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Hollywood Fairytale (Fairlane Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Harlow Layne

  “I’m fine,” he answered with a laugh as he got up.

  “We need to get one of those big lounger bed things like what we used in Malibu. That way we can both be comfortable and have plenty of room.”

  Rubbing his hip where he landed, he grimaced as he stretched out on top of me. “I’ll order one later tonight.”

  “Perfect. Now, where were we?”

  Before Luke could answer my phone rang, breaking us out of our haze.

  To answer or not to answer.

  It rang again and when I looked it was Taylor.

  “It’s Taylor, hold that thought.” Sweeping in, I kissed him quickly before answering.


  “Hey mamacita. How are you?” I answered Taylor’s phone call.

  “Tired and irritated. How about you?” she answered back without her usual chipper tone.

  “I’m great. What’s going on with you? You don’t sound like yourself.” I asked, worried. There were very few times in the years I’d known Taylor that she wasn’t happy.

  “I just spent all morning grocery shopping. It was insane since it’s the weekend and then on Friday, I spent three hours at the doctor’s office. We all know that babies come at unpredictable times, but if the doctor’s out of the office with a difficult delivery they really should reschedule you instead of making you waste your whole morning in their stupid office. My whole weekend feels ruined.”

  “It is annoying. I remember being pregnant with Mason and being on bedrest. Having to sit in their office for hours almost every time, but heaven forbid I get out of bed and try to make myself something to eat or want to take a shower. As for going to the grocery store on the weekend, I never go. I don’t have the patience for it. I totally feel you your pain.”

  “I know you do. This is it though. I’m making Jack get fixed after the baby’s born. I’m not doing this again and the worst part is he’s never around and when he is, he’s either asleep or I need him to watch Ben, so I can spend the morning at the grocery store.”

  “I know honey and I’m sorry, but it’ll be over soon and then you can move back here. Hopefully in time for the new school year.”

  “If he’s not done by the time school starts I don’t care, I’ll move back without him. Do you have a room Ben and I can stay in until we find a house?”

  “You know you can always stay here anytime and for as long as you want. You’re family.”

  “Thank you, sweetie. You know I think of you as family too. Enough about me, you sounded so excited when you left your message. What’s going on?”

  “I wish I was there to tell you, but this will have to do. I’m engaged.” I shrieked into the phone.

  “Oh my God, I wish I was there to see your ring. Take a picture and send it to me. I want to see it.” Taylor squealed loudly in excitement.

  “I will. I promise.” Staring down at my ring finger, I breathed out. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Oh my, you just let out some love-sick noise.” She cackled into the phone.

  “Probably, it still feels like a dream. I can’t believe he surprised me by coming back early and proposing.”

  “Hi, Taylor,” Luke called from beside me.

  “Hi, Luke.” She called loud enough I was sure he heard her. “You deserve this sweetie and it isn’t a dream. This is your life now. I’m so happy for you.” Taylor let out a happy sigh.

  “Thank you, Taylor. That means a lot. I want you to be my Maid of Honor. It’s kind of short notice, but we plan to get married August twelfth.

  “Aww, of course, I will. I’d be honored. You do know that it’s an inferno in Missouri in August don’t you.”

  “Yes, but we aren’t getting married in Missouri. We’re getting married in Hawaii after Luke’s movie is finished filming.”

  “Perfect! Wait. How are you going to plan a wedding in a couple of months?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Good question. I’m going to start looking online at where I’d want to get married and try to find a wedding planner on the island to help me. That’s the only way I’ll be able to do it. It’s not going to be big, or at least I don’t think so. We’re only inviting friends and family. Once I know more you’ll be the first to know. And let me know if you have any problems coming so we can help you out.”

  “You don’t have to do that. The only problem I can see is that Jack might not be able to attend.”

  “I know that might be a possibility, but I’m hoping he can. This week I’m going to find the perfect place, figure out the guest list, and let everyone know when and where to make sure they can come. The only problem is that we don’t plan on letting the media or public know until after we’re married. I don’t know how to say don’t tell anyone or we’ll kill you nicely.”

  Taylor laughed, making me smile. “I can see how they could be a problem. You don’t want them hounding you all the time. You do know that once you get married they’ll be on baby watch, right?”

  “I hadn’t thought about it, but I’m sure they will. It’s crazy to think that we have to release a statement for things that everyone else does and no one cares.”

  “But they do care. At least they love you and don’t write horrible things about how they wish Luke would break up with you all the time.”

  “Some do,” I said sadly. I couldn’t expect everyone to like me though.

  “They hate you because they want your man and if they had any idea how great he is and how sweet, they’d be a hell of a lot worse.”

  Side-eyeing Luke, I knew he could hear me and wasn’t sure how he’d feel about what I had to say next. “I know, and I definitely don’t want them crazier than they already are. Jenner suggested that I don’t wear my engagement ring until after we’re married, but I hate the idea of not being able to wear it.”

  “He’s right. They’ll spot it, but you do what you have to do. Talk to Luke about it.”

  “I will. I’m sorry I told Jenner before you. I wanted you to be the first I told, but I did call you with the news first. He just happened to call me now that he’s done with his movie.”

  “How’s he doing?” Taylor asked. She had grown fond of Jenner from our conversations and what a good friend he’d been after the accident.

  “Not good. He got served divorce papers yesterday and Poppy cleared out the house before he got back.”

  “What a bitch. I hope he finds a sweet girl someday that’s nothing like her.”

  “He will. I know, because he deserves it. He’s too much of a good guy to have her stain his life.”

  “Speaking of stains. How do you think Decker is going to take your news?”

  “Amazingly I haven’t thought about it, but I’m sure he’ll be an asshole. Maybe I won’t tell him. He can find out once he and Mason get back from their vacation.”

  “I’m still surprised he didn’t throw more of a fit when you asked if you could take Mason to Hawaii for two months.”

  I coughed out a bitter laugh. “Me too,” I frowned. “It was a little too easy if you ask me. I’m afraid of what he’s planning.”

  “He doesn’t have the code to your gate or anything does he?”

  “Oh hell no, and that’s never going to happen. I don’t want him to be able to get in anytime he wants. Dealing with him is so annoying. Luke thinks we can get full custody since he said he wouldn’t pay child support anymore.”

  “It’s a possibility, but don’t get your hopes up until you’ve talked to a lawyer and even then.”

  Looking out at the pool and away from Luke, I shifted in my seat. “I know. It’s weird, I was thinking the other day about how different I am, like I’d lost a part of myself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I used to be so independent and now… I don’t know how I’d describe myself. I’m lost when Luke’s not around. I missed him so badly I ached these last few months, and now I feel like I’m relying so much on him. I’ve never been this way before and, in some ways, it scares me.”

  “How does it scare you?” She asked in a quiet concerned voice.

  I hadn’t noticed Luke get up, so I was startled when he slipped in behind me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head.

  “I can’t imagine my life without him in it. If something happened…”

  Interrupting, Taylor vehemently stopped my line of thinking as Luke held me tighter. “You can’t think that way. It will only drive you crazy. Are you different? Yes, you are, but in a good way. You’re still independent, but you are also in love with a man that will never ask you to be anything other than who you are. It’s okay to want him around. That’s how you’re supposed to feel about the man you’re with. You still have your job and that may change or evolve in time, but I don’t think you’ll ever get lost again. I won’t let that happen and I know for damn sure that Luke won’t let that happen either.”

  Leaning down until his lips brushed my ear, Luke spoke so that only I could hear. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  I turned to look over my shoulder to my now fiancé. What I said next was for the both of them. “Thank you, I really needed that.”

  “That’s what friends are for. How many times have you talked me off the ledge from leaving Jack because I’m so miserable here? You remind me that it’s only temporary and when we’re back in Fairlane everything will be back to the way it was or even better.”

  “Monthly,” I joked. It wasn’t even close to that much, but the further along she got into her pregnancy the more she hated to be stuck there with Jack rarely around.

  “See, I owed you one.” She laughed, breaking the tension. “I wish school was over, so I could see you before you left. I won’t even see you for your birthday.”

  “I know, but they need all the time they can get to film this movie. It’s going to be tight. They’ve already started without him, doing all the scenes that they can before he arrives.”

  “What are you going to do while he’s filming?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it yet. I guess, when I’m not planning a wedding, I hope to watch them film the movie, see the sights with Mason, and enjoy the beach and ocean. Hopefully, Luke will be able to join us some.”

  “Sounds like the perfect way to spend summer,” Taylor sighed wistfully.

  “I hope so.”

  “I hate to let you go, but Jack just walked down stairs and it would be nice to spend a little time with my husband before he has to go back to work.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I understand. Send my love to Jack and Ben, and I’ll keep you updated on the wedding plans.”

  “Talk to you soon.”

  “Talk to you soon.” I answered back.

  She made a kissing sound into the phone before disconnecting.

  After I got off the phone, Luke and I were quiet for a few minutes. I leaned against his chest with my head resting back on his shoulder, looking out over the pool area. His arms were still around me, hugging me to him.

  Breaking the silence, he cleared his throat. “It sounded like you had a good talk.”

  “We did and I’m sorry.”

  Moving me to the side so that we could see each other better, he asked with his brows drawn. “What are you sorry for?”

  “I should’ve talked to you about how I was feeling. I was sick and I just… I don’t know how many times I’ve been sick and alone, but this time I wanted so badly to be with you. I’m not used to feeling that way.”

  “Alex,” he pulled me closer, kissing my forehead. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting me here. Do you think I’m weak for coming early because I wanted to take care of you?”

  My brows pulled together, forehead scrunched tight. “Of course not. I think it’s sweet.”

  Luke dipped his chin, looking down at me seriously. “It’s right for you to want me here, with or without you being sick. I know it’s not something you’re accustomed to, but in time you’ll learn that its normal. Never have I hidden how much I missed you while we were apart. I was stuck in LA far away from you, but at least you had Mason here with you almost every day. No one is going to think you’re weak.”

  Nuzzling my head underneath his chin, I laced our fingers together. “Most will think I’m a gold digger or a witch that put a spell on you to make you fall for me.”

  “It doesn’t matter what they say as long as we know the truth. There’s always going to be someone out there spouting ugly things about me, you, or our relationship. That’s not going to stop, but we can’t let what they say get to us otherwise we’ll always be miserable, and doubt will start to surface.”

  “What about my engagement ring?” I asked as my thumb rubbed over the diamond.

  “I think for now you should wear it. Maybe if you’re at the store or feel someone’s eyes on you turn it so they only see the band. On flights, you should probably take it off. I love seeing that ring on your finger.” He laughed to himself, his lopsided grin appearing as his thumb followed mine over the diamond. “I bought that ring the first day I had free when I got back after Mexico, and I’ve been waiting ever since to find the perfect time to propose. I don’t want our special moment to be ruined by the paparazzi or a noisy fan, so as much as I hate to say it, maybe leave it here when we go to Hawaii or only wear it around the hotel room.”

  Staring down at my gorgeous ring, I thought of how much it sucked I couldn’t wear it because of crazy fans and paparazzi, but I had Luke and he was worth all the shit they put us through. “Does it ever make you want to stop acting and live a normal life?”

  “Hey,” he called, tipping my chin up to look at him again. “I do have a normal life here with you and Mason. It’s just that I have an abnormal job for someone living in the Midwest.” He grinned, and my heart swelled in my chest. “But to answer your question, yes, there are days when it doesn’t seem worth it. When I couldn’t leave a hotel without security unless I wanted to be mobbed. It’s strange that now I don’t have to worry about it so much. I’ve been around and made my stance known that I want my life to be as private as possible, but I have no problem taking a selfie or signing an autograph for a fan if they respect me and my space. Unfortunately, Liam never put those ground rules out there, and he gets mobbed when he goes out unless he’s very careful.”

  A shiver racked my body thinking of a crowd of people trying to get to Luke. “That’s scary.”

  “It is, but I promise you that you and Mason will never be put into a situation like that. If I even remotely think that the public or paparazzi will be a problem, then I’ll make sure you have security. I think that the statement we put out about not wanting Mason’s picture to be taken or posted on the internet was received well. We have more to worry about from the people here than Hollywood taking his picture and posting it.”

  Giving Luke a knowing look, I frowned. “Yeah, you are going to be a hot commodity around here for quite some time. I can’t even count the number of women who decided that they wanted to be my friend after seeing you at the sock hop. As long as you don’t wear those glasses out of the house we should be fine.”

  Licking his lips, Luke’s eyes became hooded. “I feel some eye strain coming on.”

  Running my hand up his sculpted chest, I kissed the dimple on his chin. “We can’t have that now can we. You should put your glasses on before it gets too bad.”


  For the last half hour, I nervously waited until Mason arrived home. Decker demanded that he bring Mason home and up to the door no matter what I came up with for why he shouldn’t. I knew I couldn’t keep him away forever, but it had been a nice run. He even threatened to not let Mason go with us to Hawaii if he didn’t see that Mason was living in a suitable home. We knew that was bullshit because you could see some of the houses in our small neighborhood from the gate and they were all spectacular.

  Decker was always unpredictable, and I knew he would blow his top once he saw the house that Mason and I now lived in. What I wasn’t sure of was i
f he would internalize it and wait until an opportune moment to lash out at me, or if he wouldn’t be able to hide his displeasure that we were living better than we ever had when he provided for us.

  In truth, even when we lived in our much smaller home before I met Luke, we were living better only Decker didn’t know it. We may not have had the money to do or buy everything we wanted, but we were happier living out from under his shadow.

  When the phone rang to let him through the gate, I jumped up from the couch and bolted to the front door with Luke hot on my heels. Wrapping his large hand around mine, his thumb rubbed back and forth across my wrist in a soothing motion.

  “Nothing bad is going to happen. He can try all he wants to ruin this for you, but you have the power not to let him.”

  Wrapping my arms around him with my face buried in his chest, I answered with as much conviction as I could, but my voice still came out wobbly. “I know.” Going by the tight squeeze Luke gave me, I wasn’t fooling him.

  Even before the doorbell rang, we could hear Mason running up to the door. The sound of his footsteps put a brief smile on my face until I came face to face with my ex-husband where it promptly slid right off.

  Mason ran in, first hugging me and then Luke. With his big blue eyes trained up at me, he asked. “Can I show dad the pool? I told him we had one, but he didn’t believe me.”

  “If he has time. It’s getting late.” I replied hoping he wouldn’t want to take a look around.

  “Oh, I have time to finally see where my son is living.” Decker answered with a glint in his eyes as he pushed through the door and into the entry way.

  Mason looked from his dad to me, his smile slipping. I put on a bright smile as I led them through the kitchen and out onto the deck. Luke trailed behind quietly.

  Arm extended out toward the pool, Mason exclaimed proudly. “See, I told you!”

  Decker’s dark eyes narrowed as he took in the backyard and patio. It was our own private oasis set in Fairlane. I planned to spend a lot of time out here, so I’d set up what looked like an entire living room’s worth of furniture underneath the deck along with a grill, bar, and sink. Out around the pool there were two different areas with chairs, tables, and loungers. While Luke had been shooting in LA, I’d been busy trying to make our house a home for when he’d finally be able to stay. At first, I didn’t know that we would be spending the summer in Hawaii, so I wanted to make our backyard as nice as possible for the summer months. It didn’t matter though. We were already enjoying it and I knew we would when we got back at the end of summer.


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