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The Traveler

Page 8

by Xander Jade


  We were silent at first, but halfway there the women started chatting.

  “Dom, we know that we don’t have the right to ask, but can we come back during the week? We have work, but would come on our days off. Lily and I like it there, it’s peaceful and no stupid assholes will bother us,” Celina asked with hope in her voice.

  Without thinking, I just said, “Sure, I like having company. What about those other girls? Won’t they miss you?”

  “Well, would it be alright if we brought a couple with us?” Lily replied.

  I’m not sure why, but I asked, “Are they as helpful as you?”

  They giggled and Celina advised, “Yes, Dom, they are. In many ways. We all like to farm, hunt, and… give pleasure.”

  I looked over at her, she didn’t flinch or look away. “Is that so?”

  They both purred, “Yes.”

  Celina put her head on my shoulder and whispered, “Now, we know that it’s early, but we wanted to let you know that we are into you. If you’re uncomfortable with it, please let us know.”

  I shook my head, “No, not uncomfortable. Just not used to the attention.”

  Lily rubbed my arm, “Take your time. If you want to pursue this with us, then we will let you. Our minds are already made up.”

  Damn, these women are brazen. Both put their arms through mine as we rode to Capena. When we were almost at the outskirts, the women asked me to pull over and I did as asked.

  “We will get off here. Our race isn’t allowed on this side, so we’ll head around to our side,” Lily advised.

  “What? You’re not allowed here?”

  “No,” Celina snarled.

  I sighed. They kissed me on the cheek and told me goodbye. I watched them walk off for a few minutes before moving on. Prejudice was everywhere, I supposed. The rest of the way my thoughts were on the beautiful Isabella. A couple of miles later, the team rode into the town and slowed down to a walk as I led them to the wainwright. I stopped outside the front entrance and put on the hand brake before climbing down to head inside. The same three ladies who had been there last time were talking to each other when I stepped in. Their conversation stopped when they saw me.

  Isabella grinned and walked over to grab my hand. “Hello Dominic, I want you to meet a couple of people.” She led me over to the counter and continued, “This is my daughter Abby and this is Julia, Felicia’s daughter.”

  I responded to the introduction with a smile. “Good afternoon, ladies. It’s nice to meet you two, I hope you don’t mind me taking your moms out.”

  Both of them blushed at my statement and giggled. Abby replied, “It’s no problem, especially for a handsome guy like you.” Julia nodded and agreed.

  I tilted my head and stated, “Thank you for the compliment, it definitely builds my self-esteem coming from beautiful flowers like yourselves. You must have numerous males trying to court you.”

  Both young women’s faces were deep crimson now. They couldn’t even respond to my praises, so Isabella broke into the conversation.

  “Dominic, you mind if I call you Dom? Okay, would you like to go to lunch now?”

  I smiled broadly at the stammering, shy teenagers and looked over to my date. “Yes. That would be great. I thought we could go for a picnic and talk, would that be alright?”

  She cooed, “That would be fantastic; it has been ages since I’ve been on one.”

  I held out my hand, Isabella slid hers into mine and we walked outside. I helped her up onto the wagon and jumped up onto my side, released the brake and flicked the reins. The draft horses trotted away and I spoke, “Where can we go to talk and enjoy some privacy out on this lovely day?”

  Isabella stared at me for a few moments before responding, “There’s a meadow about a mile out on the main road; we used to go there when we were little.”

  “Alright,” I smiled at the beautiful blonde. She grabbed my hand and held it as we rode through town.

  Minutes later we pulled off the main road as she gave directions for the meadow; it was a tight fit for the wagon, but we made it through without problems. Helping her down, I grabbed the basket and blanket out of the wagon, found a spot for the picnic and then placed the blanket on the ground. Isabella set out the food and we sat down, not knowing who should start the conversation.

  I began, “As you’re calling me Dom, do you mind if I call you Bella?”

  She shook her head no and I kept talking, “Alright, tell me some things about yourself.”

  Bella tapped a finger to her chin and started speaking. “Well, what can I say? I’m thirty-four years old and widowed. I work for a wainwright and have a seventeen-year-old daughter, oh and I’m a water mage. Not really picky at all when it comes to vegetables or fruit, well, food for that matter. Didn’t like my last husband, he was a pussy and wouldn’t even stand up for himself. I live at the boarding house with Abby, but would love to live out in the woods someday where it’s peaceful, maybe on a farm with a garden. My best friend is Felicia as you know and we try to do everything together. Didn’t think I would be courting anymore, it seemed I would have to uproot Abby and move to the bigger cities to do that, but didn’t want to leave Felicia and Julia.”

  I hadn’t missed the double meaning but didn’t remark on that, instead, I said “Wow, you seem to be specific on your future home. Maybe it’ll come true for you.”

  She smirked. “Dom, you don’t have to worry about any of that, not unless you want to keep going out.”

  I nodded, “I’m enjoying your company and don’t have a problem defending myself. I’m not familiar with the intricacies of courting here. Can you enlighten me?”

  “Sure, hon. When you have your first wife, they usually take care of recruitment. Their main goal is to make your family stronger. Some have large families with eight to ten wives or small ones that have two. It’s just what the male can handle, not necessarily just physically, but mentally as well. The wives have specific roles: the caregivers, protectors, and even taking care of the wealth. Pertaining to bedroom activities, most of the sister-wives take care of each other when it’s not their turn with their male, or a group session. Whatever the male wants, really,” Bella stated in a clinical tone.

  I thought about what she said before answering. “Okay, if I understand you correctly, then my first wife would pick the others without my consent?”

  She shook her head. “No. You would decide together, at least that’s what’s supposed to happen.”

  “How long do you court someone before you go to the next level?”

  Bella giggled. “Next level? Married, you mean?”

  I laughed as well and nodded. She stated with a smile, “When the male is comfortable with his choice then they go into town and register. After that, you take your bride home and consummate the marriage.”

  “Do people have sex before that? Or do they wait?”

  “Wow, getting a little personal there bub, but yes if it’s consensual then it’s allowed. Do they not do that where you’re from? …Have you not lain with a woman?” Bella smirked and winked at me.

  “They do. I was just curious.”

  She nodded and bit her lower lip. I leaned over and stated in a low voice, “How about kissing?” Staring into her widened eyes, I saw her face flush. She didn’t say anything for a few moments. I continued, “Let’s eat, Beautiful, before the insects get into the food.” Her face was still crimson, so she just nodded.

  We ate and talked of other things not related to courting. I told her my hobbies and some of the projects that I was working on, giving the bare minimum of details on the construction. After some time of getting to know each other, we headed back to town and I stopped at the boarding house. I got down and walked around to help her down.

  Not letting her go, I asked, “Would it be pertinent to ask if I could kiss you?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. I pulled her to me and kissed her tenderly at first, but she wasn’t having that, and p
ulled me in for a deeper, more passionate kiss. When we finished, both of us were panting. As I was about to turn, she grabbed me and we went at it again. A couple of minutes later, I was riding away from the boarding house with a smile on my face.

  Bella had a pleased expression when she walked up to her room, and didn’t notice Abby as she came in the door. Abby saw the look on her mom’s face and knew her date went well. She giggled and hoped the handsome gentleman would sweep her mom off of her feet. Thinking about that for a moment, the teenager went back to her book.

  Chapter 7

  I stopped my team at the hardware store and picked up twenty bags of concrete and twenty blocks before riding home. We went slow, as I didn’t want to hurt the Jutlands in any way. I arrived at my cabin before dusk and unloaded my purchases. William came and helped as well. It was late in the day and I was exhausted, so we went inside to cook.

  I showed William how to use and maintain the cook stove, arrange the grates properly, and what utensils to use. I took him to the cold room and we went over what I wanted where. I took a couple steaks out and brought them to the grates, and he lit the fire for the stove.

  While we were waiting, I discussed with him how my days go and the chores that needed to be done. The projects began with the top priority being the house, then we would work on the smokehouse, herbal garden, and other projects when we could.

  While the meat was cooking, I had him cut up some veggies and fruit. The meat was done enough for me, I liked mine medium and the boy probably could care less how his meat was cooked. The meal was good, though there wasn’t much conversation. William cleaned up as I went and got some books off the shelf

  I laid them down on the table and drank coffee while I waited. When he was done, I placed one in front of him. It was about farming.

  “William, do you know how to read?”

  “No, Dom.”

  I nodded and thought that would be his answer. Taking the book back, I went and got some paper and a writing utensil. Carefully I wrote the alphabet of his language on a piece of paper.

  “Every day we will practice your letters and writing, then we will begin reading once you are familiar with it.”

  He looked at me in deep thought before asking, “Why would you do this?”

  I smiled, “You’re living with me and those who do will know how to read and write. You will learn everything I can teach you, and so will others when they come here. I know other languages as well and you will learn those too. I’m not going to coddle you, my friend. Most people here think the males are weak and simple minded, or at least from those that I’ve seen. I’m not going to let anyone dictate what I do or try to guide me somewhere I don’t want to go. Therefore, I will do what needs to be done and no one will tell me otherwise.”

  He smiled, “You are definitely not from around here. I would like to learn all you can teach me.”

  I nodded and we got started. It was slow the first night, but that was understandable. The next morning, I fixed breakfast while he kept on with his letters. When we finished our meal, both of us went out and did our chores before working on the house. It was a long, but prosperous day. By the end, we were dragging. The foundation was done. We would have to let the mortar sit and harden before doing anything else on it. We marked the placements where the blocks for the walls would sit.

  At dinner, I cleaned up while the boy kept working on his letters. I read a couple of books about carpentry and other trades that would help me on the house. Nothing about indoor plumbing though, which sucked. My mind brought up thoughts of how to accomplish this feat. I would need to purchase a few things, but it might work. I placed the books back onto the shelves and thought about the two beastkin females. The duo didn’t show up today, they probably had to work. Both of us went to bed early after the exhausting day.


  Isabella and Felicia were sweaty and panting after their love session. Holding and petting one another, they were silent for a few minutes, until Felicia voiced her concern, again.

  “What if he doesn’t like me? Or if I’m not his type?”

  Isabella groped her ass and tits before asking, “Who wouldn’t want a piece of this?”

  Felicia slapped her lover’s hands. “I’m serious, Izzy. You had a great time on your date, so you don’t have anything to worry about.”

  Isabella took a deep breath and exhaled before responding, “Hon, I don’t think you will have a problem with him not noticing you. Dom isn’t like others that we have met in the past, he’s mysterious and charming.”

  Felicia whispered, “I just want to make a good impression. It feels like this is our shot, Izzy. Maybe our dreams will finally come true, the main one being that he will get us out of this hell hole. I’m tired of just getting by, I want us to live freely out in the forest or on a farm somewhere, growing our food and living off the land.”

  Isabella nodded and said, “I’m in total agreement with that. Just don’t go into this with that as your main thought. He may be our ticket to freedom, but that man won’t grovel at our feet. Dom isn’t a normal male, he strikes me as someone that is independent and doesn’t need anyone around all the time to function. The man carries around weapons, so we know he can take care of himself or at least, seems to.”

  “I don’t want him to grovel, I want us to be a family who talks and works things out as equals. Compromise.”

  Isabella snorted, “That would be nice. But don’t forget, Felicia, we won’t be the only ones to catch his fancy. I have a feeling that he will have a huge family. He doesn’t seem the type to be picky and from our conversation, I know he is very intelligent. Be prepared for anything if he wants us to join him.”

  Felicia scoffed, “I’m not racist, Izzy. If those women can help us to be stronger, then we will welcome them with open arms.”

  “I didn’t say you were a racist, just making sure you’re not wanting a particular type of woman to join.”

  “Yeah, I know. I guess we will have to wait and find out what he wants.”

  They both sighed and kissed each other before going to sleep.


  The next afternoon, we stopped and gazed upon our work. I nodded. It was coming along nicely.

  “Let’s go wash up, I’m going to take a trip to town.”

  “Another date?”

  I nodded and he snickered. I got the Jutlands out and had William get them ready for travel. I went to the cabin and got dressed before heading out to Capena. On the way to town, I wondered what we would talk about during our date.

  It was an uneventful trip, the guards nodded as I went by, still curious it seemed. I stopped at the front entrance of the boarding house and walked up to Felicia’s room. Bella had told me what room she was in. I knocked on the door and she opened it. She was wearing a teal sundress that hung to her muscular body, barely holding in her tits. I was almost drooling. “Hello, Felicia.”

  She smiled, no doubt at the lustful way I was looking at her. “Good afternoon, Dominic.”

  I cleared my throat, getting myself back together. Damn, she was gorgeous. “Shall we?”

  She nodded and we walked out to the wagon. I helped her up and got her situated before jumping up and sitting right beside her.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” she asked.

  “I figured we would take a nature ride or walk to get to know each other, then eat dinner at Brenda’s.”

  She smiled and responded, “Sounds good. I feel like I already know you, at least what you shared with Izzy.”



  “Oh, right. I was calling her Bella. Going to compare notes, huh?”

  She smirked and had a mischievous glint in her eyes, “Of course, that’s what we do. Talk. Well, besides everything else.”

  “Uh huh. Well, not going to argue there. Except what you should know about me is that I don’t need anyone to do anything for me. I’ve seen some of the males around here, some are helple
ss or lazy. I don’t fit that bill.”

  “I can see that. It’s nice to meet a man that can take care of himself. What are your hobbies?”

  I didn’t want to tell the whole truth, so I gave her half.

  “Hmm. Right now, fishing and construction.”

  She didn’t respond for a few minutes, she seemed to be taking in the beauty of the nature around us. The rainbow-colored flowers were flowing with the wind, as were the leaves of the trees within the green forest. I also saw a few kids playing on a path leading away from the road. Finally, she asked, “What are you building?”

  I looked over and stared straight into her eyes. “Little projects. A smokehouse is what I’m working on at the moment.”

  “That sounds interesting. Of course, you know where I work.”

  “Yeah, you like working there?”

  She shrugged and said, “It’s work and pays the bills. I’m a life mage so I get the benefit of helping the horses.”

  I nodded and we talked about other things. We rode outside the city for fifteen minutes or so. I found a clearing off the road and parked the wagon. We then followed a nature trail for some time. She got some answers from me. I told her that I enjoy camping in the forest, hunting, and fishing. We talked about our families, I gave her real answers and stated that my family was far away from there and wouldn’t be able to visit any time soon. She told me about hers. From what I gleaned, the woman was ambitious, a hard worker, but seemed to be somewhat naive. I always tried to give people a chance to prove trustworthy and would do that with her.

  We rode back into town and stopped in at Brenda’s to eat. I ordered chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and she got the grilled chicken and vegetables. In the middle of our dinner, two ladies and a male stopped by our table. I looked up to see the woman I had bought the horses from standing beside me. The other woman had to be in her forties as well, brunette with blue eyes. She was around 5’7”, a lithe body with small breasts. The male was a short fucker. He was less than 5’3” but was somewhat muscular. The guy had blonde hair and blue eyes.


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