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Hollywood Fairytale (Fairlane Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Harlow Layne

  “Of course, you can sweetie. We’ll eat ice cream over the phone and cry.”

  “You’re on. Don’t be surprised if I’m a blubbering mess. I’m going to miss him so damn much especially after I keep him locked in the bedroom all day tomorrow while Mason’s at school.” I whispered the last as I watched Mason and Luke walk into the kitchen. Mason had a happy smile on his face and Luke looked about ready to explode.

  “You go girl! Get some for me.” Taylor chirped happily. “Um… do you know that you and Luke have been outed?”

  “Outed? What do you mean?” I watched as my face scrunched up in the reflection of the kitchen window.

  “It’s everywhere!”

  “What’s everywhere?” I asked confused.

  “That you and Luke are definitely a couple. There are pictures of you two together at LAX and then in Mexico. I haven't looked in a few days, but I’d bet one of those bitches posted pictures of the Sock Hop too.”

  “I had no clue, but I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. My only worry is Decker. Maybe I should tell him I'm seriously dating someone, so he doesn't find out through gossip or online.”

  “Maybe.” She didn’t sound convinced. “Either way it won't be good. Hey, I’ll let you go. I wanted you to know since I know you stay off those sites. Talk to you in a few days.” I hung up and walked directly to Luke, who had stopped to look outside, and wrapped my arms around his waist, my chin to his back.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked quietly. “Did Mason do something?”

  He took in a deep breath that I could feel inflate him as I continued to hug him from behind. “Mason was perfect.”

  “Okay, I’m not sure what’s going on then. Can you please talk to me?” I squeezed him once more and started to move around him so that I could see his face, and possibly get a read on him, but Luke extended his arm to stop me. With my head tipped back, I looked up at him questioningly.

  “Can you get Mason settled doing something and then I’ll tell you in private?”

  My eyes widened. In private? What the hell was going on?

  “Yeah, I can do that.” My body started to shake as nerves wracked through me. What could Luke possibly have to tell me that had to be done in private. Nothing good, that was for sure.

  Leaning down Luke kissed my forehead and tried to smile in reassurance, but it was barely more than a tip of his lips and didn’t meet his eyes.

  It wasn’t hard to find Mason something to do. The house was a mess of boxes with almost everything still packed, and it wouldn’t be long until he’d want to play with his toys. I set him up in what would be his play room to put away all his toys with the promise that tonight he could pick whatever movie he wanted for us to watch. Not that I normally denied him, but he was excited so that was all that mattered. That and getting back to Luke as quickly as possible as I tried to come up with some reason as to why he was so angry when he got home.

  Luke’s gaze followed me as I walked back into the kitchen and over to him, biting my bottom lip. The moment I was within reaching distance, he wrapped my hand in his and held it to his chest, his heart thumped wildly.

  “Is Mason good? He didn’t say anything did he?” he asked with a tick of his jaw.

  “Not a thing. Why? What happened?”

  He barked out a dark laugh. “I bought an SUV and afterwards I thought you might be unhappy.”

  He bought a car?

  “But? I can tell that’s not what’s upsetting you.”

  “I took Mason to get some ice cream at a place that was near the dealership. He saw a toy store in the shopping center and wanted to look through the window. I saw no harm in letting him look since it’s warmer today.” He paused looking down at me with a mixture of anger and sadness.

  “That’s fine, Luke. It’s a nice day today and I’m glad he got to enjoy it a little. Is that it?” Surely it wasn’t, but I was hopeful.

  He hung his head his eyes on his shoes. “On our way back, I received a call from my publicists. I pulled over in a parking lot to take the call. You know after the incident in Mexico, I informed her that if anything came up with Ashlyn about either of us I wanted to know.”

  “What shit is she spouting this time?” I growled out. If I ever was in the same vicinity as this bitch and knew it, I was going to kick her ass. I was over her lying about Luke.

  Luke’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously and squeezed my hand in his. “She took a picture of Mason and I and posted it on Instagram. I haven’t looked at it yet, but Sarah is contacting her people to get it taken down immediately.”

  I stood frozen as I blinked at Luke. That crazy bitch was in Fairlane and posted a picture of Mason on the Internet! Pulling away, it was my turn to look outside. I may have been standing at the window, but I saw nothing but red. My mind and body were in a state of shock, rage, and sadness all at the same time. I wanted to run out and murder that crazy bitch. We knew that she was crazy, but now she’d taken her game too far. How were we going to stop her?

  From behind me Luke spoke in a rush. “I know Mason didn’t sign on for this and neither did you. I’ll do everything within my power to keep Mason out of the press, and to keep you both safe.”

  Was it possible that she knew where we lived? Would she be waiting for us when we left? I was already grateful to be behind the gates of our new neighborhood and the security system that had been upgraded yesterday morning.

  “Please don't leave me,” Luke heartbreakingly whispered from behind me.

  When I turned back to look at him, my heart cracked at the heart break in his eyes. They were pleading with me to stay. What he didn't know was that I'd never let him go.

  My eyes closed as tears burned the backs of my eyes, I needed to be strong in this moment for Luke. Yes, I was undeniably pissed about what Ashlyn had done, but I knew that Luke had no part of it. I knew that at some point there would be a chance Mason would be around paparazzi and get his picture taken, but had also hoped that we could appeal to their sensibilities and they’d leave him out of pictures. It was easy to see the draw - people wanted to know what celebrity’s children looked like, but they were still innocent children that should have their privacy protected.

  Taking a deep cleansing breath, I let it out and opened my eyes to find Luke’s worried gazed locked on me. Moving toward the island, I patted a stool with a small smile. “Come sit.”

  Luke eyed the stool warily but did as I’d asked. I jumped up onto the island next to him and looked down at his face. The sadness and fear in his eyes made me sick. Luke was the kindest, sweetest man I knew he deserved to always be happy, and one photo from Ashlyn had rocked his world.

  “There is nothing in this stratosphere that could ever make me leave you,” I pledged with our eyes locked. I wanted him to not only hear it, but to see it in my eyes. I wanted Luke to have no doubt in his mind.

  His big hands gripped my hips and dragged me until I was seated in front of him. Wrapping his arms around my waist, Luke leaned down to rest his head on my stomach holding me tightly.

  For a moment, I was taken aback by his actions realizing how truly scared he’d been. Running my fingers through his hair, I spoke to my sweet man. “Thank you for taking care of the picture. I knew it might someday be a possibility, but I never thought it would happen while we’re here in Fairlane. Do I want Mason’s picture out there for the world to see? No, I don’t, but it’s something I can live with if I need to. I can’t accept that crazy bitch being the one to spread his face around. She had no right! What’s her game?” Luke shook his head against me and kissed me through my shirt. “Does she want the public to hate you? Me? Does she think that I’ll believe her pictures and dump you? I don’t know how she’s not in a mental institution. How are we going to get her to leave us alone?” I cried out, resting my head against the top of his.

  Shaking his head, Luke looked up at me bleakly, “I don’t have any answers for you except that she’s crazy. Sarah’s looking
into what we can do, but she’s not hopeful. Ashlyn hasn’t done anything physical toward either of us or made a threat.”

  “If I ever see her anywhere near any of us, I promise you here and now that I’m going to kick her ass. She’s gone too far. Mason’s an innocent little boy.”

  Pulling me tightly against him, Luke murmured. “I know, baby. I’m so sorry this happened. I thought we were safe here.” Dejectedly he shook his head. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Because you shouldn’t have to. I thought we were safe too. Luke,” I said tipping his chin up to me. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  “You didn’t ask for this.”

  “I asked for you.” His lopsided grin shined up at me after only a few words. “I knew what I was getting into when I decided to be with you. You’re sweet to your fans when they come up to you, but you don’t seek them out or the attention of Hollywood. Your privacy is very important to you, and you do what you do because you love the work. I believe it’s what you were meant to do.”

  Eyes shining, Luke rested one hand against my racing heart. “Fuck, Alex, you know me down to my soul. What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  Pressing my lips to his, I smiled. “I ask myself the same thing every day.”

  After breaking away from a soft, wet kiss, Luke engulfed me in his arms. “Thank you for not freaking out. I was… I thought it might be more than you could handle, but I was wrong. Never again will I underestimate your strength.”

  “Or my love for you. You’ve been permanently etched into my heart, Lucas Sandström. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

  We sat quietly for a moment in a what I would normally describe as a disgusting love-sick haze, but since it pertained to me, I loved it as it made my heart swell in love and appreciation for the man in front of me. Then I remembered something that Luke had mentioned earlier.

  “Wait, you bought a new car?” he nodded woodenly. “Where’s my car?”

  “In the driveway. I had the salesman drive it back. Don’t worry.”

  “What the hell did you buy that they’d be willing to drive here?” Seriously it was at least thirty minutes to any dealership. No wonder they’d been gone for so long.

  Luke tried to hide a smile by clamping his mouth shut but it didn’t work. Instead they kept slipping out and quirking up. “Who knew buying an SUV would upset you more than a crazy stalker?”

  “That’s not funny, Luke. Why did you buy a new car? Mine’s perfectly fine.”

  “Yes, it’s perfectly fine for you, but I’m a big man and I need room. Plus, if it snows I want to know that when you and Mason are out that you’re safe and now I’ve guaranteed it.”

  “Just because you’ve bought it doesn’t mean that I’ll drive it. You’ve already done too much with helping buy the house. Next thing I know you’ll go all Fifty on me by putting money in my bank account.”

  Looking at me strangely, he shook his head. “I have no idea what you are talking about, but if you need money for anything in the house let me know and I’ll happily give you the money.”

  “No! I don’t want that!” I cried out. “Look, I don’t want to yell at you or get upset, but I need to feel like I’m doing my part.”

  He let out a frustrated breath. “You are doing your part. You paid for half of this house.” He motioned around the kitchen. “I’m not taking over, but I’m not going to let you spend every penny you have to fill this house and take care of it.”

  “I paid for half, but we both know that this house is worth way more than what we bought it for.”

  Pulling my body against his, he smiled down at me. “Did you hear yourself just then? You said we bought this house. This is my house too and I’m going to help.”

  “It’s not going to feel like your house except that I could never afford this.” I muttered.

  Looking hurt, Luke asked quietly. “Why do you say that? I’ll be here as much as I possibly can.”

  My fingers slid from his hair to brush against his stubble. “I didn’t mean it in a bad a way. Please don’t misunderstand, but all your stuff is in LA. Nothing of yours will be here.”

  “I beg to differ. You’ll be here, and you are most definitely mine.” That got a minute smile from me. “Is that what’s bothering you? That I won’t have anything here to claim my spot?”

  Looking down at my lap, I bit my bottom lip. “It’s stupid, I know, but it won’t seem like you live here if you don’t have anything in the closet or drawers.”

  “There’s a SUV in the garage that’s mine and I’ll leave the keys in one of the kitchen drawers.” He replied back, lifting his chin in satisfaction.

  Looking down, I answered. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do, and I shouldn’t take it lightly. I can leave everything I brought here if it will help. It’s not much, but it’s enough to put a few of my things in the closet and the drawers in the bathroom just like you want. Then when you come to LA, you and Mason can leave some of your stuff there too.” After placing a kiss on my forehead, he continued. “With never living together and then me being in LA for the next five months, I can see your point. If I could live here, right now, I would, but we have to make the best out of the situation and see each other when we can. Right now, I can’t give you dates, but if I ever have a weekend open know that I’ll be on the first plane here.”

  Hugging him tight, I laid my head on his shoulder, my lips brushing his neck as I spoke. “I’m being a big baby. I know that you are doing the best that you can, and you’d be here if you could. If there’s a weekend when I don’t have Mason and you won’t be working the entire time, I’ll be there. You’re not even gone, and I already miss you. Even with being chest to chest with you, I miss your touch. As your scent invades my senses, I long to smell you again. To be without feeling you inside me has me wanting to lock you away and have my way with you until we both can’t move.”

  Skirting his hand up the front of my shirt, Luke pulled down the cup of my bra and pinched my nipple. His tongue made a path from the crook of my neck across the exposed skin of my shoulder. “Right now, I can’t do anything to help your need for me to be inside of you, but I have a feeling that there won’t be much unpacking tomorrow while Mason’s at school. I’m going to wring every last orgasm out of you until you beg me to stop.”

  “Yes, please.”



  “Beautiful.” My lips pressed against the top of her head as she cried into my shirt, clutching me to her. “You’re breaking my heart.”

  The moment Alex woke up and found me up on an elbow watching her sleep, her eyes instantly filled with tears. She’d held them back as I made love to her one last time before it was time to head to the airport, but after dropping Mason off at school she finally broke down and let them flow.

  For months I’d encouraged Alex that she was safe to cry in front of me, but this time I was the cause. Not because a childhood friend had died, or she was telling me about her parents. It killed me to know that I was the root of her pain.

  If it were up to me, I’d never leave her. I’d take her with me or stay in Fairlane, but I had obligations that I had to fulfill, and she had to stay here with Mason.

  Fuck she was killing me with her endless tears and sobs.

  With how upset she was, I wasn’t sure if Alex would be able to drive herself home after dropping me off. If there would have been someone to drive her home I would have suggested it. Sadly, Ryan had stopped communication with her all together and Taylor was in Florida. I had a feeling she would need her friends over the next few months. At least Taylor would do her best to perform her best friend duties no matter how far away she was. Perhaps once I got inside, I’d send her a message to call Alex.

  Running my hand over her hair and down back one last time, I nuzzled my face into the top of her head and breathed her in. She smelled like her coconut shampoo. Like the beach on our trip to Mexico. I may love the colder temperatures, but A
lex had made me a beach lover because she always smelled of the coconuts and our amazing trip where she finally told me she loved me. It was sappy, but I didn’t care. I’d been waiting to hear those words from her. Someday I’d take her to all the beaches she’d ever dreamed about and if I was lucky a few of them would be clothing optional.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Kissing her hair, I straightened up and pulled back. “Can you look at me?”

  Big blue eyes, heavy with sadness and tears stared back at me causing my heart to painfully twist inside my chest. I’d wanted to be strong for her but separating from her was killing me just as much. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold myself together.

  “I hate to say this, but I have to go. Are you going to be okay?”

  Her lips trembled until she sucked her lower lip in and bit down on it. “No.” She choked out.

  “Hey.” I tried to comfort her as best I could in the small confines of the car. “We’re still going to talk and FaceTime every day. Honey, this isn’t goodbye. It’ll be no time until you and Mason come to visit me for spring break.” Cupping her face in both my hands, I swept her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. Even tear streaked she was beautiful. Leaning down, I brushed my lips across her soft mouth. My heart cracked a little bit more with the taste of her tears on her lips.

  My eyes closed as I rested my forehead to hers. “I love you. More than you know. More than anything. We’ll make it through this. I promise.”

  Even knowing that Alex loved me, I couldn't help but doubt that the long distance and months away from each other would create a rift between us. Time and distance were no friend to even the strongest of relationships and although we were strong, we were also new.

  “I know,” she murmured against my lips, her arms wrapping around me, holding me tighter. “I love you so fucking much it hurts.”

  “I know, Alex. I know.” Because I felt it too.


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