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by Jessie Rose Case

  Jessie Rose Case


  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Book 12


  Note to Readers: This is a happily ever after sci fi romance novel, book 12, in the space adventure, Galactic Cyborg Heat Series. It’s not for the faint hearted, filled with hot sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It’s gritty, confrontational and stream will be coming out of your ears. If you’re looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!

  Mainly in British English, with Americanism’s and slang from both languages.


  Hawk woke from the dream sweating and agitated again. The same dream had been plaguing him for weeks now, since the Admiral had given him his orders, search out the new world. Hawk automatically set a diagnostic, but he knew what it would tell him. Nothing. He’d tried to shake the dream and failed. It was not logical. He did not know the female and yet, in his dream he did.

  Hawk remembered how desperate he’d been to get to her each time, how much he wanted to hold her, taste her, and how badly he’d failed. She was gone each time before he could reach her. Confusion swept over him as Hawk shut down his emotions. Cyborgs didn’t fail or need much sleep, but he knew this was weakening him.

  The feeling that he was missing something, wouldn’t leave him. He had no reason to hunt the female. No reason for her to invade his dreams. So why did every instinct in him, cry out for him to find her? Quickly, before it’s too late…


  Franny crouched behind the wall. She was sick of this war. Sick of the dirt, sick of the death but mostly, she was pissed as hell. Her team were losing their edge, and someone was going to end up dead. It had been a close call that time. She’d been playing cat and mouse for weeks with these guys and that, had been too close for comfort.

  Franny looked at the compound. Screaming could be heard from one of the huts. She gripped her gun harder and nodded to her second. They moved silently towards the hut, unseen in the darkness, or so she thought, until the recoil on the laser pistol, told her otherwise. Franny turned slowly towards it. A gun was pointed at her number two. Dam it, they’d been sloppy and not seen the soldier, she was so tired of this shit.

  Franny silently withdrew her knife and from her hidden position sprang into action, one less to worry about…

  A word from the Author.

  Hello, I'm Jessie and I thank you for buying this book! I know you did not have to. There are so many choices out there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone else will enjoy one of my stories. And for me, it's about telling a story that I'd like to read myself.

  I am not caught up in POV or literacy genius. It's simply not me or my style and I will never be that person, so I apologize to all those who are focused on the POV and the genius of literacy. I envy those that are.

  On the days where my pain and meds stop my thinking processes, writing these books have been my lifeline. It reminds me that I still have the ability to rise to the challenge and that I refuse to go quietly into the night.

  But, I'm just like you, someone who wants to bring some passion into my life and put a good story out there that's hard to put down, that brings some escapism, sexy fun and pleasure into your reading. We all love a bit of that!

  And, I hope I achieve that for you in this book. I sincerely hope you enjoy it so much that you want to look out for the next in the series. (Coming soon) And if I'm lucky, you will have had such a good time, you'll recommend it to your friends and I thank you kindly.

  My very best wishes to you and yours. Jessie x

  About the Author;

  Jessie, (pseudonym) is married with sadly no children but 3 wonderful dogs that fill her life with much laughter, joy and love. She is a ‘second mother’ to her foster children, now grown with children of their own who call her grandma and her husband’s two children and her nephews who she accepts, she spoils rotten.

  Having been a 30-year career social worker. Now retired due to ill health. And many years of supporting services across all sectors and leading several teams, Jessie has now turned her attention to another love of her life, books.

  In a career that required the ability to write court paperwork, lengthy reports, create protocols and procedures, and having been published in a medical journal for a study on addiction, Jessie is now concentrating on producing stories she would love to read and buy herself. When not busy on her lap top you will find her cooking, reading her favourite authors or swimming in the sun.

  She hopes you can join her on the adventure….

  Get in touch with Jessie and join her mailing list @ ….

  Copyright July 2017

  All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

  Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental

  Other books by this Author

  The Awaking

  Bataari New World Series Book 1

  The Beckoning

  Bataari New World Series Book 2

  A Pairing

  Bataari New World Series Book 3


  A Native American Romantic Saga

  Trelawney Family Book 1

  The Covenant

  Book 1 - 3


  A Vampire Romance House Arturo Series Book 1


  A Vampire Romance House Arturo Series Book 2


  A Vampire Romance House Arturo Series Book 3


  A Vampire Romance House Arturo Series Book 4

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Books 1 – 13

  The Demon Realm

  Book 1


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter One

  Sides had been drawn and no one was giving an inch, unless they took it by force. What was once, a thriving colony had turned to desperation and greed. The so called, ‘find of the century’, as her grandfather had called it, changed everything. Once Earth Corp learned of it, the next ship that came, didn’t just hold resources and materials they were due in their contract, it came with an army. Earth Corp reneged on the contract and wanted the world back. It was worth far more than they’d bargained for and one big, two fingered salute to the people who’d banked their lives on a new world.

  Franny recalled the stories of the soldiers trying to get them to work with them, the fighting, the forced evictions at gun point, before people begun to realise what was going on, then they rebelled, got organised and a lot more died. They were no match for an army, so they went into hiding and fought back the only way they could. Guerrilla style. Hiding in the mountains, hitting where they could.

  Only the army didn’t get what they bargained for. They’d been sold a quick fix. Mercenary’s for hire, do a job and go home on the next transport, only Earth Corp never came back for them or the mineral. So the army had little choice and dug in, changed tack and tried to co-opting some of the colonists, on the pre-text of mis information and the need to live together for the good of all.

  Only joining them came in two forms, working and hard labour in the mines or being someone’s pet. Few, willingly took the offer.

  As time moved on, the soldiers became more desper
ate. They were getting older and needed a new generation to fill their ranks. The first generation of females had refused to be with them. Until their men started to die, and they were unprotected and alone. With the second generation the soldiers had tried harder, been nicer, but those females knew the stories only too well. The soldiers reinvented history in their favour. Told their side of the story, it just wasn’t true, but desperate people made desperate choices and a better place to live, better food, a roof over their heads and the offer protection went a long way and many started to listen. The soldiers had their successes and had their families.

  The third generation were weaker, they looked at their mothers and grandmothers, saw them working themselves to the bone to keep everyone healthy and alive, the hardship they had to deal with and wanted better. They looked at the resources the soldiers still had, the easier life and some took it. Disowned by their families still at war with the soldiers, most, got stuck with more than they bargained for. It wasn’t a pretty tail.

  Every original family had lost people and no reinforcements arrived as promised year after year. The army was older now, more ruthless. They’d realised no help was coming, so they’d started their own regeneration programme. They knew sooner or later they would need bodies to fill their ranks and someone would eventually come calling. They wanted to make sure they were in charge and in a position to meet any threat head on. They had complete dominance over the ore. They wanted their pay day.

  Franny could understand their desperation, she’d felt it many times herself, she felt adrift, not rooted to anything or anyone. Nothing lasted, change was constant and the loss, was sometimes too much to bare. It wasn’t living, it was survival and she wanted so much more, but the soldiers didn’t belong here. They hadn’t signed on to make a new world and given everything they had, to get there. It was dangerous to embark on finding a new world that was unknown, to start a new life but, the originals had done it. The Soldiers came to take that from them, they hadn’t paid their dues or given their life savings to make it happen and had started this war. She wasn’t about to let things get worse.

  Had they come, offering friendship and skills things might have been different. There had been a chance in the beginning that they would have worked together. Found a way for the betterment of all but, they weren’t interested in that. They made it very clear, they were in charge and the colony? They were a means to an end. Work with them or be subjugated to them. That was never going to happen.

  Franny knew what this world had cost the original families, that they had sunk everything into this mission. They’d given up their life savings, sold everything they owned for a chance at a better life, for opportunities that no longer existed on Old Earth. No one was giving that up without a fight. There was no going back for them.

  Franny kicked at the mineral that had caused all this. If they hadn’t found it, none of this would have happened, she just knew it. The diggers started up again. Dam it, they’d fixed it again, she needed to be better at sabotaging things, she realised. As she watched, men and women were dragged and harassed, out the shade to get back to mining the ore. Prisoners of war and soldiers who’d gone Awol and been re-captured. She knew all the prisoners, they were her people. They’d been caught fighting against the soldiers. Husbands, wives, son’s, daughters. They were all there, unless a woman caught the eye of one of the soldiers, then he ‘bought’ her with the offer of a better life, with his share of the mineral. The woman didn’t get a choice. Franny moved slowly back away from the rocks and made her way through the terrain keeping low. Her team waited on her.

  She shook her head getting nearer. “It was out for a couple of hours that’s it.” A number of expletives met her.

  “What we need is to blow the machines up.” Cassidy told her. Franny thought she wasn’t wrong.

  “You know one spark and that mineral will kill everyone. We need more information on how to do that. How’s Kensi doing?” She asked crouching down.

  Lorraine shook her head, “he’d already raped her a few times, but she was still fighting when we got to her. She’s gonna need time.” Franny held back from punching the rock next to her. They’d only managed to get her free last night. Franny could still hear the girl screaming in her head.

  “Ok, lets go. We need to get better at this. We start training today,” she told them. There were several groans around her. Franny bit back telling them all to get with the fucking programme, she knew it wouldn’t help. Instead, she took a deep breath, remembering her mama, you get more with honey. “If you want to keep doing what were doing, we all need to do better. Going off half cocked as Dad would say, isn’t cutting it. We’ve tried that and barely making a dent. We need to be more organised and better trained. Now let’s go,” she told them, heading off in the direction of where their encampment was this week.

  They were always on the move. Had to be. Every time someone was captured, the encampment packed up and moved. Capture meant interrogation and the soldiers never gave up trying to find them.

  The colony had broken up into smaller groups, that first season after the soldiers arrived. They used runners between them keeping contact and old school walkies in emergencies. They’d worked out a code, and messages were sent between the groups. They’d had a professor who’d studied Greek. They changed the meaning of words to suit their needs, none of it making sense in Greek or any other language, just in case the soldiers knew Greek too. It worked. All electronic comms were monitored by the soldiers, so they had to be careful, using them in the early days had cost them dearly, until they’d realised what was going on and found ways without them.

  It had been a steep learning curve for the colonists. Nothing had prepared them for this kind of life. They had a handful of military that had joined the programme with their families, her grandfather was one of them and that was it. Everyone had taken basic weapons training as a safety measure and when the soldiers came, the military that had come with the colonists stuck with them. They’d been working side by side for six years. The soldiers however, didn’t like that, they’d expected them to join them. Instead, they’d helped to train the colonists to defend themselves. Franny was proud of that, and she realised she’d have to eat crow and talk to her father. He was going to love that…


  Hawk entered his office and was glad of the seat behind his desk. If this carried on, he was finished. He connected his neuro net. Computer, get me Doc Navarelli on the Space Station.


  Hawk ran through several reports from his officers while he waited, while running another diagnostic in the background on his internal systems. It was an automatic reflex, to something he didn’t understand. He equally knew, it was unlikely to give him any answers.

  A ping on the vid screen told him he had an incoming call. On screen.

  The doctor sat looking at him. “Commander and Councilman Hawk, you have a problem?”

  Hawk nodded not sure where to start. He got his thoughts in order, while she waited. He liked this female, she never rushed, always thought through what was going on, her information always spot on.

  “I’ve not been sleeping,” he told her. He blew out a breath he didn’t need, wiping at his forehead that suddenly felt too hot. “Shortly after the Admiral, gave me the order to search out this new planet, I’ve been having dreams. Dreams that interfere in my sleep cycle. Because they interfere, I cannot go three or four days without shutting down. I’m now having to do so daily and wake, just as tired. The dreams are disturbing, in that they have me hunting a female, someone I’ve not met and each time, I fail to reach her in time before she’s gone. The feelings are compromising to my system, I’ve had to shut down my emotions.”

  He looked back at the screen as Mac leaned forward. “You know the danger in doing that.” She told him straight what he already knew.

  Hawk nodded, he did. Doing that didn’t go well for his kind. “I don’t think I have a choice.”

  She no
dded at him. “You sure you don’t know her?”

  Hawk nodded, “yes. I’d recognise anyone I’d come across but she’s new.”

  Mac looked contemplative for a moment. “It started after the Admiral gave you the mission? You’re sure?” Hawk nodded. She looked pensive, “your nano’s and DNA are still a mystery to us. People are seeded throughout the universe. It’s not impossible, that you have a connection to a female out there on a base level, that it’s only now showing itself because your going to be in their last known location. DNA combinations have a strong pull. Who knows what information was loaded into you guys. You have so much information tucked away about your lineage in your data nodes, that anything’s possible, and now that you guys know about mates and know what to look for, subconsciously, you might know where possible mates are, the connections could be so deep that you just needed something to trigger them and give you a push.”

  “You think being sent here was a trigger?” Hawk asked, not daring to believe it.

  Mac shook her head and shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine, but if you’re feeling a mating pull and not actually with the female, I can only think your logic is driving you towards her. If it is, this is a big breakthrough for all Cyborgs. It means that you can find your mates and not leave it to chance.”


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