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The Vampire's Prey

Page 6

by Vivian Murdoch

  Most times, I’m a very patient man. Now is not one of those times. I can see the conflict etched in her face. It’s times like these I wish I were a better man. Alas, I am not. Her conflict goes straight to my cock. Each bite of her lip sends another pulse up my shaft. I have her right where I want her. We both know it. There is a part of me that’s angry with myself for leaving the ball in her court; however, it doesn’t take a psychic to know that she seems to need this job and will do anything to keep it. I’m not sure why since there are other clubs, but I’ll allow her this secret. For now.

  Her breathing is fast and shallow. “I’ll submit to you.”

  “Ahh you see? That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now. Strip.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Frowning, I sit down on top of the stool and drag Evangeline across my lap. She struggles. Oh my, how she struggles; however, there’s no escaping now. She sealed her fate with her words. Her hips wiggle deliciously on top of my lap. It doesn’t matter that fury is just rolling off of her. Finally, I have her in my arms, and it feels so good. “I have already told you to address me as sir. Or have you forgotten so quickly?” She doesn’t answer. “Silence will not save you. So which is it? Have you forgotten? Or are you just being stubborn?”

  I lean over to get a good look at her face. Her bottom lip is stuck out so far. A surprise laugh bubbles up out of me. “That’s all the answer I needed, princess.” Before she can say a word, I yank down her shorts. “Oh my. Such a pretty pair of lace, thong panties. You naughty, naughty minx. You have served your ass up to me on a platter.”


  My hand comes crashing down on her ass. I feel the muscle give under the pressure before bouncing back up. Delightful. She howls and bucks up under my hand. Tightening my grip around her waist, I shift my hips so that she dips towards the floor, and her ass sticks out even further. I didn’t think my shaft could get any harder, but seeing the pink blooming across her backside from just one swat has me about to embarrass myself.

  “Get your fucking hands off me you asshole, sir” she screams, thrashing about in my arms.

  I have to give her credit, she at least ended with sir. Grinning, I lay down a flurry of swats, ignoring the vitriol spewing from her mouth. I will break her. Even if it causes her more pain in the long run. Leaning back just a touch, I bring a quick swat to each of her sit points. This always makes an impression. As anticipated, she howls out in pain, and her thrashing picks up with a fervor.

  “Done yet?”

  “I’ll never be done. How dare you treat me as such?”

  I look over to her. Not even a hint of a tear. Wow, my little princess can sure take a beating. I smile and tip her back up. “You chose this. You chose to submit to me. With how you’re acting, you should be grateful I don’t consider it a breach of contract. Now. Keep talking, and I’ll just have to gag you.”

  “Fuck you, sir!”

  “Okay, that’s it.” I push her up and off of me and spin her around until her face is pressed against the door. I place my arm across the back of her neck to effectively pin her into place while I fish the rope back out of my pocket. “I am a reasonable man,” I continue calmly as I release her neck and pull both wrists behind her. I look down to see a silver, chained bracelet on her right wrist. The weaving looks sturdy, but what catches my eye is the ornate silver cross hanging from it. Chuckling, I unclasp the bracelet and slip it into my pocket. At that moment, her body explodes with movement.

  “You can’t take that! I need it!”

  “Need it? For what? As far as I can tell, it’s nowhere near time for mass. But as it is, I have no problem listening to your confessions and giving you absolution. Tell me my child, have you sinned?”

  “Please I-It’s. It’s very delicate.”

  Such a liar. But I won’t call her out on that one just yet. There are other sins she must atone for first. “I can assure you, it is safe within my pocket. No harm shall come to it.” She struggles against me even harder. I just laugh at her feeble attempts. With quick movements, I loop the rope around her delicate wrists, creating a double column tie, before cinching tight. I slide my index finger into the space between and wiggle it around. Good. She can struggle all she wants, and her wrists won’t lose circulation. With her partially immobilized, I yank her shorts back up and reach around to zip and rebutton them. The last thing I need is her gorgeous ass testing my resolve.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I see Tiberius standing there, a knowing smirk on his face. A growl climbs up my throat. But it’s not him I’m actually mad at. It’s this human that’s so willfully defying me. With a jerk of my head, I motion for him to leave the room. He simply shakes his head before chuckling and leaving the coat room.

  The sudden burst of noise as he opens the door startles Evangeline. Her whole body tenses up in my hands as she twists and turns, trying desperately to turn around.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to sit there and allow that jerk off to let the whole club watch what you’re doing to me. Have you not an ounce of shame?”

  Silence descends on the closet once more as the door shuts behind him. Frowning, I turn her back around and lean her against the door.

  “I will gag you. Just not yet. I have a special gag in mind, but that will have to wait until we actually get downstairs. Now then.”

  I pull her over to the chair and sit her down. Her eyes speak volumes. Hate, anger, arousal, want. All these flow through her gaze at varying intervals. Already her braid is loosening where I’ve been tugging at it. Small tendrils flutter about her face, softening it a bit. As I look at her, a small crack forms over a heart I once thought dead. Clearing my throat, I firm up my resolve.

  “I will not fight you on punishments. Anything else, yes. I find the cat and mouse chase to be fun and exhilarating. However, if you cannot take your punishments with grace and decorum, then we will need to part ways.”

  Not above slight manipulation, I slide my fingers across her cheek, down her neck, and across her collarbone.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m at least curious to see how this one night with you will turn out. Will you be my good girl and take your punishments with honor and dignity?”

  I stand there silent. There’s no way she’s going to say yes. My heart begins to sink. This is it. This is our turning point. I hate that I pushed her so fast. I should know better by now.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Blinking, I just look at her. I tilt my head, my heart soaring, but my mind refusing to believe my ears.

  “What was that?”

  She looks so crestfallen that I have the urge to hold her in my arms. Where the hell did that image come from?

  “I said, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I acted this way.”

  “Listen, pet. You know nothing about me. I get that. You have every right to be scared.” She juts out her jaw. Chuckling, I tug gently on her hair. “It's perfectly okay to be scared. There is nothing else I can do to assure you that no harm will come to you. I can show you great ecstasy if you’ll let me.” I rest my hand over her heart. It’s beating so fast that I’m afraid it’s going to fly out of her chest. “Fight me. That’s fine. But you must also learn to submit when told. That’s why you’re being punished. You’re being such a naughty little girl and using such awful language.”

  She tilts her head down, her cheeks turning crimson.

  “Look at me Evangeline.”

  Tears slide down her cheeks as she lifts her head. The moment I look into those watery eyes, I’m done for. It’s like a punch in the gut when I realize that it is not going to be a one-night stand.

  Leaning down, I let the tip of my tongue follow the path of her tears. The salty tang of her skin is divine. Mine, my brain growls as I tilt up her face to mine. My lips descend upon hers in a ferocious kiss. Electricity flows from her body to mine.

  Her tiny mewls of pleasure get swallowed up as my lips move over hers. She’s still resisting, still fighting. I lick the seam
of her lips, surprising a gasp from her. Not one to miss an opportunity, I slide my tongue into her mouth. Heaven.

  She’s arching up against me, her hips grinding against the stool. There’s absolutely no doubting her arousal now. I’m pretty sure vampires across state lines can smell it. Growling, I grab her hair and tilt her head back, exposing her neck to my gaze. Her pulse calls to me. The rhythmic movement of flesh has my balls tightening and teeth aching. Unable to resist, I slide my tongue over the area. Just a tease. One lick, and that’s all I’ll allow myself for now.

  Her breathing stops for a moment, and her whole body tenses. Looking up, I see fear back in her eyes.

  “Is it your neck? Do I need to leave that area alone?”

  She nods rapidly. Anger and fear churn in my stomach. Something or someone has made her afraid. If I find the bastard that’s harmed her, they will never see another sunrise. Evangeline’s quick intake of breath brings me back into the moment. Her small frame is crammed as far back into the chair as she can go. A faint acridity of fear taints the air, and I realize I must be looking every inch the monster.

  Forcing myself to release the tension in my face and hands, I plaster on an easy smile, hoping to lure her back into a state of ease with me. One moment passes then another. Finally, her own tension lets up just a touch. Releasing her hair, I smile and run my thumb along her bottom lip.

  “That’s fine, love. I will not touch your neck.”

  “Just your lips. You can touch it with your hands if you want, sir.”

  She looks down at her feet, the blush returning to her cheeks.

  “Oh, I’m allowed to touch with my hands, am I?”

  It’s so easy to slide back into a state of banter with her. She almost makes it too easy. I slide my palm up the front of her throat before slowly curling my fingers around her neck.

  “Like this?”

  She doesn’t answer. I look down to see her eyes close and a smile curling up her lips. She looks so beautiful and serene. However, she still has punishments in store, and who am I to deny her the right to repent? Pulling away, I ease her off of the stool.

  “Are you ready for the rest of your punishment?”

  Her large eyes blink up at me. “But didn’t I just get it?”

  “What, the spanking? No, no my dear. That was its own separate punishment for mouthing off. I’m referring to the one I promised you earlier. However, I’ll make another deal with you. Receive your punishment without a fuss, and I won’t call Tiberius back in here.”

  She ponders for a moment. My little brat is cooking something up in that brain of hers, I can tell.

  “Yes sir. I’ll submit to my punishment with honor and dignity.”

  My heart swells with pride. Maybe it isn’t a lost cause after all. I will not allow myself to think that I’ve won. That will make me lazy and complacent. Instead, I will view this as winning a skirmish and not the war. Turning her around, I quickly undo the rope and slide it back into my pocket before massaging her wrists and turning her back around.

  “In that case, strip.”

  Even as the words leave my mouth, I can feel my possessiveness rearing forward. It’s a dilemma of my own making. Before, I cared nothing about this morsel, but now, the thought of sharing her delights with the rest of the club has me edgy.

  I can’t give in though. From what little I’ve seen from her, she’s a proud woman. The only way to fully break her and bend her to my will is to have her stripped of all pride and dignity. I watch her closely. I see the war that’s raging inside her. This is the right move. I can feel it.

  Sliding my hands into my pockets, I feel the bracelet against my fingers. She’s obviously very religious. What better way to free her than to literally and figuratively strip her of her inhibitions. They do her no good and will only stand in her way. I want her free to explore herself. It would be selfish of me to do otherwise.

  “We can stop this right here, right now. I won’t even call Tiberius on you. Will you trust me though?” She looks behind her to the door. One more carrot to dangle in front of her. “The only way you’re seeing what’s down there is with me. And the only way I’m taking you down there is if you actually obey me without a fuss. I will not allow the naughty behavior you exhibited to go on down there. I will not hesitate to immediately correct you if you disobey.”

  “I have to strip, sir?”

  “Yes, my pet. The only way to heaven is through hell. Consider this part one of your penance. Down here, I am your god, and I fully intend to have you worshiping me before the night is through. Will you go through hell for me?” I see her looking back at the door. “Let me clarify. If you want through that door, you will beg me to take you there. Pray to your God and see if he will answer.”


  Sacrilege. Pure and simple. This is most certainly my test, and yet, I somehow already know I’m going to fail. Why has God forsaken me? Why am I made to carry such a hard burden alone? My pounding heart fills my ears with a steady, fast beat. I can feel the blood pulsing through my body.

  What do I do? The man before me is a vampire. A cold-blooded killer. I know this; yet, I can’t seem to control my body. Breathe. Just breathe. Goosebumps explode over my skin as his hands skim up my arms.

  I look up at him, his gaze fixated onto me. I know what he wants. I know what I want. How can I make both come true? I turn again to look at the door. This is the one obstacle that separates me from becoming part of The Family. Can I truly give myself to this thing? What would Father say? Would I ever find forgiveness from not only God but myself as well?

  This is truly the conundrum. In order for me to serve, I have to intermingle with his kind. But by doing so, I damn myself for all eternity. Does God actually forgive sins done in His name? Snorting in my mind, I know sleeping with him is certainly for me and no one else.

  Tiny flashes of pain break through my swirling thoughts. It’s then that I realize how hard I’m clenching my fists. I shake them loose as I contemplate my options. I can only do my job by seeing what Adrian is referring to downstairs. I can’t go down without Adrian. Maybe I can run for it? I’m closer to the door than he is. There’s a chance I could get a peak?

  “I can see the smoke pouring out your ears. What could you possibly be thinking about so hard? It’s very simple really. Give yourself to me. That’s all you have to do.”

  My heart picks up again. How does he have this power over me? I’m supposed to be above all of his carnal tricks. I pray and purify daily. What am I doing wrong? It’s mortifying. Even as I’m puzzling through my morality, I’m just getting even wetter. I close my eyes and press my thighs together. Anything to rid myself of these horrid, delicious sensations.

  If anything, that made it worse. It takes every ounce of training not to moan as the squeezing does the complete opposite of what it's supposed to do. The tight fabric stretches taut over my sensitive skin, rubbing all the right areas in all the wrong ways. Panicked, I look up to see if he even notices. Maybe, if I’m lucky, he won’t know the effect he has on me.

  One glance at his face tells me everything I need to know. Busted. His lips part as his nostrils flair. He knows the truth now. There’s no way I can hide from him. Shame floods my body as I watch his nose twitch like an addict. I’m supposed to be in control of myself at all times. What’s happening to me?

  “Last chance Rapunzle. Strip, or we’re done.”

  That low growl in his voice nearly undoes me. A moan slips past my lips as he steps towards me, his body dangerously close to mine. What if he kills me? Then at least he has done The Family a favor. I’m not worthy to be a part of them if I give myself to the first vampire I see.

  Firm fingers lift up my chin. I try so hard to keep the tears at bay; however, a few must be escaping. His fingertips brush along my face, leaving a wet trail in their wake.

  “I’ll take you back to the main club. I won’t torment you further.”

  “No! Wait!”

  I pull
myself out of his grasp. My thoughts race through my skull. What am I doing? You’re saving your legacy. There’s still time to turn this around. Sex is permittable if it helps the greater good. Father will understand. The Family will understand. They don’t actually have to know though. Do they?

  I look around the closet. It’s just Adrian and me. I don’t have to lie. I just won’t tell them how I gathered my intel. Besides. He said it himself. This is a one and done. He gets what he wants, and I get what I want. Win-win.

  “I. I think I can do this.”

  I detest how shaky my voice sounds. Get it together, Evangeline. What the hell have you been training for if not for this moment? I look down at my plain outfit, wishing I had something fancier. Something sexier. If I am giving myself to Satan, shouldn’t I be in a red teddy with a thong or something? My fingers pick at the buttons. I know I’m hesitating, but no one trained me on how to be sexy.

  “This won’t do.” His voice growls in my ear. “I don’t want you standing here, looking like you’re heading to your execution.”

  “Isn’t that it, though?” I snap back before I can contain myself. “I have no guarantees that you’re not luring me down there to my death.”

  His laugh takes me by surprise. I didn’t expect such warmth and mirth to come from such a monster.

  “Little one. Why ever would I want to kill you? Punish you? Yes. Bring you pain? Of course. Bring you the greatest pleasure you’ve ever known? More than anything. But I have no intention of killing you. Besides,” he pauses to stroke my cheek, “what if I want to sample your delights again? It wouldn’t be in my best interests to kill you.”

  He has a point. But I also know vampires lie. However, if he really wanted me dead, wouldn’t he have done it by now? Why this elaborate scheme?

  “What’s really down there?”

  He crosses his arms and scowls at me. “Why are you stalling? Besides,” pain lances through my scalp as he grips my hair and drags me towards the floor. You said you can do this. You’re choosing to submit to me. One does not worship standing upright.”


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