The Vampire's Prey

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The Vampire's Prey Page 2

by Vivian Murdoch

  That’s when I smell it. That hint of desperation. It rolls off her in waves. Her light green eyes look so sad as they stare at me. It would be all too easy to give in and give her what she wants. But I can’t. She works here. Not only that, it would be empty on both sides. A small patter of sympathy beats in my cold, dead heart. I could thrall her to make her not interested. But that wouldn’t exactly be fair to her.

  Reaching out, I take her hand and pull her wrist close to my lips. Her pulse quivers just below the skin, and it tempts me. Dear Fates, it tempts me. But I have nothing to give her. And in the end, she has nothing to give me. Sighing, I give her a chaste peck on the inside of her wrist, my lips linger for just a scant moment to feel the pulse of life against my mouth.

  “No, my dear. I cannot. Besides, I wouldn’t dream of depriving all these customers of your ample charms.” I wink and let her hand go.

  “You flirt.”

  Her blush is adorable, as is how she drops her head. My gut tells me that she would make an amazing submissive...for someone else.

  “That I am. And also, why I will not take advantage of you. Besides,” I gesture to a man over by the bar who looks decent enough and mortal—that is the key—“That man over there hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since you’ve started serving.”

  Her fingers rake through her hair and her posture straightens. “Well, if you won’t have me, I’ll see if he will.” She winks and walks away, leaving me in relative peace. No real damage is done from what I can tell, and what damage is there will probably be banged out by that chap at the bar. I can’t help but chuckle as I look at my phone and continue working on the translation in front of me.

  Patrons keep coming and going, and yet, nothing is even remotely stirring my interest. Several vampires have already taken their conquests down for some play and dinner. Yet, here I sit, work done, and 4 glasses drained. Frustration fills me. So many other vampires seem to find luck at this club, yet here I am, about to go back down to the dungeon for what’s on tap.

  The blood is sustaining, but it has no soul, no life, no conversation. I get up from my seat, determination putting a purpose in my step. I am either going to hunt or make use of one of the sweetbloods. Not one more night of frustration is going to go by.

  The music throbs, pulses, entices. I let my body move within the entrancing sway and ebb. Several women catch my eye, but after just one song, I’m ready to go to the next one. Tonight is a bust. Not one person is catching my interest. Or, maybe I just make my standards impossibly high. Grumbling, I make my way over to the coat check.

  “Not even going to try tonight?”

  “Shove it, Tiberius.” His laughter grates across my spine.

  “Come on now. What about that hot little number over there?”

  I follow his gaze to a blonde gyrating on the floor. “I saw her. So did every other man here. Pretty sure she’s already going to be someone’s dinner.”

  “You can’t keep doing this to yourself. What about her?”

  He points to another girl I already spoke with earlier.

  “Not my type.”

  “Not your type? She’s everyone’s type! Well, not mine. But we know that. What exactly are you looking for? Maybe I can be a wingman?”

  Snorting, I close my eyes for a moment. “Well, I do love the blonde’s body. But pair that with someone who can actually hold a conversation? That’s perfection.”

  Tiberius laughed again. “And what makes you think anyone is going to meet these standards?”

  “Standards? These aren’t all that high. What is so wrong with wanting to find an intellectual equal?

  Tiberius’ lips turn down in a frown as he studies me. “Your intellectual equal? One, no mortal could ever be your equal. Unless you happened to find one who is centuries old. But, I can guarantee she won’t have a body like that blonde.” He pauses to glance around the room. “Two, you’re in a bar. It’s more of a party bar than a conversation bar. Pretty sure the people here just want to have fun. Which is more than I can say for you.”

  I stare him down, a smirk forming on my lips. “I’ve dined on bake-onna.” I note his blank stare. "Similar to your sweetbloods, but more of a cultured courtesan. They stimulate me in ways you cannot possibly understand. Blame them for my high standards.”

  “Oh. ‘Bake-onna.’ Be still my beating heart.”

  “You laugh. But trust me, once you’ve had one, no one else will compare. I don’t see why I have to lower myself, even the standards of my dinner. That is so unbecoming.”

  I slap Tiberius on the shoulder and turn to make my way into the coat check when a scent catches me. Turning, I lock my sights on the most mesmerizing cobalt eyes. My dick surges up, taking me completely by surprise. What type of morsel is this? Her hair is pulled back into a tight French braid, with the tail whipping tantalizingly back and forth. Normally braids like this come with uptight women. But that tail sliding down to meet her curvaceous ass lures me like a feather tempting a cat. Maybe this one’s different. If not, I have just the tools to thaw her out. I pulse as visions of wrapping that hair in my fist and tilting her head back swim before my eyes. If her clothes were any tighter, they would pop off of her. And what a decadent vision that would be.

  “You’re staring.”

  “And you’re an ass, Tiberius.”

  Just as I start to make my way over to her, she turns and rushes to the bar. Well, if she wants to run, I have no problem giving chase.


  What just happened? I clutch the bar, the mahogany feeling cool to my feverish hands. The rounded edges though smooth grind into my palms, grounding me for just a moment. Breathing deep, I try to slow my heart rate. If there are actual vampires here, I don’t need to advertise myself as prey. That’s the absolute last thing I need.

  I glance over my shoulder to see Mr. Yummy making his way through the crowd to me. Fuck. Maybe he’s going after someone else? I turn again. His brows furrow as he stares me down. A determined look is on his face as he continues in my direction. Double fuck. What am I supposed to do? Wait.


  “Whatcha got?”

  A beautiful woman with green hair lifts her face up from the drink she’s working on and smiles over at me. Her warm expression is like a balm to my frazzled nerves. Looking back again at her hair, I smile. Everything is starting to make much more sense now. “I’m here to start a shift. Theocropolis said to find you.”

  Her laughter peals out. “Theocropolis? You better not let him hear you call him that. I’ll remember that one though. That’s a good one.” She shakes her head as she finishes mixing up the cocktail. “Well, come on back here, I’ll get you set up. I’m only helping out as needed, so you’ll be on your own most nights.”

  Green passes off the drink with a large grin. The guy at the bar leers back, but she doesn’t seem to acknowledge it. Instead, she looks behind me then at my face then behind me again.

  “I don’t know, though,” Green smiles and points just over my shoulder. “I think you already have your first customer. Should I drop you off into the deep end or help you out?”

  I don’t even look behind me. It’s got to be Mr. Yummy. No one else in this bar has so much as glanced at me. Plastering as realistic a smile as I can, I shake my head and start to make my way towards the opening in the bar.

  “Him? He’s not here for me. I don’t even know—” I stiffen as his presence slides over my body. Goosebumps explode over my skin as his cool breath teases the side of my neck. Biting my tongue, I stifle a groan. My body shouldn’t be acting like this. What the actual hell?

  Green gives me a knowing smile before wiping down a glass.

  “Got a name, gorgeous?”

  Dear God. Even his voice sounds like sin. Deep, rough, and pure decadence. It takes every ounce of control not to turn around just to look at him again. I can’t get swept up like this. This is only my first night here. How the hell am I going to survive weeks or months if I fa
ll for the first guy I see?

  Taking a deep breath, I firm up my resolve before turning around. I look him up and down, trying to assess without letting my loins take the lead. Tousled blonde hair that probably takes hours to do. Expensive suit that’s either a knock off or just wasteful. Shoes that only an arrogant asshole would wear. And of course, to top it all off, an expensive looking watch. Probably a Rolex. I don’t entertain men who think this much about themselves. Ever. Usually men like this have too much money and not enough brains or talent.

  But his eyes. His eyes remind me of the cloudless skies back home. In a flash of movement, his fingers rise up to brush against his lips. Unwittingly, my eyes follow the journey, bringing a stark awareness to his full lips. Dear God, those lips look inviting. I want to slide my lips over his, to feel if they are soft as they look.

  “You’re staring.”

  Green’s voice brings me out of my lustful day dream with a jolt. Immediately, I separate myself again. Instantly, he frowns. It’s as if he realizes that I’m actively resisting him. No matter. This cannot, will not happen. Too bad my lady bits have other ideas. Everything in me is dancing around screaming “pick me, pick me!” I press my knees together, shame flooding through my body. What is wrong with you? Just because he’s hot doesn’t mean you have a say. Oh god. What would Father say? My cheeks bloom with heat as I imagine the mortification that my lusts can cause.

  As soon as that thought passes, a scarier one creeps in. Vampires can smell arousal. I’m making myself a beacon. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. I watch the man before me gently scent the air before a slow smile eases onto his face. Oh. My. God. Not only is he one of them, he just figured out that he’s turning me on. I close my eyes and shoot a message downstairs. Abort mission! This is not the man you’re looking for. Dear God, stop getting so turned on.

  When I open my eyes, he is still locked on to me. My cheeks turn crimson as his gaze leisurely wanders down my body like he owns me. No man has ever dared ogle me in such a fashion! Not with me watching anyway. Nodding curtly, I turn back around to face Green. “May I have an apron please?” The calmness in my voice takes me by surprise. I know I’m good. But even this is pro level.

  “You still haven’t given me your name,” he growls behind me. The goosebumps return. He cannot affect you. You are stronger than this. Oh, who am I kidding?

  I whirl back around, my smile set firmly in place. “I’m not interested.” Liar. “But if you want an intoxicating beverage, I would be more than happy to serve you.” Or service you. Same thing. Shut up! Oh this is aggravating. What is it about him that’s getting under my skin? And he’s a vampire. Why the hell am I lusting after a fanger? What is wrong with me? Pheromones. That has to be it. He’s putting something out there in the air. Do vampires do that? They must! All these thoughts swirl through my head as I stare at the demon before me.

  His breathing quickens. Is it possible that he’s just as affected by me? I turn off that line of thinking as quickly as it pops in. There’s nothing good that can come out of that line of query. “Well sir? What will it be?”

  “You’re name.”

  Wow. Persistent much? “And what would you do if you had it?”

  He slowly eases his way closer until my back is pressed against the bar. I have nowhere else to go. I suck in a deep breath, trying to pull myself inward, straining for just another inch of space.

  His laugh washes over my skin. “I would at least know what to call you. Or would you prefer I come up with something?”

  He taps those long, beautiful fingers against his mesmerizing mouth. Again, I find myself drawn to the movement. They curl up into wicked slash.

  “I know,” he reaches for me, his fingers reaching past to slide down my braid. “What about Rapunzel?”

  “How original.” I throw up my arm to block his movements and shove him away from me. Big mistake. His arms are strong like iron. How could I possibly forget about a vampire’s super strength? Get it together, Evangeline. Pulling back, I try to secretly rub my arm, but of course, he notices. His tsking as he extends my arm and rubs it makes me feel even more childish.

  His eyes again lock onto mine. If there were any doubt, it’s gone when I feel the insistent probing. His penetrating gaze pushes against my brain demanding entrance. A mild ache starts up, but I try to ignore it. I can’t tip my hand just yet.

  “Your name,” he demands, his voice sliding over me in a soft caress.

  “Evangeline,” I whisper, trying to pull my arm out of his grasp. It’s better to lose these small battles to keep him unaware. It will serve me much better in the end. Besides, there’s not really anything he can do with my name.

  Thankfully, he lets me go. I have no clue what I would do if he kept touching me. My nerves feel so frayed and raw right now.

  “Evangeline.” His eyes close as he says it. As if to savour my name.

  But why? There’s nothing special about me or my name.

  “Would you care to join me?”

  I gesture to the bar behind me. “First day, remember? I kinda need to make a good first impression.” I start heading back towards the bar when his voice calls out to me.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know my name?”

  “Nah. I want to keep the mystery alive.”


  If that wasn’t a sucker punch to the gut. I watch Evangeline walk away, my hunger demanding I grab her and feed. What is it about her that makes me want to dive deep and keep her for more than just one night of feeding? It has to be the hunger. I have been letting myself get too picky. I definitely haven’t been feeding enough. Resolved to make her mine and end this, I start to stalk towards her before a hand pulls me back.

  “You remember the rules I gave you, yes?”

  Lucius. I take in a deep breath and close my eyes until the hunger fades. “Yes. I remember.”

  “Consensual. Always consensual.”

  I whirl around. “You think I wouldn’t respect that? Respect her? Besides Lucius, it’s just a one-time meal. You know me.”

  “Yes. I know you. That’s why I’m warning you.”

  I watch Evangeline walk away. The churning in my gut doesn’t let up. I should be feeding, should be hunting. But I'm not. Instead, I’m watching my geisha flit about and flirt with every man coming up to the bar. Every man who approaches her, I want dead. However, I’m constrained by not only the law of the land but my own honor. Never would I stoop this low for a meal.

  Is she just a meal though? I scent the air again and find it disturbing that I can’t smell her. Sure, I can smell her skin, her shampoo, her body wash, but I can’t smell her. She’s smiling and laughing, and it looks genuine; however, I’m not getting any scents that lead me to believe she’s actually feeling those things. On the one hand, it’s refreshing not to have the cloying scents constantly washing over me. Even the geishas were a lot more subtle in their emotions. But nothing?

  Something is amiss here. It takes a moment, but I finally figure out what it is that’s drawing me to her. I can’t translate her. I can’t pick out anything she’s giving off and make it tell me anything about her. What I can tell is that I am affecting her, even if she won’t admit it to herself. I keep seeing the small glances she steals my way. It’s cute actually. She’s trying so hard to deny herself. To deny me. If only she knew that I ensnared her from the first moment, and now she will not be free until I will it.

  Enough. I can feel my body demanding blood. I know it won’t be satisfied until I’ve fed on my little enigma. Since that is not in the cards tonight, I have to get something on tap. I can’t let myself lose control. Especially not around her.

  I ease out of the booth and head back over to her. One last time. Just one last scent. As I get closer, the heady mixture of her skin mixed with the vanilla she’s wearing makes my head swim. Just a few more steps, and I can claim her.

  “Want the special, Adrian?”

  I blink and look over. Green stands there, blocking the view
of my conquest. She’s still fixing drinks but giving me a very concerned look. Hell, what must I be broadcasting to get her involved?

  “Thanks, but I just came over to say goodbye. I’m going to grab my coat and head out.” I’ve got to nip this thing in the bud now.

  “That might be for the best. Weren’t you telling me you have to get up early?”

  I take her cover graciously. “Yes. Exactly that. Bye, Green. Bye, Rapunzle.” She scrunches her forehead in a deep frown and narrows her eyes. I chuckle at her attempts to be fierce. If only she knew what a dangerous creature I actually am. It’s cute though. I always love it when my dinner has a backbone. Tonight, I’m going to consider her the winner of this round. Next time, it will be my turn.

  As I make my way over to the coat room, I see Tiberius still manning the area. Groaning at his eat-shit grin, I try to push past him.

  “Still striking out?”

  I give him the middle finger as I make my way to the dungeon. “Fuck you, Tiberius.” His chuckles follow me as I make my way down the stairs.

  As usual, the area is thick with the smell of sex and blood. My previous hard on jumps back up with a vengeance. The writhing bodies call to me; they bring my mind back to a particular blonde morsel with legs for days and an ass that won’t quit. She should be down here with me, under me. But no. I let her stay up there and work. Perhaps it is safer but for whom? I cannot stay denied for too long.

  A quick glance over to Lucius and Selene put my mind back where it needs to be. Lucius opened up this haven to me without even knowing me. I owe him a whole lot more than taking a worker off the floor when they need her the most. When it comes to satisfying the needs of the whole, I can usually put aside my own needs. Tonight, however, that’s proving to be a very difficult task.

  My head swims with the heady mixture of pain and pleasure. Moans, screams, sighs all meld together in the most decadent harmony. My body sways to the beat of the Florentine floggers nearby, and every inch of my body tightens in regret. Damn my morals. Damn the high road. She should have been down here with me.


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