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The Vampire's Prey

Page 20

by Vivian Murdoch

  Unbidden, her image pops into my head, her breast heavy and large with milk, her hips full, her stomach round and distended. I twitch and grow hard just thinking about her full of my seed and answering my every need and want. Oh god, yes. She will be a beautiful wife and mother. I have no problem keeping her pregnant and safe while I hunt all the evil in the world. And when my children are old enough, they too will learn to hunt as we do.

  Finishing up the prayer, I climb into bed. My cock aches and throbs as I continued to think about her bucking wildly underneath me. Will she fight and struggle? God, I hope so. I tuck my hands under my head and look up at the ceiling. My needs are going to have to wait. I want my next ejaculation to be inside of my bride. The longer I wait, the more potent I will become, ensuring her pregnancy at our first breeding.

  Groaning, I lift the sheets off of me and slide down my pants. My balls are drawn up tightly and aching. Ever since I decided to propose to Evangeline after this mission, I’d been forgoing pleasuring myself, trying to save everything up for her. Even Janice, that poor whore, has been neglected. I've tainted my body enough with her sinful flesh. It’s time to purify, so our children will come out pure and blameless. I grab my balls and massage them gently. Groaning, I try ignoring the precum beading up on my head and sliding down my shaft. This was what sacrifice is: putting my needs and wants aside for the better good.

  Father always taught that sperm spilled in vain was an abomination to God. That’s why I never wear a condom with Janice, even though I told her I had. Of course, I make a big production of sliding it on and fucking her a few times with it, but every time we would inevitably change position, I'd slide it right off. That dumb cunt didn't even feel the difference. No doubt she'd had so many cocks in her, she was numb from the clit down.

  This is not helping me sleep. My anger begins creeping back up. If only Evangeline was here right now, I wouldn't have to deal with this. Even if she is a prisoner, she'll still pay for making me suffer like this. A few smacks and a hard fuck should set her straight as to who the master and commander of her body is.

  Every step to the bathroom makes me ache even more. Grumbling, I turn on the shower. How long has it been since I’ve taken a cold shower? My teenage years? I shouldn't have to put up with this right now. The ice water pelts my skin, sending shivers up and down my spine.

  If this bitch manages to make me sick, she’s going to get more than a few smacks. My muscles twitch and bunch under the cold assault, demanding blood be diverted elsewhere. It takes forever, but my cock finally starts wilting. The pressure in my balls eased up to where I can finally contemplate sleeping. Gently, I massage them, coaxing them to drop back down. It’s agony not to stroke myself and just be done with. Evangeline had better be grateful for all of these sacrifices I’m making for her.

  My sleep is fitful, full of horrible and lustful dreams. It feels like I barely closed my eyes before sunlight is already streaming through my windows. Leaping out of bed, I throw on my clothes for the day and make my way downstairs for complimentary breakfast. The coffee is passable, but not like Mother's. In fact, one of the main driving factors of finishing up this job for Evangeline, besides marrying her, of course, is getting back to that good cooking of Mother's. I never did understand why they made Evangeline a hunter when she should have left that to the men and concentrated on learning to keep house.

  I shake my head as I choke down a dry biscuit. It isn’t my place to question Father, but I sure won’t follow in his footsteps. Any female children we have will be at home learning to be a good, Christian wife. No question about it.

  I zip over to the mansion, prepared to spend the rest of the afternoon in surveillance. Every now and then, Maria leaves, but there isn’t any sign of Evangeline. This further confirms that she’s being held prisoner. No way she would stay cooped up in a house while the monster slept. My heart calms down just a touch. Until this moment, I convinced myself that she was off fucking this thing instead of staying pure for me. If he forced himself onto her, I could convince myself that she wasn't at fault. It would be hard but doable.

  After Maria leaves again, I make my way over to the panel. It’s like a nerd’s wet dream. Rubbing my hands together, I hunch down and really inspect it. Every so often, I let my gaze wander to the windows, trying to discern if there’s any movement from inside. Nothing. Bringing my attention back to the box, I peer at it, trying to figure out how to hack into it.

  Not only is there a keycode, there’s fingerprint identification and some sort of key swiping method. I tamp down the niggle of envy that creeps into me. Of course, something this evil would want to keep everything out. Sneering at the security system, I kick at the post, groaning at the impact jarring my leg. I’ll have to think of another way to get in. As good as I am, this is a little beyond me.

  Tapping my fingers to my mouth, I think about possibly killing Maria. That would solve a lot of my problems. However, I haven’t had time to experiment with using a severed finger to open a security system. As nice as that thought is, I don’t want to go into this thing half cocked. I need a plan. Shaking my head, I go back to the hotel room to rest and get some lunch.

  Lunch is just as much a disappointment; however, I’m not here for the food. At this point, I’m basically buying time until it’s nightfall. I head back to my room and pace a bit before going through my gear. I take time to dismantle, clean, and put together all my guns before moving onto the stakes. Each piece of wood is smooth and gleaming. I press my finger against the tip of each one, making sure they are sharp. Holy water is accounted for, and cloves of garlic are safe in their sealed backs.

  Before heading back to the mansion, I do one last check. If she is holed up with a vampire, I have to be prepared. Looking through my makeshift kit, I count the stakes, the cloves of garlic, and make sure I still have my crucifixes in place. Everything is in order. Now, I can hunt! I slip my bag over my shoulder and head out to the car. The drive goes by like it’s nothing. The mansion comes into view, and I pull my car over to the side to park.

  My cock starts twitching again, but this time, it’s the thrill of hunting down this murderous bastard that does it. A throbbing ache builds at the base as I close my eyes and envision driving my stake through his heart.

  Looking back down at my watch, it’s at least a good hour and a half after sunset. If anyone’s going to be stirring, now is the perfect time. I’m just about to get out of my car when the gates began to whir open. Finally! From my observations, Maria already left for the day. The only ones in there are Evangeline and her captor. As the car eases out, I lift up my night goggles to see who was inside. It’s definitely Evangeline. I let them lead for a bit before following after, keeping my lights off, so they don’t notice me. They take me on a winding path out of the city. Nervousness creeps in a bit the further away we go. Is he planning on killing her?

  They stop up ahead, and I pull into a small alcove a bit back. Keeping my binoculars trained on them, I watch them make their way into an outcropping of rocks. I give it about three minutes or so before following them. It’s agonizing to move so silently, but I don’t want to alert the fanger to my presence. The moon is full, and it bathes the entire area in a pure, white light. I’m able to observe them with my regular binoculars, and finally, I’m able to see the beautiful, creamy color of her skin, even paler in the moonlight. I ease my way even closer, making sure I stay downwind. The closer I get, the more confused I become. What’s he going to do to her?

  He speaks in low, murmured tones, so I can’t actually hear what he’s saying, but Evangeline moves the instant he speaks. Less than a month, and he already has her trained. Looking back through my binoculars, I peer at her eyes, relieved for a moment to see that her contacts are in. On the heels of that, I’m disheartened because she’s choosing to obey him. There’s no question that he’s a vampire. He moves with a grace that his frame can’t naturally carry off. Every now and then, he smiles, showing off a hint of fang. So she knows
for a fact that he’s a fanger. There’s no mistaking it. Why is she listening to him then? What’s her motivation?

  The vampire, Adrian I assume, leaves her kneeling on the rocks to grab onto a ring stuck into the top of a rock overhanging. He speaks again and lifts up, like a pull up, onto the ring and hangs there for a few moments. My eyes are riveted to Evangeline kneeling there, waiting, wanting. My cock stirs again as I picture her under me, on her knees and begging to be bred. I squeeze my eyes shut and turn away for a moment. I’m on a mission. I have to get my body under control.

  When I open them again, Adrian is pulling a white rope through the hook, his eyes locked onto Evangeline. I watch as her chest begins to rise and fall rapidly. Is she frightened or turned on? I wish I could be closer, but I don’t dare move from my spot. I’m already pushing my luck as it is. After several minutes of rope tugging and eye fucking, at least on his part, he lifts his hand towards her, and she rises to walk over to him. His fingers skim over her body, and I watch, helpless, as her lips part, and her head falls back. That answers my question. That bitch is enjoying every minute.

  How can she let that monster paw at her like that? I grip the rocks in front of me, the pain shooting through my hands, grounding me. I can’t race in there like that. It will undermine everything about this mission. I want to hurt her. Dear God, I want to make her scream, but this is not the place nor time. I have to resign myself to watching this macabre tableau.

  His hands touch and pinch every bit of skin on her. Her cries and gasps fill the air, and I try not to listen. I try my hardest, but I can’t turn away. Even though I’m disgusted, my body is at war with my mind. My cock aches and throbs. My pants are way too tight. I'm just going to loosen them. That's all. I slip the button through the hole, my eyes trained on the pair, waiting for any sign that they are alerted to my presence. Each click of the zipper roars in my ears and feels like it’s taking an eternity to undo. Once my pants are around my hips, I find some slight measure of relief. At least I’m not as confined.

  I continue to watch as this disturbing porn plays out in front of me. They both put on a show as if they know I’m in the audience. Her body is turned towards me, so I see every movement she makes: every hitch of breath, every moan that spills out of her lips. Anger and lust war within me as his fingers make quick work of her buttons.

  Within moments, her shirt is unbuttoned, and she’s exposed to me. Where in the hell did she get such scandalous underwear? Every time I went through the laundry, I never saw anything like what she is wearing now. The sheer lace leaves almost nothing to my imagination. The folds and patterns may conceal her actual nipples, but it does nothing to hide how proudly they jut into the air as Adrian's fingers pluck at them. Adrian pinches them hard, and Evangeline yelps, her cries filling the night and bouncing off of the rocks. Her moans echo all around me, filling my head with her ecstasy and pain. My dick leaps at the sound of her discomfort. If only I was the one causing her pain. But seeing how much she’s liking it makes it all the worse.

  Without thinking, I reach into my underwear and began stroking myself. I bite my lip to keep from moaning. It’s been way too long. And what exactly have I waited for? Those wanton moans are anything but pure. They pour out of her lusty throat like the fires and brimstone of hell.

  Again, rage rises to the surface. Who does that little slut think she is? She’s mine to touch, tease, and fondle. Certainly no one else’s, especially not this hell spawn. She will have to be purified before I can marry her now. If not, our children's heavenly fate will be sealed. I can’t allow her indiscretion to damn them for eternity.

  Closing my eyes, her cries still fill my head. But instead of picturing her in pleasure, I see her in front of me, begging me for absolution. It will come, but she will pay dearly before it does. Everything clenches up. I’m close. Too close. I have to calm myself down. Taking a deep breath, I squeeze my base hard, trying to keep from coming. Several more deep breaths, and I’m able to back away from the edge. Letting go, I grabbed the rocks in front of me, forcing myself to watch what’s happening and not touch myself.

  His hands skim her sides and slowly unbutton her pants. I grip the rocks even harder until blood smears across my palms. What right does he have to touch her like that? My brain screams at me, howling in righteous indignation. She’s not his. She’s mine. All mine! My brain and cock fight hard against each other as her pants slide down her long, silky legs. Those same legs I've dreamed about wrapping around my waist. Those same thighs that I beat my meat to while watching her shower when she didn't know I could see.

  There were lots of things she didn't know, sacrifices I had made. I could have fucked her at any point under The Family's roof. But it was out of respect and decency that I availed myself to my hands and whores. And here she is, the biggest whore of them all. Groaning and writhing while this demon slides his fingers across her panty-hidden slit.

  I’m nearly unmanned as he yanks the thin wisp of fabric away to reveal her glistening mound. The moonlight reveals just how turned on the devil made her. Precum leaks out and slides down my engorged shaft. God help me, but I can’t resist anymore. Tearing my underwear down my hips, I fist my meat in my hand and begin slowly sliding up and down.

  He leaves her for a moment and brings a bundle back to her. With a flick of his wrist, he slings out a length of rope. I swell even larger as he winds it about her body, framing her delightfully pertinent bits. The ropes wrap about her breast, making them thrust forward even more. The tips point towards me, begging me to take them into my mouth and bite down on that supple flesh. They become slightly engorged and distended as he wraps the ropes about them, and my knees go weak with lust. It’s driving me mad.

  Her trussed up and moaning wildly, and me helpless to do anything but beat myself off like some common lurker. She made me the cuckold this night, and she will regret it. Regret ever rejecting me for this monster. Regret all the times I made advances towards her, and she played them off like she didn't understand what I wanted. Well, when I get my hands on her, she’ll know exactly what I want and will give it to me or else.

  After wrapping the rope around her body, he leads her over to the ones dangling from the hook. I hold my breath as he murmurs for a moment into her ear. She nods and closes her eyes, the look of complete trust gutting me. Within what seems like moments, he has her suspended up in the air, her arms tied behind her back and her legs spread. Fear for her abates my lust for a few minutes. As much as I hate her at that moment, I don’t want her to actually get hurt. That’s going to be my job.

  Adrian comes behind her head and helps her lift it up. He fiddles with the ropes for a few moments then lies her head back down on what looks like a small pillow. He obviously knows what he’s doing. I’ll have to keep that in mind when I go to kill him. He’s not stupid like the dozens we've mowed down before.

  He stands next to her and pushes on the ropes so her body sways back and forth. Her peals of laughter ring through the rocks and bring my anger back to the surface. At least she's happy. It's not like she has a job to do, and yet, here she is, frolicking with the enemy.

  The ropes twist and turn until her head is at his crotch and her spread thighs point in my direction. He undoes his pants and feeds his cock into her open mouth. Even from where I am, I can see the wetness gathering as he chokes her on his massive length. I look down at my own cock, feeling very inadequate. Will she even feel me after he leaves her gaping and used? I stare back at her crotch, happy to see that she still looks tight and neat. At least from what I can tell. Her muffled squeaks and moans send me back into overdrive. Pumping furiously, I stare at her pussy, imagining diving deep into her, bringing squeals of ecstasy to her lips.

  His fingers creep into view of my fantasy, and I almost growl out loud when his fingers slide through her slippery folds. After teasing her clit for a few moments, he brings his fingers down on her pussy. Hard. The slaps ring out into the night, even over the sounds of her mouth working aro
und his cock. I come hard, painting the rocks in front of me with my spray. Metallic tang coats my tongue as I bite down hard to keep from shouting out. In front of me, Adrian is still teasing Evangeline, but I’m too spent to even care. I lean back on the rocks and watch the show in front of me, burning all of it into my mind to exact my retribution on her body later.

  After thrusting into her mouth for several more moments, he turns the ropes around. I’m no longer teased with the vision of her wet cunt, but the look of pleasure lighting up her face as he thrusts into her is almost too much. I turn away, unable to watch any more. If I don’t calm down soon, I will wreck the entire mission. He will die a slow and painful death. I’ll make sure of that.

  I wait for a few more minutes before tucking my cock back inside my pants and sneaking back to the car. I keep looking back, but they’re both so involved in what they’re doing that I manage to get away without them noticing.

  Putting the car in neutral, I coast down the slight hill, not turning the engine on until I’m a good several miles away. I seethe the entire time back to the hotel room, plotting and planning how I’m going to bring down this scum and punish my future bride. But for tonight, I need to rest back up.

  It’s funny how things become simple pleasures when your world is crumbling around you. The lights for the hotel blink at me, comforting me somewhat. I trudge through the door and collapse on the bed. The mattress is hard beneath me, and I try to settle down and sleep. I keep tossing and turning, visions of Evangeline flitting through my brain. Sitting up, I pull out my phone and try to text her.


  Haven't had a status update in over a week.

  Stay strong. Just killed a nest. They lured their victims in and tied them up in ropes before killing them. Trust no one. They speak sweetly but are still ruthless monsters.


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