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LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1

Page 26

by Jenna Galicki

  “Get ready!” Tessa waved her hands to get everyone’s attention. “They’re going to be posted any second! We’re at . . .” She kept refreshing the computer screen, while everyone waited anxiously.

  “Number three!” Tessa jumped off the chair and hugged Mason.

  Lucas felt Sindy sway and thought she might pass out. “Are you OK?”

  “Oh my God, Lucas. We have a single debuting at number three.” She leaned closer to the computer to confirm it again. “This is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a dreamy smile. “Well, the most amazing thing after meeting you. A few months ago I was homeless. Now I have best friends, a boyfriend, a band, and a single at number three.”

  Lucas cupped her face in his hands and wiped away a happy tear that streamed down her cheek with his thumb. “Hey. Don’t cry.”

  “I’m just so happy. You make me so happy. I love you, Lucas.”

  “I love you too, hon.” He kissed her once more. “But there’s another girl I gotta congratulate.” Lucas turned to his sister. She deserved this more than anyone. She put her heart and soul into Prodigy. Nothing mattered more to her than the band. She sacrificed everything, choosing to spend all her free time writing lyrics and making music instead of making friends. She missed senior prom and college parties because she thought they were a waste of time – time that could be better utilized serving the band. Prodigy was her baby, and she nurtured and protected it with every ounce of her being. He put his hands on his sister’s shoulders, never more proud. “This is all your doing, Tessa. Thank you for believing in all of us.”

  She blushed. “Stop it. I didn’t do any more than—”

  “You had the fortitude to push me and never accepted anything less than perfection. You pushed me to push myself. I’m so glad you’re my sister.” He hugged her, and when he pulled away, tears brimmed on her lower lids. These girls were drowning with emotion and their happy tears threatened to pull him under. “Not you, too, Tess.” She just waved him off and shared some tissues with Sindy.

  Lucas and Mason stared at one another.

  “Bro . . .” Mason opened his arms and wore his widest smile.

  They shared a long bear hug that most people would have thought a little uncomfortable, but Mason was truly like a brother to him, and Lucas found himself tearing up at the bond between them.

  The four of them were in the great room in the Blade-Garcia mansion, the only place besides the kitchen that Sindy had occupied in the enormous house besides the studio and Lucas and Tessa’s suites. Everyone quieted when she said she had an announcement, and now she felt dwarfed in the room that was almost as big as her entire apartment. She had made hard decisions recently, choosing to put all her energy into the band. “I quit my job at the diner. I know it’s a big risk, but I think it’s smart. We’re going on tour, then we’re going to record this album. I don’t want anything to distract me from putting all my energy into Prodigy.” Tessa was her role model. Lucas was her inspiration. She decided to follow their lead, although she still had her reservations. “If I really need it, I think I could probably pick up a shift or two at the diner, but I think I made the right decision in quitting.”

  Lucas put his arm around her in a show of support. “Congratulations. You’re a full-time musician.”

  Tessa, sitting at the opposite side of the couch, leaned over and squeezed Sindy’s knee. “That’s awesome. Now we’ll have more time to hang out and go over things like wardrobe and production. If my brother will let you out of his sight, that is.” She sent a teasing smile in Lucas’ direction.

  “Cool.” Mason nodded. “That’s a good move. Touring and writing is hard work. Luckily, Prodigy has a large music library, so we’re not starting from scratch. We still need to re-do the songs to add rhythm, and we still want your input.”

  Apprehension tickled Sindy’s belly, but she knew she could do this, especially with the support of this wonderful group of people that weren’t just her friends, but her family. She was suddenly reminded of the conversation she had with Damien Diamond, in this same room, and silently nodded to herself in agreement with the words he’d offered.

  Voices and footsteps grew louder before Tommy, Angel, and Jessi entered the great room and stopped just inside the doorway. Angel wore the biggest smile of the three and looked like he would explode at any second.

  “I know that look, Papi.” Tessa smiled at him. “What did you do?”

  “We wanted to wait . . .” He nodded his head toward Tommy and Jessi. “Well, they wanted to wait. I couldn’t. We have a surprise. It’s outside, and it’s for all of you. It’s a little going away gift for Prodigy. Something every band needs.”

  “What fun is getting something you need?” Tessa teased. “Get us something frivolous.”

  “This is frivolous,” Tommy said. “Believe me, it’s very frivolous.”

  “It’s well worth it, mi amor.”

  Tommy leaned his arm on Angel’s shoulder. “It is. Everything’s worth it when it comes to the kids.”

  Jessi fanned her face with her hand and blinked rapidly. “I feel like I’m in my twenties again watching Immortal Angel take the big stage for the first time.”

  “Oh, hon.” Tommy enveloped her in his arms. “I remember it, too. We finally got the big break we’d been waiting for. I say we, because it wasn’t just happening to me. It was happening to the both of us. If you hadn’t been by my side to push me every second, pull me up when I was down, encourage me when I lost hope that I’d ever make it as a musician, I would have given up.” His eyes glazed over as he gazed at her. “It feels like yesterday. Where does the time go?” He let out a long sigh, and then waved them out of the room. “Come on. You’re gonna love this.”

  “What’s going on?” Sindy whispered to Lucas as they followed behind everyone and approached the front door to the mansion.

  “You never know when it comes to my—”

  Tessa let out an excited scream the moment the door opened and everyone rushed outside to see the surprise.

  While Tessa, Mason and Lucas thanked Tommy, Angel, and Jessi, Sindy just stood there and stared at the massive tour bus parked in the circular driveway with Prodigy’s logo displayed on the side panel. She didn’t know what she expected would bring the band across the country, but she never imagined something that looked like it just rolled out of the showroom with custom paint. Everything happened so quickly when it came to Prodigy. “We have our own tour bus?”

  “We didn’t want you to go on the road with a rental.” Tommy said, his arm now slung over Lucas’ shoulder.

  Standing side by side, Lucas and Tommy were mirror images of one another. Granted, there was an age difference, but they honestly looked more like brothers than father and son. They were the same height and had the same big blue eyes that mimicked the color of the sky above them. The same long blond hair graced their shoulders, although Lucas’ was shorter than his father’s, and they had the same broad chest and back. She saw Lucas in Tommy Blade, and Tommy Blade in Lucas. The likeness was amazing. “Thank you so much,” she finally said. “This is beyond generous. I . . . I don’t know what to say that could ever express how much gratitude I have for all of you.” Oh God, now she was tearing up. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “We were happy to do it,” Tommy said.

  “Come look at the inside!” Jessi sounded as excited as Tessa. She grabbed Sindy and Tessa by the hand and brought them both onto the tour bus. It was section after section of rich-smelling leather couches, dining booths and state of the art electronics. There was even a kitchen with modern cabinets, an oven, a microwave, and a sink! This must have cost over two hundred grand. Sindy had assumed the outside was misleading and the accommodations would be small and cramped, but the interior of the bus was huge. They were going to travel in style, like a bunch of already-famous rock stars, and she couldn’t wait to get on the road.

  “Are you sure you got e
verything?” Lucas asked, eyeing the suitcases lined up by the front door of Sindy’s apartment.

  “I think I over packed.” Sindy had no idea what to bring, so she brought everything. They loaded her things into Lucas’ car, drove back to his house and stowed them in the tour bus. They’d be leaving in the morning, so it was easier if she and Mason stayed over at the mansion.

  “You’re home.” Jessi greeted them when they entered the kitchen. “We’re getting snacks.” She handed a bowl of fresh-popped popcorn to Lucas. “This is all I could make on short notice. Check out what Papi made.”

  Angel held up a large tray. “Yucca fries with garlic mojo and bacon wrapped tostones.”

  “Why the snacks?” Lucas asked.

  “That tour bus sitting in the driveway has made me incredibly nostalgic. I decided to watch some old videos,” Jessi replied. “Come sit with us, Sindy. I want you to see them.”

  “Are we looking at Lucas’ baby pictures?” Sindy broke into a wide hopeful smile. She knew Lucas would be embarrassed, but she would love to see them.

  “No.” Jessi squeezed Lucas’ chin. “Although he was the cutest baby boy in the world. I’ll show you another time.” She looped her arm through Sindy’s and led them to the great room. “Come see a young Immortal Angel perform.”

  Tessa sat on the floor, legs folded beneath her while Tommy sat on the loveseat. They both jumped up and grabbed a small plate and filled it with snacks before sitting back in their respective positions as soon as Angel laid the tray on the coffee table.

  “Where’s Mason?” Lucas asked.

  “He went to dinner with Jimmy and Audra,” Tessa answered. “He’ll be back later.”

  Angel sat in the loveseat with Tommy, but Jessi sat in the center of the couch directly in front of the enormous flat screen, which was paused with Angel on the video. She patted the seat next to her. “Come sit here, Sindy. With me.”

  Lucas sat on the other side of Sindy, and sighed. “I’ve seen these a million times.”

  Sindy elbowed him. Maybe he wasn’t interested, but she was ecstatic to see the raw talent of one of the greatest punk rock bands that ever lived, early in their career. She leaned forward, eager to watch the footage.

  Jessi pressed the button on the remote, and Angel came to life. His hair was longer, and the barely-there tiny lines in the corners of his eyes were gone. His voice was just as strong, but his movements were more limber. More erotic with the swiveled motion of his hips.

  The camera panned out and Tommy Blade came into view. Sindy’s jaw dropped at the image on the television screen. She turned to Lucas sitting next to her and then back at a young Tommy Blade. They were practically identical.

  “I know,” Jessi agreed. “It’s scary.”

  Sindy remained riveted on Tommy Blade’s incredulous display of showmanship on the guitar. Chords wailed through the sound system while his fingers assaulted the fretboard of the gorgeous vintage Les Paul that he still played.

  Angel suddenly vamped across the stage and fell to his knees in front of Tommy. He sang the raunchy lyrics to Sex and Greed while he ran one hand up Tommy’s leg and under the guitar. Sindy watched, mesmerized, at these two extremely talented men in their youth displaying a ton of sexually-explicit overtones which were so captivating it made her jaw gape.

  “Oh my God!” Tessa covered her eyes. “I can’t watch this.” She ran out of the room, which made Jessi laugh.

  “Oh stop it, Tess. Dad and Papi are hot together!”

  “They’re my fathers!” Tessa yelled back from somewhere outside the great room.

  As Sindy continued to watch the video, she could definitely understand why Tessa didn’t want to see Tommy and Angel performing right now. The show was insanely erotic, and she felt guilty watching these two men grind against one another and the tingle that it created in her body. She looked over at Tommy and Angel in the loveseat. They were sharing intimate gazes and smiles which conveyed close personal secrets. The show Sindy had seen Immortal Angel perform live a few weeks ago, the show where Prodigy made an appearance, had obviously been restrained. It didn’t have the raw sexuality that was displayed on the video playing in front of everyone right now. The electrifying performance on the flat screen could be felt clearly through the camera.

  Jessi let out a long, dreamy sigh. “I used to watch this from the side stage every week.”

  “Look.” Angel pointed to the screen. “There’s Alyssa.”

  Damien Diamond’s gothic wife had the same long black hair and thick eyeliner that she wore today. Jessi was obviously the one shooting the video, and Alyssa wasn’t very happy about being filmed. The band was too loud to hear what they were saying, but there was obviously some banter going on between them, before Alyssa flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave the camera twin middle fingers.

  Sindy laughed. “I like her.”

  “She’s a minx that one,” Angel said, biting his lower lip.

  “Look!” Tommy was the one to point to the screen this time. “Audra and Kira!”

  “Where?” Sindy leaned closer, looking for Mason’s mom.

  “Right there.” Jessi pointed with the remote. “In the audience at the front of the stage. That was their spot. Dead center. They were right there at every single show. You met Audra’s sister Kira, remember?” Jessi reminded Sindy. “At Madison Square Garden a few weeks ago. She’s a doll. She’s just so busy running around all the time. Her husband is a roadie so they both travel a lot, and they live in L.A. part of the year.”

  Sindy nodded, recalling the meeting with Mason’s aunt. She loved the strong women in this group of friends that had known each other forever. Mason’s mom and her sister looked almost identical on the video as they both jumped up and down pounding their fists in the air.

  “They had such a crush on Angel,” Jessi teased.

  “Stop it.” Angel’s cheeks turned bright red. “It was just teenage infatuation.”

  “No way.” Tommy laughed. “They wanted you. You could have had the both of them if you wanted to.”

  “Nonsense, mi amor. It was strictly men for me back then.” He gazed at Jessi and his expression turned all gooey. “You, my lovely vixen of a wife, are my one and only chica. The only woman who ever was and ever will be the recipient of my love and my heart.” He blew her a heartfelt kiss.

  Jessi put her hand to her chest and let out a long sigh as her eyes glazed over and she fell back into the couch cushion.

  Sindy couldn’t believe someone could have that effect on another human being after so many years together. She envied them so much and loved to watch them, but turned her attention back to the show on the television screen because she didn’t want to stare.

  Immortal Angel was performing at a small venue on the video. Maybe a theater or club, but definitely not an arena. “Where is this?”

  “The Quadrangle,” Jessi answered. “It was a bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It was a staple in the underground music scene, but it’s not around anymore. Immortal Angel had a standing gig there before they were famous.”

  “Wait.” Sindy looked back at the musicians dominating the stage. “You mean this is Immortal Angel before they had a record deal?”

  “Yes. Audra and Kira were responsible for Immortal Angel getting signed. No one knew their father was Ron Abelman back then. They weren’t stuck up rich kids. They hung out in the local bars just like everyone else. We just thought they were superfans in the audience. I mean, look at them, no one would have guessed—” Jessi stopped talking, with the remote still in her hand extended in the direction of the flat screen. The smile on her face faded and hardness clouded her eyes.

  Sindy looked at the screen. There was a girl trying to elbow her way to the front of the stage. She swayed a little as she tried to push past Audra and Kira, probably from too much alcohol. Audra and her sister looked pissed off and exchanged some words with the girl, and then the girl took off. “Who was that?”

  Jessi pressed her lips to
gether and glanced at Angel first, then Tommy, whose expressions were equally troubled, before she answered. “No one.”

  “Who was that, Mom?” Lucas leaned forward to look at his mother.

  Jessi took a deep breath and paused as she appeared to hesitate with her answer. “It’s Mason’s birth mother.”

  “Mason’s birth mother?” Lucas uncrossed his ankle from over his knee and shifted to the edge of his seat and searched the footage displayed on the television. “Rewind that. I’ve never seen her. Not even a photo.”

  “No.” Jessi’s rigid posture reflected the tension in her jaw. “I never should have said anything. And don’t tell Mason that you saw her on the video,” Jessi warned. “It’ll only upset him. And that woman isn’t worth it. She doesn’t deserve him. Audra is his mother now.”

  Jessi was quiet for a moment before her face softened. “Does Mason ever talk about her? He doesn’t say anything to Audra and Jimmy about her.”

  “No. Never,” Lucas answered. “Not even when we were kids.”

  Jessi’s face grew hard again. “Good. It’s better off that way. She’s a hurtful person. I can’t believe his sweet Aunt Mary is related to that girl.”

  Aunt Mary. The little old lady with the pretty lap blanket and nail polish, Sindy recalled. She studied the dislike Jessi had for Mason’s birth mother, evidenced in her voice and the turbulent expression on her face. It reflected unpleasant history. The only thing Sindy knew about Mason’s birth mother is that she had abandoned him as a child, and she wondered what had happened, although she didn’t dare ask.

  Lucas woke to Sindy’s light gray eyes staring down at him. Momentarily startled, he jumped. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “How can you sleep when we’re leaving for our first tour in a few hours? I’ve been up for a half hour and poking you for 10 minutes.”

  Technically the tour started a few days before the single dropped. But since so many studios, both television and radio, were located in the tri-state area, there wasn’t a need to be on the road. They simply drove back home after each gig.


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