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The Strong Family Romance Collection

Page 70

by Cami Checketts

  She swiped her keycard and pushed the door open. Gavin held it for her, and she gestured him into the room. “Come in.” Her palms were sweaty. How did she present this idea without him thinking she was insane? At the same time, what did she have to lose? She checked out in the morning, and unless he issued a solid invite, rather than just throwing out that he’d like her to come back, she wouldn’t know if she was truly welcome. If he wanted her like she wanted him. This was her chance to hopefully get him to kiss her and—if dreams came true—get an invite back.

  Gavin walked into the room, thankfully, but he didn’t seem completely comfortable. His shoulders were kind of hunched around his ears.

  She pushed the door closed and stood against it.

  “What can I help with?” Gavin asked. His eyes darted around the room as if looking for a water leak. “Everything’s okay with the room?”

  “Yes.” She licked her lips, squared her shoulders, and vowed to make her friends in her head proud of her. “I’m working on a scene, and I need to know if it’s going to work.”

  “A scene?” His brow furrowed. “What kind of scene?”

  “Well …” She stepped toward him. “It involves some … touching. Are you okay with that?” Shoot, what was she doing, giving him a way out? Yet she didn’t want to force him to kiss her. She wanted him to kiss her like the man he was.

  Gavin’s dark eyes looked conflicted. He’d held her hand, brushed against her, returned her hug, but not much more. Maybe he wasn’t okay with touch. Maybe he wasn’t okay with touching her.

  A few long seconds passed, and her hopes started to deflate. This wasn’t going to work. She still had tomorrow morning, but Austin would be right there. Yet maybe she needed to back down so she didn’t scare him away. She could tell him she was kidding, thank him, maybe try for another hug like she had impulsively done a few nights ago.

  “Yeah, I …” He cleared his throat and then started again. “I’m okay with that,” he said in a gravelly tone.

  Kari got the impression that he was being brave too, which seemed silly since he was such a big, tough guy, but she knew as well as anyone, having lived through so many characters’ heartbreaks and healing, that not all scars or fears could be seen. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He nodded. “Sure. So …”

  Her stomach pitched in anticipation, and she tried to discreetly wipe her palms on her pants. “So.” She set her coat on a chair.

  He shrugged out of his coat too, and she caught a meaningful, longing look in his dark eyes. He was interested. She knew it as well as she knew that all of her characters were going to end up with a happily ever after, no matter how vicious their path to get there. Could she and Gavin have a happily ever after? She needed to play her cards right in the next few minutes, or there would be nothing beyond this chapter.

  She eased in close to him. “Can you wrap your hands around my hips?”

  “Your hips?” His eyebrows went up. “S-sure.” His hands circled her waist. “Like that?” His voice had dropped lower and was so awe-inspiring, she wanted to write down all the ways it affected her. Her heart was beating faster, her stomach was full of butterflies, and heat rushed through her that would’ve kept her warm outside on a Colorado winter’s night.

  Kari bit at her lip and murmured, “That’s more my waist, which I like, but I wanted to see if the hips felt different.” Though Gavin’s large palms on her waist felt amazing, better than anything she had felt in her life.

  “So … lower?” he grunted out.

  “Yes, please.” She focused on his eyes as he ran his palms slowly down to her hips. She let out a moan before she could rein it in. “Oh yes, I can see how a character might like that.”

  His eyebrows went up.

  Kari bit at her lip and was able to get out, “Now can you please pull me in … closer?” Her voice pitched up on the last word, betraying the nerves and excitement racing through her.

  Gavin did as instructed, firmly pulling her in tight to his chest.

  Kari’s hands went to his shoulders instinctively. “Oh, perfect. Yes.” She gave him what she hoped was a confident smile. “That’s exactly how I’d write it.”

  Gavin’s brow furrowed again, but he didn’t move away.

  Kari’s heart was beating hard and fast, and she thought the tension rising between them was as beautiful as anything she’d ever imagined. “Now can you run your hands from my hips along my back and then bring them around to frame my face?”

  Gavin nodded. He took his sweet time, and she appreciated every second. His hands seared fire through her as his large palms ran along her lower back, then made their way beautifully to her upper back. Next, he slowly rubbed them along her shoulders and then moved them tenderly up her neck. She noticeably quivered, and he gave her a half of a smile before cupping her jaw and cheeks with his palms.

  “Was that okay?” he said in that same husky whisper, making her want to melt into him.

  “That was … perfect,” she got out, panting for air. “Great research. Thank you.”

  His eyes trailed over her face in such a tender and longing look that she found herself leaning up toward him. She needed to keep taking this slow, make him want her as much as she wanted him, but she didn’t know if that was possible.

  “What next?” he asked quietly.

  “Um, well …” Next, he should lean in and kiss her, but her boldness was running out. “My arms are kind of trapped, so I need to maybe bring them around?” She slid her hands down his chest and then underneath his arms, bringing them around from behind to cling to his solid biceps like she’d had characters do. “Oh, I like that.” Her heart was hammering so hard she was afraid he could hear it. “Your biceps are amazing, but then I knew that from the therapy pools.”

  He let out a grunt of laughter, but then his eyes softened as they looked at her. “I’m doing okay, then?”

  “Yes, thank you so much.”

  They stared at each other. His gaze was a sexy smolder she’d only written about, and it was lighting her up. Her pulse was racing and she was hot all over, but she didn’t want to have to tell him to make the next move.

  “What next?” he asked.

  She wanted to kiss him so badly she could hardly stand it, but she didn’t want to instruct him on it. She felt heady and warm simply being close to him and inhaling his Tom Ford scent, but how did she tell him he needed to be the man and claim her lips with his?

  The silence stretched into awkwardness. Kari finally forced herself to mutter, “Thank you so much for helping me with the research. I think I’ve got it. I’d better go write it all down now.”

  His jaw dropped and his brows drew together. His arms also loosened around her, which she hated, but it was her fault. Why did she keep dropping these stupid, stupid lines? She was a horrible heroine and was failing at her own life story.

  Kari felt like she had no choice though as she slipped out of his arms. She made it one step before he grabbed her hand. She spun back to face him, filled with hope that this was their moment.

  His dark eyes were sparking at her like a thunderstorm. “So bringing me in here, asking me to …” His voice went low and gravelly. “Touch you. It was all for your books, for research?”

  Kari’s heart pounded out of control. He looked hurt and mad, and she’d never intended that. “No,” she squeaked out.

  “No?” His gaze had her hot and cold at the same time.

  This was it. This was her chance to step up and live what she’d only lived through her characters, though her characters were their own people and she didn’t want to live their lives vicariously. For the first time, she definitely wanted to live her own. “I …” She licked her lips, and the way his eyes dropped to her mouth had her taking a long gulp of air before saying, “I like you, Gavin.”

  “You do?” His gaze flew to hers again, and what she saw there made her want to right his every wrong. He’d been hurt badly and was still vulnerable, and she was ju
st the woman to help him heal. She hoped so, anyway.

  “Yes.” She nodded vigorously and waited. This was his moment to admit that he’d fallen for her, he adored her, he didn’t want her to leave tomorrow. No, that would all be rushing him too much. Slow it down, girlie, the voices in her head cautioned.

  Gavin eased in a little closer. “I like you too,” he said softly.

  Kari let out a squeal and bit at her lip.

  Gavin almost broke into his full smile. She loved each of his smiles, but his full one was the best. “So why did you have me do all of the … research?” He arched one eyebrow up.

  “Because …” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m so awkward.”

  “You’re awkward? I would never call you awkward.”

  “Thank you, but I live in my head with my characters most of the time—no, pretty much all the time, except for on Sunday, when I don’t work. I go to church with my parents, eat dinner with them, and then read or go on walks until I can finally fall asleep early Sunday night and wake at four a.m. Monday morning to get back to my characters’ lives again.”

  His eyes were wide with surprise. “I knew you were into your writing, but …”

  “I know. It’s pathetic. I also take breaks to run, and sometimes to eat.” She lifted her shoulders and splayed her hands. “So I haven’t been around a man in a long time, and meeting you and Austin has been delightful, beautiful. I’ve loved every moment. I had no idea real people could be so incredible.”

  Gavin blinked at her. “Thanks, I think.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “No, I mean it. You’re amazing and I love little Austin.”

  “Thanks,” he said again, this time softer.

  “So me asking you to touch me for research was my awkward attempt to break the ice and get you to … Whew.” She clenched and unclenched her fists. “This ‘real people’ stuff is kind of hard sometimes.”

  He gave her his full smile, and her knees almost buckled. He waited, but then prompted, “You were trying to get me to …?”

  Kari drew in a steadying breath and tried one more time to give him a hint. She trailed her tongue along her lips. His dark gaze changed from wary to warm and irresistible, and it made her entire body tingle. Dang! Real people stuff was better than what she wrote. Who knew?

  Gavin didn’t say anything. He slowly approached, his gaze steady on her and his lips soft and appealing. She wanted to forget about letting him be the hero and kiss her. She wanted to tackle him and kiss him then and there.

  He suddenly lifted her off her feet and pinned her against the wall. She gasped in surprise and pleasure. He gave her a smoldering look and muttered, “Maybe this will give you some ‘real people’ stuff to write about.”

  His lips came down on hers, firm and yet tender. The way his lips moved and the way hers burned with unimagined bliss was so beautiful, she thought angels must be singing. Gavin Strong knew his way around a kiss. The passion pouring from him was incredible, and unexpected. She’d thought he’d be this stoic, unbending hero, but his kiss was nothing like that. He was indeed strong as he held her firmly, maneuvering her lips in an increasingly passionate pattern. He kissed her better than any of her characters had ever been kissed, and that was saying something, as she’d written some doozies over the years.

  He eventually released her lips and straightened. They were both panting for air.

  Finally, Kari rasped out, “I can’t write any of that.”

  “Why not?” He gazed tenderly down at her, trailing his fingers along her jaw and making her crave many, many more of those kisses.

  “It was too incredible,” she murmured. “No words could ever do that kiss justice.”

  Gavin’s eyes softened, but his lips turned up in a smile that had her quivering. “Well, let’s keep trying and see if any words come to mind.”

  Kari pulled him in tight. “I love that plan.”

  Gavin gave her his full grin and lowered his head. The kiss this time was gentle, imploring. When he tenderly deepened it, she sighed and felt light-headed. Gavin smiled and then came back for more. She knew time passed as they shared kiss after kiss, but who knew how long? Truly, who cared? Time meant nothing when you were in the arms of Gavin Strong.

  His phone buzzed, and he drew back sharply. “Austin.” His eyes looked panicked. “I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.”

  Kari nodded. She didn’t want Austin to be alone, and from what she understood, his mom couldn’t leave his dad for very long. “Sorry I kept you.”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “See you in the morning.” He grabbed his coat and rushed out the door before she could even return the parting.

  He had responsibilities with Austin and his mom. She understood that, and it made him even more appealing. Yet a selfish part of her wanted to keep him close by her side.

  She got ready for bed and snuggled in, replaying different moments of those incredible kisses in her head. Rogue thoughts kept sneaking in that she didn’t want to deal with: she was leaving in the morning, and Gavin hadn’t asked her to come back. Also for the first time she could remember, she had no desire to write. She simply wanted to replay his kiss and keep those beautiful memories all to herself.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gavin went through so many different emotions during the long night that he thought if Kari did write him into one of her books, she should write him as some twisted character who didn’t know his own mind. He felt elation and desire when he thought of Kari and especially the kisses and closeness they’d shared, and he felt guilt when he realized that twice now he’d put his own wants above Austin.

  Austin had given him that cute speech about how if he married Kari it would just mean more love for him, but what if it meant Austin got shunted to the side? Gavin was an all-or-nothing kind of person. He’d loved Janielle so desperately, it had taken a long time to get over her deception. If he loved that deeply again and Kari wasn’t interested in the long term or being an adoptive mother to Austin, or if she left Arizona for this beautiful valley that was freezing nine months out of the year, or a hundred other things that could go wrong, how would he survive another heartbreak? Already he could feel that Kari had the power to capture him much more deeply than Janielle had, and he’d known her for a matter of days. He knew some of his siblings had fallen for their spouses or fiancés quickly, but that wasn’t him. He was slow and steady, like a sluggish turtle.

  He woke at five a.m. the next morning, answered a few pressing emails, and then started on his workout. Austin came in, blearily blinking his eyes, at six a.m. Gavin was so grateful that Austin lived with him now. It made him feel like the king of the world, being this kid’s dad. If only he could find a way to tell him the truth, without damaging his happy, carefree world.

  “What the crap, bro?” Austin gave him a saucy glare. “You start without me?”

  “Yeah. I needed to do a little extra this morning.” Otherwise he would end up banging on Kari’s hotel room door and begging her to kiss him again. She was leaving this morning. The thought made him sick to his stomach. What was wrong with him?

  “Okay.” Austin was never one to stay upset for long. “Let’s work out hard so I can shower and we can go say goodbye to Kari. Are you going to ask her to come back?”

  “I thought about seeing if she’d come for the weddings.” Gavin focused on his lateral raise so Austin wouldn’t see how deeply invested he already was.

  “Cool. Everybody would like her a lot.” Austin set up a box for box jumps. “Is that, like, serious … bringing a girl to a wedding?” He leapt onto the platform, performing a deep squat and then hopping back off.

  “Maybe.” Gavin lowered the dumbbells and met Austin’s eyes in the mirror. “Do you like Kari?”

  “Of course. She’s awesome.” He jumped onto the box again.

  “Do you like her enough to have her be your mom?” Gavin’s eyes widened as he realized his own blunder. He’d spent so many years being careful,
convincing everyone that Austin was only his brother. He needed to tell him at the perfect moment, not just let it stupidly slip.

  Austin put a hand on the box and gave him a questioning glance. “I already have a mom. But another sister would be way cool. Especially since she’s hot like Hottie Hazel.” He did his adorable wink that was more like a blink and then hopped onto the box again.

  Gavin let out a breath of relief and focused back on strengthening his deltoids. Austin believed firmly that he was his brother too. That was good. Yet part of him wished that he’d already told the secret. Mama and Papa had given their blessing for Gavin to share whenever he thought it appropriate. How he’d love for his son to call him Dad or Daddy or whatever name Austin came up with for him. Austin was so easygoing and happy. Gavin was ninety percent sure he’d take the news like a champion.

  They ended their workout early, showered, and drove over to the lodge. It was only six-fifty, but as they walked into the lobby Kari was already there with a suitcase and a carry-on. She had her coat and purse over her arm and a conflicted smile on her face. Her gaze met Gavin’s, and his blood ran hotter. All he could think about was kissing her last night, and how he was ready to do it again. But not with Austin here. It probably wouldn’t matter to Austin either way, but Gavin wasn’t ready to be kissing a woman in front of his boy.

  “Hey,” Austin called out.

  “Hi,” Kari replied.

  Austin ran to her and gave her a quick hug. Gavin loved the image of his son hugging the woman he was falling for. Kari was beautiful, tall, and blond, and Austin was so cute with his thick golden-brown hair and his dark brown eyes.

  “We’ll miss you,” Austin said. “Goodbye.” He darted back to Gavin’s side, and Gavin gave a surprised grunt of laughter. “Your turn,” Austin said in a too-loud whisper.

  Gavin wished he could be as impetuous as his son—more, actually. He slowly walked to Kari. Her blue eyes bewitched him—they were only one of the many reasons he was so taken with her. He couldn’t find his tongue to say much more than, “Hey.”


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