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The Vampire's Prey

Page 9

by Vivian Murdoch

  As suddenly as she grabbed me, she stops crying and pulls away. I feel the loss of her warmth keenly. However, I am puzzled by her reactions. She is acting as if nothing just happened. Frowning, I reach towards her, but she pulls further away.

  "I'm fine. Truly. I don't know what came over me. I just… I'm just being hormonal, sir "

  I scent the air. Nothing about her seems off. I am almost positive that she is lying again. When is my girl going to learn? My insides warm at the thought of making her mine. But first, I have to win her over. Letting her get away with lying is not going to help.

  "Really? Does that mean I can actually take a belt to you?" I reach over to pick up the belt from where it was thrown to the floor and bring it up in front of her face. She flinches, but her reactions are a lot more controlled than they were earlier. She has trained herself well. I will give her that. With a flick of my wrists, I bring the belt around the back of her neck and both ends to the front where she can see them. "Is this what you want? To be punished and atone for all your many sins?" I gaze intently into her eyes. Bingo. That is part of it. "Tell me little girl. Confess to me. What have you done that is so wrong?" I know it is not the best thing to do, but I put just a hint of compulsion behind the words. I need her to open up to me. This will never work if she does not.

  Her eyes narrow, then suddenly shift to an odd, vacant expression. This is not something I’ve seen from her yet. What the hell is happening in her brain?

  "I confess that I lied to you. I deserve to be punished, sir.” Her eyes clear after a moment and search my own.

  That is not what I want to hear; however, she did answer the question. But deep down in my gut, I can’t help feel she’s hiding something. Not a problem. I will find out soon enough. Sighing, I put the belt tail through the buckle and tighten until it closes around her neck.

  "Yes. You do need to be punished. Let’s not delay then.”

  Picking up my bag, the ginger, and knife, I stand and look down at her. How badly I wish to give in and just give her pleasure, so I can take my own. But that is not fair to her. Or to us. If we are to make this thing work, it has to be done right.

  "Come with me.” I tug on the belt and smirk as she stumbles to her feet. So, maybe I am a bit of a sadist. Leading her back towards the dais, I notice her looking at Lucius and Selene, and reaching up to cover herself. "No. You have not earned the right to cover yourself. Maybe next time you will keep your sass to a minimum, and we can avoid these embarrassments.” Leaning down, I growl into her ear. "Be grateful I do not make you go up to them and confess your crime. Imagine that, naked in front of your employer and being punished by both him and I.” I tisk softly. "What a naughty little girl you were. But do not fear. Tonight, I plan to keep you completely to myself."

  I look up to see both Selene and Lucius hiding their smiles. I am grateful that they are allowing me a small bit of gravitas where they are concerned. Making a sharp turn to the right, we both stop at a spanking bench. I wait a few moments to let her look it over.

  "I don't understand, sir"

  "This is called a spanking bench my dear. I will position you on it in a manner that is pleasing to me, and I will commence your punishment.” I bend over to set down my things but keep a tight grip on the belt. No need to chance an escape. Not that she can actually get that far in a room full of vampires.

  She eyes me warily. "I thought you said you weren't going to use the belt, sir"

  "Do you wish to negotiate that? Is the belt a trigger for you?"

  She shakes her head no, and my heart sinks. Again, she has to do things the hard way. I remove the belt from around her neck and palm it in my hand.

  "What would you say if I tell you that I am indeed going to use the belt?"

  Her eyes turn to the floor. "I would say I deserved it, sir."

  My heart breaks. There will be no belts used ever until I can get to the bottom of this. I tuck my finger under her chin and ease her face up to look at me.

  "You deserve what I decide you deserve. If I feel you deserve a belt, then we will discuss it. I think you have been extremely naughty and quarrelsome. However, I do not feel that you deserve a belt. I have so many other ways to punish you.” Her look of hope when talking about the belt was quickly squashed when I mentioned other punishments. "Now, I do need some information about you. Are you allergic to anything?"

  Her head jerks in surprise. Obviously not what she was expecting to hear from me.

  "I mean, not really? Wasps and bees aren't good for me, but" her face pales, "you're not going to use those on me, are you?"

  A startled laugh barks out. "Heavens, pet. What type of monster do you take me for? No. I do not have wasps at the ready for you. I am mostly concerned with food allergies."

  A mask of neutrality slides back into place. "Then no, sir. I am not allergic to anything."

  "Good. Tatehiza."

  She pauses for a moment, still trying to remember what my orders mean. In her defense, this is technically still day one of training. I give her all the time she needs. Once I can train with her daily, the movements will become as natural as breathing. After shuffling into position, she looks up at me, her expression a mix of dread and hope. I take a moment to look her up and down.

  "Perfect, pet.” She beams for a moment before shuttering her expression again. "Any circulatory issues that I need to be made aware of?"

  "I don't think so, sir?"

  I take her hands in mine and feel their temperature. Holding out two fingers, I place her fingers around it. "Squeeze.” To her credit, even though her expression is borderline disrespectful, she is smart enough to keep her mouth shut. Maybe her preservation instincts are finally starting to show up. "Good. Now, take your nail and dig it into the pad of your thumb. Can you feel that stinging sensation?"

  She looks at me like I have grown a second head. "Yes sir?"

  "Perfect. No matter what happens tonight, I want you to check in with yourself. If you find that you are losing sensation, you will alert me immediately. The consequences could be dire, and that does not even include what I will do to you.” A flair of panic, very unfamiliar to me rises up. Perhaps it is foolish to play with a human. So many things can go wrong. I shake my head. I played with ropes even before I was immortal. I know what to look out for. She will be fine. Truthfully, there were only a few other vampires I would trust with their ropes, but they were far from here.

  Kneeling in front of her, I unzip my bag and start rummaging through it. Her head and eyes move as she follows my movements, but to her credit, as curious as she is, she does not actually break position. There, my hands land on a hank of dark blue, bamboo rope. The soft, silky texture brings peace to my soul. Here is where I feel at home. Without giving her time to think, I slip one end around one wrist and tie it off before turning my attention to the other wrist. Seeing the rope hanging off of her causes my cock to swell even harder. I will have to satiate myself soon.

  "Up.” As she rises, the ropes dangle to her side. Dear gods but they look perfect on her. The blue is a slash of contrast against her milky, pale skin. They brush against her like a lover's caress, and for the first time, I am actually jealous of my equipment. Turning her around, I position her over the bench. She fits there perfectly. Her head is just at the right spot to suck me off, which I fully intend to have her do soon. Her legs, spread to either side of the bench, give me perfect access to both her pussy and asshole. Both of which will be horribly abused by time this night is over. She has denied me long enough with her antics, and she will pay with her body.

  Coming around, I bring the edges of the rope through the hoop and tie her down. She has a little bit of play in the wrist, but otherwise, she is tightly secured. I quickly make my way over to her other wrist and tie that one down in the same manner. Now, onto my favorite part. Her legs. They are splayed out before me, like an altar begging for me to worship. She squirms as I stare at her nether regions. Looking up, I see her blush as she sees me looking
at her so intently.

  I keep her gaze as I reach back into my bag for some more rope. Just one more tie on each leg, and I have her securely where I want her.

  "Keep your eyes on me. I do not want to see you look away until I give you permission. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, sir."


  Dear God. What have I gotten myself into? I test my bonds, but everything holds firm. I'm still watching Adrian like he commanded, but this is the hardest order I've ever had in my life. Doesn't he realize that this is mortifying? No one but my lady doctor has looked there so intently. What is he expecting to find? Mars? I try bringing my legs in together, but those are securely tied too. Damn it!

  How did I let myself get into this mess? Even though I'm watching him, I'm so deep into my thoughts that I don't even see his hand move before it smacks my bottom. Sharp pain explodes through me. "Ouch, you asshole, that hurt!"

  "Tsk tsk tsk. Foul language and forgetting to address me properly. Whatever shall I do with you. Hmm?" He rests his hand on my butt and stares me down.

  "Well, sir, you could forgive me since you startled me?"

  "Ahh.” His hand starts moving in slow circles, taking the worst of the sting away. "If you had been doing as I instructed, I do not believe I would have startled you so badly. I think I need to teach that mouth of yours a lesson. Too bad though. I was going to give you a nice treat before starting your punishment for lying to me."

  Heat drains away from my face. In all of this mess, I'd completely forgotten about the lying incident. Double damn it. Of course, he'd remember. He's just like Father, keeping a list of my infractions to use when he sees fit. Another smack, this time to the opposite cheek, interrupts my thoughts.

  "You know pet, I can do this all night. Or, you could tell me what is weighing so heavily on your mind."

  I can't. I absolutely cannot. But I don't know what to say to him to stop him from sniffing around. He already knows way too much. Any more, and it might blow the whole operation.

  "I'm sorry. I will try to be more present, sir."

  "Hmm.” His hand slides down my butt and onto the backs of my thighs. "Maybe it would help you if I gave you something to keep your attention focused?" Before I can respond, I feel the heat of his breath against my lower lips. Groaning, I try to pull away. None of my sexual experience included oral of any kind. I'm not sure I'm ready or willing to be this intimate with Adrian. Before I can protest, his tongue swipes up, sending sparks of pleasure flying through me. My stomach twists and flutters with the new sensation. Maybe he can do a little oral. I'm already going to hell, might as well experience everything he has to offer.

  His tongue probes along my folds, finding each and every part of me that is pleasurable. Hell, he's finding spots I didn't even know existed. He groans into me, vibrating me, sending pleasure shooting throughout my body. I try thrashing in my binds. Anything to get away from the onslaught of his tongue. He chuckles.

  "There is no escape for you princess. You are mine."

  Fingers curl around my thighs as his tongue continues to assault me. In and out, in and out. I feel myself edging closer and closer, needing so desperately to come. He pulls out and switches to my clit. Dear heavens. The moment his lips lock onto me, I feel that spiral start to build in my stomach and drop down lower. The most hedonistic sounds are pouring from my mouth, but for once, I don't care. I can only feel.

  As I get close, almost about to hurl over, he pulls away. I whine in protest and try to wiggle closer. My efforts are rewarded with another smack to my bottom. Not painful, but warm and tingly, mixing in with the sensations already going through me.

  "Please," I beg, desperation coloring my voice. He said I would, and God help me, I am.

  "Please what, pet?" He growls near my ear. I was so focused on my body that I didn't even see or hear him come up.

  Shivering with need, I look up at him, trying to beg him with my eyes. "Please, sir?"

  He smiles down at me, that wolfish, predatory smile of his. "Please, sir, what? I want to hear it. Beg for it pet."

  Mortification washes over me. But I'm too far gone. Too desperate. "Please sir, I really need to come.” Sharp teeth graze my ear, sending goosebumps down my body. "Oh God, please. Please."

  "Are you calling me god? Or are you referring to your own deity?"

  I actually stop for several seconds. What did I mean? It's not like God would actually hear this prayer. "Whichever one will get me off?"

  His loud laugh bounces around the dungeon surprising the few people I can see from my position.

  "Ahh. I admire your honesty. But no.” He returns back behind me. "I decide when I let you come, and I do not believe you have learned your lesson yet. You will come before tonight is over, but not until I allow it."

  I huff into the spanking bench. Of course, I can't come without permission. Shocker.

  Pleasure zips through me suddenly as he thrusts a finger deep inside. "Pouting and attitudes will not convince me to let you orgasm faster. Please keep that in mind."

  He continues thrusting for a few more moments before replacing his finger again with his tongue. A groan rips from my throat. My fingers dig into the padding of the spanking bench. I have never wanted to come so badly in my life. When he pulls back again, I sigh, waiting for whatever new onslaught he has planned for me. What I’m not expecting is for his tongue to go up a little higher. I shriek softly as his tongue licks somewhere it definitely doesn’t belong. I try desperately to squirm away; however, his hands grip my butt and holds on, pinning me between the bench and his tongue.

  This should not feel so good. And yet, I can feel my arousal stirring back up. His tongue, flicking back and forth over my bottom hole shouldn't feel like this. Shame fills me. What type of deviant am I?

  "I do not recall giving you permission to think again, did I?" He looms over me, a wolfish smile on his face. "Perhaps my tongue is not enough to distract you? Very well, onto your punishment then."

  I push up as best as I can while being tied down. "Wait! I thought not being allowed to come was my punishment, sir!"

  "Oh no darling. I forbid orgasms for fun. I love to see you squirm and beg. Your lying does not get so easy a punishment.”

  He strides back behind me and dips a finger back into my pussy. It's shamefully wet. Taking his fingers, he circles my asshole a few times before easing a finger in. Shocked, I clamp down on him.

  "You can't do that!"

  "Oh? Can’t I?" He slides it in a bit further. "Seems to me that I can. In fact, your body seems to be begging me for it.” He pumps his finger in and out a few times, the initial sting starting to die down into a delicious burn. "Hmmm. I say we try for two."

  "No. No way sir. There is no way you're getting two in there."

  He pulls out and circles back around to my face. Kneeling down, he locks me in his gaze. "Want to bet, princess? I can get a whole fist into you eventually if I so choose.” His eyes travel around my face. But I won’t tonight. You are not nearly prepared for something like that. I do, however, need to get you big enough for your punishment." He looks down at the floor then back up at me. "I think two, no more than three fingers should do it."

  I throw my head back to try and look at him as he walks back behind me. "Two or three?" I shriek, thrashing in my bonds. His frown is vicious and oh so sexy as he makes his way back towards me. Pain zips through my skull as his fingers intertwine in my hair. Groaning, I try turning away from him, but his fingers hold me fast.

  "Now you listen here. I am tired of playing nice with you. No more."

  Oh hell. What did that mean? His fingers loosened slightly, and he massages my scalp for a moment before bringing his strong grip to the back of my neck and pushing me down onto the bench.

  "I am going to do things to your body. Delicious things, painful things. You will take them with decorum. I will not tolerate you causing a scene and disrupting everyone else trying to enjoy their evening. Do we have an understanding?

  I try nodding under his steely grip; however, it tightens even more, restricting all movement.

  "Words pet."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Very good.”

  As he walks away, his fingers slide down my naked back, sending shivers racing through me. I shudder as his fingers rest lightly against my butt. I am freaking out. What exactly was he going to do to me? Closing my eyes, I pray that he doesn't plan to fuck me there. Two or three fingers. Has he seen himself? I haven't even seen it outside of his pants, and I know for damn sure it's more than two or three fingers.

  I feel him back there again, his fingertips skimming over me. I keep clenching in anticipation of pain, yet nothing but pure, decadent sensation keeps washing over me.

  "This isn’t so bad is it?"

  My teeth worry my bottom lip for a moment. I dare not answer him. It's way too embarrassing.

  "It is about to get a lot more interesting my dear."

  A groan stumbles past my lips. Anticipation has me on high alert. Every cell in me is standing at attention, just waiting to see what wicked thing he has planned next. As his fingers drift away from my skin, breath fills my lungs. Maybe he's actually done with that part and can get to where he can punish me.

  Cold drips onto my back entrance, startling me from my daydream. Nope. Not done at all. What the hell is he doing that's so cold? Before I can ask, his finger slips back in, much easier this time. Lube. Got it. Oh hell. Then he plans to actually get three fingers in me? That's the only reason he'd pull out lube, right?

  "Take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. I want you to relax everything and let me in."

  Fat chance. No matter how much I relax, the fact that he is at least knuckle deep inside me will keep me from actually letting go. Doesn't he understand that the body doesn't work like that?

  "Trish," he calls out.

  Fuck. Now he's bringing in reinforcements. I should have just stayed upstairs and told Father there was no new intel. Now, I have to be at the mercy of Satan and his minion.


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