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The Traveler

Page 13

by Xander Jade

  “See anything you like?”

  I chuckled and said, “As a matter of fact, I do.” I slipped out of my clothes and walked over.

  Lily whistled and said, “Damn, you are gorgeous. It still blows my mind that you don’t have any women yet.”

  “Well, it would seem that I have one in my bed.”

  She gasped and hope was in her eyes. “What are you saying, Dom?”

  “We will take it day by day to get to know each other, Lily. Would you like that?”

  Lily smiled but lost it. “I would love the opportunity. What about Celina? Tianna?”

  I turned down the covers and we got under them before I answered, “If they want the same then I don’t have a problem with it. It would seem that Nikki and Emoli are lovers, I don’t expect them to stay for that.”

  She snuggled up to me, her big, soft breasts were just begging to be sucked on. “I’m not sure that they are lovers, though.”

  I nodded and blew the candle out. At that moment, I thought about making a lamp or something for better lighting, but shook my head away from those thoughts. I had a beautiful woman in my bed wanting to do everything except sleep. It was going to be a great night.

  Chapter 10

  I woke up the next morning with a smile smeared across my face and gently got up, trying not to wake Lily. After taking care of my morning business, I went into the kitchen to find Celina and Tianna already making breakfast.

  I grinned and called out, “Good morning, ladies. Did you sleep well?”

  They looked up and smirked. Celina said, “It is a good morning, sleep didn’t come at first. Someone was making lots of noise throughout the night. Did you even get any sleep?”

  I chuckled and nodded. “I did.”

  Tianna snickered. “You must’ve worn the poor woman out, is she going to join us?”

  I shrugged and sat down after getting some coffee. Celina brought over a plate of eggs and bacon. I thanked her and started eating. She put her hand up under my chin and gently raised it, “I’ve got dibs on tonight. You okay with that?”

  Swallowing my food, I looked over at Tianna. She just stared back with no sign of emotion. I replied to the feline beastkin, “If that’s your wish, but it’s really not a requirement to live here, ladies.”

  Tianna spoke up at that, “We know, Dominic. But if you don’t have a problem coupling with us, then I would like my own turn as well.”

  Damn, brazen women. “I don’t have any problems with it, ladies.”

  They smiled and went back to eating. Nikki and Emoli came in looking like they didn’t get much sleep. I chuckled but didn’t say anything, just finished eating. I was going to fetch William, but he came into the cabin.

  “William, eat up. We have chores to do.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The women glanced at each other, smiling for some reason. I drank two glasses of milk and washed the mug before walking to the barn. It wasn’t long before I had helpers. Tianna, Lily, Celina, and William came in and started in on our daily jobs. The work was done in no time.

  “Dominic, do you have the tools and ingredients to make the butter and cream?” Lily asked while she was milking a cow.

  Tianna snorted and said to Celina, “I thought you would have figured that he had the right tools for cream last night.”

  Celina snickered and Tianna followed after a few moments. I smirked. Lily glared at the duo, “That’s not the cream I was talking about, ladies. If you need to know, he definitely has the right tool for man cream. He shot it all over my body, inside and out.” She turned back to me and said, “We can get started on them if you like.”

  After laughing softly and thinking about it for a few moments, I replied, “I don’t have all the ingredients, but the tools are on a shelf in the closet right by the door to the barn.”

  “Shall we go and get them today?” Celina asked as she picked up an egg basket.

  I thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, we have a lot of stock. I also need to get some bows.”

  Tianna questioned me, “What do you need more bows for?”

  William replied before I could, “Weapons.”

  I looked over at him. He hadn’t even looked up when he spoke. I nodded and said, “That’s correct. We’ll need them in the coming days.”

  “I agree with Dominic. They’ll be needed,” Nikki gave her opinion as her and Emoli came into the barn.

  I stared at her, but didn’t say anything else about it. Finishing up with the morning chores, we stored all the items in the cold room. The others went to the garden to see if any weeding needed to be done. I came back out to check on the smokehouse and Tianna came over to see what I was building.

  “Looks almost done, what’s that space down on the ground for?”

  “I’ll need fire bricks to complete it.”

  She nodded and smiled. “Planning on getting a lot of meat, are we?”

  I chuckled. “I suppose, but this building will help keep the meat preserved and also add flavoring too.”

  Emoli came up with Nikki and looked over the little building. “Isn’t that what a cold room is for? Preservation?”

  “Yes, but if we run out of room, we can use this as well.”

  Nikki shook her head and turned to William who was standing nearby. “William, learn everything you can from Dominic. It seems that he is definitely smart. Finally, after all these years, I have met a man that doesn’t need his nose wiped.”

  My right brow rose at her comment, the ladies snickered. William smiled. “I plan on it. He’s already teaching me my letters and we’re starting on writing words. In the afternoons if we have time, we go hunting.”

  Tianna looked at me. “Wow, teaching survival skills and reading. You are a unique fella.”

  I grunted and made a list in my head of the supplies I needed. “Does anybody need anything from town?”

  The women said they didn’t, but in a couple of days, they needed to go shopping for some clothes.

  I continued, “William, can you get the Jutlands ready?”

  William bowed his head and did what was asked. I nodded to the women, went to the hiding place for my coin and grabbed what I thought was needed before walking out of the room. I picked up my weapons and went back outside to see if the wagon was ready. I got up on the wagon and sat down in the middle, but before taking off, Nikki sat down in a flash beside me.

  She stared at me in a defiant manner for a few moments, then grinned. “Hon, you didn’t think you were going by yourself, did you?”

  The other ladies snickered. Tianna came over and said, “Nikki is the most powerful of us, she volunteered to go with you. The rest of us will continue to work around the farm. Would it be alright if Emoli and I worked on the new house?”

  I froze.

  The two women are earth mages. I’m a dumbass.

  “Yes, that will be great. Thank you.”

  Emoli smirked. “Take care of him, Nikki. He’s very valuable.”

  I scoffed and Nikki grinned. “I’ll not let him out of my sight. If we’re late, then don’t wait up for us.”

  I shook my head as the entire group, including William, laughed. We drove out of the access road and headed to Capena, chatting the whole way. She was a lovely woman, beautiful, but so much more. Intelligent, sassy, and witty. Nikki asked me about my life, I only let her know about certain things.

  “Why are you letting those women stay with you? Are your intentions honorable?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll have my way with all of them and when I’ve had my fun, I will have them go on their merry way.”

  She gasped in mock horror, but then asked, “Me as well?”

  I stared at her, trying to figure out if she was asking for real or not. The woman was good at facial expressions, but I saw in her eyes that she meant it. “You’re next. Matter of fact, on our way back I’ll stop in a secluded area to hide the wagon. Then I’ll rip your clothes off, suck on those lovely tits, eat your pussy, and t
hrust my cock into it until you scream my name.”

  She was flustered now, starting to breathe heavily. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Dominic.”

  “What makes you think I won’t?”

  Nikki looked away and stared at the road ahead and to the east. “My kind is… well, let’s just say that we aren’t liked. I have lived for a thousand years and have only been a part of one family. Even then it wasn’t mutual, they just wanted my power to boost them. When Lucas passed, we split and went our separate ways. Over the years, I have only had a few friends. I’ve worked many jobs to make ends meet, just aimlessly moving around. Until Emoli came into my life, it was dull and boring. We became fast friends and eventually lovers. She keeps me on my toes.”

  I nodded. “That still doesn’t answer my question.”

  She chuckled. “We’ll see, Dominic. Three women already want you, not sure if you can handle all of us from the beginning.”

  She was probably right.

  “Look, I’m not here to take in as many women as possible. They needed help and I will provide what I can. If and when they want to leave, then they can. I’ll help you as well if you need any.”

  Nikki shook her head and said, “Unless you do something heinous or throw them out then they will be with you from now on.” She then spoke in a whisper, “if… I wouldn’t say no if you would allow me to partake in pleasure in your bed.”

  I looked over and smiled. “What about out in the woods or on the side of the road?”

  She stared at me in annoyance. “If that’s what you want, but I would prefer to keep it in private quarters.”

  I smirked, but didn’t say anything else. We came up on the outskirts of Capena and I remembered what Celina had told me about not being allowed on this side of town.

  “Celina told me they weren’t allowed on this side of the town or it was frowned upon. I can’t remember for sure. What about you?”

  She shrugged and replied, “They won’t know unless I show them my true form.”

  I smiled and bumped her shoulder. “Your true form is badass. It was definitely hot when you changed.”

  The nephilim blushed and turned, but I caught a smile on her face. She said in a low voice, “Thank you for the compliment.”

  I drove to the livery and parked the wagon. Making sure Felicia or Helen weren’t around, I paid the fee to have the Jutlands reshod, fed, and watered. We walked over to the smithy and bought the bricks that I needed, then went to the hardware store and purchased the items that were on our list. They kept our purchases behind the counter until we were ready to leave.

  I looked over at the blonde bombshell. “Do you need any clothing, Nikki?”

  She didn’t say anything at first, but sighed and responded, “Yes, Dominic. Like I said, making ends meet.”

  I put an arm around her shoulders and guided her to the clothier. She tried to stop me, but I wouldn’t let her. We went inside and a dainty elf came over.

  “Good morning. My name is Talia, how may I be of service?”

  Nikki didn’t say anything, so I answered, “Good morning, Talia. This lovely woman has lost her suitcase with most of her clothing. She needs a full set of everyday clothing, riding skirts, dresses, and undergarments. The last that I named need to include garter belts, stockings, bras, and panties. Preferably transparent, lace, and thongs. Numerous pairs.”

  Both women went wide-eyed at my order. Nikki started stammering excuses, but I sweetly told the saleswoman, “She’s embarrassed about this whole ordeal. My lady here needs these items. Can you help me out?”

  The elf smiled and nodded. “Yes, sir. It will be a pleasure. Give me a moment and I’ll grab some outfits to choose from.”

  We nodded and watched the elf walk away. Nikki grabbed my arm and pulled me down. “Why are you doing this? I can’t afford it.”

  I patted her hand and said, “Don’t worry about it. It’s my treat.”

  She gasped and her eyes went big. “No, Dominic. I will not have a man that I just met do this for me. When people are courting or joining a family, the woman is supposed to purchase everything for the male, not the other way around.”

  I chuckled and shook my head at that, it was the opposite on Earth. “Are we courting?”

  Her cheeks went crimson and she looked away, but didn’t respond.

  “I want to do this for you. The others will get the same treatment.”

  Nikki closed her eyes, but didn’t speak for almost a minute. “Okay. I will take you up on that offer. Just know that I will be giving a private showing later on, especially the undergarments.” I smiled and nodded, and she continued, “I mean it. No one has ever done this for me, Dominic.”

  I winked and pulled out a gold coin, reached under her blouse and put it in her bra. She smirked and kissed me on the cheek. Talia came back at that time and shuffled Nikki to the back. At first, I just stood there waiting until they were done, but after a while I picked out a few items for myself.

  An hour later, she was done, and we paid the saleswoman. She said, “It will be a short wait while we get everything packed up.”

  “Nikki, are you hungry?”

  “I am. Let’s go to the diner.”

  I nodded and we walked out arm in arm. We didn’t make it halfway when I heard my name.


  I looked over to see Abby and Julia running our way. Nikki scoffed and said in a low voice, “Who are they?”

  I laughed softly. “Daughters of the women that I used to date.”

  The nephilim didn’t respond with words, she plastered herself to my side as the teenagers came our way. Both of the young women were indeed beautiful. They were out of breath when they stopped in front of us.

  “Ladies, how are you today?”

  Abby took a deep breath to calm down. “Can we talk to you? Please?”

  I narrowed my eyes, knowing what they were going to say, or at least some of it. Julia was looking back and forth from me to Nikki.

  “Abby, Julia, this is Nikki.” They all glared at each other. I smirked. The teens would get slaughtered if it came to blows.

  “We were just going to get some lunch. Would you care to join us?”

  When they realized I wasn’t joking, they agreed. We strolled over and got a table. The waitress got our orders and brought us some rolls to eat.

  “Now, what did you want to talk about?”

  Abby went first, “We’re sorry about the bullshit our moms did to you. We gave them shit for a few weeks before we had it out with them.”

  Julia went on, “Mom was the instigator, Dominic. Isabella was a victim. I know that she could have said no, but it happened. She blew up and hasn’t talked to my mother since. She’s depressed and withdrawn. The relationship that they were building with you was shattered.”

  Abby continued, “Mom thought it was innocent fun, but Felicia had an ulterior motive.”

  “Helen got to her.”

  I had figured that out while I was in a cage.

  The young women nodded and then shook their heads. While they were talking, Nikki was still hanging on my arm.

  “What is it you want me to do?”

  “Will you speak to my mom? Please?” Abby pleaded.

  I glanced at Nikki, she shrugged. I grunted and spoke, “I’m not sure. Let me think about it.”

  They didn’t like it but nodded.

  “Where have you been, Dominic? We haven’t seen you in almost two months,” Julia asked.

  “Held prisoner.”


  I showed them the burn marks, “Yep. For almost a month, in a cage.”

  The trio stared at me in horror. Nikki was the first to say anything, “Why didn’t you tell us? We would’ve hunted them down.”

  The nephilim’s eyes glowed and I knew she was about to change. I immediately grabbed her and planted my lips on hers. Nikki didn’t know what to think for a few moments, but kissed me back, passionately. We split apart, and she
calmed down and sighed. After a few moments, she rested her head on my shoulder. The teenagers blurted out questions.

  “Damn, Dom. Are you alright?”

  “What happened?”

  “I’m fine. It’s kind of funny. The day that it happened was when I found your moms were doing naughty things. After I left …”

  I told them the story as the food arrived. When I was done, they had stopped eating. I had no problems finishing mine.

  Nikki said in a low voice, “You killed Espa’s gang?” and I nodded. She kissed me on the cheek and smiled, “Damn, hon. They’ve been causing chaos for years. Nobody knew where they were working out of.”

  Julia nodded, shocked. “Yeah. We had a friend who was kidnapped a few years back. We’re glad you’re still alive, Dominic.”

  I winked at her and they went back to eating. After dessert, we left. I had been thinking about what the girls had asked.

  “Tell Isabella that when I come back to town, I’ll talk with her. It may be a couple of weeks though.”

  They nodded and smiled. I kissed them on their cheeks before we walked away. The two teenagers blushed hard, which I found amusing.

  Nikki and I went to the bowyer to pick up three more bows with quivers and then stopped at Branchet’s to pick up some supplies as well. We picked up all of our purchases and piled them onto the wagon, then rode out of town.

  Chapter 11

  Nikki was quiet until we were a mile away from Capena.

  “What happened with those women?”

  I looked over and answered, “We were courting. I thought it was going well, but ended up walking in on them fucking a husband and wife. I had a weird feeling regarding Felicia, Julia’s mom. We were out to dinner and her boss’s family came up, they talked and completely ignored me, and the husband. Not caring at all, and for the rest of the dinner, she seemed to bring up Helen a lot. I suspected Felicia had feelings for her, so I made sure we didn’t get intimate before I was sure. It would seem that my judgment was correct.”


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