The Vampire's Prey

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The Vampire's Prey Page 3

by Vivian Murdoch

  I have to get out of here before I cannot control myself. Luckily, I’m leaving town tomorrow for a week to visit my family. That should be enough time to get my head back in the game.

  Just a visit or two with my favorite bake-onnas should be enough to level me back out. Even as I think this, I know that I won’t be able to shake the sassy blonde from my mind. Until I finally conquer her, I can’t move on. She will be mission number one when I return home. I smile as I make my way up to the bar. A man with a plan. That’s how I like it.

  “I’ll take what’s on tap.”

  “He’ll take the special.”

  I turn and see Lucius making his way up to the bar. Why is everyone insisting I try the special? Is it unicorn blood?

  “What’s on tap is fine, Lucius.”

  “I insist.”

  Without waiting for me to answer, the bartender moves away from the taps and gets some blood from a different area.

  “Who am I to deny you, Lucius?”

  “Exactly.” His smile is predatory, but I can sense a hint of mirth behind it. At least he’s not completely strong arming me. It’s not like he’s my sire or anything.

  “I’ve got to ask. What’s so special about this blood? Even Green offered it to me.”

  “Let’s just say, it’s got a little extra kick. I think you’ll feel much better if you have some.” He sits next to me on the bar stool and stares me down. “I’m worried about you. I know you’re not mine to care for, but this is my club and my home. Anything that poses a threat to me and mine makes me concerned.”

  I throw my head back and laugh, getting dirty looks from some of the people deep in their scenes. Sobering, I hold my hands up in an apology. “You’re worried about me? Because I don’t partake every night?”

  “But it’s not even every other night, is it? You’ve been at my club off and on for months now, and I’ve never even seen you show interest in anyone. I know you still consume blood because I see you here night after night. By the time you’re done, you leave behind a slew of empty cups. Is it the selection? Do none of the plethora of club members stir you? None of my workers?

  My mind goes straight back to the one worker I can’t have at the moment. I shake my head to clear my vision. No. I cannot lose control. Not here and especially not around Lucius.

  He gestures towards the play space. Women and men are milling around, serving the vampires with either drink or themselves. A thump of longing fills my chest. What am I looking for? By all means, any one of these sweetbloods should have satisfied me by now. What am I waiting for? They are food. What is keeping me from eating my fill?

  At Lucius’ beckoning, a woman walks forward, eyes lowered. “Would she satisfy you?”

  She looks up at me, a mixture of hope and lust swirling from her body. She’s stunning. Shimmery, soft hair, breasts that can fill a handful and an ass made for spanking. Visually, she’s everything I want. But then, she’s not her. Damn it! Why can’t she get out of my head? This is proof that I’m losing it. Since when did I care so much about the chase, the puzzle? This woman was willing and wanting, and yet, I still find myself drawn to the slight acidity of the bartender upstairs.

  “Thanks, Lucius, but I’ll be fine with this.”

  He waves the woman away, and I turn before I can see the look of disappointment in her eyes. I was disappointed too. There were two things keeping me from storming back upstairs and claiming my prize for the night. One, Lucius’s club is in need. Two, I’m not in control of myself. I can’t guarantee that I won’t hurt her. Or worse. I sigh. Three things in actuality. I do not have her consent. However, when I get back, all of those things are going to change.

  “You’re not that old Adrianus. You speak and act like a vampire quadruple your age. I’m afraid you’ll miss out if you keep holding to your standards.” He looks over to the dais, a flash of tenderness lighting his eyes as he looks at Selene. “Enjoy your blood. I have my own prize to tend to.”

  As he leaves, I grab my glass and down it in one gulp. He’s right. I hate that he’s right, but he is. The blood flows through me, taking the edge off my hunger. For tonight, it is enough, but after my trip, I will not go off of tap again. I will claim what I want. Anything is better than just what’s on tap.

  I motion for one more and down it before heading back to my crypt. I have a lot of planning to do if I’m going to convince Rapunzel to let down her hair for me. Excitement creeps in. How many decades has it been since I’ve been on the hunt? Far too long.

  Closing my eyes, I picture her before me. I can easily imagine my fangs descending and puncturing her flesh, the warm blood sliding over my tongue. The fact that my hiatus ends soon makes it all the sweeter. Soon I will scale her wall and take my prize.



  “How long does it take for someone to get a coat? Maybe they staffed me in the wrong place. I could have gotten his coat within minutes.” I look back over to the clock behind me. “It’s been almost an hour.”

  “Almost an hour since what?”

  “Since what?” I rake my hand through my hair. The braid is already half down by this point, so what is the point of caring if the rest of it comes down? “Since he’s gone to get his coat.”

  Green looks over in the direction of the coat check. An expression passes over her face that I can’t make out. She knows something. I can feel it. “Are you sure he didn’t just leave when you weren’t looking? I’ve seen several people come and go.”

  “Of course, I’m sure. I’ve been watching him ever since he went back there.”

  She turns to face me, hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. “Oh, have you? So, instead of doing your job, you’ve been drooling after a man you’ve been swearing up and down that you have no attraction to?”

  “No of course not. I’ve been doing my job!” I motion to the drinks in front of me. The current customers seem to be sitting there happily slurping their cocktails and beer. The last thing I needed was to be thrown out. “Trial run.” Theophilus’ voice echoes in my ear. I really need to tread this line carefully. Now that I know Club Toxic has at least two vampires, I have to make myself indispensable. This night cannot be my last.

  “Uh-huh. I can see that. You’ve actually been doing a great job here. And that’s why I’m pretty sure you just missed him. Trust me, as big as this club is, there is a limited amount of space. The quicker we can get people out, the quicker we can get more butts in here. That means more drinks to serve and more tips to get. Coat check also gets tipped on how fast they get the coats out. Why would they just take their sweet time? Think about it.”

  Damn it. She has a point. Did I really space out so much that I didn’t see him come out? My eyes widened. How could I be so stupid. Of course, I wouldn’t see him. He’s a vampire. He probably used his super speed to race out of here. Or maybe he turned into a bat? I start wiping the counter down in front of me, rubbing really hard at a spot of the wood. That’s exactly what happened. How stupid am I? He’s probably out draining some poor, unsuspecting woman while I’m sitting here playing nursemaid to a bunch of drunks.

  My scrubbing gets faster and harder. I hate that I’m stuck here. What good am I just serving drinks?

  “Pretty sure that spot is clean. You scrub any harder, and you’ll make a hole in the counter.”

  I stop and look down. Already there is a slightly worn spot showing through. “You’re right, Green. Sorry. I guess I got lost in thought.”

  She laughs. “That can happen, especially as things start winding down.” She glances back at the clock. “Almost time for the last call. Do you want to call it or have me?”

  “You do it. I’ll start gathering the empty cups.” At this point, there’s no need to call any undue attention to myself. I busy myself with the glasses, keeping my head down and my eyes peeled. I don’t expect to find any more secrets tonight. Two vampires in one location is more than enough. Two, I can probably handle, any more than that might b
e a problem.

  “Last call! Get your drinks now, and don’t complain later if you don’t!”

  Laughter threatens to bubble up as I see Green standing on the bar. I don’t know what it is about her, but I can’t help but laugh when we interact. I can just imagine what Father would have to say about that. Rejoice when your brother rejoices. Other than that, mission first. My mask slides back into place, replacing my mirth with emptiness. Mission first. That’s what he would be saying if he were here with me right now.

  Panic fills me. I have to do this right. I can’t screw up. Now is not the time to make friends. My job is to prove that I have what it takes to be a member of The Family, the family I’ve been in since I’m 6 years old, still trying to earn my place. With that thought, I take my orders as quickly as I can. My number one priority is keeping this job, so I can keep my position. Eyes on the mission.

  The rest of the night seems to go by in a blur. It’s a lot easier to do my job when one vampire doesn’t come down from upstairs and the other hasn’t shown his face since he’s left. What is with that other guy? Adrian, I think she called him. Never in my life has anyone affected me in any way. It wasn’t like I didn’t want sex or anything. And I have had a few moments where I snuck out to satisfy my urges. But they were never anything to write home about. Certainly nothing worth facing Father again over, Father who took me in when I had no one left, Father who I seem to always fall short of pleasing. The only time he caught me pleasuring myself, it was raps to the hands with a ruler and cold water therapy. Shivering, I force that memory back into my brain. I can’t go there again.

  “Earth to Evangeline.”

  Startled, I look up at Green. “Sorry, I must have spaced out.”

  She crosses her arms and smirks. “Let me guess, daydreaming about a certain blonde hottie?”

  “Was he really hot though? He seems too stuck up to be attractive.”

  “Oh don’t you even lie. I saw how you were with him. I bet you can’t wait to have him in your pants.”

  Heat engulfs my face. “You’ve got it all wrong. I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Oh please.” She tosses her rag down and puts her hands on her hips. “Not what kind of girl. The type that has no problem going after what she wants?”

  Her constant insistence begins to really irritate me. Before I can stop myself, my hands plant themselves on my hips. So much for keeping my head down. “Why don’t you fuck him if he’s that great?” Sighing, I rub my forehead. Green has been nothing but nice to me. It won’t do me any good to make enemies. “Sorry. That’s not what I meant.”

  Her eyes lose a hint of hostility as she smirks. “No, that’s exactly what you meant.” Chuckling, she finishes gathering up her things, the tension bleeding out of the air. “Girl, don’t sweat it. I’m made of sterner stuff. If all it takes is a few angry words to make me lose my cool, I wouldn’t be able to work in a bar.”

  “Besides,” a gruff voice cuts in behind me. “She already has someone she thinks is great and wants to fuck.”

  Cringing, I move aside for the newcomer. It’s clear that they’re a couple, simply by the way they look at each other. The love in their eyes sizzle and snap as they join each other in a tight embrace. I turn away. It’s obvious I’m intruding on a personal moment between them.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize my voice was that loud.”

  A look passes between them. What am I missing out on now? Green looks almost sheepish as she tucks her body into the man holding on to her.

  “It wasn't that loud. It’s the weird acoustics in the bar.”

  The man chuckles, barely missing Green’s elbow as she tries to silence him. I’m definitely missing something. Frowning, I study them for a moment. I hate being left in the dark. Unfortunately, I’m too tired and aggravated to study it even further.

  “Are you almost done love? I’m starving and want some dinner.”

  He nuzzles her neck. The display of love and affection is so sickening it almost turns my stomach. As I turn to let them have some privacy, one of the flashing strobes turns in one of its rotations and slashes across Green and her man. The light catches his mouth as he smiles against her neck.

  Oh. God. He’s one too. The blood drains from my face as I stand there transfixed. This is a big problem. Does Green even know? Judging by the hitch in her breath as his lips work over her neck, not only does she know, she likes it.

  Revulsion flows through me. I want to look away, but I’m unable to move. Now I understand the meaning of a train wreck. How can she let him even touch her? I mean, I wanted Adrian to touch me too, but I resisted. I’m not going to fuck a dead guy, no matter how hot he is.

  Green’s man brings the count up to three. Or, does Green make four? I saw her drinking virgin daiquiris that didn't even have a hint of red in them, so she can’t possibly be one. Vampires can’t eat or drink. Everyone knows that.

  What am I going to do? I stand there, controlling my breathing. This is what I’m here for. I’ve been training years for this. A calm smile eases over my face as I turn away from the two. “Enjoy your evening, I’m heading back out.”

  “By yourself?”

  I turn at the sudden sound of movement in time to see Green pushing herself off of her man and start towards me.

  “Do you want a bouncer to walk you home?” She turns to her hunk, “Maybe you can—”

  “He’s hungry. I wouldn’t want to stand between a man and his meal. I have five brothers at home. I know what a hungry male is like. Trust me, you don’t want to be around one.”

  He chuckles. “You’re right. We can get downright ravenous.” He smirks at Green.

  My stomach turns. If I don’t leave now, I’m going to expose myself. Nervousness bubbles up for a moment, but I finger the charm hanging from my wrist and calm down. “I’ve got mace. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Trust me, I was raised to always be prepared. Be worried about the person who stumbles across me.”

  I wave and head out the door. Three vampires, and this is only my first night. What the hell is happening in Tucson? As I walk to my car, I slip my hand into my bag and grab my keys. As quick as I open the door, I slip into the front seat and reach over to pull the phone out of my glove compartment before starting the car.

  Okay… “Siri, call Father.”

  The phone rings as I pull out of the parking lot and head onto the highway.

  “Status report, Butterfly.”

  My heart stops for a moment. What is Simon doing with Father’s phone? I glance over at the screen, double checking the number. Nope. It’s Father’s number all right. Bile rises up in my throat as his voice crackles from the phone.

  “I’m waiting, Butterfly.”

  Ugh. That stupid codename. Why the hell does he insist on calling me that? Every time he says it, my stomach plummets and twists all at once. Gritting my teeth, I force past my discomfort.

  “3 operative spotted.”



  “Present course?”

  “Continue as directed until which time as I may fulfill the mission.”

  “10-4. Father will want continued updates as permitted. Keep your mind, heart, and body pure, and you will succeed. Fail, and it will be because of your lack of faith. Do not be swayed by false compliments. They care only for your blood and not your soul. You have nothing to offer them other than your life blood. Do not believe their lies when they talk of your beauty. They only mean to draw you away from our Lord and the mission.”

  “Yes, Raptor,” I force myself not to choke on his moniker. “I will not be compromised.”

  “Good girl. Get some sleep and cleanse your mind and body before facing them again. Just being in their presence is enough to get their sin and filth on you.”

  “Understood, Raptor.”

  Tears slip down my cheeks as I make my way to the studio apartment that is my home for the foreseeable future
. I almost believed that horrid vampire. Anger and guilt war within me as I remember the handsome man that almost turned my head. But Simon is right. All I am to him is a meal. That’s all I’ll ever be.

  I make my way up to my door and pause to look out at the twinkling lights of Tucson. A deep ache fills me as I watch the lights of the cars zooming around, the life that is evident even in the darkness. One night, I will allow myself a night of weakness. Then it’s back to the grind.

  Silence greets me as I go into my apartment. The pitifully furnished studio has enough to let me exist but not quite enough to make it a warm home. Sure, there’s a bed, dressers, even an older model tv. No art hangs on the walls, no cheerful pillows dot the room. It’s cold and sterile. I’m not paying for it though, so I suppose I shouldn’t complain. But it still makes me long for something to call mine. Something to add some life into the place.

  I go through my checklist: door is locked, windows are locked, garlic is secure on the valences, kit is by the bed. Satisfied that I’m safe for now, I make my way over to the pitiful bathroom to take out my contacts and run the shower. The noise is deafening, drowning out my thoughts as I ease one contact out and then the other into their special container.

  Grabbing some eye drops, I blink rapidly as the relieving liquid washes over my eyes. I groan and rub lightly, trying to not completely irritate my eyes. Looking up at the mirror, I take in my face, my body, then the bloodshot, mouse-brown eyes. Part of me wishes I could see what Adrian sees in me. Surely, it’s not just a meal. Right? There’s got to be something redeemable about me.

  Sighing, I slip my hand into the shower, making sure the water is just below scalding: just the way I like it. Easing in, a gasp tears from the throat as the hot water assaults my skin, sending painful sensations through my body. I relish the pain. Live for it. It’s this pain that lets me know that I am still alive and can still feel. Pain breaks through the numbness. Even if just for a few moments, I feel alive. Tipping my head back, I let the water cascade over my scalp and slide down my body.


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