The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 57

by Cami Checketts

  Cassie was supposed to be buckled in for takeoff, but she couldn’t see Jed properly without arching up and peering through the top of the window. There, over the wing, she could spot him. He was still just standing there, watching her go. The plane gained speed, and she hurried to buckle up. It was odd being the only passenger; it was just her and the pilot. She knew Heath flew this way all the time, and she had flown on his plane before. Right now, it felt not only odd but also horribly lonely, and she felt stupid for saying no when the pilot had asked if they were both going. Why couldn’t she have begged Jed to come? How wonderful would that have been? Maybe he wouldn’t have wanted to, but she hadn’t even given him the chance. Why was she so prideful and stupid?

  Tears coursed down her face, and she put a hand to her lips. She’d left Jed. Would she really be back in a few days? Would he still be there? The kisses they’d shared were more powerful than anything she’d known, but she was only a silly twenty-three-year-old girl. Yes, she’d traveled the world, and yes, she’d protected herself numerous times, but she still felt inexperienced and unworthy of a powerful, smart, street-savvy man like Jed. Yet he’d never made her feel that way. He’d made her feel like she was the woman of his dreams.

  She pushed her head back against the headrest, wishing Sydnee had never called, wishing she could have this week with Jed and her family, wishing she could be like a normal person who went on a humanitarian trip once a year, or once in a lifetime. Then the guilt rushed in. It was Christmas Day. There were children all over the world feeling unloved and sad. Camila could never give thirty-two children all the attention and love they needed. One person couldn’t even keep that many children fed and diapered. People like Sydnee and her husband were giving their lives to the children, and Cassie knew so many others like them. She could fulfill her role and help ease whatever burdens she could. If only she hadn’t left her heart back on the ground with Jed.

  Chapter Ten

  Jed made it back to Lonepeak Valley and pulled into Gavin’s garage. He rested his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes, not quite ready to go face the family. Why did he feel like he’d failed Cassie’s family? He wanted her in his arms again. It sounded like the orphanage in Cozumel was nice and not a dangerous spot, but he didn’t know that for certain. How was he supposed to go back to his life when he knew she might be in danger?

  His door swung open and he looked up into Gavin’s dark brown eyes, so like Cassie’s. Gavin’s eyes weren’t full of light, warmth, and happiness. They were full of frustration and anger. “What are you doing here?” Gavin demanded.

  Jed was confused and a little hurt. “I thought I should at least bring your car back.” Obviously, he’d worn out his welcome. Would somebody run him to the airport? He doubted they had Uber or Lyft in this small valley. He wanted to stay with this family and wait for Cassie to come back.

  “Why didn’t you go with her?” Gavin pushed out a frustrated breath and stepped back.

  Jed slid out of the car, slammed the door, and turned to face him. He and Gavin were both about six-two and well built. He felt like he was facing down an opponent, not Cassie’s brother. “She didn’t ask me to go,” Jed said, but it sounded pathetic even to him.

  Gavin threw his hands in the air. “She was into you. I thought you were the one. And you just stupidly let her go.”

  Trey rushed down the stairs into the garage. “What’s going on? Is Cassie okay?”

  “This idiot just let her fly to Cozumel by herself.” Gavin shook his head.

  “Why didn’t you tell me to go with her when we walked over here earlier?” Jed did not appreciate being called an idiot, but his gut was churning for other reasons. Gavin thought Cassie would’ve let him go with her?

  “Heath claims you’re this brilliant detective. He trusted you like you wouldn’t believe when Hazel was in trouble, and now I need to spell everything out for you? Why did you think I had you drive her to the airport?”

  “You wanted me to just push my way onto the plane with her and leave your Lexus sitting there?”

  “Yes!” Gavin roared. “We could’ve picked up the car anytime. I want you with her.”

  “Sheesh,” Trey protested. “You tried everything you could to keep me away from Ella; now you’re pushing some guy you barely know on Cassie.”

  Gavin gave him a disgusted look. “I’m trying to learn and adapt, okay?”

  “What’s really going on, Gav?” Trey asked.

  Gavin blew out a breath. “I’m worried about her. I’m so worried about her. She paints this rosy picture, but there’s something in her eyes. Something’s wrong.” He glared back at Jed. “And I thought you were the man to protect her and bring our Cassie back.”

  Jed’s stomach was rolling. Did Gavin know? “Has she told you?” he asked quietly.

  “About?” Gavin’s gaze sharpened on him.

  Jed didn’t know how to proceed. He’d told Cassie he wouldn’t tell that she’d been attacked, but Gavin obviously knew something was wrong and he was instinctively worried about his sister. Why had Jed let that plane go? He pushed a hand through his hair. “Can one of you drive me to Denver? I’m going to catch a flight to Cozumel.”

  Gavin’s jaw tightened. He yanked out his phone and shoved it at Trey. “There’s a contact in there for Jay’s Charters. See how soon someone will fly us to Cozumel.”

  Jed’s breath rushed out in relief. He was going to Cassie, and her brother was going to help him, but the look in Gavin’s eye had his neck muscles tightening.

  “You’re hiding something from me,” Gavin said in a soft voice.

  Jed raised his hands. “I promised Cassie.”

  Gavin stepped closer. Jed didn’t back up, though every instinct was screaming to. “If my sister is in danger, and you don’t tell me … I’ll destroy you.”

  Jed thought he had better training, but he didn’t really know. Heath had told him that Gavin had learned how to fight and use weapons to work out the demons he fought. Heath had no clue where the demons had come from, though.

  Should Jed betray Cassie’s trust? He blew out a breath and finally said, “You need to ask her yourself. She told me a lot of great things about this orphanage, but her conditions haven’t always been … ideal.”

  Gavin studied him for a few beats, his stance and gaze threatening. Jed didn’t mind. He knew it was because he wanted to protect his sister.

  “She always tells us a lot of great things.” Gavin blew out a breath. “Something’s wrong.”

  Jed hated the knot of worry Gavin was creating in his gut, but maybe it wasn’t Gavin. Maybe because he loved Cassie, he could also sense that something was wrong. He’d let her get on the plane with that pilot, alone. What if that guy was a creep? What if because all the other help had flaked and the owners were gone, the orphanage was in trouble and she was walking into danger? He didn’t know, but he agreed with Gavin, and he wanted to do something about it.

  Gavin stepped back, and Jed let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. He didn’t mind fighting—he actually kind of liked it—but he didn’t want to fight Cassie’s brother.

  “I respect that you won’t reveal whatever she’s shared with you,” Gavin grunted out.

  Jed sensed it was hard for him to get that out.

  “But she’s going to tell me.” His jaw hardened. “Go pack some of Heath’s crap into a bag. You and I are flying to Cozumel.”

  Jed extended his hand. Gavin shook it, hard. Jed liked this guy. He didn’t mind being on a team with him. If only they could get to Cassie quickly.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cassie’s flight was fine. She only cried intermittently missing Jed, missing her family. That kiss he had given her against the airplane … Wow. If only she could be a normal woman; she’d throw herself at him and spend Christmas in his arms.

  They touched down at the Cozumel airport, and she thanked the pilot. He walked with her off the airplane, which was parked off next to a row of ot
her private planes, and then he opened the door of a waiting car. When he climbed in the driver’s seat, her stomach tumbled. “You’re my driver too?” she asked, trying for a light tone, but this seemed really off.

  The man nodded gravely, looking at her. “Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman wanted to assure you got there safe. The orphanage has the highest security, but Mr. Hoffman gave all his house staff the week off because he and José were going to be out of town. His regular men are either gone to the mainland for Christmas or not responding. With all but one of the guards missing, and no one else he trusts around, he asked me to get you safely to the orphanage.”

  Cassie nodded that she understood, but her stomach was still unsettled. Was it the pilot pulling double duty that felt off, or was it some other kind of warning? The last time she’d been at this orphanage, she’d felt very safe; it was a bustling, busy place that was much nicer than any of the others she’d been in. She had noticed the state-of-the-art security around the property, which was probably there because of Sydnee and some of the children being abducted a few years ago.

  The drive passed quickly. The island was sunny and beautiful with thick foliage. The trees and the warmth were different from the wintry Colorado; both locales were picturesque, but Cassie already ached for home, and Jed.

  They pulled up to the circle drive in front of the orphanage, and she felt relieved. The driver seemed great, but there was always that fear that someone wasn’t who they were pretending to be. The driver held Cassie’s door and got her small suitcase.

  Camila came bursting out of the front door, rushed down the steps, and hugged Cassie close. “Gracias, gracias. Thank you for coming.” She was a beautiful middle-aged lady with dark eyes and long dark hair interspersed with gray. She looked exhausted.

  “Of course. I’m happy I can help.” This was why she had to come. Camila needed her. The children needed her.

  Camila turned to the pilot as she released Cassie. “Thank you for bringing her.” Camila’s English was heavily accented, but she was well educated. She’d confided in Cassie that Brooks and Sydnee had helped her with a college degree and English training. They wanted the children taught well, and knowing English could help them with future jobs or opportunities to expand their world beyond the island.

  “Of course,” the pilot said. “You feel safe, no signs of trouble?”

  “No.” Camila shook her head. “The security system is in place, and we are fine. The guard from last night stayed, but I’m afraid he’s come down with the sickness like Katie. He’s resting now.” She squeezed Cassie’s hand. “I will be more fine now with Cassie here.” She turned. “The children will be needing us.”

  “Of course.” To Cassie, he said, “I’ll be flying back to Mexico City to pick up José and his family now. They decided to come back as quickly as they could instead of staying for their family dinner and coming late tonight. In about four hours, we will have more help for you. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman are planning to return on the twenty-seventh. I will fly them here, and I can fly you home then, if you’d like.”

  She nodded quickly. Home. She’d work hard, help out for the next couple of days, then go back to Jed. She could do this. She took her suitcase, thanked the pilot, and followed Camila back into the house.

  Camila armed the security system by the door and squeezed her hand. “We’re almost ready to eat lunch,” she said with a grimace. “A little late today.”

  Cassie understood the grimace. Feeding thirty-two children would take some time and work. Camila called everyone into the dining area. Many of them shouted out greetings in English and Spanish to Cassie. She remembered quite a few of them from her stay here last year, though she couldn’t remember all their names.

  The older children helped the younger children, and some helped feed the babies. They got through lunch, and everybody but the toddlers helped with cleanup. It was crazy and louder than even Cassie’s house. One baby seemed inconsolable, despite being fed and having her diaper changed. Cassie held her against her chest with her left arm and bounced as she helped other children get the food they wanted, break up any squabbles, and then clean up. The baby finally settled and fell asleep in her arms. Cassie didn’t have any time to eat herself, but that was fine. She’d had that big breakfast at Mama’s. Was that really only a matter of hours ago? Crazy.

  She’d laid the little one down and a couple of older children brought the other babies into the nursery with Camila. A few small toddlers were ushered along by another child. They all worked together to settle them, and Camila turned to Cassie. “Would you mind taking the children who want to go outside for a few hours? I’ll read with the ones who want quiet time in the big room. The guard is still resting in the boy’s rooms. I think he has the flu, and he was up all night, poor guy.”

  Cassie nodded. Playing outside was right up her alley. She hoped Camila could take a short rest with those children who wanted quiet time. Changing quickly into a t-shirt and shorts, she put a new pepper spray in her pocket. She ended up with eighteen children outside, from maybe four to fifteen years old. There was a large playset that a few of the children darted straight to and plenty of ride-on toys on the large patio that some climbed onto, but more of them were looking expectantly at her. She liked to organize games, and they seemed to remember that. She felt the reward of being here to serve them as their eyes shone with excitement at her.

  A beautiful girl—Maria, she thought—sidled up close and said, “Kickball?”

  Cassie smiled. “Of course.”

  She set to work organizing the game while keeping an eye on the children on the playground and patio. Already her eyes were tired and she was getting worn out, but the children brought so much joy and gave her energy. She was where she was supposed to be. She was needed here. Jed needs you too. That voice was unbidden, and she pushed the thought away quickly.

  Brooks had cleared more trees and extended the yard since she’d last been here. It was all fenced in and huge, probably the size of an American football field, so they had plenty of room to kick the ball. One of the older boys kicked it over everyone’s heads. The children were screaming and laughing as Cassie sprinted after it.

  She reached the fence and grabbed the ball, but when she straightened, she cried out in surprise. A man was watching her from the other side of the fence, half hidden by the nearby trees. He was wiry and looked to be local. His face had a long scar down the left side and his eyes roved over her.

  “Señorita.” He tilted up his head and grinned at her.

  Cassie backed away. There was the tall fence, and security cameras were everywhere. The fence wasn’t electric, as they couldn’t risk one of the children touching it, but surely the man wasn’t just going to vault over it or something. The security company and police would be alerted if he tried, but Cassie had a very bad feeling. José was the head of Brooks’s security department and he wouldn’t be back for hours. Sydnee had said they’d given the rest of their staff the week off and all the men they’d hired but one had disappeared, and that one was sick and asleep. How far away where the police? What if they’d been bought off?

  Calm down, she told herself. It was only one man. Her eyes darted around, and she saw shadows approaching through the woods. Her eyes widened as her stomach plunged with horror. She counted three more men approaching.

  Dropping the ball, she ran back toward the children. If she could get them all inside before the men infiltrated the fence, they could put the house on lockdown and no one would get to these children. “Inside!” she screamed, “Go!”

  Some of them might not have understood, but her tone and her terror were enough to get them moving. The older children shepherded the younger ones toward the back door. Cassie headed for the playset, where several children played, oblivious to the danger they were in.

  She darted a glance back at the men and saw one prop a long ladder against the fence, and then they were scurrying up it.

  “No!” she screamed. She had to get everyone
inside. Now! Please, Lord, please help. She ripped a small child off a swing and yelled to two more. “Move! Go!”

  Children were pouring into the house, but the first man was up the ladder and launched himself onto the grass. He landed in a crouch and glanced her way with a wicked smile.

  She set the child in her arms down and yelled, “Run!”

  A little girl, maybe four or five, was perched on the top of the playset, staring at Cassie with fear in her dark eyes.

  “Come, please.” Cassie extended her arms, and Spanish words she’d heard many times came out: “Ven, mija.”

  The little girl hesitated for far too many counts, then finally leapt at her. Cassie caught her with a grunt and a rush of relief. She turned. Most of the children were at the house now, and Camila was ushering them in.

  “Cassie!” she yelled, pointing across the yard.

  Several men were on the ground now. Cassie thought they would come at her, but they sprinted for the house. They’d probably come to steal as many children as they could for trafficking; they didn’t just want Cassie and one girl. They must’ve known that if that door shut, they’d have no way in.

  The last of the children passed through the door, and the men were almost there.

  “Shut it!” Cassie yelled at Camila.

  Camila’s eyes were wide. “No!”

  “Shut it!” Cassie hated to think of sacrificing herself and this beautiful child, but if those men got in that house, they might be able to take all thirty-two children before help arrived.

  Camila slammed the door. Cassie heard the lock click like a death knoll. She knew Camila would quickly arm the system and help would be on the way. As the four men now in the yard spun to her, she knew it wouldn’t be nearly fast enough to save her or this little girl.

  She backed away, and the child whimpered in her arms. “It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay,” Cassie tried to soothe, lying through her teeth. Camila would wake the security guard, and if he physically could, he’d come to her rescue. Yet what could one man, even one trained by Brooks and José, do against four evil-looking dudes?


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