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Fathers and Sons

Page 78

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  Garret scratched his chin as he contemplated his answer. “Walter may have more of an answer for you when he arrives, but I will tell you what I can,” he said. “As we are all aware, John has been supporting his brother in Normandy. That is beyond dispute. In fact, it was John who led forces in Normandy last year to capture Eveux Castle, a major holding. Earlier this year, he captured the town of Beauvais on behalf of his brother. He and Richard have been allies as of late, which is odd in and of itself. I’m not sure anyone knows quite how to behave with this brotherhood Richard and John are presenting to the public because those two have been at odds for so many years. But I will tell you this… it is no secret that I do not trust John. I would not be surprised if the loyalty he is showing towards his brother is an act.”

  Christopher nodded in a most fervent manner. “Praise God that someone has had the courage to say what I have been saying all along,” he muttered. His focus was on Garret. “I do not trust him, either. I know that he and Richard have a rare brotherhood bond these days, but it does not ring true to me, either. I can see that there is still a clear line between John’s supporters and Richard’s supporters in England, even if Richard does not see it.”

  Garret folded his big arms across his chest. “I feel as if I must be on my guard, still,” he said. “The night of John’s party was hell for old knights like me. We remember the battles between the brothers. In my mind, there will never be peace between them.”

  Christopher heartily agreed. “But do you have any proof that John may be undermining his brother here at home? As I said, you are closer to this than I am. Is there anything that may give you pause?”

  Garret lifted his eyebrows in a pensive gesture. “I have no definitive proof beyond my own experience in the matter,” he said. “But my brother serves the Duke of Colchester and the duke was a guest at John’s party. Walter suspects what we do, Chris – he suspects that John is publicly supporting his brother yet planning something subversive. Colchester, as we know, has always supported Richard. It is the king who has given the man his wealth and properties. Based on the fact that Colchester was a guest at John’s party, I asked my brother if Colchester’s loyalties had changed. My brother did not have the opportunity to answer me, for we were interrupted, but the expression on his face told me that my question may have been close to the truth.”

  Christopher sighed faintly, going to refill his cup with watered wine. As he did so, a soldier entered the solar, stopping right at the door because the soldiers knew they were not permitted in the chamber of the elite knights. His young, pale face focused on Garret.

  “My lord,” he said, his voice cracking because of his youth. “Hubert Walter is at the White Tower today. His messenger arrived to say that he will make all due haste back to Westminster at your summons.”

  Garret nodded, flicking his wrist at the soldier, who took it as a command to flee. When he was gone, the chamber door slamming behind him, Garret turned to Christopher.

  “Will you have time to wait for him?” he asked. “I cannot imagine that he will be too long, but I realize you have a schedule to keep.”

  Christopher smacked his lips of the tart wine. “It will take time to secure provisions and rest the horses,” he said. “I can wait for a few hours. In fact, I may take the time to catch an hour or two of sleep. I did not sleep at all last night. Max had a loud game of dice going on and I could not sleep for all of the yelling that was going on.”

  On a stool near the hearth, Max sat up straight, wide-eyed. “My lord, all you needed to do was tell us to be silent.”

  “I did.”

  Max simply wriggled his dark eyebrows in a sheepish gesture. “I must not have heard you, my lord.”

  “That is because you were being too loud, you dolt.”

  As Max hung his head, rebuked, Garret grinned. “You can use my apartment if you wish, Chris,” he said. “You are more than welcome to my bed. It will be quiet there.”

  It seemed as if the group was going to break from serious conversation at that point. Gavin and Gart converged on Max and their soft laughter filled the air while Rhys went to admire Darren’s new broadsword, the one the young knight had saved his money for. Knox ended up over by the tray of leftover food, picking at crusts and remains of cheese, because that was something he usually did. He was the scavenger of the group.

  Seeing that the serious conversation had been satisfied, Garret made his way over to Christopher because there was still more he wanted to discuss with the man, only he didn’t want to do it in front of an audience. The personal discussion he’d made mention of earlier was about to come forth because he knew Christopher’s time here was limited and he didn’t want to miss his chance.

  His future, and Lyssa’s future, depended on it.

  Truthfully, he was embarrassed. This was the first time in his life he’d had to bring forth a subject of a personal nature and he was in unfamiliar territory. Speaking on a woman he was interested in, a woman he’d only known a couple of days, had him feeling like a fool but he forced that chagrin aside. It was a subject he had to raise. He was about to open his mouth when Zayin joined them and he eyed his friend, knowing he was about to say something that Zayin already knew. Somehow, there was mute support in Zayin’s presence. It fortified him.

  “Chris,” he said, clearing his throat somewhat nervously, “before you go to rest, there is something more I must speak with you about. It is the personal subject I’d mentioned earlier.”

  Christopher turned to him, mirth glittering in his eyes. “Ah, yes,” he said. “The subject that had me intrigued. Well? Are you indeed a man with a secret, Garret?”

  Garret scratched his head, trying to figure out how to tactfully phrase what he was about to say but he realized there was nothing else to do but simply come out with it.

  “In a sense,” he said. “I… I have met a woman and….”

  Christopher didn’t let him continue. His eyebrows flew up and he grabbed him on the shoulder. “You?” he repeated, shocked. “A woman? I do not believe it!”

  Garret was trying not to let his embarrassment overcome him but it was difficult when he saw Christopher’s grin. Half-taunting, half-joyful it was, and he couldn’t help but grin in return.

  “Other than Zayin, my men do not know so please keep it to yourself,” he said quietly, turning to look at the men in the chamber, making sure no one had heard him. Satisfied, he returned his focus to Christopher. “She is a lady-in-waiting to the Duchess of Colchester. I met her quite by chance but I will spare you the details. Suffice it to say that she is someone I wish to… court.”

  Christopher’s grin broadened. “Court? Or marry?”

  “Mayhap both.”

  “Then I am delighted for you, Garret, truly. Who is she? What is her name?”

  “Lyssa du Bose,” Garret replied. “Her family is not wealthy or prestigious, but she was able to secure a position serving the duchess because her aunt serves the woman. I am not one to speak of women, Chris, you know that, but… well, Lady Lyssa has all of my attention. I have never had this happen before so it is both frightening and thrilling.”

  Christopher laughed softly. “Well do I know how you feel, my friend,” he said. “I felt the same way for my wife when we were first married, although it took some time. We did not have the advantage of a courtship. We hardly knew each other when we married.”

  Garret was back to scratching his head nervously. “And I am not sure we will have a conventional one, either,” he said. “There is some trouble with Colchester and I must remove Lyssa from his household. I would like to send her to Lioncross Abbey to serve your wife for the time being. As a favor to me, will you permit this?”

  Christopher grew serious. “You need not even ask,” he said. “Permission is already given. I will write a brief message that your Lady Lyssa may take to my wife as an introduction. I am sure my wife will be happy to have her. But what, may I ask, is the trouble with Colchester?”

was on to a part of the subject that made him sweat with rage. Even now, he was still so angry about it that he could hardly stand it and his palms began to sweat.

  “You know as well as I do that Jago de Nantes is a vulgar creature,” he muttered. “You and I spent enough time with him in The Levant to know that.”

  Christopher thought on a man he had a genuine dislike for. “Indeed,” he agreed quietly. “Christ, please don’t tell me that he somehow hurt her.”

  Garret shook his head faintly. “I wish I could,” he said. “He attacked her yesterday and touched her most inappropriately. She will recover, but there is an understandable urgency to remove her from his household.”

  Christopher closed his eyes briefly, as if warding off the horror of what Garret was telling him. “And Colchester is not dead by your hand?”

  “It was not my choice, believe me.”

  At this point, Zayin spoke up. He’d been watching the exchange but when they came to the subject of Colchester’s attack, he didn’t want de Lohr to think that Garret had been weak. Quite the opposite, in fact.

  “My friend showed great restraint, my lord,” Zayin insisted softly. “In fact, I did not even know about the attack, for I was with the smithy and did not see what Garret saw. He saw an injured woman and instead of seeking revenge, he tended her. He saw that she needed his attention, not his anger.”

  Christopher could only imagine the self-restraint the man had been forced to employ not to punish the man who touched his lady. “Then he is a greater man that I am because I would have no such self-control,” he said to Zayin. “But you have met this woman?”

  “I have, my lord.”


  “And she is most worthy of Garret. I believe she will be good for him.”

  That was enough for Christopher. If the wise Muslim approved of the woman, then he approved of her as well. He returned his attention to Garret. “Do you want my advice?” he said. “Get her out of there immediately. Today. Bring her to Westminster and then send her with an escort on to Lioncross. My wife will take good care of her.”

  Garret was feeling a great deal of relief. Reaching out, he grasped Christopher by the arm. “Thank you,” he said sincerely. “When the incident happened yesterday, you were one of the first people I thought to send word to in order to find a haven for her. Your appearance today has been most fortuitous.”

  Christopher could see the utter gratitude in Garret’s expression. “I am happy to be of service,” he said. “And I am most eager to meet this young woman who has turned your head.”

  Garret thought on the exquisite creature with the creamy skin and bronze-colored hair. “You will not be disappointed, I assure you.”

  “I am sure I will not be. But, Garret… you do intend to marry her, don’t you? What I mean to say is that this is not some chivalrous action with no goal in mind. Marriage is your intention, isn’t it?”

  Garret thought on the question a moment before snorting ironically. “I never imagined myself the marrying kind,” he said. “I am a seasoned man, set in his ways, so marriage was not a priority. I had my career, my dedication to my king, and my life was complete. Or so I thought until I met Lyssa. I feel like a man who has seen the sun for the first time and realized the beauty of the world around me. She is the sun and all my world is incandescent. I cannot explain it better than that.”

  Christopher was sympathetic. “I know exactly how you feel,” he said. “Finding a woman you have feelings for is most definitely an awakening. How long have you known her?”

  “Two days.”

  Christopher’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Two days?” he repeated. He glanced at Zayin, who nodded his head as if there was nothing strange about it. Covering his shock, Christopher chuckled. “Then she must be very special, indeed.”

  Garret could see that he was trying not to scold him for having known the woman such a short amount of time before declaring his intentions. “I know it seems ridiculous to declare my intentions after knowing her so short a time, but I am not a poor judge of character. Often, my life depends on such things. I knew nearly the moment I met her that she was a woman I wanted in my life. When you meet her, you will understand.”

  Christopher could hear the emotion in the man’s voice. “I understand already,” he said. “As I said, I know what it is like to feel something for a woman, Garret. When she is the right one, you know it in your heart. Do not let anything stand in your way if she is the one you want.”

  Garret’s black eyes glittered. “Trust me when I say that I will kill anyone who gets in my way, Colchester included,” he said. “That is why Lyssa must be removed immediately. If he so much as looks at her again, I will kill him and that will cause untold problems.”

  That was an understatement. Garret had shown restraint once but it would not happen again, and Christopher could only shake his head. “It will not come to that,” he said firmly, “because you are going to remove her today. Go and retrieve her now before another moment passes. The longer she stays there, the worse it may be for you both.”

  Garret thought that was an excellent idea. He’d planned on going to The Wix this morning as it was, but Christopher’s words had him feeling a renewed sense of urgency. He was just about to say so when the door to the solar opened and he turned, casually, to see who it was. In truth, he was unprepared for what he saw.

  Rickard was in the doorway.

  This was not a normal occurrence. Rickard had never simply appeared at Westminster, not in all the time he’d been in residence with Colchester at The Wix. Rickard was a busy man and socializing with his brother was far down on his list of priorities, understandably. Therefore, Garret was startled by the man’s appearance. But that surprise was quickly overwhelmed by a gnawing sense of concern. He broke away from Christopher and moved in his brother’s direction.

  “Rickard,” he said, concern on his face. “Is everything well, man?”

  Rickard was sweaty and strained. He looked around the chamber, seeing all of the men, men he knew but not as well as his brother did. He also saw Christopher, who was coming in his direction with a look of both surprise and interest on his face.

  “I am sorry to interrupt,” Rickard said to his brother, but he was looking at Christopher. “Greetings, my lord. I had no idea you were in London.”

  Christopher was cordial to Garret’s older brother, a serious career knight who had only a fraction of his brother’s talent. “It is good to see you, Rickard,” he said. “It has been a while.”

  Rickard nodded. “It has, my lord,” he said. “This is your army in the bailey?”

  Christopher nodded. “All of them,” he said, somewhat drolly. “We are just passing through on our way to rendezvous with Richard in France. I hear you are serving Colchester now.”

  Rickard nodded. But then, he looked at Garret. “I must speak with you, Garret. Alone, if you please.”

  Garret stiffened. “Is Lyssa well?”

  Rickard could see his brother’s panic. “She is well,” he said. “It is not her I have come to speak with you about. It is….”

  He trailed off, unwilling to say anything more with all of the knights listening to him. Garret sensed his brother’s trouble; he didn’t know these men like he did. He didn’t have that trust. But Garret trusted them with his life. He knew they wouldn’t repeat what they’d heard within these walls.

  “Is it about Colchester?” he asked.

  Rickard didn’t answer the question directly. “Just a moment of your time, Garret. Please.”

  Garret could see that his brother was hesitant to speak and he hastened to reassure him. “Rickard, if this is about Colchester, we have already been discussing him,” he said. “You may speak freely in front of these men. Whatever you say will not leave this chamber; I swear it. And the Earl of Worcester is beyond contestation, so you may tell him anything with confidence.”

  Rickard didn’t really want to speak in front of these men but, now, if he didn
’t, it would be an insult. Garret had just vouched for their trustworthiness so Rickard had no choice. He should have been annoyed with his brother but he couldn’t spare the energy. After his conversation with Jago the previous evening, he’d been waiting all night for the opportunity to ride to Westminster and now that he was here, he had no choice but to quickly speak and then return to The Wix before he was missed. Already, his absence might rouse suspicion but he had to take that chance.

  Garret had to know.

  Therefore, he looked directly at the man.

  “You asked me yesterday if Colchester had switched his allegiance to John,” he finally said. “Why did you ask me that, Garret? What do you know?”

  Garret glanced at Christopher before speaking. “Know? Nothing for certain. But I have reason to suspect.”

  Rickard couldn’t really think of anything to tell him other than the truth; ten simple words came to mind, but they were words that Garret would understand completely.

  Ten little words that summed up the situation perfectly. Fixing his brother in the eye, he shook his head with disgust.

  “You have every reason to be suspect. You were right.”


  The Wix

  She felt caged.

  It wasn’t as if Lyssa hadn’t been kept hidden away since her arrival into the Duke of Colchester’s house – shut up in small rooms, not allowed to participate with the other women – but this time, it was different. Since her encounter with the duke yesterday, her isolation was starting to feel more like a prison sentence. As if she was being punished because the man had attacked her. It was difficult not to feel persecuted because of it.

  The good news was that she had emerged from the incident well enough. Other than a few scratches, she was completely normal. The welt on her cheek had faded and, as Garret had promised, there was no mark. The only reminder she had were a few healing cuts on her arms and a couple on her back, but those would soon fade.


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