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The Vampire's Prey

Page 25

by Vivian Murdoch

  It's not until I'm directly in front of her that she even notices that I'm here. Her gasp of surprise stirs my cock, making it uncomfortable as I sit down. "I'll have what's on tap."

  She nods and sets about gathering my drink. As she's pouring, I catch her casting furtive glances my way. I can’t tell if she's happy to see me or apprehensive. The glass trembles a bit as she brings it over to me and sets it down.

  "Anything else I can get for you. Sir?" She breathes, looking up into my eyes with such need that it takes my breath away.

  I was certainly an idiot for letting her walk out of my life. Just looking at her, my need matches hers. Every inch of my body, including my insistent cock, wants to slam her down to the grown and mark her as mine forever.

  "You can come home with me," I whisper, trying to keep our conversation private. "If that is what you want to do."

  Her eyes glisten for a moment, and she nods frantically. "Yes please. I would love nothing more!"

  Evangeline tosses her apron down onto the counter and makes her way over to me.

  "What about your boss," I chuckle, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ears."

  She rolls her eyes. "Trust me, for what they're paying me, I was actively looking for another job. Besides, he's kinda grabby."

  My whole demeanor must have changed because she grabs my arm tightly.

  "It's a joke. I swear. Sorry. All the girls here were joking about how handsy he is just to haze me. He's the sweetest, shyest guy I've ever met. Let me grab my car, and I'll follow you."

  Evangeline walks away from me, but now that I have her, I cannot let her out of my sight for even a moment. "Leave it. I will have someone else pick it up. Better yet, I'll buy you a new one."

  She tosses me a wary look. "What's really going on. Are you really taking me home, or have you finally decided to kill me and save yourself the trouble?"

  Her hesitance is understandable. It's not like we actually parted on good terms. Taking her hand, I guide it to the front of my pants. My erection leaps at her touch.

  "If I really wanted to kill you, I wouldn't be wanting to fuck you so badly right now."

  She pulls her hand away, a light blush tinging her cheeks. God, I love it when she gets embarrassed. Nodding, she heads towards the door but stops to talk with the owner first. Her smooth lies drip off her tongue, and I'm once again reminded of her past. Good thing we have several hours before we get back home to talk everything through.

  Once she's buckled in, we start making our trek back. Silence fills the car since neither of us really know what to say. The gulf between us hurts since we'd been so close not even a week before. Clearing my throat, I decide to start the conversation.

  "I want to apologize for how things ended the other day."

  Her look of incredulity nearly makes me laugh, but somehow, I don't think she'll be happy with me if I did.

  "I'm the one who tried to kill you. And I'm sorry. So, so sorry. If I just stopped and thought for a bit."

  I reach over and take her hand in mine. "If we both just stopped and thought," I interrupted. "You are not the only one in possession of a brain. I acted out of hurt and not rationally.” Her fingers feel like warm silk beneath my fingertips. "I don't know how this is going to look going forward, but I want to try and mend this bridge between us if I can."

  Evangeline slumps down in her seat. "I don't see how it can be fixed with what I've done. I've done so many bad things, and I put you and your friends’ lives in danger."

  "That you did," I murmur, a thought forming in my head. "From what I know about you, retribution and penance is a big deal. What if I were to give you a way to wipe the slate clean? Not only with me but with the other vampires as well?"

  "You-you're not going to let them punish me, are you?"

  Growling, I tighten my grip on her hand. "No one will ever touch you. Not while I'm here. Is that understood?"

  "Yes, sir," she whispers, a look of contentment easing across her face.

  Oh yes, my little deviant will pay for her crimes, but in so doing, we might finally be able to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. The rest of the drive passes uneventfully. I finally learn more about her childhood and how she was shaped and molded into the woman she is now. My heart aches as she talks about her training and The Family. From that moment, I vow in my heart to give her all the love that is in me to give.

  As we approach the house, Evangeline looks up at me for a moment. "I promise you, I did come here to kill you, but after knowing you, I just couldn't. Not until I thought…"

  "Hush now. We will not speak of this again until your punishment. Understood?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good girl. Now, stay put."

  She puts her hands in her lap and waits patiently for me to come around, open her door, unbuckle her, and scoop her into my arms.

  "I'm now inviting you to live with me. I feel it's fitting I carry you over the threshold."

  "My bunny!" She gasps, looking up into my face with horror.

  Chuckling, I hold her tight. "Slash grabbed your car and all your belongings. I'll double check with him, but I'm sure your bunny is safe."

  She sighs and burrows deep into my chest. This feels right. For the first time in years, I finally feel at peace. And, after her punishment, she will too. Easing her into the house, I pause so she can toe her shoes off. At least, I won't have to retrain her, but why does that thought disappoint me?

  Her room is just how she left it. Setting her on her feet, I move the covers over before undressing her. Seeing her body revealed as piece by piece of her clothing hits the floor fills me with lust. But I will not touch her. Not until everything is settled and right between us. Tucking her into bed, I go over to the other side and snuggle her close to me. It is agony ignoring my throbbing cock, but I have all of eternity to state my lust with her. That is, if she'll have me that long. But that's another conversation for another time.

  Soon, her soft snores and deep breathing indicate to me that she's fast asleep. Perfect timing too. Checking my phone, I see a notification from Slash that he's almost here with the car. I meet him outside, and he presents me with both Evangeline's bunny and her new phone.

  "Thank you so much for this. I'll give you a ride back to the club. Just give me a minute."

  Taking her precious cargo, I slip back into her room and ease the bunny under her arm and put her new phone on the nightstand. Slash is leaning against the car waiting for me as I jog back outside. We both duck into my car, and I drive us back to the club.

  Quickly, I text Maria, asking her to stop in and stay the night, just in case Evangeline wakes up. I don't want her to feel alone and abandoned. As we drive, I hand Slash a contact case holding Evangeline's old contacts. They dried out a little before I could put them up, but they should still hold some info.

  "Both Evangeline and Simon wore these. Somehow, they were able to block my compulsion. I think it would be smart to examine them, just in case more technology like this is out there."

  "Sure thing," he says, grabbing them from me. I can already see the wheels turning in his head.

  "Evangeline didn't know much about them, but according to Simon, what he understands is it uses some sort of two-way mirror effect or something. Most of their intelligence was faulty. They based everything off of legends and old wives’ tales.

  They basically created their own echo chamber by capturing humans they thought were monsters and killing them. When their killings were successful, they chalked it up to their technology working and not realizing it was just humans dying naturally. Somehow though, this manages to work. And it works well."

  "Interesting. I definitely will be doing some research."


  I pull up to the bar and let him out, park, and then look for Lucius. For my plan to work, I need to coordinate with the big boss. When he sees me, Lucius flashes me a huge grin and struts over. Oh gods. He thinks he's a master matchmaker now, I bet.

"I see everything is right in your world now?"

  "Almost," I smirk. "But I need your help making it complete. Evangeline needs the opportunity to repent, not only to me, but to the other vampires she endangered. I'm hoping you'll allow me the use of the dungeon for her to make a formal apology."

  His eyes gleam as he ponders my words. "What do you need from me?"

  "I need some things moved around, so I have a wide berth. I was thinking we could move your dais back a bit. I was thinking of having them taken out, but I want you and Selene on your thrones to make it even more formal and official."

  "I will give her my best glare," he chuckles.

  "Is this truly okay though? Bringing a hunter into our mix?"

  "I put her in your charge. You are responsible for her. If you can bring her to heel, I have no problem with it. If she starts to act in any way suspicious, I will come to you."

  "You have my word."

  We stand there for a moment, deep in thought before Lucius breaks the silence.

  "Have you thought of turning her?"

  "I have been contemplating it, yes. But I don't feel like I should any time soon."

  "That would help her hunter mentality. If she is one of us, she won't feel the need to kill us."

  "Yes. That thought has crossed my mind."

  Lucius reaches over to squeeze my shoulder. "Let me know what you decide. When do you want to punish her?"

  "I am hoping for tomorrow night. I don't want her to sit and stew longer than she has to.” I think back to my hard cock ramming down her throat. I don't want to postpone having her body at my command any longer than I have to.

  "Very well. As soon as we close, the dungeon is yours. I will make sure everyone is there."

  "Thank you."

  Racing home, I go into my dungeon and pack a bag for tomorrow night. Excitement races through me as I send off a text to Evangeline and settle myself in for the day.



  Sunset hits, and I spring out of my crypt. Soon, everything will be behind us, and we can start our new life together. This is our final hurdle. I shower and change before looking for Evangeline. She's sitting out in the living room with Marion, while Marion sobs in her arms.

  "Whatever is the matter?" My brain thinks, good gods what now?

  Striding over, I sit on the other side of Marion and ease her face towards me. Her wide brown eyes fill with tears, and her lower lips quivers ever so slightly. Without more provocation, she hurls herself into my arms. Evangeline motions that she's going to the kitchen, and I nod. I'm not very sure what to do right now because all I'm hearing is hiccups and sniffles. After a few more moments, I tilt her chin up to look at me.

  "Now then, what's all of this?"

  "Daddy left me."

  A flash of anger shoots through me as I take in this adorable woman who's been my daytime guard for a few years now. The fact that anyone could hurt her is incomprehensible.

  "Why would he leave? Wait. How did he leave? Isn't it his house?"

  Her sobbing increased. "He kicked me out! Apparently, this relationship just isn't working."

  Shushing her gently, I bring her back into my arms. It's a good thing he's mortal. If he were a vampire, there would be a duel at sunset.

  "Where are you staying now?"

  "Fairfield Inn."

  "She's been there for three days now!" I look up, shocked, at Evangeline's words. She sits back down next to Marion with a bowl of ice cream and a big spoon.

  "Sorry sweetie. All we have is vanilla."

  "Is okay. I’ll eat it anyway.” Marion grabs the bowl and starts digging in.

  "Three days?" I finally find my voice. "You've been homeless for three days, and you didn't tell me?"

  She looks up at me, guilt written all over her face. "You were sad because of Evie. I didn't want to make it worse."

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I get up from the couch and pace. Great. I have two women I have to deal with now instead of one. When it rains it pours, I guess. Sighing, I look back down at her, knowing I can't stay mad.

  "Look Marion. You have to tell me these things. I'm not your daddy, but I sure as hell will wear your ass out and give you corner time if you keep something like that from me again."

  Her eyes widen, and she nods her head furiously. "I'm sorry, Uncle Adrian. I won't do that again."

  "Good girl. Now then, Aunt Evie and I have some matters to attend to tonight. Are you okay here by yourself?"

  She holds up Evangeline's bunny and her bowl of ice cream and nods. "Can I stay up and watch whatever?"

  My lips purse as I think about her request. I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to indulge her tonight. "Very well but don't complain if you are sleepy and cranky at work tomorrow. I want you and Evangeline to get all your stuff and move in for a bit. We will figure out where you can go later. For now, you're living with us."

  "Really?" She gingerly puts down the bunny and ice cream and hurls herself into my arms.

  Holding her tightly for a moment, I kiss the crown of her head before pushing her back to the couch. "Really, really. Now then, it's time to go Evangeline."

  "Ooh. Are you going to spank her butt!"

  "Marion!" Evangeline exclaims, her face beet red. "That is not appropriate!"

  "Yup. Gonna get your butt whooped."

  "Marion.” I lower my voice, letting her know that she is pushing it too far. "Unless you want a whooping of your own, you will stop this at once. I know you're out of sorts, but you know the rules in my house. I expect you to still obey them. As Uncle, I will discipline you as I see fit."

  "Yes sir," she whispers, clutching the ice cream to her like I'm going to take it away.

  Smiling, I hold out my hand to Evangeline who's still blushing from scalp to collarbone. I pull her close and nibble the bottom of her lobe before kissing her cheek. "You look ravishing my dear."

  She looks down at her simple white dress and frowns. "I feel like I've worn prettier than this before. But I guess, thank you?"

  Reaching around, I give her a playful swat, eliciting a round of giggles from Marion. "I can compliment my woman, can't I?" I growl.

  She shivers and nods, her eyes already starting to gloss over.

  "Besides," I whisper, I'm more interested in what you have on underneath.

  "But I don't have anything on," she whispers back. "That's how you told me to be."

  "Exactly." I waggle my eyebrows at her and lead her out of the house and to the car.

  The car ride goes on in silence, but the static buzz of Evangeline’s nerves grows bigger as we get closer to the club.

  "What's eating at you?"

  "I'm scared," she confesses before gnawing on her bottom lip. "I know I'm repenting, but I don't know how. I'm worried it will hurt."

  Chuckling, I pick up her hand and bring it to my mouth. "It's not going to tickle. I can tell you that much. But put your faith in me, and all will turn out okay. My one rule for this evening is that you obey my every word with no sass, no comebacks, pure obedience. They need to see that you are repentant and willing to show that to them through whatever means I deem necessary. I've already spoken to Lucius—after tonight, the slate will be wiped clean." As we pull up to the club, Evangeline starts breathing faster. "Talk to me pet."

  "I know you're not going to harm me. I trust you in that. But I'm still scared."

  "It's okay to be scared, but I will be there the entire time. Focus on me, and you will get through this."

  Nodding, she sits there patiently as I open her car door. Taking her by the hand, I lead her into the club and up the stairs. For once, it's entirely empty. I find her a random chair to sit in before going back down.

  "This will not happen until the club is closed. I'm going to be downstairs coordinating everything with Lucius. You will remain up here until I get you. Hopefully, you will be thinking about your actions and how very sorry you are."

  I leave her before I can go back on everything and
just take her home and hold her. But, she needs this. I need this. This absolution will cleanse us both. I just hope that she won't hate me at the end of it.

  The hours crawl by, and I can just imagine what is going on in Evangeline's mind. I've sent up sweetbloods a few times to check on her, and they all report that she's okay. Quiet, but okay. Finally, it's time.

  Once the last patron leaves, I go downstairs to help move the dais and get everything set up. The Saint Andrew's cross is brought to the center of the room, and I lay out the implements I'm going to use on a velvet-lined stand. As we work, I notice all the vampires and their mates filing in and taking seats. The entire atmosphere is quiet, solemn. The constant music is brought to a halt, adding to the eerie effect. With a breath, I turn down all the lights except for one shaft that bathes the cross in a bright glow. I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be.

  Taking a deep breath, I go upstairs to collect my woman. Her eyes are closed, and her breathing is controlled. Good, meditation will help with this. I gently touch her on the shoulder, alerting her to my presence.

  "It's time my pet.” Her frame trembles slightly as she takes my hand. "Remember, just focus on me. When we get downstairs, you will approach Lucius and Selene, bow, and make your heartfelt apologies. From there, you will listen to my instructions and go from there."

  "Yes sir."

  I lead her down the stairs through the empty club and to the coatroom. A smile teases my lips when I think about our first encounter in this room. Hopefully there will be no show of defiance tonight. As I lead her down the stairs, I feel the eyes of all the vampires on us. Her hand trembles just a bit more. I squeeze it, trying to comfort her as best as I can. As we reach the dais, I let her go and watch as she bows before Lucius and Selene.

  "I'm so very sorry for what I have done," she sobs out. "I cannot say or do anything that will make up for it. However, I will show you as best I can how grateful I am for this chance to redeem myself."


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