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The Medicine Man, Book 2

Page 21

by Beverly Cialone

  Ashwin shrugged as he put his arm around her shoulders and began leading her through the forest. “We don't need them, sweetheart.”

  “We don't? Why not?”

  Ashwin laughed and shook his head at her question, then casually replied, “Because we're the only ones here.”

  “You mean...we're in our forest?”

  Ashwin's smile widened as he nodded. “Yes, sweetheart. We're in 'our' forest.”

  “I've never been here at night.”

  Ashwin said nothing as he led her to the edge of a calm, sparkling stream, and as he helped her into the water she gasped softly and exclaimed, “It's so warm!”

  Ashwin chuckled softly and replied, “Yes, sweetheart, I know.”

  Kasey stopped wading through the water long enough to inquire, “So why are we here?”

  Ashwin pinned her with that enigmatic smile of his before he replied, “Don't you remember me telling you to get some rest, because you were going to need it?”

  Kasey swallowed hard at his words. “Yes.”

  That enigmatic smile again. “You'll find out soon enough.”

  Kasey said nothing else as Ashwin took her hand and led her all the way across the stream, which remained warm and never rose above waist-level. Moments later they came upon a breathtaking waterfall, and Kasey frowned as a vague memory suddenly flashed through her mind. She gave her head a quick, firm shake to rid it of the odd memory, then glanced up at Ashwin to find him looking at her in a mixture of puzzlement and concern. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “I—I think so.”

  Ashwin's concern deepened at her reply. “What's going on in that head of yours?”

  Kasey frowned and bit her lip. “I—I don't know. It's like I've been here this waterfall, I mean. But that's about all I can remember.”

  Ashwin nodded as he remembered the gentle bath he'd given her under the waterfall, not long after the incident with her parents. He debated whether to tell her more than what she could remember, then decided against it as he drew her close and murmured, “We've been here so many times before that I'm sure you've seen the waterfall, sweetheart.”

  Kasey nodded and savored the warmth of his embrace as she replied, “I'm sure I have.”

  Ashwin leaned down and softly whispered in her ear, “Are you ready for your surprise?”

  Kasey shivered at the feel of his warm breath against her ear as she breathed, “Yes.”

  “Good.” He lowered his head and kissed her with a hunger that left her breathless as she clung to his shoulders for support, and her soft moan was lost in the melodic rush of the waterfall as Ashwin's fingers suddenly tangled in the soft curls at the apex of her thighs. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he slowly leaned forward, and as he slid his arm around her waist to support her weight, his eyes flashed with a brilliant fire as he gently commanded, “Relax.”

  Kasey closed her eyes and obeyed his simple command, and moments later she arched her body backwards even more when Ashwin smoothly slid two fingers into her aching, damp heat. She moaned and wrapped her fingers around his ponytail when he pushed his fingers particularly deep, triggering an avalanche of pleasure that tumbled wildly throughout her entire body. Despite the intense pleasure, however, she didn't climax, and she wondered just how much of Ashwin's sweet torture she could take before she ended up a quivering heap in his arms. Her mind suddenly ceased to function as Ashwin slowly slid a third finger deep into that dark, private place that only he had dared to explore, and as he pushed his fingers impossibly deep into her warm, aching body, Kasey's grip tightened on his ponytail as he introduced her to a world of pleasure that, until now, had been completely unknown to her. Slowly, gently, he moved his fingers in and out of her body with such finesse and skill that it wasn't long before she was literally gasping for breath as he continued his relentless assault of pleasure on her unsuspecting body. Finally, mercifully, he pulled his fingers from her warm, tantalizing depths and slowly brought her upright, and although his voice was soft, his tone brooked no questions or arguments as he simply said, “Bend over.”

  Kasey swallowed hard at the authoritative sound of his voice and that brilliant fire in his eyes as she slowly turned around and rested her upper body on a warm, smooth, wet rock. Her fingers curled around the edge of the granite stone as Ashwin suddenly entered her from behind, and she couldn't stop her moan of pleasure as he literally filled her up. He slowly pushed into her and stopped, then slowly withdrew and pushed into her again, savoring the way her body fit around his. His hands were warm as he firmly gripped each side of her waist, and as he continued his slow, tantalizing push forward and even slower retreat, Kasey's moans were barely audible over the sound of the waterfall. It rushed directly in front of them, effectively hiding the age-old embrace of their bodies. Despite the thorough attention he was lavishing upon her, he knew that she hadn't climaxed yet, just as he also knew that she wouldn't until he was good and ready for her to. He slowly withdrew from her and leaned forward, then murmured, “I have one more surprise for you, sweetheart. Do you think you can handle it?”

  Kasey made a weak sound of incredulity at his words, but she was unable to form a coherent reply when she felt his fingers slide into her again. Her body quivered with pleasure as he slid a third finger into her, and moments later she gasped in a mixture of pleasure and surprise when she felt him slide a finger into that dark, private place once more. He leaned forward, effectively pushing his finger even deeper as he softly commanded, “Relax.”

  Kasey's fingers curled around the edge of the rock again as he moved his finger in a tantalizing circle deep inside her body, and once again Ashwin leaned forward, his voice soft and gentle as he murmured, “Just breathe,'s it...just relax, sweetheart...”

  His soft, gently spoken commands were driving her arousal to a fever pitch, and as she gave in to his mesmerizing voice, she barely noticed the absence of his finger as he once again leaned forward and murmured, “Relax.”

  Kasey sighed deeply and closed her eyes, then moaned loudly as he eased himself deep into her hot, dark, private place. He went still and leaned forward again, and Kasey half-gasped and half-moaned as he gently claimed her last innocence, making her truly his in every sense of the word. Her body began to shake as his fingers found and teased her swollen, aching little bud as he slowly pushed in deep, and his voice once again held that velvet, authoritative tone as he commanded, “Push against me, sweetheart...slowly...that's it...” His voice trailed off as he slowly pushed himself deeper and deeper into her willing, aching body, and his fingers matched his quickening pace as Kasey's body began to shake uncontrollably. He suddenly pressed his thumb directly against the impossibly swollen, almost painfully sensitive little bud as he simultaneously buried himself deep within her, and Kasey's body went rigid as a harsh, high-pitched scream of pleasure was ripped from her. With every pulse of pleasure she emitted a low, harsh moan, until finally she collapsed against the smooth granite slab, too spent to stand upright on her own. Her relaxed body was Ashwin's cue to finally allow himself his own explosive release, and as his life force spilled forcefully inside Kasey's forbidden depths, he couldn't stop the low, guttural moan that escaped his throat and mingled with the roar of the rushing waterfall. He collapsed against Kasey's back and rolled onto the granite slab, his breathing harsh and quick as he waited for his heartbeat to return to normal. Kasey was still limp on the rock, but she slowly opened her eyes and blinked at Ashwin as he gave her a slow, knowing smile. She struggled to raise her head and speak, but even that was too much exertion for her as she closed her eyes again and drifted off to sleep.

  “Wake up.” The softly whispered words were enough to rouse Kasey from her deep, exhausted slumber, and as she blinked up at Ashwin, he smiled and offered her his hand. “Come with me,” was all he said as he pulled Kasey into a sitting position before he effortlessly pulled her essence right out of her still-sleeping physical body. Kasey's eyes widened as
she stared down at herself from her vantage point a few feet above the bed. Ashwin chuckled softly at her shocked expression before he murmured, “It's alright, sweetheart.”

  Kasey finally found her voice long enough to squeak, “You just killed me!”

  Ashwin laughed and replied, “No, I didn't kill you. You're still asleep. I just thought you might enjoy a little out of body adventure.”

  Kasey frowned at him in confusion and inquired, “What do you mean?”

  “There's something that needs to be done. Something that should have been done several years ago, and I felt it was only fair if you accompanied me as a witness.”

  Still confused and in a bit of shock by what was happening, Kasey simply shrugged. “Alright.”

  Ashwin gently touched her face and softly inquired, “Are you sure you're alright, sweetheart?”

  Kasey smiled at him as she slowly nodded. “When I'm with you, I'm always alright.”

  Ashwin smiled at her answer, and as he drew her against his chest he murmured, “Just close your eyes and relax.”

  Kasey was unaware of what Ashwin was planning to do, and that was to deliver a swift dose of justice to the man who had caused Kasey and her sister so much confusion and pain. He tightened his arms around Kasey before he closed his eyes and effortlessly traveled to the perpetrator's bedroom. Once there, he gently set Kasey away from him and whispered, “You stand here while I take care of this.”

  Kasey frowned and bit her lip as she blinked into the darkness. “Where are we? And what are you planning to do?”

  Ashwin smiled as he gently stroked her soft, warm face. “You'll see.”

  “But Ashwin--”

  “Shh. This is long overdue, and I wanted to make sure you were here to see it.” He dropped a feather-light kiss to her forehead before he slowly approached the bed that the perpetrator was sleeping in. He stared down at him for several moments before he cleared his throat and stated, “Herbert, wake up. You're just the man I came to see.”

  In his dream, Herbert frowned at the Native American stranger standing before him. “Do I know you?”

  Ashwin slowly shook his head. “No, but unfortunately, I have heard about you.”

  Herbert's frown deepened at the stranger's statement. “And what's that supposed to mean?”

  Ashwin took a quick step forward and grasped the front of Herbert's shirt as he intoned, “It means just what I said. And after tonight, you'll wish you'd never seen me.”

  A look that was part fear and part anger crossed Herbert's face, and his voice was full of fake bravado as he exclaimed, “Mister, I don't know who you are, but I suggest you leave right now!”

  Ashwin laughed and shook his head again before he said, “See, there's just one problem with that.”

  “And what would that be?” Herbert asked as his fear increased by the second. Ashwin stepped so close that he was at eye-level with the disgusting human he had in his grip before he replied, “I came to give you exactly what you deserve, and I'm not leaving until it's done.”

  “What—what are you talking about?”

  Ashwin tightened his grip on Herbert's shirt and whispered, “I'm talking about justice for all those horrible things you did to innocent young girls.”

  Herbert swallowed hard as his eyes betrayed him, but he tried to deny his guilt by proclaiming, “I don't know what you're talking about! I suggest you leave right now, before I call the cops!”

  Ashwin grinned a malicious grin, making sure that Herbert saw every one of his gleaming, bared teeth before he growled, “You WERE a cop, yet you failed to protect the very ones who trusted you the most. Instead you preyed on their innocence and then took the coward's way out by trying to deny your actions.”

  By now Herbert had gone deathly pale, and Ashwin felt a certain kind of satisfaction when he realized that Herbert knew he meant business. Herbert swallowed hard and began to stammer, “You—you don't understand! I think Karma has visited me more than enough! All of my children are dead! My wife and I aren't in the best of health! I--”

  Ashwin shook his head in disgust as he tightened his grip even more on Herbert's shirt. “Spare me. You've received no less than what you deserved for what you did to two very precious, innocent young girls. As far as I'm concerned, you haven't even begun to receive punishment for that.”

  Herbert's eyes had grown as big as saucers at Ashwin's words, and he swallowed hard when Ashwin glanced down and nodded. “Take your pants off.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I said so, that's why,” Ashwin softly whispered before he added, “Don't worry...after tonight, I think it'll be safe to say that you have finally paid in full for all of your atrocious sins.”

  His words caused Herbert to go completely white, and Ashwin kept a firm grip on the man's shirt as the he finally stepped out of his pajama bottoms. Herbert was shaking so violently that his teeth had begun to chatter, but Ashwin didn't care as he softly commanded, “Take off your underwear too.” Ashwin's eyes gleamed in the darkness as he saw the stark terror on the pedophile's face, and he was keenly aware of Kasey's intense stare from her invisible vantage point. Before Herbert knew what was happening or could even stop him, Ashwin opened his palm and let a liberal amount of strange powder fall onto Herbert's groin. Almost immediately, the man wailed and clutched at his member as his expression went from one of fear to utter horror. Tears welled in his eyes as he dropped to his knees, brokenly begging Ashwin for mercy as his groin burned painfully. Ashwin stepped back, an indecipherable look on his face as Herbert's begging soon turned into cries of pain and abject terror as his member literally crumbled in his hands. Satisfied that he had achieved what he'd set out to do, Ashwin collected an astonished, speechless Kasey from the corner, then disappeared just as silently as he'd arrived.

  Kasey woke with a start, and as she sat up in bed, she was surprised to discover tears streaming down her cheeks. The dream she'd just had had been so shockingly real, and she shook her head as she tried to make sense of it all. She wasn't prepared to hear Ashwin gently inquire, “Kasey? Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  Kasey jumped slightly as she turned to look him. “I—I think so.”

  Ashwin frowned at her moonlit silhouette as he slowly sat up. “What's wrong?”

  Kasey shrugged and quickly shook her head. “Just a strange dream, that's all.”

  Ashwin leaned over and pressed his forehead against hers as he murmured, “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Kasey bit her lip as she gazed into his eyes, and the reflection of the moonlight in them had her mesmerized as she stammered, “I—I guess so.”

  Ashwin nodded and clasped his hands behind his head as he leaned back against the headboard. “I'm listening.”

  Kasey slowly began to tell him about the dream she'd had, and when she was finished, she noticed that Ashwin's expression hadn't changed as she'd described in detail what had happened in her odd dream. She felt her heart sink a little when she realized that he probably thought she was completely nuts, until he released a deep sigh and casually inquired, “What makes you think it was just a dream?”

  Kasey gasped softly as the implication of his words became crystal clear, and her eyes widened as she whispered, “You mean—that was real?”

  Ashwin simply gave her that enigmatic smile of his before he softly replied, “What do YOU think?”

  Kasey's eyes widened as she whispered, “But how?”

  Ashwin's smile widened as he shrugged and replied, “How do you think, sweetheart?”

  Tears welled in Kasey's eyes as she breathed, “You did all that for me?”

  Ashwin gently slid his fingers through her hair and said, “Kasey, sweetheart, I will do anything and everything in this world for you. What I did tonight should have been done a long time ago, and I did it because I love you. Now go to sleep.” With that, he dropped a gentle kiss to her lips before he eased her against the pillow, and moments later she sighed and drifted back off to slee

  Kasey woke to find sunlight streaming into the bedroom, and for several moments she was a bit disoriented as she tried to remember where she was. She glanced over and smiled when she saw Ashwin sleeping peacefully beside her, and she sighed in contentment as she snuggled deeper against the comforting warmth of Ashwin's groin. He draped his arm across her waist and drew her even closer against his body as he drowsily murmured, “Good morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?”

  “I slept great.”

  “I'm glad to hear that.”

  “I love your bed.”

  Ashwin slowly sat up and propped his pillow against the headboard, and there was no mistaking the amusement in his voice as he said, “You do, do you?”

  “It's so big and comfortable...”

  “I know.” He suddenly rolled over and trapped Kasey between his strong arms, and as she blinked up at him in a mixture of uncertainty and surprise, he added, “Do you remember what we did last night?”

  “Are you talking about the little visit we paid to my cousin?”

  Ashwin's smile was slow and devilish as he slowly shook his head. “No, sweetheart, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the other things that we did.”

  Kasey swallowed hard at his question, which convinced her that her highly erotic and fantastic dream hadn't been a dream after all. She blushed a deep shade of pink as she suddenly remembered every single thing that Ashwin had done to her in their private forest, but before she could say anything Ashwin murmured, “You belong to me now, in every sense of the word.” He leaned down and dropped a gentle kiss to her lips before he added, “I'm glad you trusted me enough to allow me to do what we did last night.”

  Kasey reached up and gently stroked the side of his face as she said, “I trust you with my life, Ashwin. There's no one I'd rather be with than you.”

  Ashwin smiled and reclaimed his spot against the headboard, then casually inquired, “Are you hungry?”

  Kasey sat up and folded her arms across her chest as she pretended to pout. “I'm starving, as you didn't allow me to have another snack last night before our, um, little adventure.”


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