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The Vampire's Prey

Page 14

by Vivian Murdoch

  As the bed creeps closer, nervousness rushes through my body. I'm feeling just as nervous as when he first took me downstairs. Is he going to sleep here with me? What do I even do with a sleeping vampire except kill them?

  "I think you need to rest tonight," he rumbles against me. "Don’t worry, you’ll be safe in here.” He shifts me down to where I'm standing against him. His arm stays firmly wrapped around me as the other hand pulls down the covers. The pillows look thick and sumptuous, just begging for me to flop down on them. Reaching out, I let my fingers wander over the smooth, luxurious sheets. Never in my life have I had a bed this fine. I'm so torn. On the one hand, I want to fall into this life, let him take care of me, pamper me even. On the other hand, I'm stuck figuring out what's real and what's not. The Family would be mortified with me sleeping in the same house as the enemy and not even attempting to kill him.

  But what if they're wrong. What if he's not the monster?

  With a soft kiss to my forehead, he pulls the sheets back up. "Rest now, princess. I will bring your stuff in to you"

  I'm still aching with need. How does he expect me to rest? Closing my eyes, I tune my thoughts out into the hallway, trying to listen for him. Maybe if I'm quick about it, I can get myself off before he gets back. Easing my hand down, I find that I am still so very wet. My fingers slip in and out of my folds with ease. I circle my clit, trying so hard to hold back my moans. This time, I do have to be quiet. I cannot alert my jailor to actions. Reaching up, I fondle my nipples. Wishing so badly that Adrian is the one touching me. My own touch feels so hollow in comparison.

  I insert two fingers into me, groaning at the stretch. My insides clench and coil as I pump in and out furiously. So very close. I might actually be able to do this. Besides, he said he wouldn't pleasure me. He said nothing about me getting myself off.

  My body arches up, and I ignore the pain in my back. In fact, that slight zip of pain brings me even closer to the edge. I am just about to come.

  "What is the meaning of this," he roars, running over to my side. "Hands where I can see them. Now!"

  I bring my hands up, ashamed at how they glisten in the lamplight. With a growl, he brings my fingers to his mouth and sucks on them like a man starving. His tongue winds around my fingers and flicks back and forth on the pads of my fingertips. Groaning, I try slipping my other hand under the covers, but he grabs it before I even have a chance.

  "Was I not clear in my intention that you were not to be pleasured tonight?"

  It may be childish, but I am so horny and amped up right now that I actually jut my chin up at him. I am so close to sticking my tongue out that I have to bite down on the offending member for a moment.

  "You never said I couldn't get myself off."

  "My apologies for that oversight.” He bows deeply at the waist. "I will be sure to rectify that. I will be much more clear in my intention from now on.” Reaching over to the nightstand next to the bed, he opens the drawer and pulls out what looks like rubber cuffs. "Since I will not stay here to babysit you, and I cannot trust you to leave yourself alone, I will have to take drastic measures."

  He slips one end of the rubber around the hand he's already holding. From there, he brings it up to one of the railings of the headboard and slips it through. Holding it firm, he grabs the other hand and slides it though the free hole. After checking both wrists, he goes to the middle and presses a button. Both rubber rings slowly cinch tighter about my wrists then stop.

  "I will be stepping out to get you some supplies. Your punishment for defying me will be no orgasms until I allow it."

  My jaw drops open in protest, but he lays his finger over my lips, silencing me.

  "Remember. I am in charge now. All I will hear from you are yes sir, master, or god. While you are with me, I own every orgasm that comes out of your body. I will either allow or deny based on my decisions. And my decisions are law. Do not ever let me catch you pleasuring yourself again without my permission. I do happen to have a chastity belt that I have been dying to try out."

  His lips are soft and warm against my forehead as he kisses me goodnight. It shouldn't turn me on, but dear God, it does. He walks out, leaving me a quivering mess on the bed. "Sleep well my princess," he calls out from the hallway.

  Sleep well. How the hell am I supposed to do that? Craning my neck, I watch for his shadow to fully disappear before I work at the restraints. The rubber is flexible, and I can turn my wrists about in it, but it doesn't give. With all my might, I pull against it, but to no avail. I am truly stuck. Pouting, I let my head fall back against the pillow. If I were actually thinking right, I would see that it isn't so bad. My wrists are lying flat against my pillow and not up higher. So, yeah, I'm restrained, but Adrian did it in such a way that there's no undo pressure.

  Curses. It doesn't matter. What gives him the right to tie me up? "I own every orgasm that comes out of your body.” As if he could be any hotter by saying that. The sheets that started off so soft rub at my skin. If I close my eyes, I can picture his fingers running up and down my thighs. Groaning, I rub my thighs together, so desperate to get off. All it does is ramps up my arousal. It doesn't actually get me anywhere. Frustrated, I scream out, just trying to do something to alleviate the tension in me.

  "Miss! Miss! Are you all right?"

  Startled, I look up to see a soft, round, older woman walking into the room.

  "Who are you?" I am vaguely aware that the sheet is halfway down my waist, exposing me to this stranger. Willing a bit, I try to burrow further under, but that doesn't seem to fix the problem.

  Tisking softly, she makes her way over to me and slides the sheet fully up my body. "Are you injured, miss?"

  I just stare at her for a second and move my wrists back and forth against the bed. "I'm tied up. Do I look okay to you?"

  She just stares at me for a second then laughs. "Are you under the impression that I'm here to rescue you? Master Adrian has instructed me to keep an eye on you to make sure you were not hurt by your punishment. Though, if you ask me, he's never usually this attentive with any ward he brings with him."

  "Wait, he's brought others here?"

  She crosses her arms, fluffing up her ample bosom. "You don't actually think you're the first woman he's had here do you? I thought you might be naive, but not like that."

  Scowling, I pin her with my darkest glare. "I'm not naive...I just thought…"

  "Now that you mention it though, you are the first woman he's ever allowed a bed for the night. No one spends the night with the master.” Her fingers brush against the apron about her waist. "Now, if you're quite well and through with these theatrics, I will be going back to the kitchen. He has me making you some special food for the next few days, and I want it done by time he gets back. Unlike you, I don't get a swat on the bum when I make a mistake. I'm actually reprimanded."

  I watch her flounce off and loneliness slips in mingled with guilt. So much is happening all at once that I don't think I'll ever catch my breath. Exhaustion overtakes me, and I can no longer keep my eyes open. Normally my sleep is void of any dreams, but tonight, I'm plagued by my demons.



  That little minx. I am going to have to watch her a lot more carefully from now on. She can loophole her way out of anything. As I head out to pick up a few things, I mull over some of what she’s revealed. It’s nowhere near all of it, but little by little, it will come out of her. I know it. I can see it in her eyes. She has that same torn look that I am haunted with every time I close my eyes. War is never pretty. And sometimes it reveals the most monstrous of people. I know she’s been hurt, but I cannot tell by whom yet. My gut tells me her adoptive family has something to do with it, but that’s not something you can just confront someone with. I need to draw her closer to me not push her away.

  The air is still and quiet, a balm to my busy mind. Her taste still lingers on my tongue, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to turn around and have her again.
If I am not going to allow her to pleasure herself, so she can heal, I sure as hell am not going to push her either. Before I know it, I am back in front of Evangeline's apartment. What is it I expect to find? I slip her keys from out of my pocket and open the door. I grimace as the smells hit me again. Now that she is not here, I can take my time and really get a feel for what is going on.

  Looking over at the bed, I see the flogger. Dried blood coats its edges. Shuddering, I pick it up and examine it. The design is simple but effective. I have seen similar models at convents and monasteries, but not usually for personal use. A cross adorns the front and looks to be well worn. How often did she do this to herself? What could she have done that was so bad? If it truly is our night together that has her in knots, I must find some way to rectify this in her mind. Principles are one thing, but suffering needlessly is not about to happen on my watch.

  Sighing, I sit down on the bed and absently run my fingers over the cross handle. Memories of my own training bombard my senses. My creator is a good man. He is fair and just; however, he is just as obsessed with honor as my little one is with penance. This will never do. I know firsthand the mental harm and anguish it can cause.

  Looking around the room, I eye the cloves of garlic again. It is so specific. Why have them at all? Every time she is around me, she treats me like I am a human, and yet, she has all the accoutrements of someone afraid of vampires. Luckily for both of us, none of this kitschy stuff actually works. I make my way over to the garlic and crosses and run my fingers over them. What is going through that brain of hers?

  I make one more sweep through, just to double check that she didn’t actually leave anything valuable behind before stepping out into the night and locking up. My heart is conflicted. There is a part of me that wants to shake her and demand she tell me what is going on. However, I also know that she is immune. She has likely been programmed. By what, I don’t know. All I will do by demanding is frighten her into silence.

  I need to talk to Lucius. Something isn’t right, and I can feel it in my core. The small drive back to the club zips by in a blur. By the time I am back inside, it is about an hour until last call. Scanning the middle level of the club, I don’t see Lucius. The next best bet would be downstairs.

  Nodding to Augustus, I slip past him and head to the underground club. Walking over to the bar, I ask for a shot of what is on tap before making my way to Lucius' throne.

  "Fancy seeing you here. I guess you've decided to give up on your girl?"

  Grimacing, I down the shot and shake my head. "That’s why I am here. We need to talk."

  His face falls into a frown. Leaning over, he kisses Selene before motioning me towards the entrance back to the club. "Let's talk in my office."

  It takes us very little time to maneuver around the humans and head to the top floor. Down another long hallway, we step into an office. I whistle softly as I take in my surroundings. The huge desk, of course, is what catches my eyes first.

  Lucius chuckles and pulls out two glasses and a bottle of wine. He gives me my glass before going around to sit down at his desk.

  "Everyone seems to be impressed by the desk. I dare say, it's one of my better purchases.” He slides his hands across the gleaming wood lovingly. "Now then," his expression turns serious. "You are not normally one for dramatics. Something must really be troubling you if you want to speak to me. Is it your human? Do you need me to help you turn her?"

  "What? No!" I sigh. That came out way too harsh. "Forgive me. I’m not even anywhere close to making a decision like that."

  Lucius nods at me. "Good. I was hoping that was the case. Now then. What is it you need to discuss?"

  I stare down at my glass for a few moments, trying to collect my thoughts.

  "I really want this place on high alert."

  He straightens up in his chair and pins me with a serious stare. "What makes you think this is necessary?"

  Over the next several minutes, I relay everything that has passed between Evangeline and me, especially what I found at her apartment.

  "She has not confided anything to me yet. But I have a feeling that something is not what it seems. I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to something like this. I have lived through my fair share of vampire hunts, as I am sure you have too."

  Lucius nods thoughtfully, staring past me and to the wall. "And you are sure she's safe and secure at your place?"

  "There's no way she can leave the property without me. I will keep trying to earn her trust and update you as soon as I know something. Either way, she and I will have to have a long talk. If she already knows that I’m a vampire, then that concerns me a little. It would explain some of her odd behaviors though. Damn it. I just wish I could compel her. This would make everything so much simpler."

  "Yes it would.” He stands and extends his hand out to me. "Please keep me updated."

  "Will do.” I shake his hand then turn to leave the club. It’s high time I return to my ward.

  The whole drive back, I stared out at the road in front of me. I really need to sort out my feelings soon. If I do in fact care about her, that’s one thing. But if I don’t, then I really need to cut ties and urge her to never come back to Arizona. However, the mere thought of her leaving brings my feelings of rage and anger to the forefront. It’s time to face the facts. I am never going to let her leave. But how to convince her to stay? It is not like I can just turn her without her knowing it. Even if I was powerful enough, there is no guarantee it would even work.

  I finally arrive at my driveway, no clearer on what to do. Sighing, I wipe my face with my hand and make my way inside. The smell of chicken broth hits my nose as soon as I open the door. Perfect. Maria should be almost done. I slip off my shoes and put them on their stand before making my way into the kitchen. Standing back, I watch Maria dance around the stove, singing softly under her breath. She has been the best companion I have had, and she will be missed when she finally does pass on.

  She’s definitely gotten softer with age. Her chestnut hair is finally becoming more silver than brown; however, she still keeps it up in the pert bun on top of her head. Smiling, I let my gaze wander to her face. The lines are deeper, but all it does is accentuate her smile. She is still as lovely and kind as ever. This is the true vampire’s curse. Eventually, everyone you love is taken from you.

  Steering my thoughts away from that darker tone, I sneak up behind her. Without warning, I reach out and twirl her into me, so we can both continue the dance. She shrieks and slaps my arm but laughs as she moves around the kitchen with me.

  "Master Adrian, I am no spring chicken. You can't just scare me like that."

  Grinning, I dip her slightly. "I say you are as young as the day you first started working for me."

  Maria blushes and pushes away, so she can stir the soup. "Now master Adrian, you know you shouldn't be flirting with me while you have a young miss tied up in the guest bedroom.” Smiling, she tucks an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

  I frown and cross my arms. "Did she cause you trouble then?"

  "Oh no, no!" She is quick to assure me. "She did let out some frustration. Oh, not at me."

  My shoulders relax back down. "But she is okay?"

  "Last time I checked, master Adrian. Asleep like a baby. She's a pretty one, you know. Much nicer than those other biddies you've brought home."

  I raise my eyebrow and pin her with a stare. "Oh? You have something to say about my taste in women?"

  Maria chuckles and goes back to stirring her soup. "Of course not, master. That would not be my place."

  "Humph. Indeed, it’s not. But I am glad you like her. That’s actually really important to me."

  Sighing, she turns around and wipes her hands on her apron. "She needs loving, that one. I'm just worried you don't know how to give it."

  I stagger back, hand to my heart. "Maria, you wound me. Have I not been nothing but generous and loving towards you?"

  She reaches up and p
ats me on the cheek as if I were the child and she the parent. It warms my heart.

  "Yes master. You have been a joy to work with. But I wasn't broken when you hired me. Something's hurt her bad."

  Frowning, I gently grab both of her shoulders. "Is this a vision? Have you seen anything?"

  Her eyes go milky for a moment. Not much frightens me, but seeing her in a trance always makes my stomach flip.

  "Nothing that I can really see master. Just pain. Lots of pain. That and a crossroads. You need to help her make the right choices, or she will easily fall astray.”

  Her eyes slip closed, and she sways for just a moment. I tighten my grip and hold her steady.

  "There now. Enough of that. You go lie down, and I'll take care of the soup."

  "Posh. As if I can let you," she mumbles, her eyes fluttering. "Just give me a moment, and I'll be right as rain."

  "Maria. It doesn’t matter to me that you’re much older. I can still find a punishment if I must."

  Her weathered cheeks take on a blush. "Very well, master Adrian. I will retire for the night."

  Smiling, I steer her towards the door. "I know you may not believe this, but I do know my way around a kitchen. You haven’t been cooking for me my whole life."

  Maria chuckles as she heads to her bedroom.

  I set the soup on a simmer and scent the air. This definitely needs some ginger and garlic. Adding just a touch of both, I smell it again. Perfect. I top it off with a lid and head over to check on my ward.

  Evangeline laying on my guest bed is perfection. Her golden hair shimmers in the lamplight. Crossing my arms, I lean against the doorframe and simply watch her sleep. She snores very softly, something I will never say aloud, even if I am tortured. With all her shields down, she looks even more small and innocent in the huge bed. I make my way over in just a few strides, start to get hard as I see her hands still in my cuffs. Chuckling softly, I lean over and push the button in the middle to undo them. I can tell she spent a least a few minutes trying to free herself, but then, I expected nothing less.


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