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My Dad's Best Friend

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by S. E. Law

  My Dad’s Best Friend

  A Forbidden Romance

  S.E. Law

  Copyright © 2020 by S.E. Law

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  Also by S.E. Law

  Forbidden Fantasies

  My Fiance’s Dad

  Trailer Park Daddy

  While He Watches

  Her Secret Baby

  The Clients


  My Dad’s Best Friend

  My Best Friend’s Dad

  Trapped By My Boss

  Pregnant By The Doctor

  Pregnant By The Alpha

  Sweet Treats

  The Man of My Dreams

  His Candy Cane

  Her Juicy Cherry

  Her Honey Pot

  Second Helpings

  Sugar Walls

  Please and Tease

  Forbidden Fruit

  Band of Brothers

  Her Italian Wedding

  Double XL

  The Boyfriend Diaries

  The Boyfriend Diaries

  Mommy’s Ex

  Mommy’s Boss

  Mommy’s Landlord

  Daddy’s Christmas Gift

  Daddy’s Holiday Baby

  Daddy’s Love Child

  Made for Them

  Built For Them

  Sugar and Spice

  The Naughty Party

  Blackmail Fantasies

  Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend

  Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss

  Blackmailed In The Boudoir

  Blackmailed By My Teacher

  Irresistible Bachelors

  Sweet as Candy

  Must Be Love

  Meant To Be


  You’re Mine

  Boss of My Panties

  Naughty Relations

  About My Daddies

  About Last Night

  About This Morning

  About That Evening

  Playing with Them

  Playing with the Doctors

  Playing with the Criminals

  Playing with her Priests

  Healing Hands

  Dr. Feelgood

  Dr. Man Candy

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  About This Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Sneak Peek: Second Helpings

  Sneak Peek: Daddy’s Christmas Gift

  About the Author

  About This Book

  Bailey’s always been a good girl. She gets stellar grades in an effort to make her single dad proud. But when a make-out session with her high school boyfriend goes horribly wrong, Christopher Maddox, her dad’s best friend steps in. The alpha male is determined to show Bailey how real men handle a woman with curves.

  * * *

  Chris Maddox is a successful real estate developer responsible for millions of dollars in property. He doesn’t date inexperienced, virginal young girls. But lately he’s noticed that his best buddy’s daughter is all grown up. Now, Bailey is all sass and swing, with a feisty personality and curves that beg to be noticed. He’s determined to stay hands off when it comes to this piece of temptation, but when Bailey begs for it, can he keep his promise?

  * * *

  Who hasn’t dreamed about a hot older guy who barges in and catches you in the act? But Bailey’s powerful alpha male also happens to be her dad’s best friend! Be sure to have a tall glass of ice water nearby because you’ll be sweltering after reading this tale! No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always a HEA for my readers.



  * * *

  “Oh, my God, isn’t he gorgeous?”

  I giggle as my best friend, Kara, flops herself dramatically onto my bed. Some people read magazines for the fashion ideas, or beauty tips, or the latest celebrity gossip. Kara reads them exclusively for the men.

  Sighing, she fans herself with her copy of Cosmo, then presents the magazine to me.

  “Look at him!” Kara orders, pointing a manicured finger at the glossy page.

  I look.

  Surprise, surprise: Christopher Owen was voted the year’s sexiest man, and it doesn’t take much for me to see why. The cover star has curly dark hair and piercing blue eyes. His washboard abs are perfectly defined, as are the muscles in his arms. In the centerfold photo, his jeans are slung low on his hips, and his smile is dazzling in a devil-may-care attitude.

  As I linger on the sight of his pouty lips, I can’t help but wonder what kind of woman a man like Christopher Owen would be interested in. Does he like a girl with curves? I’m petite, but very curvy, with masses of curly brown hair and warm brown eyes. He’d probably be more into Kara, I think, casting a sideways glance at my blonde, blue-eyed best friend. I’m sometimes insecure about my weight, and, at this moment, I feel huge. Kara is stick-thin – she’s the quintessential girl-next-door that all the guys seem to go for.

  Meeting my gaze, Kara grins widely and snatches the magazine back.

  “Ugh, the things I would do to that man!” she proclaims with a groan, lying back with the magazine over her face.

  “Like what?” I tease with a smile. Kara is never shy about her sex life.

  “We’d make hot, passionate love day and night, of course!” Kara says, giggling. “In the bed, in the shower, on the floor…”

  “On the floor?” I question, arcing a brow. “Isn’t that uncomfortable?”

  “I’d be too distracted to notice if it were uncomfortable or not.” Kara rolls onto her stomach, her smile suddenly coy. “Speaking of hot, passionate love-making, what’s up with you and Donnie?”

  I can’t help it, and flush a deep red. Kara laughs and pokes me in the ribs.

  “That good, huh?” she teases.

  “Ugh, not quite,” I lament. I gather my dark curls into my hand, twisting them expertly into a messy bun on the top of my head. I had been hoping to keep this facet of my relationship to myself, but I should have known that Kara would weasel it out of me sooner or later. Reluctantly, I confess: “We haven’t done it yet.”

  Kara’s jaw drops.


  “Seriously. I mean, we’ve done lots of other stuff…” My grin widens, then falls. “But not it.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for?!” Kara demands.

  “I don’t know. A rainy day?” I joke.

  “I’m serious, Bailey. You’re eighteen years old, and it’s been three months, right?”

  “Well, yeah, but – ”

  “What are you, living in the Dark Ages or something?!”

  “No,” I protest, rubbing my cheeks with my palms to disguise the blush still building there. “It’s just… I just…”


  I sigh, leaning back against my pillows. “I don’t know, Kara. It just hasn’t been the right time.”

  Kara stands, taking the magazine with her, and looks me dead in the eyes. “Girl,” she says, her tone v
ery serious. “You’ve got to make it the right time. You’ve got to get on this.” Promising to call me later, Kara hugs me and leaves, leaving me to wonder if my friend is right. Maybe it is time…

  “Okay,” I whisper to myself, holding my cell phone. “I can do this.”

  I sit cross-legged on the bed, where I’ve been since Kara left hours before. Anticipation feels like a balloon inflating in my chest. I know it’s time to do the badump-a-dump with Donnie. After all, we’ve been dating three months. We’ve experimented with some heavy petting, of course, but the sex itself just hasn’t happened yet. Maybe tonight will be the night.

  On my phone, I go to my text thread with Donnie, which is full of kissy-face emojis and back-and-forth conversations.

  Can’t wait to see you soon, I type. I was thinking that maybe it’s time we…

  “Ugh,” I say, deleting what I’ve typed so far. There has to be a better way to say this.

  I wondered if you wanted to…


  Do you think you’re ready to…


  I wanna f*ck your brains out.

  Definitely delete.

  I throw my phone to the edge of the bed, clutching a pillow to my chest. Is it that I can’t find the right words, or that I don’t want to? The truth is, I’m not that attracted to Donnie, no matter how hard I try to be. While I don’t want to be one of those girls who is all about appearances, it’s still hard to look past his face full of acne and his sweaty palms. His voice has a perpetual whine to it, and he sometimes makes immature jokes that I’m forced to pretend to laugh at. I can’t help but wonder if I could do better.

  I snuggle more deeply into bed, bringing the covers up over me. I feel my mind begin to wander, and let my eyes gently close. If I could do better, who would I want to be with?

  Maybe Devon, the hot jock from school with the crooked grin. Or maybe Luke, the sensitive type who writes poems in the back of class. (He once put one in Kara’s locker.) Maybe even Billy, the class clown…

  Maybe Christopher Maddox.

  My eyes fly open. What am I even thinking? Chris Maddox is my dad’s best friend, I remind myself for the millionth time. He’s way too old for me. And way too rich. And way too sexy…

  I can’t help it: I let my eyes close again, and conjure up an image of Mr. Maddox himself. He’s tall, with the body of a god, well-built and well-maintained. His hair is dark and slightly wavy; his eyes are just as blue as the movie star Christopher Owen’s – maybe even bluer. I begin to imagine the soft curve of his lips, the strength in his big arms, the way he would crush me to his strong chest and kiss me until I grow dizzy.

  I press my hands to my flushed face and groan. I have to be better about this. There’s no way I’m allowed to think this way about my dad’s best friend. They both would be mortified if they knew, and I’d be humiliated for life.

  And there’s no way that it would ever happen, anyways.



  * * *

  Donnie’s mouth is on mine, his ever-sweaty hands slowly lifting up my shirt, when I ask, “Do you want to do it?”

  Donnie rears back as if I’ve slapped him. His muddy brown eyes are open wider than I’ve ever seen them.

  “A-are you sure?” my boyfriend stutters, after a moment of silence studded by the steady ticking of the living room clock.

  I somehow refrain from rolling my eyes. I eventually lured him to my house, after a not-too-subtle text: Want to come over? My dad’s not going to be home.

  That did the trick. We spent the first part of the evening snuggled on the couch and watching TV--or I, at least, had been watching TV. Donnie had been texting his friends about some new video game that had just been released.

  After about an hour, I grew impatient, and made my move. We’ve been making out now for about ten minutes. Inevitably we’ll progress into some neck-kissing, a gentle nip or two on the collarbone, and some tentative petting. But tonight, after Kara’s reprimand, I’m ready to go all the way.

  I adopt my sultriest grin, tucking a curl behind my ear.

  “I’m so sure,” I whisper as seductively as possible. “I can’t wait.”

  The timing couldn’t be better. My dad works as an ER doctor and won’t be back until the wee hours of the morning. Besides, after my daydreaming about Christopher Maddox, I’m so horny that I yearn for something--someone--to ease my frantic longing.

  I nearly jump Donnie the second the TV show was over, tackling him to the leather couch with my lips planted on his. I’m wearing my shortest shorts, a tiny tank top, and my black push-up bra (that my father has no idea I own). The only way Donnie would be able to resist me is if he were blind.

  Donnie swallows, hard, as I bite my bottom lip for extra effect. “Here?” he croaks.

  I finish the job he started and remove my tank top, revealing my breasts spilling out of the black satin bra cups. I toss the shirt carelessly onto the floor.

  “Right here,” I whisper into his ear, and kiss his neck. “Come on, loverboy.”

  Donnie shivers, and I feel secretly proud of myself. I love the wordless confirmation that I’m turning him on, even if I’m not as into him as I want to be. I pull back to smile reassuringly at him. Beads of sweat dot his upper lip; I try not to wrinkle my nose.

  “Wouldn’t you rather, um, maybe go in your room…?”

  I slowly shake my head at his protests.

  “Come on, baby,” I whisper, and begin to tug at his shirt. After a moment, he relents, and together we pull his shirt over his head. Our lips meet again. His tongue swipes past my lips, and as I open my mouth, our teeth knock painfully together. I wince, as discreetly as possible. This is going to be great, I think to myself, although I’m unsure if I’m being genuine or sarcastic.

  Nevertheless, our kisses build into a frenzy of movement and moaning. I eventually wriggle out of my bra and too-tight shorts; he undoes his belt and takes off his pants. We giggle nervously as he wrestles with his socks.

  My heart flutters like the wings of an anxious hummingbird. For years, I’ve wondered what losing my virginity would be like. On the couch, with an acne-speckled nerd, wasn’t quite what I had in mind, to be honest. But I’m excited, anyways. So excited that I nearly tear his boxers off of him.

  Then, all movement stops because his dick isn’t hard.

  I can’t help it: I stare at it for a moment, my brows furrowed. I had been grinding my hips against his with gusto, murmuring dirty things in his ear, doing everything right--or so I thought. Instead of a reward, however, I earned a limp dick, and a boyfriend blustering his way through an apology.

  “It’s fine!” I say, a bit too loudly. “This happens.”

  “No, it’s just, I’m nervous out in the open like this,” Donnie says. His voice’s whining edge, like a mosquito’s, is suddenly beginning to grate on my ears. His eyes keep darting towards the door, the windows. “Can’t we just go in your room and lock the door?” he asks plaintively.

  “There’s nothing to be worried about.” I try to reassure him both with my words and my hand on his cock. “Let’s do it here. It’s hot. Spontaneous. My dad won’t be home until way later. You know he works at the ER so there’s no way he’ll get off early.”

  Donnie frowns, looking uncertain.

  “Maybe I should go…”

  “No!” I shout, and Donnie blinks in surprise.

  “No,” I repeat, quieter this time, stroking my hand slowly up and down his shaft. Kara’s glower of disappointment burns in my imagination. It’s now or never.

  “I want you, baby,” I whisper, and his cock twitches in my hand. My smile of triumph is barely suppressed. “Let me show you how much I want you…”

  I sink to the floor, ignoring the ache of hardwood beneath my bare knees. Getting him hard is step one towards accomplishing my main objective: feeling a man inside for the first time. If my naked body alone won’t do the trick, I’ll have to resort to more aggressive methods.<
br />
  I decide that means taking his dick in my soft, wet mouth. I go for a seductive look and meet his gaze, my eyes half-lidded with apparent desire.

  “Bailey…” Donnie begins, but as I slowly take his length into my mouth, he goes quiet. I feel his body relax, and he leans his head back onto a couch pillow. I haven’t given him many blow jobs before, so the action is still unfamiliar. I try to cover my teeth with my lips, and to ignore my gag reflex in order to take him deeper and deeper into my throat.

  My jaw is beginning to ache, and yet my goal remains elusive.

  Suddenly, Donnie sits up.

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna do it,” he says, as I pull back to wipe my hand across my mouth. He must clock the confusion and disappointment in my eyes, because he says, “Maybe keep going, and use your hand a little?”

  I’m at the point that I want to use my hand to punch him. Instead, I smile obligingly, and wrap my hand around his cock, pumping it as I bob my mouth up and down.

  “Do you like that, baby?” I whisper, watching his face for any signs of enjoyment. After another ten minutes, as I flick my tongue over the head of his barely-hard dick, I decide that I deserve a medal for Girlfriend of the Year. But I am bound and determined to have sex tonight--and I’m nothing if not tenacious.

  Finally, I feel his shaft begin to stiffen in my mouth. I hum my victory against it, and Donnie moans at the vibrations. Faster and faster I bob my head, my tongue swirling around, my hand pumping up and down when suddenly…


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