Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition)

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Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition) Page 2

by Melody Adams

  "My father sent you?" she asked quietly.

  I nodded.

  "Are you alone?"

  Again I nodded.

  "The ... the two soldiers ..."

  "Were supposed to work with me", I grumbled. "But they decided to do their own thing. They have paid for their stupidity."

  "I know", she whispered, "Oh man ... They forced me to watch. I think Daniel and Jesus are dead, too."

  "They are!", I confirmed grimly.

  Grief obscured her face. She looked at me, then she nodded.

  "Pearl," I said quietly, insisting. "We have to get out of here. You have to do what I tell you. No matter what. You have to! Do you understand?"

  She sighed and nodded again.

  "Good! And not a word from now on. Follow me. Quietly! When we're outside behind the tent, walk behind me. Put one hand inside my waistband so I don't lose you. No matter what happens, don't scream. When I kill a guard, you stay behind me and silent as a grave. Got it?


  "Then come on!"


  My heart was beating heavily as I followed the man who claimed to have been sent by my father. He was clearly an Alien Breed, revealed by the shape of his head and his cat-like eyes. Since the Alien Breed had been liberated about ten years ago, I had devoured everything about them. Every TV show, every interview, every newspaper article. I was fascinated by them. I would have loved to meet an Alien Breed. Unfortunately, the opportunity never arose and when my father became president, the Alien Breeds had already been resettled to Eden. So, I had never had the chance to meet an Alien Breed. I couldn't tell what I was more excited about at the moment. That I was being rescued or that an Alien Breed was running before me in flesh and blood. And what a piece of meat he was! I swallowed hard as my gaze fell on the tight butt of the man in black cargo pants. A black T-shirt stretched over a broad back with enormous shoulders and muscular arms that I wanted to be embraced by all too willingly. The guy was really delicious to look at, and I almost forgot about the dicey situation we were in.

  Suddenly he stopped and I bumped into him.

  "Sorry", I mumbled.

  His arm grabbed behind him and put itself around my waist to protect me. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach and I laid my hands on the broad back in front of me. God, he felt so good. Every muscle in his body seemed tense, like a predator about to jump. I almost didn't hear him whispering to me over the loud beat of my heart.

  "Be quiet, no matter what. I will have to kill two guards. You stay behind me."

  The hand around my hip disappeared and he quietly continued. I peered carefully over his broad back and was able to spot two men in the darkness standing with their backs turned towards us, unaware that their death was creeping in silently. I had no doubt that the Alien Breed could kill them without causing a stir. Alien Breeds were strong, fast and quiet.

  Like a mixture between Indians and Berserkers. I followed my rescuers steps, just as he had said. Not that I liked to be told what to do. But in this case, I knew that it was better to listen to his instructions if I wanted to get out of here safely. He would still get to know my true self once we made it outside the danger zone. He didn't have to think that I was the kind of women who let herself be bossed around by him. My father was a control freak and even he couldn't get me to do anything if I didn't want to! I loved my dad, but we butted heads quite often.

  My rescuer was so fast that I hardly noticed what he was doing. I saw him pulling out his knife and seconds later the two rebels lay motionless on the ground. That my rescuer could kill so quickly and mercilessly was frightening on the one hand, but strangely reassuring on the other. He was able to protect me! These men were dangerous rebels who killed without batting an eye. They did not deserve my sympathy. Nevertheless, the sight of their motionless bodies made me a bit uneasy. The Alien Breed pulled them behind a tent and turned to me. He put his finger on his lips and I nodded. His big hand grabbed mine and dragged me along. We zigzagged around the tents until we arrived at the edge of the camp. Suddenly the Alien Breed froze next to me and let go of my hand. A man unexpectedly stepped out of the brush. He was probably taking a piss. His eyes fell on the Alien Breed, then on me. But before he could open his mouth and scream, my rescuer had wrapped a thick arm around the man's head, I heard an ugly crack and then the Alien Breed let the man slowly slide to the ground. He turned to me and took my hand again.

  "Come on!" he said quietly and we fled into the woods.

  I had no idea how the Alien Breed was able to see in the dense brush. On the clearing it had still been reasonably bright due to the moon and the campfire. At least bright enough to see shadows and outlines, but here in the brush it was so dark that I couldn't see my hand in front of my eyes. Of course Alien Breeds had better senses than humans, but I had no idea that they could see in total darkness. If my rescuer wasn’t holding me by the hand so tightly, I would have fallen or run into a tree. We were zig-zagging, most likely to avoid obstacles but I couldn't see them. Then what I had feared since the beginning of our mad escape through the night occurred. I twisted my ankle and a sharp pain entered my joint. I screamed softly and the Alien Breed stopped.

  "Everything all right?" I heard his rugged voice.

  "No! Damn it!", I grumbled. "I twisted my ankle! Unlike you, I don’t have the eyes of a damn cat!"

  "Sorry", the voice emerged from the darkness. "Let me take a look."

  I felt two warm hands wrapping around my joint and palpating it. Despite his size, the Alien Breed was amazingly gentle.

  "It is not broken", he said. "But you can’t put any weight on it. I will carry you until we are far away enough to rest."

  The idea of being carried by him made my heart beat faster. But I wasn't necessarily a lightweight. I wasn’t tall, but pretty plump. I don’t want to say that I’m fat, but I’m pretty curvy everywhere. Even if the Alien Breed was big and strong, how far would he be able to carry me? Before I could think about it any further, he lifted me onto his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder.

  "You can't carry me forever," I said. "I’m too heavy."

  He laughed quietly. A rough laugh that gave me goosebumps.

  "Heavy? You're a lightweight, sweetie. I can carry you all night long. Don't worry about it."

  I couldn't tell how long he carried me through the darkness. But it must have been at least three hours since I twisted my ankle. Fortunately, it was barely hurting anymore, but I felt a slight tension in the joint and suspected that it was swollen. Of course, something like this would happen to me, twisting my ankle on the run. It would slow down our pace considerably if I was not able to walk.

  "It will be light soon", the Alien Breed said and carefully lowered me onto something that must have been a big stone.

  "I am sorry", I said.

  "What? What are you sorry for?

  "That I am slowing us down due to my clumsiness," I explained.

  "It was my fault", he said. "I should have remembered that you can't see anything. Somehow, I always forget that you humans are so ... that you do not have the same senses."

  "Just say it", I said. "That we are so awkward."

  "How is your ankle feeling? Is it still hurting?" he asked and gently stroked my joint.

  "It's tight, but not painful", I explained. "But I don't know what is going to happen when I try to put weight on it."

  "We'll rest here for a while", he said. "So, you don't have to move around now."

  "Where are we going?" I wanted to know. I knew we were really deep inside the jungle.

  "We will meet a helicopter about thirty miles from here. It's waiting for us in a clearing."

  "You can't possibly carry me thirty miles. I have to walk again somehow. Or you can leave me here and ..."

  "I am not going to leave you alone anywhere", the Alien Breed interrupted me growling. "Even if the rebels don't find you, there are countless other dangers lurking out here. We will try
later if you can walk. But if not, then I will continue to carry you!"

  Dawn had set in and I could see that the sky above us was getting brighter. At least what you could make out through the dense treetops in the sky. Only a short time later I was able to see the outline of the man in front of me.

  "What's your name anyway?"


  "That seems fitting", I said. "You're good at hunting, aren't you?"

  "Yes. I am the best!", he replied dismissively.

  "And so modest!

  He shrugged his shoulders and snorted.

  "We will wait here until it’s completely light, then we move out."

  I also shrugged my shoulders. I wondered why he was suddenly so pissed off. Hunter seemed like a mystery to me. Would we spend enough time together to solve it? It was more than just my fascination for the Alien Breed. Hunter would be irresistible even without his lineage. Not only was he built like a dream, he also exuded an aura of dominance and wildness. Paired with a gentle side that he had shown me when he was examining my foot. Yes! He was a mystery, and I was eager to solve it.


  "Let me look at your foot", said Hunter, kneeling before me on the ground.

  Carefully he took off my shoe and socks, then he palpated the swelling and slowly turned my joint back and forth. I distorted the face in pain.

  "Does it hurt a lot?

  "Only when you move it back and forth", I replied.

  "I'll carry you on my back, so we'll get ahead faster than if I carry you in my arms. I want to reach the clearing before nightfall."

  Hunter was still holding my foot in his hands and now that the pain had subsided I was all too aware of his touch. My heart started beating anxiously, and knots were forming in my stomach. Hunter seemed to have a similar reaction because he was stroking my foot absentmindedly. I raised my head and met his gaze. He wanted me. I could see it in his eyes. It felt as if the earth had stopped turning. Everything seemed to be frozen in time. No! That wasn't the right description. It was more like being in a bubble, cut off from the environment. Just the two of us. One of his big hands slowly stroked up my leg and I felt a tingle in my crotch. My breathing got more labored and I felt slightly dizzy as if we didn't have enough oxygen in our bubble. His dark gaze captivated me. I could disappear into his brown eyes. I heard a soft growl and was surprised to notice that it came from him. God, he was sexy. I wanted nothing more than for him to finally kiss me. And then ...? Who knows? I mean, I was on the pill and Alien Breed could not, as far as I knew, transmit any venereal diseases. He leaned forward, his face only a few inches away from mine.

  Kiss me! Kiss me! Oh please, please, kiss me!

  But before our lips touched, he suddenly jerked back, hastily put my foot down and jumped up. I felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over my head. Our bubble had burst, the beautiful feeling was ruined.

  "What's the matter?" I asked.

  "Nothing!" he replied and turned away. I could see that he seemed to be struggling with himself. His upper body was moving under his heavy breaths and his hands were clenched into fists.

  "Yeah, I can see that!" I replied sarcastically. "Just answer me one question. Were you just planning on kissing me or not?"

  "Yes, damn it. I wanted to! But I can't!"

  "Why not?" I asked hurt.

  He laughed. A heartless laugh.

  "You have no idea, Pearl. You think that an Alien Breed is something exotic and it might be fun to fuck a man like me! But you are wrong!"

  "You think that of me? That I'm just out to fuck an Alien Breed? Fine! Let me tell you something! Let me tell you something. Kiss! My! ASS!"

  He turned to me and to my shock I did not see anger or disgust in his face, but despair and frustration. He shook his head.

  „I want nothing more than to ram my cock into you and fuck you until we both collapse from exhaustion, but I can't, Pearl. I am an Alien Breed of the third generation".

  "And what does that mean? Do you have spikes on your dick or something? Why wouldn't it work? I want to know!"

  He shook his head again.

  "I am the wrong man for you, Pearl Jackson. And your father would decapitate me if he knew that I was even considering it."

  "I get it! I already know the damn story. You can’t touch the president's daughter. But I still don’t understand ..."

  "End of subject!" he cut me off. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I won't touch you! So get that out of your pretty little head!"

  "Fine! I don't want you either! And if you were the last man on this planet! I don't like cowards!" I said angrily and, as I often did, overplayed my vulnerability. With some effort I rose and limped away. I did not get far. After a few steps Hunter had caught up with me.

  "I said I'd carry you!" he growled unkindly.

  "No, thanks! Not necessary!" I snapped. After two more steps I buckled over again. I was able to catch myself this time, but it hurt like hell. "Ow!

  Hunter cursed quietly and lifted me straight onto his arms.

  "Spoiled, stubborn thing!" he grumbled.



  "Son of a bitch!"

  "If you don't behave, I'll bend you over my knee!" he said threateningly.

  "You wouldn't dare!" I said outraged.

  "Try me!" he growled provocatively and suddenly I felt like he would really go through with it. He would really bend me over his knee.

  "My father ...", I started. "Hey!" He stopped and threw me over his shoulder so I was now hanging upside down. A hard blow landed on my backside.

  "Ow!" I shouted outraged. "You asshole! Ow! I tell my father about that! I will tell my father and he will ... Ow!" I was angry.

  How dare he? A quiet noise made me listen. Oh no! He could not do that! He could not do that! That sadistic bastard! He was laughing! First he’s spanking my ass as if I were a toddler and then he had the nerve to laugh!


  It felt good to spank her ass. She was a spoiled, cheeky thing. But she was without a doubt pretty damn sexy. I had never wanted a woman as much as I did her. Letting my hand slap her plump buttocks and her outraged screams, excited me in a kinky way I didn't know about myself. But it was undeniable. My cock was as hard as steel and I wanted nothing more than to fuck her somewhere out here, leaning against a tree until she was screaming my name. The only stupid thing was that she probably wouldn't scream out of lust but out of fear, pain and terror. She just wasn't made to have sex with a man like me. I would break her. And I would certainly bite her because I didn't think she was a woman who would hold still. My instinct was too strong. The part of me that wasn't human would surface and be forced to dominate her. Every struggle on her part would be seen as a rebellion against my natural dominance by my inner beast. What would amuse and irritate me in my normal state, when my human side led me, like her struggling now, my alien side would not be able to accept. I had first gotten into this state with an Alien Breed woman and even though our women were very tough, I had been pretty hard on her. After that I had chosen my bed partners more wisely. I knew who was willing and able to submit to me so as not to irritate my beast. Only second generation Alien Breed women were an option for me. They were weaker, but also less dominant. Pearl Jackson was physically weaker than any Alien Breed woman, but she had a combative and rebellious nature, coupled with an extremely passionate side. Apart from the risk I would be taking, I was sure that sex with her would be absolutely hot.

  But I would never experience this passion. I was never allowed to experience it! The risk was much too high. I would never forgive myself if I hurt her. Apart from the fact that her father would demand my head for it. Rightly so! No! No! Doing the right thing would be to keep my hands off her. Although I had to admit that I enjoyed it more than I should, as my hand rested on her round bottom. My fingers automatically began to grasp her firm flesh tighter. I imagined putting my hands on her ass cheeks as I pushed myself inside of her from be
hind. I would grab her really hard. Fuck! I ought to focus my thoughts on other things. Things that didn't include fucking Pearl Jackson! It didn't help either when I started to smell her arousal. It seemed as if she wouldn't leave it alone either. And she smelled really good. Damn it! Now I didn't just want to fuck her. I also wanted to taste her sweet juice. I wanted to taste her. Wanted to feel her come in my mouth. Oh yes, such a bad idea! Oral sex was a sure fire way to bring out my inner beast. For the first time I cursed the fact that I was not a normal man. Or at least an Alien Breed of the second generation.

  "Could you please let me down?" she asked after a while.

  "Why? I’m enjoying myself," I replied and patted her backside.

  "It's not exactly pleasant to hang upside down the entire time."

  I knew she was right. I stopped and slowly let put down. She was too weak to stand on her own, so I held her by the hips and waited until she had gotten used being upright again.

  "I'll carry you on my back", I said and turned around. "Hold on to me!"

  "I don't know. I ..."

  "Put your arms around my neck and hold on. We still have a long way to go. It is the best possible solution".

  Finally she did what I asked and I lifted her onto my back. She wrapped her legs around me and I grabbed her under her knees so she wouldn't have to hold up all her weight with her arms.

  "Okay, let's go." I said and started walking. It wasn't easy getting through the brush in some areas and I had to put her down twice to clear the way.

  "Do you ever get tired?" she asked after a while.

  "Not as fast as you humans", I replied and kept on. The road now went slightly downhill and I picked up speed. Suddenly I heard the noise of helicopters. There had to be at least half a dozen. I looked up at the sky suspiciously. Through the treetops I could see a helicopter flying above us. They flew in the same direction we were heading. An uneasy feeling crept up inside of me and I stopped. It still had to be about half an hour to the clearing.


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