Hollywood Fairytale (Fairlane Series Book 2)

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Hollywood Fairytale (Fairlane Series Book 2) Page 4

by Harlow Layne

  I’d folded myself into him, as if I could escape inside of him, while Luke continued to soothed me anyway he knew how, not once caring about his shirt or that he was uncomfortable.

  Even though all I wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms, I sat up and looked down at his surprised face and started to pull his shirt up the strong planes of his stomach. He sat up without word, letting me take off his wet shirt. Once I’d thrown his shirt to the floor, Luke’s arms were around me once again and pulling me back down onto the bed and into the cocoon he had created earlier.

  We were quiet for long moments before I decided that no matter how hard it was to talk about, I still wanted Luke to know everything.

  “I haven’t talked or seen my mom since I was thirteen. Ever since I could remember, I knew that I was never a priority in her life. She has four other kids. Two with the man who abused me, and two more she had with the husband after that.”

  His body tensed, and he held his breath for almost a minute before he spoke, anger laced in every word. “She married the man who abused you?”

  “Not only did she marry him, but for years she denied anything ever happened. I don’t know when I realized it, but at some point, I figured out that I only visited her when it was convenient for her. She had no rights to me, but my dad let me visit her when I wanted, and if she was available.

  “She sounds like a bitch who doesn’t know what she’s missing by not being in your life.”

  “It is what it is. I’m used to it, but I wanted you to know in case she tries to come back into my life, if she learns about you or tries to contact you in anyway.”

  Kissing the top of my head, his voice was filled with gravel when he spoke. His body still held some of the tension from earlier. “I hate that happened to you and I wish I could take it away, but we both know that I can’t. It explains why you’re such a strong, independent woman. Thank you for telling me and opening up to me.”

  Tilting my head up, I kissed the bottom of his jaw.

  “We should get some sleep since we have that appointment in the morning and you’ve got to be drained after tonight.”

  “I am tired.” I answered with a long yawn. As my eyes drifted closed, I mumbled. “Just keep holding me.”



  After working for a couple hours, I decided to stop and take advantage of the fact that Luke and I were alone for a few more hours. Luke had urged me to get the work I needed done while he went to the gym and start going over his lines for Night Shadows.

  My steps faltered when I found Luke reclined on my couch with bare feet, ankles crossed in low slung grey sweatpants, and a tight white t-shirt stretched across his biceps and chest. As mouthwatering as all that was, it was the thick, black framed glasses perched upon his nose that stopped me and had me almost drooling. At any given time, Luke was hot, but with those glasses on he was scorching. If a lady could have a boner, I got one in that moment seeing Luke.

  How had I not known he wore glasses?

  Dear God, he needed to wear them at all times. No, then the women that threw themselves at him would be relentless. On second thought, he should only wear them in the house around me.

  I was pulled from my thoughts when Luke cleared his throat. “Alex, are you okay? You’ve been standing there for a good two minutes.”

  Starting toward him, my body heat increased with every step. “Never better.” Settling on the edge of the couch by his side, I couldn’t take my eyes off his glasses or stop from fingering the side of them. Not that I ever had a hard time looking at Luke.

  “Do you like the glasses?” he asked cocking his head.

  I was sure that he thought I’d gone crazy, but I only nodded as I leaned down and brushed my lips against his before I licked along the seam.

  “Oh, you do like them.” His voice had grown husky and his blue eyes turned as dark as a storm.

  “I really do. How have I never seen these?”

  With a small smile gracing his face, he answered. “I only where them when I’m reading for long periods of time.”

  “You can’t wear those out in public,” I blurted out.

  Face lighting up with amusement, he only looked hotter. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I don’t want to go to prison for having to kill all the women that will throw themselves at you when they see you wearing those glasses.”

  “Feeling possessive?” he smiled slyly, pulling me closer.

  “You are mine.”

  Wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, Luke smiled up at me as he took in my fixed gaze. “Very much so.”

  “I really love those glasses on you. It makes me want to jump you, lick you, and do many more bad things to you.”

  Throwing his script on the table, Luke grasped my hips and pulled me on top of him. He growled out. “Nothing you want to do to me is bad. Especially in bed.”

  Leaning down, I kissed and nipped up his neck. “Even if I want to tie you up and never let you go?”

  His eyes flared and then he shot up from the couch holding me to him. “Is that an option?” he asked as he stalked toward my bedroom. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I squeezed him tighter.

  “With you anything is possible.” I responded as I licked up the column of his neck.

  “Fuck, baby, you surprise me in the most unbelievable ways.”

  With my hands tied above my head, Luke leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on one corner of my mouth and then the other. Going from throwing me down and tying me up in a frenzy, to being sweet and gentle made my lips curl up before his tongue swept across them and plunged deep.

  “This can be whatever you desire. Don't be afraid to voice what you like and dislike.”

  “No spanking. As for everything else, I don’t know,” I shrugged as best I could, starting to feel slightly uncomfortable. Before I was in the moment, but now I was reliving my past. “Decker always got pissed off at me because I didn’t like the spanking.”

  Luke’s eyes immediately flooded with understanding and tenderness. “No spanking or anything else of that nature. That’s not really my thing anyways.” He smiled down at me with his nose scrunched up. I watched as his smile slid away and his eyes heated once again. “I want to drive you wild with want. I want to push you until you can’t take it any longer. Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I answered breathlessly. He’d brought me back to the here and now and those sexy glasses that I hadn't known about got me revved up again.

  Luke stood from the bed and slowly took off his clothes, giving me my very own personal striptease. The throb between my legs pulsed harder and my body wanted to move to relieve the dull ache, but I was only to be able to shift slightly from the bindings at my wrists and ankles.

  As he slipped out of his sweatpants and boxer briefs, his cock bobbed up and down until it finally landed on his chiseled abs. Moving to the end of the bed, he kneeled, and wrapped his long fingers around my foot. He blew on the arch of my foot, tickling me, but with the bindings and his hold I was immobile.

  “Luke, I want you. I need you inside of me.” I moaned.

  He chuckled as he nibbled up my calf. “All in good time.”

  He continued, as if he had all the time in the world, as if he wasn't aching for me just as badly as I wanted him. I watched his erection bob and twitch as he moved up my body sucking, licking, and kissing up one side until he met the juncture of my legs. He was so close to where I needed him only for him to smile mischievously up at me and start on the other side.

  “The point is to drive you wild with want, beautiful. You'll soon be rewarded.”

  “You always drive me wild. I always want you,” I panted and squirmed as much as my bindings allowed.

  Time was not on my side. I was starting to think this wasn't a good idea. I didn't like that I couldn't touch him. I wanted to drive my fingers through his hair, kiss him desperately, and feel him slide into me.

  “I want to touch you. Pleas
e, this is torture.” I begged. My body desperately tried to touch him anyway it could as I arched and attempted to curl a leg against him.

  “Soon, I promise. You're doing so good. Let me have my way with you just a little bit longer.”

  “A little longer,” I answered breathlessly as his tongue licked from my stomach to my aching breasts.

  His cock rubbed against my leg as his tongue swirled around my nipple, driving me mad.

  “Luke,” I moaned, arching so that every inch of me that could, touched his long, toned body.

  My breast popped out of his mouth and he ran his tongue up the column of my neck. “Where’s your vibrator?”

  “What?” His question shocked and embarrassed me. He knew that I owned more than one because I’d used them a few times while we Face Timed, but it was still embarrassing.

  “Your vibrator. I want to use it on you while I taste you.” He growled, nipping at the shell of my ear.

  “In the top drawer. Push down on the bottom and it will lift up.”

  “A secret compartment?” he smiled down at me deviously.

  “So, Mason doesn’t find them.”

  “Smart and beautiful.”

  Pulling out my simplest vibrator, Luke moved down my body. His lips glided over every inch of me until they met where I wanted him most. My back arched off the bed the instant his tongue swirled around my already swollen clit and he pumped my vibrator in and out of me to the same rhythm as his tongue.

  “Luke,” I moaned and continued to chant his name over and over again as his magical tongue and mouth, along with my vibrator sent me over the edge until my body was languid and spent.

  Kissing up my frame, Luke untied my hands and they immediately delved into his hair, pulling him to me.

  “That was amazing,” I breathed heavily still trying to catch my breath.

  “So, you’ll let me do it again sometime?” he asked, licking and biting on my bottom lip.

  “Definitely if you wear those glasses. Will you let me tie you up sometime?”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He winked at me with those sexy as fuck glasses on.


  Standing in front of my bathroom mirror, I straightened another section of hair. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Even from my bathroom, I could hear him chuckle as he reclined on my bed reading over something. I wasn’t sure what he’d been going over since he finished getting ready. All I knew was that Luke didn’t have on his glasses. For that I was thankful because if he did, we would have been late or not have made it at all to Mason’s school Sock Hop.

  “Am I going to be a part of your and Mason’s lives?” he asked from the doorway. I hadn’t heard him move from the bed.

  Looking at him through the mirror, I answered. “I hope so.”

  “I sure as hell hope so. If I’m not working, then I want to be wherever you are. I know right now things are kind of in the air until I talk to H@T about the shooting schedule, but if we can be together whether it’s here or there, I want to be with you and Mason. Part of being in your lives is going to Mason’s activities.”

  He stopped long enough that I sat my straightener down and turned to see him looking uncertain.

  “What is it?” I asked as I took the two steps to reach him. My hands instinctively went to rest on his firm pecs.

  “Do you not want me there?”

  “Oh, Luke.” I wrapped my arms around his middle and hugged him with all my might. When his arms squeezed me against him, I rested my head against his chest and breathed him in.

  How could he think I didn’t want him there?

  “I want you there and to be with you every second that I can. I’m worried about all the attention you’ll get. I don’t want you uncomfortable.”

  “They’ll get used to it and stop paying attention eventually. Are you going to be uncomfortable?” he asked looking down at me, his hand running along my back.

  “Yes, but not because of you.”

  His brows furrowed. “Then why?”

  Letting out a deep breath, I broke his hold and went back to getting ready. All the while, I tried to keep eye contact with him in the mirror.

  “Whenever I’ve been to the school functions I’ve always felt like an outsider. I only know a few of the parents.” I shrugged as I finished the last strand of hair. “I’m always uncomfortable when I go, especially with Taylor gone. Luckily, Mason doesn’t feel the same way.”

  “Why’d you volunteer if you knew you’d be uncomfortable?”

  “Because I want to be a part of all aspects in Mason’s life. I want to help, and I know it takes time to make friends.”

  “Are you sure you’re not just waiting for Taylor to come back?”

  Turning to face him, I leaned against the counter. “Maybe a little. I know she’ll be back. I just don’t know when.”

  Luke turned to look out of the bedroom before he looked back with a smile. “You should probably finish getting ready. I can hear Mason pacing.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “He’s excited.”

  “As he should be. Its fun being his age.”

  The moment the car stopped, Mason was unbuckling his seatbelt, ready to dart out of the car. My mouth opened to yell at him because in his excitement, Mason wasn’t thinking and was about ready to cross the parking lot without looking. Instead Luke called out to him.

  “Hey, little man, hold up.”

  Mason stopped in his tracks and waited until Luke and I caught up at the tail end of the car.

  “Sorry.” Mason said looking from me then to Luke and back again to me.

  Looking down at Mason, he said. “Just be careful. We don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Sorry,” Mason muttered looking down at his feet.

  What he did next made my heart melt and heal in ways I never knew possible. Mason reached up and placed his hand in Luke’s. I watched as Luke’s big hand engulfed my little man’s hand and I wanted to cry it was so sweet, but instead I followed behind them so that I could witness it for as long as possible.

  It didn’t last long. Once Mason set foot in the gym, he took off toward his friends who were huddled in a corner. He wasn’t there more than a few seconds before he had the group out on the floor dancing. It was the cutest thing seeing all those little boys dancing without a care in the world.

  Luke bent down, his lips brushing my ear. “So, what are you supposed to do?”

  “I’m supposed to check in with someone named Kim to see where they’re putting me.”

  My only problem was that I had no idea who Kim was. I decided I would go over to the table where they were selling food and drinks to see if they knew where I was supposed to go or who Kim was.

  Lifting up on my tippy-toes, my hands-on Luke’s shoulders, I spoke in his ear. “I’m going to go over there.” I pulled back and pointed over to the table. “And see if they know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Okay, I’m going to watch Mason and his friends.”

  Half an hour later, I’d finished my shift of selling glow-in-the-dark necklaces and bracelets and was on my way back over to Luke to supervise the kids. So far, from what I’d seen, none of the kids had caused any problems and I didn’t think they would. If we were on the other side of the school with the third to fifth graders, then we might have had some problems.

  I found Luke leaning against the far wall talking to a few of the dads, and shook my head as I took in at least a dozen women who were hanging on Luke’s every word.

  The moment he saw me trying to cut through the crowd, his eyes lit up and a smile spread across his handsome face. Reaching his arm out through the surrounding crowd he had amassed, he brought me to his side.

  “Hey!” he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Alex, this is Jay, Doug, and Corey.” He pointed to each and they all smiled and waved back. “This is Alex, my girlfriend.”

  “Hi, nice to meet you all.” I greeted them with a wave.
br />   I noticed that Luke hadn’t introduced any of the women. Two of the guys were gossiping about some other guy having a mid-life crisis. Cheating on his wife, changing his wardrobe, and buying a flashy new sports car.

  “This is for all the helpers and chaperone’s here tonight.” The DJ announced.

  From the time we arrived all the songs that had been played were fast paced and were played a dozen times a day on the radio. The kids loved the music if their non-stop dancing was any indication.

  Lacing our fingers together, Luke pulled us out to the center of the dance floor in the middle of all the kids. He didn’t say a word as he smiled down at me. Not until the first strands of “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls started to play over the speakers.

  “May I have this dance?” Luke gave me his lop-sided grin that always cause butterflies to take flight in my stomach.

  “Yes,” I answered as the first words were sung.

  We didn’t dance fancy or anything like that. Instead we held each other and swayed to the music.

  My eyes watered as I looked up at Luke. We were dancing for the first time and it was to my favorite song. Everything was perfect in that moment.

  “Did you do this?”

  He leaned down, resting his cheek at the side of my head so that I could hear him. Our height difference was at a definite disadvantage right then. “I may have requested he play the song.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “Yesterday when I came home from working out, you were playing it with this amazing smile on your face and I figured it meant the song was special to you. I knew we were coming here and I planned to see if they’d play it for you.”


  Luke had said he had come home. I was so happy I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want to ruin the perfect moment.

  “You guessed right. I love this song and even though I never planned to marry again, I’ve always wanted this to be my wedding song.” I gazed up at him my heart full of love. Luke had no idea how much more special he’d made my favorite song. “I love you.”


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