he couldn’t fully shake his fears that…that he might have gotten his wife’s sister pregnant by mistake.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” Greg turned to see Fara walking up beside him. She placed one hand on his back and gave it a light rub. “You look worried.”

  “I’m okay,” Greg nodded, smiling back at his wife. “I think being a parent is just…starting to scare me a little.”

  “Oh,” Fara said, brushing her long brown hair back. “I mean…I thought you wanted this?”

  “I do, I do, so badly,” Greg said, taking her hands and giving them a light squeeze. “I’m just scared about not being good enough. It’s nerves.”

  “Well, better you be scared about doing a good job than not caring,” Fara smiled. “That’s why I love you. My big, sexy husband. Soon to be my big daddy.”

  “Oh, that’s your new name for me?” Greg purred, leaning in for a kiss. Fara met his lips but placed a hand against his budding erection. “W-whoa!”

  “My big, virile baby daddy, filling me up nice and round,” Fara hissed in his ears. “I’ll bet you want to bend me over this counter and fuck more children into me while my sisters are in the other room, stroking their own growing bellies.”

  “Y-yes,” Greg moaned, feeling Fara’s palm moving up and down his cock.

  “And thinking about how you made their stomachs swell up too.”

  “W-what?” Greg said, stepping back. Quickly, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a hair tie and adjusted her brunette hair into a ponytail just as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

  “Hey,” Fara said, just now walking into the kitchen. “Do we have any more of that au jus you used for the tenderloin?”

  “Uh,” Greg said, looking between his wife and his sister-in-law in horror, trying to keep it all together. “I-I already put it in the fridge so it’s cold.”

  “That’s fine. The meat is warm,” Fara said, walking over and pulling open the heavy metal door of the fridge.

  “That’s what I meant to ask you about,” Lisa said, snapping Greg out of his daze. She was smiling wide at him, blowing him a kiss when Fara wasn’t looking. “Katie changed her mind and wanted a refill of wine as well.”

  “S-sure, I’ll bring the bottle with me,” Greg said, walking back into the dining room like a zombie. He passed the wine off to Katie, his glazed-over eyes looking into the center of the table.

  “Greg, everything okay?” Maxine asked. He looked up slowly, seeing her smiling back at him, her eyelids heavy and her lips pursed. “You look like you just got some bad news.”

  He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do. Could he tell Fara? No, that would destroy everything, from their marriage to her family ties. And right when they were about to have their babies.

  “It’s fine,” Greg croaked, looking back at his plate as Fara and Lisa returned to the table. He poked his fork at the food but suddenly, he did not feel all that hungry.

  For the next week, Greg remained in a stunned stupor, his attention never able to rest on the task or moment at hand. It took an almost equally big shock to push Greg back into something resembling lucidity.

  Fara was laying on her back, shirt rolled up to her growing breasts as her bare stomach was presented to the nurse. She and Greg exercised and went on little “gym dates,” and while Fara was never sporting abs like Holly Holm, she had a tight, flat, shapely belly. Now, Greg could already see it starting to push up and bulge, giving her a potbelly slope. Even if she wasn’t pregnant, Greg would still find the tiny mound cute. Alongside his pregnancy fetish, Greg always had an attraction women’s stomachs and belly buttons. It was probably an off-shoot of his love for swollen, maternal women but just seeing a girl’s midriff in a bikini or a rolled up shirt got him heated up. He also liked it if there was a little stud or piercing in the belly button, though Fara was never interested in taking that step. But now that she was pregnant, that more than surpassed any appeal of a pierced navel.

  “Greg,” Fara whispered to her husband as the nurse had her back turned. “You’re gawking.”

  “Are you surprised?” Greg replied, grinning. Fara wrinkled her nose at him and turned back as the nurse produced the ultrasound wand and a small tube of clear, thick gel. “Hey, um, so how much will this ultrasound be able to tell at this stage?”

  “At this stage? Your chart said you were probably two months along so it’s pretty basic,” the nurse nodded. “We mostly make sure everything looks…good.” That was clearly the bedside manner way of saying they’d look for any problems or complications. “And we can see the heartbeat so if there’s twins, now’s when we’d find out.”

  “Good to know,” Fara chuckled, resting one arm behind her head. “We’re gambling addicts and we have money riding on how many babies are inside me. I’m saying triplets.”

bsp; “And I’m saying quads,” Greg laughed back, reaching one hand over to squeeze his wife’s. “It’s a risk, but hey, with the odds and payout, it’s worth it.”

  The nurse laughed politely, not wanting to get sucked into their jokes. As she spread the gel on Fara’s stomach, the pregnant woman flinched and shifted a bit at the cold touch. Fara gripped Greg’s hand tighter when the ultrasound wand went on her tan skin, smearing the gel all across the small hump of Fara’s belly.

  The three of them could hear the rhythmic “wub wub” of the ultrasound machine picking up the fetal heartbeats. Fara smiled once she heard it, looking up at the nurse’s face as she read the display screen. Greg felt a tiny warming in his chest and stroked the back of his wife’s hand. Sure, her sisters may – emphasis on may – have secretly gotten pregnant with his children but he and Fara still loved each other and were still having a baby together they would love and nurture. One little secret with her sisters, Greg could live with as long as they had this wonderful family.

  The nurse continued to scan the contents of Fara’s womb, saying nothing. Fara’s smile began to fade after the silence went on longer than it should. “What’s wrong?”

  “Miss…was there a reason you joked about having triplets?” the nurse said.

  Fara turned to Greg, who looked as confused as the nurse. “Well I’m one of three triplets. We’re all identical sisters,” Fara said. “Is it…am I seriously pregnant with triplets?”

  The nurse cleared her throat. “I’m…still counting the heartbeats.” Greg had to stop himself from crying out as Fara put his fingers in a vicegrip. Her eyes were starting to get watery and she was not breaking her look at the nurse. “I’ll just tell you right now, they all look healthy.”

  “Thank god,” Greg murmured under his breath.

  “And it looks like you are expecting…six,” the nurse finally said, nodding and turning back to the married couple. Greg and Fara looked back at her in disbelief.

  “You’re…sure?” Greg said, piping up since Fara was remaining silent.

  “I counted three times just to make sure. Six heartbeats,” the nurse nodded. “Guess it’s genetic.”

  “Guess so,” Fara said, letting out a shocked laugh. “Sextuplets. Sex-fucking-tuplets.”

  “S-s-s-so what does that mean?” Greg stammered, one hand running through his hair. “I mean…she’ll have to be on bedrest and have doctors poking and prodding her 24/7?”

  “Well, here’s the thing,” the nurse said. Her diction wasn’t inspiring any confidence. “Not a lot of parents have this many babies at once so this information doesn’t get out very much but medicine has improved by leaps and bounds since all of those reality shows about women who get a ridiculous number of kids.”

  “Me being pregnant with sextuplets is ridiculous?” Fara repeated back, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s a little ridiculous,” Greg said quietly.

  “And being a triplet yourself and having very…robust, fertile genes it seems, you should be able to carry these babies to term,” the nurse said. Greg and Fara both leaned in. “The full 40 weeks, yes.”

  “Huh,” Fara said, turning to Greg. “Guess we should start picking out a room for the babies.”

  The two of them left the OB/GYN office in silence. It wasn’t until they got back into their house that the two of them really reacted. They turned, met eyes, and burst out laughing and crying. Fara leapt into Greg’s arms and he hugged her tight while her legs wrapped around him. They kept cheering and hollering while nuzzling their noses together before kissing, feeling even more excited than the moment Fara revealed that she was pregnant.

  Greg, with Fara still held up in the air, walked her into the kitchen and sat her on the small table there, propping her up and continuing to kiss her. Then, he moved a trail down to her chin and neck, making Fara preen and coo. “Six babies. We’re going to have six, healthy babies,” Greg quietly said.

  “Who knows, maybe they’ll find a few more hiding in the corners of my belly when we go back,” Fara chuckled.

  “Imagine how big you’re going to get,” Greg said, moving his lips to her breasts. He was still kissing her over her clothes but she could still feel his face nestled in her cleavage and he could feel the warmth coming off of her skin. “You’re going to be irresistible.”

  “Oh, now I know why you’re so happy,” Fara laughed, spreading her legs as he started to move down.

  “You’re damn right,” Greg chuckled. “I’d love to have six kids with you, but all at once? That’s just fun for both of us.” He rolled up her shirt and stared at her rounding belly. “No wonder you’re already getting so chubby.”

  “Stop, I don’t look chubby,” Fara smirked, putting one hand to her face. “Do I?”

  “You look positively plump,” Greg said with a growl, placing his lips against her stomach. Quickly, he retreated and stuck out his tongue. “Ugh, some of the gel is still left. Doesn’t taste good.”

  “Go get some water and wash out your mouth,” Fara said, rolling her eyes. “Well, at least I know I’ve got experience raising kids looking out for you.” As Greg grinned and got a glass of water, Fara pulled out her phone and called someone. Greg watched as she crossed her legs and waited for the other person to pick up. “Maxine! Just had my ultrasound! And guess what?”

  Greg was swishing the water around in his mouth but as he saw Fara’s expression change to surprise, he stopped, his cheeks still puffed up with water. No…it couldn’t be…

  “For real?” Fara said, jaw hung open. “Shit, I guess it really is genetic…Lisa too?” Greg had to turn away, both to spit out the water and to hide his flushing face. He felt as pale as a deathbed patient. The nurse was right: this was a very specific mixing of genetics that caused these pregnancies to get so big. “We are going to be three enormous, beautiful women, huh? I guess I’ll have to see all of you soon and talk…yeah, bye! Take good care of my cute little nieces and nephews in there!”

  Greg turned back to Fara, trying to keep himself from trembling. “Y-you shared the news?”

  “Sure did,” Fara said, wrapping her arms around Greg, a big grin on her face. “You’ll never believe it!”

  Greg gulped. “Try me.”

  Concerns about 18 of his future children being carried between three identical sisters were always present in Greg’s mind but as his wife began to grow and change, they weighed on him less and less. Every day was a joy to see Fara sporting a bigger belly than the day before and she was more than happy to allow Greg to fawn over her new body.

  With sextuplets, it took Fara no time at all to start looking different. For many women, the third month is when they might finally start telling friends and family about their happy news, now that they were out of those first weeks where the pregnancy was touch and go. But by the end of Fara’s first trimester, there was no doubting she was pregnant, as her stomach was the size of a volleyball and just as firm.

  Somewhere during month four, Greg was looking for some clothes in their bedroom as Fara waddled out of the bathroom. “Babe, we need to see about ordering me some clothes online.”

  Greg looked up and saw his heavily pregnant wife standing with both hands on her belly. She had on a purple shirt and jeans but something was off. Fara’s bare tan belly was sticking out far, making her shirt roll up to the top curve and expose her belly button. Her jeans were fully unzipped to make room for her, showing off most of her underbelly and the slight darkening of her skin on that end. She gave him a bashful grin while rubbing the sides of her swollen bump slowly.

  “Looks fine to me,” Greg chuckled and smiled. “If anything, these clothes are a little too big.”

  Fara grabbed a nearby box of tissues and chucked them at his head as she giggled. “Come on, be serious! I can’t go out like this!”

  “What have you been doing in the meantime?” Greg asked, laughing and protecting his head with one arm.

  “I have these big ugly long skirts that can cover up my
tummy but they look like shit. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I need start dressing like an old maid,” Fara said, waddling closer to her husband and turning to show just how little her clothes fit. “Besides, soon, even those won’t fit me with six little kids growing in here.”

  Greg sighed, kneeling and rubbing her exposed belly skin. “I guess that’s the trade-off with wearing maternity clothes. They aren’t that fashionable. I can drive you to the mall in about an hour and we can pick out something that looks good.”

  Fara rolled her eyes and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Babe…these are maternity clothes.” Greg blushed as she stood up and pushed her hips in, making her clothes retreat from her heavy pregnant form even more. “They’re meant for women nine months pregnant with twins. These jeans have an elastic, extendable waistline.”

  “And they…don’t fit,” Greg said, eyes getting wide. “You’re too big for pregnancy clothes.”


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