Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition)

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Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition) Page 1

by Melody Adams





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  CHapter 4

  Chapter 5

  CHapter 6


  more books


  Alien Breed Series Book 2

  Melody Adams

  Science Fiction Romance


  Alien Breed Series Book 2

  Melody Adams

  German Edition 2014

  English Edition 2018

  copyright © 2014-2018 by Melody Adams

  [email protected]



  © Cover Art by CMA Cover Designs



  Parauapebas, Brazil

  December 29, 2032 / 08:47 a.m. local time

  I wiped the sweat off my forehead and looked at the line of people waiting patiently. My office hours had only just begun and it was already so hot that the sweat running down was tickling me between my breasts. It was my third day here at the camp and I still had trouble transitioning from winter to summer. When I left Washington, there had been snow on the lawn of the white house and it had been freezing cold. I was looking forward to a little bit of warmth, but I hadn't expected it to be so hard to get used to the climate change. Sighing, I looked at the woman standing in front of my desk, a baby in her arms, and a toddler of about four years by the hand.

  "What's your name?" I asked.

  "Maria Jozè."

  "And your children?"

  "Inez Maria and Paolo Juan."

  I wrote the information on the index card in front of me.

  "Ages? Yours and that of the children."

  "Twenty-three", Maria replied. "Inez is six and Paolo is eight months."

  I furrowed my brow. The woman looked much older than twenty-three. I would have estimated her to be at least in her late twenties or even in her early thirties, while I had estimated the girl to be much younger. This was what poor nutrition and poverty did to the people here. The children didn't grow well, while the adults aged quickly and died young. The situation of the people had drastically deteriorated since the war five years ago. I was here as a volunteer to help these people. From my comfortable room in the white house, however, it had seemed much easier than it really was. The heat, the mosquitoes and the misery of the people weighed on you, physically as well as emotionally. But I was going to show my father that I was more than just his spoiled daughter! I would stick it out here and make him proud! I knew that he cared a lot that I was committed to good causes. Not only was this expected of the President's daughter, but he himself was concerned about the fate of the less privileged.

  "What can we help you with today", I asked Maria.

  "Paolo does not want to eat. He has fever and diarrhea.”

  I nodded. Unfortunately, this was a common problem here. Most of the time the diarrhea was caused by dirty water. Especially the little ones suffered from infectious diseases. Diarrhea was one of the most common symptoms, caused by various diseases. Infant mortality was frighteningly high. I handed Maria the card and pointed over to the waiting area.

  "Have a seat over there, please. One of the doctors will call you."

  The woman nodded and walked to the bench I had referred her to with tired steps. I raised my head to welcome my next patient. It was a young man.

  "What is your name?", I asked and prepared to write.

  "Pearl Jackson?" the man asked, and I looked up in surprise.

  "Yes", I confirmed suspiciously. Suddenly the man pulled out a weapon and all hell broke loose. Four additional men jumped out of the queue and pulled out their weapons. People screamed and fled in panic. A man grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled me to my feet.

  "Hey!" I shouted, "What the he..." I didn't get to finish the sentence when a slap in the face stopped me in the middle of the word. My head snapped back from the force and it hurt like hell. I tasted blood and my eyes were starting to tear. In all my life, I had never been handled roughly, let alone beaten.

  "What's going on ...?" I heard Daniel Peters, one of the doctors, ask. He fell silent when he saw what had happened. Two men grabbed him and quickly tied his hands behind his back. Another helper, Jesus de Lima, was pulled out of one of the exam rooms and tied up as well.

  The man holding my arm pulled me along with him.

  "We're getting out of here", he said and the other men followed us with Daniel and Jesus in tow. I was paralyzed with shock. I stumbled after the man who was holding on to me like in a trance. But as we approached the jungle, I finally realized what was going on here. We were being kidnapped by rebels. And hostages like us rarely made it back alive. I refused to accept this fate and resisted the pull of my kidnapper. I tried to snatch my arm from him, but his grip was firm. He turned to me and his dark eyes glared hatefully at me.

  "Either you’re coming with me or I'll kill you, you little bitch. Don't think that I have any qualms about harming you just because your father is the president. Quite the opposite! It will be a special pleasure for me and one of the men will take a nice video for your father with his phone!"

  "No!" I screamed and desperately fought back as he grabbed me tighter. He brutally punched me in the stomach and I crumpled in pain.

  I was struck by blows and went down screaming. From somewhere I heard Daniel and Jesus yelling out. Then I heard them scream. Obviously, they were being beaten as well. Eventually they fell silent. I had curled up into a ball and tried to protect my head with my arms. I was hurting all over. At some point things went black around me.

  Chapter 1


  West-Colony, Eden

  January 1, 2033 / 11:32 a.m. local time

  Cheerfully I stepped out of the brush of the forest. My prey over my shoulder, my bow in my hand I entered the settlement. I loved hunting more than anything. Even more than a good fuck. Which didn't mean I didn't like having a woman in my bed. But nothing could replace the adrenaline rush I felt during the hunt. It was pretty quiet in the settlement at this time of day and I didn't encounter anyone on my way through the streets. I didn't mind. I didn't need much company. Especially not those of humans. If it were up to me, they could have left this planet a long time ago. The Alien Breeds could govern themselves much better. The human soldiers were stupid, arrogant and cowardly. The governor was an idiot and if my instinct didn't deceive me, and it never did, then he also hated Alien Breeds. How he got this position here on Eden was a mystery to me. So was his motivation to take up the position here in the first place.

  When I turned around the corner into the street where I lived, I spotted four soldiers and groaned internally. That just smelled like trouble. I could easily take on all four of the men, but it would cause a lot of problems, which meant I had to try to avoid a fight. Something that was completely against my nature.

  "Hunter", one of the men greeted me.

  "Did I do something wrong?" I asked grimly, looking at the four soldiers from narrowed eyes. This made them nervous and I could smell their fear. Humans were so pathetic. Maybe not everyone was as evil as the bastards from DMI, but there were hardly any of them I could bear anywhere near me. Another reason why I loved hunting. The soldiers avoided the jungle of Eden. They were afraid of the Jinggs. The natives of this planet were our enemies, but I still had more sympathy for them than I did for humans. The Jinggs were a proud race, good hunters and intelligent warriors. I respected them. I had no respect for humans.r />
  "We have been looking for you", explained the soldier who had approached me. "The President wants to see you urgently? We're supposed to take you to Governor Whites."

  I lifted an eyebrow.

  "The President?" I asked bewildered. "What does he want from me?"

  The President was the only person for whom I had some kind of respect. He was a man who stood by his word.

  The soldier shrugged his shoulders.

  "I have no information about it. Merely my instructions. We must leave immediately. We've been looking for you for over an hour."

  "First I have to take care of my prey." I didn't intend to jump immediately just because those idiots said so. The times when a human being told me what to do were over! Since we had been freed from the DMI laboratory, we had struggled to find our way in relative freedom. And even though we had learned that DMI's unscrupulous employees did not represent all human beings, my opinion about them had not really changed. All the better that we had been given this planet. If only the last humans here would disappear, then we would finally be truly free.

  "Impossible. This matter is urgent", the soldier replied.. I felt displeasure boiling inside of me. I was not willing to let my prey rot because of these sons of bitches!

  "I was hunting for this for half a day and now I'm supposed to just dump it?" I asked with a scowl.

  "I'm sorry, but like I said, it's urgent."

  "You better be right, otherwise I will become very inhospitable. I don't like wasting my time, but I'm coming with you. Under one condition".

  The men looked at me as if I had two heads, just because I didn't jump when they spoke. Well, they would just have to learn that we Alien Breeds would never dance to a humans tune again. We planned to gain our complete independence so that we could govern the colony ourselves. Maybe it wasn't so stupid to talk to the president. He could help us in becoming independent.

  "What condition?" the soldier wanted to know. I saw that he was pissed. I couldn't care less what this dumbass thought or felt.

  "We drive past Darkness’ place and I will give this to him", I said, pointing to the barrgo that was still hanging over my shoulder. "I don't want my prey to rot."

  "All right", the soldier relented with his teeth clenched. "Then come on already! I don't want to waste any more time!"

  I climbed into the military vehicle with which the four soldiers had arrived and placed the dead Barrgo next to me. We drove, as I had demanded, to Darkness first and then I got out with the Barrgo. I knocked on his door, which soon after was opened. Darkness looked at me first, then at the military vehicle behind me in astonishment.

  "Hi Hunter", he greeted me suspiciously. He detested the soldiers as much as I did.

  I held out the Barrgo and he raised a questioning eyebrow as he accepted the animal.

  "I have to follow them to the governor. The president wants to talk to me. I have no idea how long this is going to take and what to expect and I didn't want the prey to spoil. Better for you to have it than for me to have to toss it in the trash!"

  "O-kay", said Darkness without looking away from the soldiers. "Are you sure you don't need assistance? Two of us can handle the bastards", he quietly added. A sinister grin appeared on his face.

  "I'll be fine", I reassured him. "Thank you, Darkness. See you around."

  "Yes, see you later."

  I turned away from the door and calmly strolled back to the jeep. I knew that the soldiers were impatient, but I didn’t give a shit. I gave them a provocative grin and flexed my muscles. The sons of bitches nervously laid their hands on their weapons, ready to shoot me if I made a wrong move.

  "Nervous, ladies?" I mocked them. After hunting and sex, annoying soldiers was my third favorite pastime.

  "Get in the damn jeep", one of the soldiers hissed and pointed his gun at me.

  I stopped and raised an eyebrow.

  "I do not like to be threatened", I said coldly.

  "Hunter", another soldier intervened. "Please! It really is urgent. I am begging you. Get in so we can go."

  I sat in the governor's office waiting for the connection to Earth to be established. Then the picture of the president appeared on the screen.

  "Are we connected?" I heard the voice of President Jackson.

  "Good morning, Mr. President, Sir", greeted Governor Whites.

  "Good morning, Governor", Jackson said and directed his gaze from Whites to me. "Good morning, Hunter. I am very grateful that you came."

  "Good morning, sir", I said. "What can I do for you?"

  "I don't know if the news have been shown yet and if you've watched them", the president began. He looked tired and defeated. A shadow of the self-confident and radiant man I met a few years ago when he was appointed. "My daughter was kidnapped. Terrorists are holding her hostage somewhere in the Brazilian jungle. They apparently have developed a technique that makes them invisible to our reconnaissance planes." Jackson ran his hand over his hair and sighed, then he seemed to look at me directly. "Hunter, I need a man like you. I'm convinced that if anyone can find Pearl, it's you."

  I let the information I had just received sink in. I didn't know the president's daughter, but I could easily imagine how Jackson must be feeling. Since he was the only person I respected and because he was the man who could benefit our plans for independence, I decided to track down this missing girl.

  "I am going to find her", I finally said, and I saw the President breathe a sigh of relief.

  "Thank you, Hunter. You are my last and only hope. Bring me back my girl."

  "I will", I promised.


  Somewhere in the jungle, Brazil

  January 4, 2033 / 02:47 a.m. local time

  Quietly I crept through the tents. The moon was on my side and concealed behind thick clouds. The humans with their poor sight were inferior to me. Two men sat in front of one of the tents with their backs turned to me and spoke quietly. With a knife in my hand I approached them, threading softly. I turned up my nose when the stench of their unwashed bodies crept into my sensitive nostrils. I was really doing the world a favor to take out those stinking bastards. They didn't even know I was there when I stood right behind them. Pathetic losers! With a quick movement, I cut one man's throat and before the other could open his mouth I broke his neck. Carefully I pulled the two bodies out of the light of the campfire into the darkness between the tents. Then I crept on. I passed the place where two soldiers had been tied up, tortured and killed. I had no sympathy for them. Although I had warned them, they tried to free the president's daughter with a stupid operation. It had been clear to me that this would happen, but they had felt superior to me because they were human beings and I was just an Alien Breed. Now it became apparent who was superior here. I would accomplish what they had failed miserably. I would get the President's daughter out of here and bring her home safely. Even if the soldiers' ill-considered actions somewhat aggravated the situation, because the rebels now knew that their position had been compromised and that they had to expect renewed liberation actions. But the rebels were also far too arrogant, and the security of the camp was ridiculously sparse. Without giving the two dead soldiers another look, I walked on quietly. I was using my nose to find Pearl. The smell that was attached to the clothes I had been given was still clearly in my nostrils. A smell that did strange things to me. It was probably because I hadn't slept with a woman for a while. It was about time I released some pressure. Of course, after I had completed this assignment.

  I stopped in front of a tent. She was here. I could smell her clearly. I suppressed a growl when my cock got hard. Damn it! It was about time I got laid, if I was reacting to a woman's smell like that!

  A human woman at that! Absolutely not my favorite hunting ground! Human women were far too fragile.

  I carefully lifted the canvas and looked inside. She was lying on a bed, asleep. Her steady breath could be clearly heard. Slowly I crawled inside the tent and crept next to her sleeping area. I
took my time to study her. She had shiny black curls that softly framed her oval face. She looked even more beautiful than the photo I had been shown. Her long eyelashes guarded her cheeks. She had a bruise on her cheek and I felt anger boiling inside of me. Those bastards. I would kill them all if I had time. But I had none and I’ve already been standing here too long staring at Pearl. I put one hand on her mouth and the other on her shoulder to keep her down. In a panic, she opened her eyes and tried to defend herself.

  "Shhht", I warned quietly. "Your father sent me. I came to get you out of here. But it's important that you don't scream. Be very quiet when I take my hand away. Do you understand? Not a sound!"

  She nodded. Her eyes were wide open, staring at me suspiciously. Their color was a crisp green. They were the kind of eyes a man could get lost in.

  What kind of thought is that? I stopped myself. You are going to rescue her and then you will never see her again. She is the president's daughter!

  My cock had other ideas and showed me erotic pictures of Pearl. Naked. Underneath me. Fuck! Impossible! She was only a human being. Too tender, too weak to survive having sex with me! Not to mention that she was taboo. The president’s daughter. If I touched her, I could forget about my plans to win him over for the independence of Alien Breed. He would probably castrate and kill me. I shook my head.

  Damn it! I really desperately need a good fuck!, I thought angrily.

  I took my hand off Pearl's mouth and she sat up gently. Her gaze was still suspicious of me. At least she wasn't hysterical. I had expected the worst. Surely she was a spoiled bimbo. Spoiled, but undeniably sexy. I wondered if one of the bastards had laid a hand on her. I hoped not! The thought alone made me furious.


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