Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition)

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Hunter (Alien Breed 2 - English Edition) Page 5

by Melody Adams

  "Break", I announced and took the water hose, which I had filled in the morning at our sleeping place, from my shoulder.

  Pearl moaned softly as she sat down slowly and leaned her back against the trunk of a tree. I offered her the water hose and she looked at me gratefully. She was sweaty. Her hair had become completely knotted and leaves and twigs had become tangled in it. Yet she had never looked more beautiful or desirable. The fabric of her blouse stuck to her wet full breasts and revealed her nipples. I had to force myself not to stare. Hastily I turned away when she put the hose to her full lips. My dick had become hard and I did not want her to notice. If only we had finally arrived at our destination. I had no idea it would be such torture to bring the president's daughter to safety. I hadn't expected to be so attracted to Pearl. Human women had never interested me before. The few who were on Eden had not aroused any interest in me. They were too fragile. I preferred our Alien Breed women. But there was something about Pearl that kept me going. Sure, she was beautiful and yes, she was sexy. But so were other women. So what was it about her that attracted me so much? Was it just the fact that I hadn't had a good fuck in a while? Or the forced closeness that such an adventure inevitably entailed? She was dependent on me. That might have awakened my protective instinct. But that didn't explain why I wanted to just grab her and ram my cock into her. And with everything that was sacred, that was exactly what I wanted!

  "Hunter?”, sounded her voice behind me.

  "Get some rest. We are staying here for about half an hour," I said without turning to her.

  "Don't you want a drink?"

  I took a deep breath and half turned around to take the hose, before I hastily turned around again. But even without looking at her, my excitement didn't seem to diminish. The sight of her breasts under the wet fabric of her blouse was still more than clear before my eyes. There was nothing I could do, I did not get this picture out of my head. My inner beast urged me to give in to temptation. I took a swig from the water hose and closed my eyes. I could still see her! It didn't help knowing that she wanted me too. She wouldn't fight back if I turned around now and pulled her into my arms. She would welcome my kiss, my hands on her seductive body, my cock in her warm wet pussy. Stop! Then it would start to get ugly. I would probably become too violent if I wasn't too big for her already. At that point she would try and defend herself and my inner beast would not put up with this provocation. I would bite her, maybe even seriously hurt her. The thought of how badly I could injure her helped kill my desire. This was what I had to do in the future, when desire overcame me. I only had to imagine what I could do to her. Finally I had found a way to deal with my uninvited lust.

  "Hunter! Are you okay?"

  "Yes!" I growled. "Can't you just leave me alone for a few minutes?"

  "Sorry," she replied pissed off. "I really wish you had left me in the camp with the fucking terrorists. They weren't half as rude to me as you are!"

  "I didn't do it for you!" I replied coldly. "I did it for your father! Because I hope that he will help me in exchange for helping him get back his little spoiled daughter!"

  I had no idea why I said that. Sure, it was true. My motivation for this assignment was exactly that. I wanted help from her dad. But I had also agreed to it because I didn't want those unscrupulous guys to do anything to her. I had deliberately chosen my words to be hurtful. If I wasn't able to change my feelings for her, maybe I could change hers. If she loathed me, maybe she wouldn't be such a big temptation.


  I really thought I was physically fit. I worked out daily in the fitness center and ran my five miles every morning. But in this damn jungle I really reached my limits. When Hunter finally stated that we would set up camp for the night, I was ready to get on my knees and thank him. Seriously! I was completely exhausted. Sweaty and bitten by mosquitoes, I fell to my knees on the bank of the river and dipped both hands in the water to splash it in my face. Hunter said that it was most likely the same river we had spent the last night on.

  "You can swim here if you want. I will turn my back on you", Hunter's voice sounded behind me.

  Swimming! That sounded heavenly. How I would love to dive into the cold water and wash away the annoying sweat and dirt. It would also offer some relief to my numerous insect bites.

  "That ... that would be wonderful", I said. "I'm really sweaty."

  "I am only a few steps away, preparing the campfire. Don't worry, I won't look!"

  As if I had a problem with him seeing me naked! I would have welcomed it. Maybe that would finally weaken his damn self-control! I smiled. That sounded like a good plan. But first I would enjoy the cool down. I hastily unbuttoned my blouse and stripped it off. The fabric stuck to my skin in such a way that it was really hard to remove it without tearing the sleeves. It was even more difficult to take off my pants. Wearing only my black panties, I waded into the knee-deep water. I decided to wash out my panties, so I took them off and sat down in the water. After washing out the panties, I threw them to the shore and started scrubbing myself with wet sand until my skin was all red. The cool wetness and the sand scrub also improved my mosquito bites. Finally I washed my hair, then I got up out of the water and waded ashore. Hunter sat with his back to me in front of the fire. My heart beat faster at the sight of him. He had taken off his shirt and I had the chance to admire his muscles. A few scars marked his back, signs of his anguish, endured in the hands of the brutal and unscrupulous scientists of DMI. I had heard and read enough about the activities of DMI and the other corporations involved in the creation and exploitation of the Alien Breeds to at least begin to understand the suffering.

  "Hunter?" I called out to him.

  He abruptly turned to me and froze as his gaze fell on my naked body. The blood began to rush to my ears and a tingling sensation spread in my lap. I could see the pleasure in his eyes, but also the shock. Of course he had not expected to see me undressed. I had caught him off guard, exactly as I had planned. Now, not to let him get away. I slowly walked towards him. I considered it a good sign that he did not turn away, but continued to stare at me in a demanding manner. I was only a few steps away from him when he suddenly jumped up.

  "Damn you! Pearl!" he yelled and clenched his fists. "What do you think you're doing here?"

  "I know exactly what I'm doing," I replied and smiled.

  He growled and the sound sent chills down my body. I wanted him. I wanted him so much that I could hardly think of anything but becoming one with him. I wanted to know what it felt like to be loved by him. He would certainly not call it making love. Fucking!

  He would not be gentle, I was aware of that. But I was more than ready for him. With every step I could feel how wet I was. Ready for him!

  "Put something on," he growled. "IMMEDIATELY!

  With these words he turned away and fled into the jungle.

  For a moment I stood there and stared after him. Once again this was a complete mistake. Damn his self-control! But I wouldn't be Pearl Jackson if I were to give up so quickly. I knew that he wanted me. Determined I set out to follow Hunter.

  I didn't need to be a scout to track him down. In his panic, he had made no effort to cover his escape. I was able to follow the trampled vegetation and bent branches with ease. After a few minutes I found him in a small clearing. He was leaning against a tree trunk and had his eyes closed. His chest raised and lowered with his heavy breaths. He heard me and opened his eyes. I walked towards him, determined not to allow him to retreat.

  "No", growled Hunter, turning away from me. "Don't touch me!"

  "Why not?" I asked and stared at his bare back. Everything in me longed to touch him. His scars did not scare me. They did not detract from his wild beauty. "Why don't you want me to touch you?"

  "Because I'm fucking trying to hold on to the little bit of control I still have left. GO!"

  "I'm not afraid of you, Hunter", I said and followed him one step further. He flinched as if I had burned him, but we were
still separated by arm’s length.

  "Well, you should!" he growled. "Go away, Pearl! I am not a man you should be playing with! Leave me alone. I'll come to you when ... when I think it's safe."

  "I have already told you that I am not afraid. I know you wouldn't hurt me," I insisted.

  "Then you know more than me, girl," he said and turned to me. "You have no idea how my kind has sex, do you?" He bared his teeth threateningly, but I didn't flinch, as he obviously expected. "I am not a tender lover, Pearl. My sex is rough, brutal and sometimes I bite. I could kill you if you thought of defending yourself because I'm just too aggressive for you. It's something I cannot control. Our women can handle a bit of rough treatment. And they know when to keep still. And I am too aggressive for even some of our women. I am a third generation Alien Breed. Our proportion of alien DNA is higher than in the first and second generation of Alien Breeds. We are less human and more aggressive. I am not denying that I want you, Pearl. I want you more than you can imagine. But I can't! I would never risk hurting you. Now go!"

  I was staring at him. I would be lying if I said that his confession did not scare me. But I wanted him. I wanted him so much it hurt.

  "Go!" he whispered pleadingly and I saw the pain in his eyes. When I did not react, he bared his teeth again and emitted a powerful roar. "I SAID GO AWAY! DISAPPEAR!"

  Tears rushed to my eyes and I turned away hastily to run back to our camp. I heard his roar behind me. An inhuman roar and for the first time I was really afraid of him.


  I roared. Sending Pearl away when all I wanted was to push my cock deep inside her wet pussy was the hardest thing I ever had to do. My inner beast was running amok. I was ready to kill. If some poor soul were to come near me right now, I couldn't guarantee its survival. I had never felt so out of control as I did right now. What was Pearl thinking when she confronted me naked? Did she not understand how dangerous this could be for her? I sank to my knees and hit the ground. The urge to return to the camp and simply take away what it required from me was so great that I had to fight with all the humanity I still had left. Fortunately at least she had returned to the camp. If she had stayed any longer, I would have attacked her like a wild animal. I remembered my last tactic. Instead of looking at the sight of her naked body, I thought of what I would have done to her if my beast took control.

  " It can never happen!" I murmured. " It must never happen. I have to fight it! That must never happen. Never happen!"

  It took me a few minutes to reassure myself over and over again that I wasn't allowed to touch her, that I wasn't allowed to hurt her, then finally I felt the red veil dissolve before my eyes and my beast slowly withdrew.

  When I returned to the camp, Pearl was sitting by the campfire. She didn't look up when she heard me coming. I cursed the fact that I couldn't just go to her and love her like a normal man. It hurt! Not just in the sense of unfulfilled desire. It hurt me in my heart and even deeply in my soul. I realized that I didn't just want to fuck her. I wanted her for me. Everything inside me screamed that she was mine. MINE! I shook my head in frustration. My mind told me it was impossible. That I had to say goodbye to the thought, but neither my body nor my heart seemed to be working in harmony with my head. Pearl deserved a loving man who could be tender and gentle with her. My thoughts went to this soldier, who was obviously interested in Pearl. When I imagined the bastard and Pearl in intimate embrace, such a rage arose within me that I automatically clenched my fists. I couldn't get used to the idea of another man touching her, yet I had to let her go as soon as I handed her over to her father.

  A selfish part of me wanted to grab her and disappear with her into these woods forever.

  "How long are you going to stand there staring at me?" she asked without looking up from the fire. Her voice sounded bitter. "I won't touch you. Maybe you should have just left me in the damn camp! Oh right! You want to exchange me for help from my dad! How could I forget!"

  "You should go to sleep!" I said harshly. I could feel her pain physically. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. But if I wanted to save her from greater harm, I would have to do exactly that to keep her away from me.

  She rose without granting me a look and lay down on the ground near the fire. My thoughts wandered to the previous night when she had been in my arms. I wanted to snuggle up to her again from behind and hold her in my arms tightly, but I was not allowed to. I could not do it! Sighing, I turned my gaze away and sat by the fire. It would be another long and sleepless night.


  We spent the next day in silence. I woke up when Hunter harshly shook me and we ate our breakfast quietly. Then Hunter put out the fire and we prepared for another march through the jungle. We tried to make as much headway as possible in the early hours of the morning before the heat grew too intense. I had gotten used to stumbling behind Hunter in the semi-darkness. Fortunately, my foot didn't give me any more problems. I felt that my ankle was still slightly tense, but I was lucky not to have hurt my foot worse. The thought of being carried by Hunter all day was anything but pleasant. Not that I didn't enjoy his closeness, but in the strange mood that now prevailed between us, I was happy about the distance we had from each other when I followed him through the jungle. Hunter cleared the way and startled any snakes before they could become dangerous for me. I remembered my last encounter with one of these beasts more than distinctly and was not eager to meet another snake.

  Our lunch break was also spent in silence. Hunter looked frighteningly grim. I had seen him as the handsome, sexy and exotic Alien Breed, but now I saw the man other seasoned men might fear. A fighter who was able to kill without batting an eye.

  A terrible roar ripped me from my thoughts. Horrified I saw a puma jump from the branches of a tree down to Hunter and both went to the ground. I screamed in panic, my heart racing so fast that every beat hurt. Hunter and the beast were fighting a terrible fight to the death. I saw blood and closed my eyes in horror.

  No!, I thought in panic. That can't happen. That cannot happen!

  I heard the puma growl, or maybe it was Hunter? Both seemed to make almost identical sounds. I wondered anxiously what would happen if Hunter didn't survive the fight. What was I going to do? Take a branch and fight off the beast? I still had the gun! I searched for the gun and pulled it out of my waistband. Breathing deeply, I opened my eyes. Hunter and the beast were still fighting, wrestling on the floor. There was blood everywhere. I saw that Hunter had a knife in his hand, but he didn't seem to have a chance. He was busy fighting the fangs of the predator off his neck. Horrified, I realized I couldn't use the gun without the risk of shooting Hunter.

  "Fuck!" I cursed desperately. "Damn it!"

  Then Hunter finally managed to push his blade into the neck of the big cat. A cut, and a gush of blood, gushed from the long, deep wound. Hunter rolled the dying beast under him and stared down at it. Then he raised his gaze and looked directly at me. I was still holding the weapon in my trembling hands.

  "I ... I couldn't shoot," I said desperately. "I was afraid ... Afraid to hit you."

  "It's all good, Pearl. It's okay!"

  Slowly Hunter rose and for a while he stood there breathing heavily and looking at me. I was standing there as if rooted. The shock still paralyzed my limbs. Then Hunter slowly approached me. I couldn't describe in words how relieved I was to see him alive. For a moment I had no longer believed that he would win the fight. But there he stood before me. Big, dirty, bloodstained and wilder than ever before.

  "Hunter!" I sobbed and threw myself into his arms.

  "Shhhhh", he said quietly and pressed me close to him. My heart was beating like crazy and I felt completely emotional. I was barely able to conceive a rational thought, much less utter words with my lips. It took quite a while before my mind slowly started functioning again. The fear was still buried in my bones. I freed myself from Hunter's arms and stared at him.

  "Are you ... Are you hurt?" I asked and ran my hands
over his shredded, bloodstained clothes in panic.

  "This isn't my blood", he assured me gently, putting his hand under my chin to lift my face up to him. "At least most of it isn´t."

  I stared into his incredible cat eyes and a warm tingling sensation spread inside me.

  "Kiss me!" I uttered breathlessly. I expected him to refuse me again, but something dark flickered in his eyes and he lowered his mouth to mine. I sobbed as our lips met and wrapped my arms around him to prevent him from getting away from me again. He moaned softly, then he pulled me harder against his body and I could feel his arousal. Excitement spread through my stomach. A sweet tingling sensation that wandered into my lap and made my clit throb. At first his kisses were gentle, feeling, but then he gave a deep growl and his tongue pushed into my mouth demandingly. One hand was grabbing my ass while his tongue mercilessly plundered my mouth. I buried my hands in his hair and pressed myself against him. I wanted to feel him completely. It just wasn't enough. I began to rub myself against him longingly. The tension that began to build up in my body demanded release and I felt like I was going crazy if I couldn't finally get some relief.

  His hand wandered from my backside to the front and opened the clasp of my pants. My heart was beating faster. The sweet longing in my lap intensified. Never before had I yearned for anything so much as for his touch. My panties were already completely soaked. Finally his hand slid into my pants and found its way under the fabric of my panties. He growled as his fingers made their way through my wet lips to my hole I gasped as first one of his fingers, then a second penetrated me. He kissed me even wilder while playing with my lust. His palm rubbed over my clit and I felt a shiver running through my body. I was so close. Desperately I rubbed myself against him. Then his searching fingers found my G-spot and began to stimulate it. The sensation became almost unbearable. I moaned and twisted, desperate in search of a release. I was pushed further and higher. My legs trembled and I grabbed on to Hunter's neck. Then the orgasm came over me like a tidal wave and I threw my head back to scream out in lust. My knees became weak and I would certainly have collapsed to the ground if Hunter hadn't held me so firmly in his arms. His grip was almost painful. I could feel him trembling. His breath became heavy and a dark growl descended from deep within him. I knew he was fighting his desire with everything he had.


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