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Valishnu Rising

Page 25

by Chogan Swan

  “I nudged your hormone production a little to balance your neurotransmitters,” Una said. “But we need to talk about some lifestyle changes to help your body stay on top of the stress. In addition, you’ll need to change some aspects of your diet for Tonita’s benefit until she stops nursing, especially while her nervous system matures enough to not fall back into the colic symptoms.”

  Una went to her pack and retrieved a tablet of paper and a pen. “I’ll write a reminder list while we talk.”

  She returned to the bed and perched on the edge of the mattress. “I noticed from my analysis of your milk that, somehow, you’re drinking cow’s milk. The tribal council told me there aren’t any herds left in the area. By the oxidation level of the cholesterol in your blood, I suspect it’s from milk stored from before the power grid collapse. Am I right?”

  Ximena’s eyes widened and she nodded. “Yes, we’ve been drinking that while we sell our goat’s milk. Jorge found a pallet of it in a warehouse somewhere north of here.”

  Una shook her head. “I can give you a recipe for feeding it to your maturing goats. Goats can handle the stuff better than humans do. But its effect on your breastmilk is irritating Tonita’s digestive tract. If that’s not an option, I suggest you sell it to someone you don’t like much.”

  She tapped the pen on the paper, making a series of bullet point marks then started filling in the blanks. “I’m listing some sources of important elements your body needs to have, including vitamins and sources rich in those vitamins. What were you doing for exercise before the baby came?”

  “Does farm work count?”

  “Not unless it makes you breathe hard and break a sweat for at least 20 minutes a day. But you can substitute an hour of yoga if farm work tires you out too much to walk or run or ride a bicycle at some point in your day. These days, being able to run fast and far is almost a required survival trait anyhow. But you can pick your options or blend them together in an exercise stew. The health center has resources to help with that.”

  Una finished that part of one list then wrote another word in bold capital letters and turned it toward Ximena.


  Una winked. “And by that I mean orgasmic sex. To make sure your hormones stay in optimal balance, you need to make sure this is happening at least three times a week”

  What …?

  Una sorted the scent markers and body language in her patient. Up until now, her audience had been attentive, even eager to follow her points. Now her markers had filled with fear and shame.

  The ShwydH mind stirred again. She’s never had an orgasm.

  “… and since your body has never been stimulated to orgasm before …,” Una continued without pausing. “We will begin there.” She stood up and walked to the door.

  ShwydH had learned that being an alien let him get away with saying many things that would never be received well if he were human. Una had suspected that was only because in all his relationships he held all the power. But ShwydH had pointed to enough memories of interactions he’d had after being captured to convince her to explore the dynamic, and she’d found that it held true even when the fear of death was removed from the interaction.

  She stuck her head out the door. Aryana—sweeping the living room floor with a broom—looked up without pausing.

  “Absolutely no interruptions,” Una said. She waited for Aryana’s nod of acknowledgement then shut the door, locking it with the interior deadbolt.

  Una turned back to Ximena who shook her head in wonder. “I don’t know how you know that about me, but 'til now, I’d never considered that orgasms might be a medical necessity,” she said. “I’ve always enjoyed sex, but I’ve just never gotten all the way to the orgasm part. I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell Jorge though. That isn’t exactly the impression I’ve given him.”

  “I’ll leave whether to tell him or not up to you. I can help you learn how to orgasm, but that doesn’t mean I’m a couples counselor. You might want to consider me bringing him in after I’ve taught you to orgasm though.”

  Una laughed. “You could say I’m offering … advanced sex lessons based on alien science,” she said, emphasizing the phrase as though it were an actual course of study. “That way, he won’t have to buy the book when I actually publish it.”

  Ximena giggled nervously. “Should I be feeling guilty for being excited about this? I mean, does it count as sex when it’s a medical therapy … from an alien?”

  Una shook her head. “Sex surrogacy is the term you are looking for, I think.” She walked back to the bed, threw her shoulders back and looked down at Ximena and pointed to her cotton briefs. “The student will remove her underwear,” she announced then softened the order with a grin and a wink.

  Ximena skinned out of her panties and tossed them toward the clothes hamper. “Now what?” she said. Her body was already sending out endorphin markers.

  “First we’ll map your erogenous zones. But you can relax,” said Una, sliding her body onto the bed to a position kneeling between Ximena’s legs. “You can take notes later.” She ran her tail between her own knees and brushed its tip across Ximena’s inner thigh.

  Ximena’s eyes widened. She let her legs move further apart and sighed when Una repeated the feather stroke on the other side. “Ohhh! That feels so good.” Her voice was almost breathless.

  “We’re just getting started,” Una said.

  Okay, ShwydH. You’re up.

  ‘Always glad to do my part…’

  And we all appreciate that about you.

  It was nice having people around who understood you.

  Una smiled to herself, noting again how human body language continued internalizing rapidly for her. She almost didn’t even classify the habits as mimicry anymore. The skills, originally based on the knowledge from ShwydH, was now second nature to her.

  She bowed her head and—with her tongue—parted the folds of labia surrounding Ximena’s clitoris.

  … And ShwydH’s experience there also served her well.

  ∆ ∆ ∆

  Una took one last, long pull on the brown, engorged nipple as Ximena used her hands to massage down the final sweet stream of her hind milk. Tonita, a much slower drinker, bumped her nose into Una’s nipple, letting a trickle of milk escape from her mouth to run down across Ximena’s leg and dribble into Una’s lap.

  They’d arrived at the Tewawina farm seven hours ago, and this was Tonita’s third feeding of the day.

  Ximena swiped a finger across her leg and licked her finger. “Mmm!” she said and dipped her finger into the puddle again. “That tastes delicious. Now she’ll never want to drink mine.”

  Una let go of the nipple and leaned back. She used her finger to break the suction of her connection with Tonita. “Your milk already tastes much healthier,” she said. “If you follow the diet, exercise and the feeding procedures I gave you, I guarantee Tonita will be perfectly happy with what you have to offer.” She raised Tonita to her shoulder and massaged her back gently. “She’s full now. I made more milk than I needed. Would you mind taking the rest of it for me?”

  Ximena licked her lips and moved from Una’s lap to a kneeling position on the floor. “Mmmm!” was all she had to say as Una’s milk filled her mouth.

  Aryana slid her hands under Una’s and lifted Tonita to take her to the changing table. Una slipped her legs over Ximena’s and moved onto her lap to make it easier for her to drink. Ximena opened her eyes and looked up into Una’s while Una focused on adding more to the flow—customizing a blend of compounds, nutrients and enzymes that would help Ximena balance her moods and immunize her against health problems common to her genetic profile.

  “Okay, that one’s empty now,” Una said. “But there’s a little left in the other side if you like.”

  “Oh, I like,” Ximena said as she switched.

  Una relaxed into her tail support and reflected on the sensations of the suction and friction on her nipple.

  ShwydH was
paying close attention as well. ‘Had I known it could feel like that, I would have been exploring that part of my body ages ago … Don’t tell her to stop when we run out of milk. You should ask her to teach Barton that technique she has.’ The last thought came colored with a hint of pique.

  He has other attributes.

  ‘As long as we’re on top.’

  Una refused to take the bait. ShwydH considered Barton a rank amateur when it came to coitus. Una hadn’t bothered to point out that ShwydH owed a great deal of his own skill to HumanaH’s tutoring—at least when it involved coupling with a female of their own species. He knew that well enough already, but he was still prone to kibitzing. Everyone in her head was … come to think of it … especially when it came to sex.

  Her child personalities stirred. Well we just want to go outside and play with our sisters—

  At that moment, Ximena’s left hand moved to Una’s other breast and lightly dragged her fingernail across the nipple. A technique she’d experienced during the mapping part of her therapy earlier.

  The sensation shot across Una’s neural net like a bolt of lightning, but she managed not to vocalize her pleasure … much.

  Time to put on my professional hat and head out of here.

  “Oh! Well done, Ximena. You should definitely use that on Jorge. I thought he did well during the coaching session today. Didn’t you.”

  Ximena nodded, jerking Una’s nipple up and down where she held it locked between gently closed teeth.

  Una stood up, and her nipple sprang free. She took Ximena’s hand and raised her to her feet. Aryana appeared at her side, holding Tonita with her left arm and handing Una her clothes with her right hand.

  “We’ll check back in with you later,” said Aryana. “But for today our work is done here, and Una has a play date scheduled fifteen minutes from now.”

  “I didn’t know you had children of your own,” Ximena said, eyes wide.

  Una smiled. “They’re sort of adopted.”

  At the front door, Una shook hands with Jorge who looked much more rested than he had this morning. Ximena hugged her hard and kissed her on both cheeks and then on the lips. Aryana stepped out of the nursery and closed the door quietly.

  “I really expect Tonita will sleep for six hours,” Una said, cocking an eyebrow at Ximena as she stepped through the door.

  Ximena’s eyes went wide and then thoughtful. Jorge was about to step outside to see them off, but Ximena grabbed his hand and pulled him back inside toward the bedroom.

  Una looked around the farm. Assegai and Aliyah had worked wonders. They’d even repaired and cleaned out the gutters. Overall, it had been a productive day. No tyrants had been overthrown or bad guys laid in the dirt, but she’d set cycles of peace, health and harmony in motion in ways that could possibly affect this community for the better in years to come.

  Except for her earliest years of Tiana’s life, all of her memories of life had been filled with war and struggles.

  This was different.

  This was better.

  Peace. One step at a time.

  Her phone, nestled in the pocket on the top of her backpack, chimed with a text message. Una reached up, pulled it free and flipped to the message.

  Strange. Why is Tiana contacting me when all the world is clamoring for her attention?

  The double-blind coded message was in Nii.

  Extracting you and team by helicopter in two hours at the indicated coordinates. Operations at threat-level two. Please respond.

  Una hit a key to confirm receipt and entered the coordinates in her mapping program. The map marked a wide spot in a canyon about 5 kilometers away.

  Assegai trotted up behind her. “What are we going to play, Una?”

  Una sent the map with the marked rendezvous to Assegai and waited until she opened it. “Is our whole team in range to communicate?”

  Assegai nodded while looking at the map.

  The game is a stealthy follow-the-leader. We have to assume anyone strange to us will shoot to kill, but we’re still bound to weapons-hold until they fire first or I say otherwise.”

  “Wilco on game parameters,” Assegai said. Her voice was as casual as though the game were ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’.

  “Is everyone at full kit?”

  “Affirmative,” Assegai relayed the answer.

  “Abedabun and Adelwolfa are you together and can you make it to that location by then?” Una said as she pulled her 1911 Colt 45 from her pack and checked it then attached the holster to the anchor point of her chest harness.

  “Both affirmative.”

  “Can we get one of your sisters who’s not in the operations area to get on real time satellite to be lookout?”

  “Marian is running to the pool to get Ambrosia out of the water.”

  Okay, let’s be careful. Everyone understands that this game is for keeps, right?”

  “All affirmative,” said Assegai.

  Aryana and Aliyah appeared at Una’s elbow. Their compact sidearms also holstered on the attachment points on their chest straps.

  “I’m on point,” Una said. “Let’s roll.”

  “Una, you always have the best games,” Aryana whispered.

  “I’m glad someone is enjoying it,” Una said, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the situation.

  Goodbye peacetime duty…. It was nice while you lasted.


  Explicit content warning for entire chapter.

  In the captain’s cabin, the warm sea breeze drifted through the window stirring the curtains above the king-size bed where Ayleana lay on her back with Kest and Amber on top of her. Her legs draped over Kest’s thighs, and her face nestled between Amber’s legs. Ayleana ran her tongue across Amber’s clitoris and breathed in her arousal scent. It reminded her of citrus mixed with patchouli.

  With her legs, Alyeana urged Kest into her, and he stepped closer to thrust his hips forward again, sliding himself deeper into the long, slippery tunnel of her bagua. As the tip of his glans crossed her pleasure node, the first fiery drop of his seed spilled, and the thickness of his shaft spread the fire across both her node and tunnel walls.

  Ayleana hummed with ecstasy but kept her lips sealed against Amber’s labia then pushed her tongue inside with a long, delving thrust.

  Amber shivered—reacting to the deep, writhing of Ayleana’s tongue. She grabbed Kest’s shoulders and pulled him into a kiss, moaning into his mouth as she leaned in. Kest pulled his thighs tighter to Ayleana’s legs to keep them stabe, and Amber pushed her sex back into Ayleana’s face, begging without words to be filled even more.

  As Kest pulled back for another thrust, Ayleana tightened the muscles of her bagua, squeezing him hard just above the final and thickest chambered section of his shaft, it pulled open with a soft pop that vibrated through her gripping muscles. With tentative care, he began inching back into her as the new-opened chamber closest to his body swelled to a thick knot.

  It wasn’t how she wanted him to take her.

  Ayleana slid her hands between the fork of Amber’s legs, reached up to lock her fingers onto Amber’s nipples and drove her filaments deep into the dusky aureoles.

  Amber relinquished her lip lock with Kest and screamed, falling forward. Her face landed at the joining of Ayleana’s legs and Kest’s imbedding shaft. For a moment, she lay limp. The walls of her vagina contracted in rhythmic waves around Ayleana’s tongue.

  Then, whimpering, she wrapped her lips around the swell of Kest’s knot, licking both it and the lips of Ayleana’s bagua, spreading slippery saliva over their junction.

  Ayleana forced her tongue back inside Amber, fighting against the pushing force of the orgasm. Against the sides of Ayleana’s head, Amber’s muscled thighs contracted as she braced her legs—holding Ayleana’s shoulders in place. Her hands slid from Ayleana’s hips to Kest’s. Ayleana, with her mouth already fully engaged, squeezed Amber’s ass hard to offer encouragement.
br />   Yes! Do it!

  Amber responded to their pre-arranged signal. Her hands locked behind Kest’s hips, and she yanked him into Ayleana. The thick knot of his base chamber surged past the muscular rim of her bagua. Ayleana clamped onto him below the knot and wrapped her legs around his waist, locking him to her.

  Then—still shuddering from the intrusion but holding him tight—she locked her hands behind Amber’s hips and pulled them close, driving her tongue into the eager, quivering opening.

  Amber jerked Kest forward again, driving his hips into Ayleana, and—as Amber slammed Kest into Ayleana—Ayleana pulled Amber close, opening her still wider with her powerful tongue. Then they moved together in a rapid, rising tempo.


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