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The Vampire's Prey

Page 16

by Vivian Murdoch

  I nod rapidly. "Did you know this was my first time ever playing video games?"

  He slides in next to me on the couch and gathers me into his arms. "I so do want to hear all about that; however, we are not done discussing your eating habits today."

  I slump down in his arms. Great, I am going to get into trouble today. I was trying so hard not to.

  Chuckling, he straightens me back out. "None of this. You cannot hide from me. Besides, I’m not actually upset. I just need some information, so I can recalculate my ground rules. Now, be honest. Who ate most of the cake."

  Looking down at the platter, my stomach flops a bit. I didn't eat a huge amount, but the thought of putting anything else sweet into my stomach turned me a little. "I had three slices, I think. Marion had the rest. I mostly ate the chips and tacos."

  Adrian leans back and stares down in surprise. "Are you telling me that she ate most of that cake? Honestly?"

  "Please don't be mad at her. I didn't even realize it was gone until I went to get another small sliver. Please, please don't tell her...daddy? I guess? I'll take the punishment. Please."

  His gaze becomes stern again. "Listen here. Do you not recall a conversation where I stated that I will be the one determining when you are to be punished and for what cause? I will never allow you to atone for someone else. If you must atone, it will be for your own naughtiness. Not that of another. And yes. I will tell Maxwell. Not to get her into trouble, you understand, but he needs to know that she might get a tummy ache later tonight. Now, if you will excuse me."

  I watch Adrian's retreating back and guilt gnaws at my stomach. She is my only other friend here, besides Barbara. But then, she was only a means to getting into the club. I've been such a horrible friend to both of them. Deep in my thoughts, I begin to clean up the mess in front of me.

  "Let me help you.” His deep timbre startles me out of my thoughts.

  "No. Please. Let me do it."

  Frowning, he crosses his arms and pins me with a glare. I squirm under his scrutiny but continue to clean up. "Very well. Throw all of this away and meet me back at this couch."

  Ugh. Should I take my time? Will that draw things out? I can tell he's not pleased with me, but I don't exactly know why. I guess it’s better to actually hurry up and get this over with. Punishments with Father were always worse if he had to wait, to make you. Better to atone quickly than to wait and pile it on. Oh, wait! I completely forgot my contacts in all of the excitement. Oh God. I need those in ASAP!

  "I do also need to use the restroom. If I may."

  He laughs and shakes his head. "You do not need to ask me for permission to do that. Just hurry up and get back here."

  After a few minutes, the living room is back to where it was before the impromptu snack fest, and my contacts are in. I am safe for now. Glancing over, I see Adrian standing there shirtless, wearing only a pair of flowing pants and a sword strapped at his side. My mouth waters as I take him in. His abs ripple with every breath he takes. He points to the floor in a spot right in front of him.


  Good. Maybe he doesn't notice the contacts. I'll have to be much better about putting them in before sunset next time.

  It takes me a moment to walk over to him and sink down in position. I can't believe I almost forgot how to do it. Was it really that long ago that he taught me? Adrian circles me, and I can feel his inspecting eyes roaming my body. It fills me with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. Standing back in front of me, he nudges my knees further apart with his foot.

  "I can see and feel you judge yourself. I am the only one allowed to do that. You are going to sit here and repeat this until I tell you to stop."

  "But I— "

  He stoops down until his face is a breath away from mine. "Is that the correct response?"

  "No, sir." I whisper. "Yes, sir.” Softly, I begin chanting the words he's given me. Maybe, somehow, they'll actually sink in. I'm trying to actually concentrate on the words, really take them to heart, but Adrian is all around me, moving furniture, shifting things around, and making a racket. I am so curious to see what he's planning that I falter in my words.

  He simply turns to me and raises an eyebrow. Chastised, I continue. My throat is starting to feel dry and parched, but I still continue on.

  Adrian turns and walks out of the living room. "Do not stop. Be assured that I have excellent hearing, and the acoustics of this place are better than you think."

  Even after he disappears, I keep chanting. With each repetition, I find myself becoming even lighter and more free. Perhaps this is actually working? Within minutes, he returns with a glass of water.

  "Enough. Drink this, and we will continue our conversation."

  I grab the glass out of his hand and begin to gulp it down.

  "Slowly," he admonishes softly while stroking my hair.

  I take a deep breath and slow down, sipping the water until it is finished. Adrian takes the glass away from me and sets it on a far table then returns back to me. He reaches out his hands and helps me stand before brushing a light kiss across my lips. Groaning, I try to lean into him, to deepen the kiss, but he holds me at bay.


  I stare at him for a second, then look behind him in the direction of the main door. "But what about Maria?"

  "What about her?"

  "Won't she see me naked?"

  He chuckles. "And if she does? Trust me, she is not a stranger to the naked form."

  My face falls for a second. "That's right. I forgot. You've had lots of other women here."

  Frowning, Adrian steps in and looms over me. "Now you listen to me. What is in the past, is past. Right now, and for my foreseeable future, you are my only. I won’t lie to you and say there are no others.” He tilts my chin up. "as I have said before, I will never lie to you. So hear me when I say that no one I have ever been with comes close to comparing to you. I will not repeat myself again. If it helps you to know though, I have dismissed her for tonight. It will only be you and I here."

  Can I actually believe him? He looks to be in earnest. A flutter of excitement flows through me. He must actually like me. He's been interacting with me all this time and still has yet to feed on me. So, obviously he wants more than just my blood. Stepping back to give myself some space, I try my hardest to pull my shirt off in a slow and sexy manner. Smirking at him, I toss it to the floor and begin to shimmy out of my pants.

  Adrian clears his throat and points to the clothes on the floor. "You will be respectful of this home and not toss your clothes about."

  "I'm trying to be sexy here.” I stick my tongue out at him and playfully stomp over to gather my shirt. The moment I bend over, he catches me at the waist and delivers a smack to each ass cheek. Squealing, I try to pull away, but he holds me strong and fast in his arms.

  "Sassing gets this lovely bottom of yours smacked. So, by all means, please stick your tongue out at me again."

  "If you insist sir, then I must obey.” I grin up at him before sticking out my tongue again.

  Adrian swoops down and lightly holds my tongue in place with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. I shiver against him as he slides his own tongue up against mine.

  "Delicious," he whispers against my mouth. "Now, finish removing your clothes."

  I make quick work of my pants and lay all articles of clothing neatly on a nearby chair.

  "Good girl," he whispers, his voice deep and husky with need. "Wariza."

  This time, I don't hesitate, I slide down at his feet and look up at him expectantly. The loose pants do nothing to conceal his jutting erection. I want so desperately to free him and pleasure him. Anything to have him inside of me in some fashion. Sitting here, exposed to his gaze, I'm already getting so wet. He has definitely turned me into a little hussy. Before, when it was just me, I would only need to satisfy my urges every several months or so. With him, I cannot go even a minute without aching.

  "Now will be a good time to g
o over the rest of the house rules. You will remember to obey them, or I will help remind you. Believe me, after enough time, you will not want my help. As discussed, you will always remove your shoes before stepping past the foyer. When entering into any space of this house, you will give a brief nod or bow, signifying respect. If I am in any room you enter, you will first bow when you come in then rest at my feet in wariza and await instructions. You are only allowed to use your phone during the daytime. The nighttime belongs to me only. I will not budge on this. During the daytime, you may either sleep, hang out with Marion, or find something industrious to do. We will discuss your skills and hobbies at a later time. I am delighted that you had a fun-filled day, but most days will not be like this. Marion does actually have work that she needs to accomplish for me," he chuckles. "But I am pretty sure she was grateful for the day off."

  I raise my hand, confusion swirling through my mind. "How long am I staying here? I thought this was like a one or two-night sleepover? I have work to get back to. I can't just stay here. You can't just hold me prisoner."

  Adrian smiles down at me. "No, my pet. You are not a prisoner here. I am keeping you with me until we get you past some of these hang-ups you have.” His eyes darkened. "I never want to find you in that state again. I was terrified for you. But yes, you will be going back to work in a few days. I want to make sure you're strong enough."

  Sighing, I let my heart slow down. I am allowed to message out in the mornings. If I were actually kidnapped, he wouldn't let me even do that. If I had to choose though, it would be nice to actually stay here and be pampered and fucked. Who wouldn't want that?

  "Enough talking," he growls, kneeling down in front of me. I reach out to touch him, and his hands fly towards me and returns them to my sides. "Tonight, you will not move without my permission. You will be completely at my mercy."

  Shivers run through me. His voice is like magic. Even with my contacts in, I can't resist him. Nibbling on my lower lip, I look down at the floor, thoughts whirling through my head. Would it really be so bad to have him order me around for the rest of my life? It's not any different than being ordered about by Father and The Family. But it is. It is a night and day difference.

  My heart races as my mind whirls. Never once did any of The Family show any care or tenderness. Yes, Adrian is gruff and commanding, but he also makes sure that I'm well and taken care of. In all ways. Wetness trickles down my inner thigh at the thought of everything he's done to my body thus far. And from the feeling of it, we're just getting started.


  Adrian's deep voice penetrates the haze in my mind. Damn. I was wandering again. Looking up, I cringe internally, waiting for that look of disapproval or disappointment. I am startled to find nothing but humor dancing in his eyes.

  "What has you tied up in such knots? I can feel your distress, my pet. You are basically radiating it.” His fingers brush across my cheek and down my neck, to settle across my throat. "Am I really such an ogre? I have promised you before that I will not harm you. Have I broken my promise yet?"

  "No, sir.” I swallow the lump forming in my throat. "You've been nothing but kind to me. Well, maybe kind isn't the word. The ginger was a bit uncomfortable."

  He rewards me with his bellowing laugh. What I would give to hear it more often.

  "The point of the ginger was to make a point.” Adrian chuckles as he taps my nose with his fingertip. "And I do believe the point was well made. Unless you need another treatment?" Adrian laughs again as I shake my head rapidly back and forth. "Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  His smirk spears me with another shaft of heat. Dear gods, but at least I picked a hot vampire. Again, he pulls me out of my thoughts with his skillful fingers skimming over my thighs and drifting higher.

  "You got even wetter with me just mentioning teaching you that lesson again.”

  I suck in a breath as he skims my lips, dancing along my skin, but not nearly deep enough or hard enough for my liking. A whine keens from the back of my throat, but I'm beyond caring at this point. All I can think about is how his touch inflames me.

  "Are you sure you do not need another lesson?" He whispers as his fingers slide across me and back even further.

  Adrian's touch against my back entrance causes me to spring up and away from him, only to have him hold me back down into tatehiza.

  "Tisk, tisk. I do believe I told you not to move. I guess a correction is in order."

  His words sound harsh in my ears, but his smile puts me at ease. All I have to do is breathe and trust him. Interestingly enough, it's becoming easier to do with every passing hour I'm in his presence.

  "Stay right there. I have sonic hearing, so I will know if you move."

  "Ahhh. Got it. Hearing aids. I knew there had to be something wrong with you, old man."

  His eyebrow raise is the only response I get as I watch him stand up in one fluid motion. Say what you will about vampires, their movement is just pure poetry.

  "Oh, I think you are going to regret that one little girl," he smirks darkly.

  Goosebumps race along my skin. I certainly hope I will.

  As he leaves the living room, I take a deep breath and settle deeper into the position I'm placed. Peace drifts in and out, at war with my training. Every ounce of me wants to confess and have him take me as his own. But I don't think I can. There's no guarantee that he'll even have me once he knows the truth.

  Until I met him, I never knew I could be happy. Sure, there were moments back home, but nothing like this. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. If I believed the propaganda, it's like dreams actually can come true. But where there is a silver lining, there is also the storm cloud it's hidden in.

  I can't tell him. All of this will come crashing down if I do. But there's also no way I can kill him or anyone else. Not now. Not after everything he's shown me. But then what do I do about The Family? I don't think I can go home now. I have nowhere to go, nowhere to run. They will find me and force me back into the fold. Shivering, I try not to think about the last child that wandered. The rehabilitation was agonizing to watch. There's no way I can survive something like that.

  "Okay. Out with it!"

  Startled, I look up to see Adrian looming over me. When did he get back here?

  "What are you talking about?"

  Frowning, he kneels back down in front of me. Adrian reaches forward and cups my cheek. Without even thinking, I nuzzle into him, clinging to his strength. God knows I have none of my own right now.

  "Every time I turn around, you are deep in thought. And from what I am feeling off of you, they are not good thoughts. Please," His voice gentles as he sweeps his thumb across my lips. "Let me help with this burden. It pains me to see you carry it alone."

  Closing my eyes, I search myself. Can I trust him? Can I truly believe in the fairy tale he's weaving around me? Monsters will lie and deceive to get what they want. Do not trust them, or your soul will pay the price. I stiffen against him, and I know he feels the shift.

  "Why am I here?" I can hear the ache and pain in my voice, but I can't help that now. I am too confused, too torn to fight that as well.

  "Where else would you be?" He frowns and pushes away from me. I miss his touch the moment it's gone.

  "In my apartment? At my job?"

  Growling, Adrian stands and paces in front of me. "Dead?"

  "What are you talking about? I know my body and my limits. Stop being so dramatic."

  He whirls around and stares me down, his body eerily still. "Dramatic? All right missy. Let’s talk dramatic. I know you and your desires. I can feel you become pliable in my hands at the very thought of me committing any act of depravity upon your person, and yet you fight me at every turn. Like a spoiled child.” He raises his hand to cut off my defense. "No, you will not interrupt me.” His fingers pinch the bridge of his nose as he stops and takes in several deep breaths. "When you agreed to be my submissive that night, you brought such joy and wonder into my
life. You awaken things inside of me that I thought no longer existed. And when I showed up at your apartment and saw you, by the gods, I felt a terror I have never before felt in my life. I can have anything my heart desires. Nothing is denied to me. But none of that matters. You are what I want most of all. Your body, your soul, your submission. I want you."

  My heart thunders in my ears. What does all this mean? I try to slow down my breathing, but tinges of panic creep over me, cutting off my valuable air supply. He couldn't possibly want me. I'm food to him. Nothing more. Right?

  Before I can open my mouth, his lips descend upon mine. There is no gentle coaxing, only brutal demanding. I moan as his lips dance across mine. If only it were so easy. If only our lives weren't so different. If we met in another lifetime, we would be the stuff of legends. As it stands, he's a monster, and I'm his executioner.

  "Stop thinking and just give yourself to me." He growls, grabbing my wrists and pinning them behind my back.

  His hands are a flurry of movement behind me. I try to break from his grasp but already know it's a losing battle. I cannot best him in strength alone. Adrian keeps his grip on my wrists but leans back far enough to look at me.

  "Do not move, or you will regret it."

  Fear starts to climb back up into my throat. Is this it? Is he going to kill me now? He lets me go, but I don't dare move. I watch him back away and grab for a bag that's sitting behind him. The zipper is loud in the silent room. Every inch of me is coiled and prepared to spring if he decides to attack. Several bundles emerge from the bag, and Adrian settles them around him between us. After staring at them for a moment, I can tell they're rope but not much else.

  "Do you know why I have you here with me? In this house?" He murmurs, taking one bundle and easing a loop through a bit of coiled rope. With a flick of his wrist, the bundle goes flying from his hand and straightens out into two straight lines of rope.


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